Libertin schrieb:Aha. Also sagen sie doch die Wahrheit, wenn sie sagen, daß sie das Projekt Mogul aufgedeckt haben. Damit konterkarierst Du hier aber Deine eigene Position.
Nein, tue ich nicht.
Da das Projekt Mogul
nach meiner Ansicht nach im Juli 1947 überhaupt nicht beteiligt war!
Somit stimmt auch die Aussage von
@Fedaykin nicht, da
nach meiner Ansicht das UFO erst
nach Augenzeugenangaben am 2. Juli 1947 abgestürzt ist, aufgeschlagen ist und einige Meilen weiter liegengeblieben ist.
Die Trümmer die Mac Brazel dann nach dem 4 Juli Gewitter fand, waren nicht verbrennbar, nicht mit einem Messer zu beschädigen oder gar zu zerstören.
Damit sind die Geschichten die ihr glaubt (
@Libertin @Fedaykin @DerHilden @Nemon und vielleicht noch weitere)
aus meiner Sicht nicht richtig.
So einfach ist das.
SchuhmannFu schrieb:das sollten dann schon erklärungen von kompetenten und anerkannten
wissenschaftlern oder mitgliedern der regierung sein, die derart nachricht
Habe ich hier genannt.
Zeitzeugen der US Air Force, die nach
eurer Ansicht und euren "Belegen" ja entweder alle gelogen haben, oder gar nicht existieren.
Ich hingegen glaube den Zeitzeugen da mehr, als irgendwelchen Typen die meinen nach 60 Jahren das Geheimnis aufgeklärt zu haben, überhaupt nicht beteiligt waren, und der Öffentlichkeit dann ein lustig mit Blümchenmuster beklebtes Spionageprojekt hinzulegen und auch 1997 noch zu behaupten, die Air Force war zu blöde um Alien Leichen nicht mit Crash Test Dummis auseinander halten zu können, die wie ich schon geschrieben hatte, erst 1949 hergestellt wurden und somit 1947 noch gar nicht existiert haben.
Ihr könnt ja gerne glauben was ihr wollt,
und ich glaube das wir ganz kurz davor stehen, daß ihr in nicht so ferner Zukunft euer grau-braunes Wunder erleben werdet, weil nämlich bald alles gar nicht mehr zu leugnen oder anzuzweifeln sein wird.
Erinnert euch mal an meine Worte.
Ich finde es sehr traurig,
wie in diesem Fall mit den Zeitzeugen
nach meiner Sicht der Darstellungen
umgegangen wurde, so daß sie bis zum Tod geschwiegen haben.
Hier Lieutenant Walter G. Haut´s notariell beglaubigte Aussage und Bekenntnis, was er unter Zeugen und seiner Tochter verfasste, und
das seine Tochter bis nach seinem Tod sicher aufbewahrte:
DATE: December 26, 2002
WITNESS: Chris Xxxxxx
NOTARY: Beverlee Morgan
(1) My name is Walter G. Haut
(2) I was born on June 2, 1922
(3) My address is 1405 W. 7th Street, Roswell, NM 88203
(4) I am retired.
(5) In July, 1947, I was stationed at the Roswell Army Air Base in Roswell, New Mexico, serving as the base Public Information Officer. I had spent the 4th of July weekend (Saturday, the 5th, and Sunday, the 6th) at my private residence about 10 miles north of the base, which was located south of town.
(6) I was aware that someone had reported the remains of a downed vehicle by midmorning after my return to duty at the base on Monday, July 7. I was aware that Major Jesse A. Marcel, head of intelligence, was sent by the base commander, Col. William Blanchard, to investigate.
(7) By late in the afternoon that same day, I would learn that additional civilian reports came in regarding a second site just north of Roswell. I would spend the better part of the day attending to my regular duties hearing little if anything more.
(8) On Tuesday morning, July 8, I would attend the regularly scheduled staff meeting at 7:30 a.m. Besides Blanchard, Marcel; CIC [Counterintelligence Corp] Capt. Sheridan Cavitt; Col. James I. Hopkins, the operations officer; Lt. Col. Ulysses S. Nero, the supply officer; and from Carswell AAF in Fort Worth, Texas, Blanchard's boss, Brig. Gen. Roger Ramey and his chief of staff, Col. Thomas J. Dubose were also in attendance. The main topic of discussion was reported by Marcel and Cavitt regarding an extensive debris field in Lincoln County approx. 75 miles NW of Roswell. A preliminary briefing was provided by Blanchard about the second site approx. 40 miles north of town. Samples of wreckage were passed around the table. It was unlike any material I had or have ever seen in my life. Pieces which resembled metal foil, paper thin yet extremely strong, and pieces with unusual markings along their length were handled from man to man, each voicing their opinion. No one was able to identify the crash debris.
(9) One of the main concerns discussed at the meeting was whether we should go public or not with the discovery. Gen. Ramey proposed a plan, which I believe originated from his bosses at the Pentagon. Attention needed to be diverted from the more important site north of town by acknowledging the other location. Too many civilians were already involved and the press already was informed. I was not completely informed how this would be accomplished.
(10) At approximately 9:30 a.m. Col. Blanchard phoned my office and dictated the press release of having in our possession a flying disc, coming from a ranch northwest of Roswell, and Marcel flying the material to higher headquarters. I was to deliver the news release to radio stations KGFL and KSWS, and newspapers the Daily Record and the Morning Dispatch.
(11) By the time the news release hit the wire services, my office was inundated with phone calls from around the world. Messages stacked up on my desk, and rather than deal with the media concern, Col Blanchard suggested that I go home and "hide out."
(12) Before leaving the base, Col. Blanchard took me personally to Building 84 [AKA Hangar P-3], a B-29 hangar located on the east side of the tarmac. Upon first approaching the building, I observed that it was under heavy guard both outside and inside. Once inside, I was permitted from a safe distance to first observe the object just recovered north of town. It was approx. 12 to 15 feet in length, not quite as wide, about 6 feet high, and more of an egg shape. Lighting was poor, but its surface did appear metallic. No windows, portholes, wings, tail section, or landing gear were visible.
(13) Also from a distance, I was able to see a couple of bodies under a canvas tarpaulin. Only the heads extended beyond the covering, and I was not able to make out any features. The heads did appear larger than normal and the contour of the canvas suggested the size of a 10 year old child. At a later date in Blanchard's office, he would extend his arm about 4 feet above the floor to indicate the height.
(14) I was informed of a temporary morgue set up to accommodate the recovered bodies.
(15) I was informed that the wreckage was not "hot" (radioactive).
(16) Upon his return from Fort Worth, Major Marcel described to me taking pieces of the wreckage to Gen. Ramey's office and after returning from a map room, finding the remains of a weather balloon and radar kite substituted while he was out of the room. Marcel was very upset over this situation. We would not discuss it again.
(17) I would be allowed to make at least one visit to one of the recovery sites during the military cleanup. I would return to the base with some of the wreckage which I would display in my office.
(18) I was aware two separate teams would return to each site months later for periodic searches for any remaining evidence.
(19) I am convinced that what I personally observed was some type of craft and its crew from outer space.
(20) I have not been paid nor given anything of value to make this statement, and it is the truth to the best of my recollection.
Signed: Walter G. Haut
December 26, 2002
Signature witnessed by:
Chris Xxxxxxx