@rainlove GIMBAL also.
Warum sollte ich da Schiss bekommen? Zumal dieser klassisch-moderne Pixelhaufen seit Jahren ziemlich gründlich debunked ist, für meine Begriffe.
Hier die Langversion. Eine kürzere ist bereits im Thread. Und diese hier vielleicht auch:

Gimbal UFO - A New Analysis
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The "Gimbal" UFO is the poster child of modern UFO videos. Leaked in 2017, and officially released in 2019, it's considered by many to show a genuine anomalous craft, exhibiting flight characteristics beyond current human technology.
But is it? There are four observables in the video, four things you can check yourself, that demonstrate that the most likely thing we are looking at is actually a camera artifact. It's probably an infrared glare, hiding the hot object behind it, and rotating only because the camera rotates when tracking the target from left to right.
This does not mean it's not a "UAP", or that it's not unidentified, or that it's not an amazing craft - it just means it's not actually exhibiting any incredible behavior, and so this opens the door to more mundane possibilities, like a distant small jet, just flying away, the heat of the engines (viewed up the exhaust) creating a large glare in the thermal camera.
Hier der Simulator (Achtung, Sie betreten die feindliche Zone namens Metabunk 🤪)
https://www.metabunk.org/gimbal/Kapitel des obigen Videos:
00:00 Introduction
00:22 The Four Observables
01:18 What's going on
01:59 What I'm not Addressing
02:27 A full 3D recreation
03:01 The ATFLIR camera
03:25 Field of View less than the Moon.
03:55 External Gimbal Axes
05:05 Tracking left to right
05:45 Why the rotation?
06:45 Incorporating Bank in the sim
08:15 Rotating the camera rotates the image
08:47 Derotation
09:07 Real world derotation
09:22 Glare examples
10:21 Glare does not rotate
10:43 Glare derotated "rotates"
11:06 Dero does not rotate it alone
11:27 Differences between sim and video
12:05 ATFLIR's inner mirrors
12:51 Minimizing roll
13:23 Incorporating the glare angle in the sim
13:46 Observable #1 - No rotation while banking
15:23 Observable #2 - Bumps before rotation
16:01 Observable #3 - Rotating patterns
16:24 Observable #4 - Derotation match
17:12 TL/TW? Implications if it's not a glare....
17:58 Background information
19:23 Patent limitations
20:06 Credits
Quelle: s. o., YT
@rainlove Wieder einmal muss ich fragen, warum hier in einer Geste größter Sprachlosigkeit vermeintlich unglaubliche Dinge in den Thread geschmissen werden, obwohl das Ganze nüchtern erklärbar ist und schon x-mal durchgekaut wurde.
Hast du nie nach einer Erklärung gesucht? Du tust so, als wäre das hier neu. Und ich soll vor lauter Unglaublichkeit dieses Pixelklumpens auch noch erschaudern. Echt jetzt, was ist los?