@LookAtTheMoon Aus dem unteren Link:
“One of my jobs in the Navy, I was the chief meteorologist of the Navy at the time when Orion was encountering the UAP off the U.S. East Coast,” he said.
Gallaudet said he received a video containing the “Go fast” video, which shows a fighter pilot’s encounter with a UAP, from his superior officers.
“I learn now that these were occurring in training airspace and causing near mid-air collisions. So that safety issue is important,” he said. “But the Navy didn’t do anything about it. Then they actually pulled back that email from my computer on the secret network.”
Gallaudet believes that was part of a cover-up.
“This technology, we’re still trying to learn about and it could give us an advantage in any military conflict,” Gallaudet said. “That’s a good reason not to disclose the nature of the technology. I think for the foreseeable future, we don’t want to release and disclose all of the technology that we’ve recovered. However, I think it’s about time that we do disclose that we are in contact with non-human intelligence, that’s what needs to be put out there in the public.”
Wenn sich in diesen Kreisen immer noch nicht herumgesprochen hat, dass GoFast Video selbst Informationen eingeblendet sind, die alle nötigen Auskünfte geben, um zu zeigen, dass das Objeht weder niedrig noch schnell flog, muss man sich ernsthaft Sorgen machen, ob noch genug Leute da drüben klar genug im Kopf sind, um die Fakten zu erkennen. Diese "technology we're still learning about", wie sich Gallaudet nicht entblödet öffentlich zu sagen, war höchstwahrscheinlich ein Ballon. Wer meint, das Objekt sei schnell unterwegs, lässt sich vom Parallexeneffekt täuschen. Das scheint dem Chief-Wetterfrosch der Navy aber zu hoch zu sein. Und Coulthart klopft mal so richtig auf dem Busch und freut sich, wenn jemand hervorkommt, der das Spielchen mitmacht.
Hier mal wieder die Analyse von kompetenter und klar denkender Stelle:
Explained: "Go Fast" UFO Video - Not Low and Not Fast - Like a Balloon!
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