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Afghanistan, die Luft wird dicker
28.05.2010 um 19:57@StUffz
Die auf ihn eingeschossen haben oder? Gibs doch zu! :DStUffz schrieb:als ein verwundeter Afghane reingebracht wurde, umringt von fünf Sanis...
Crack sniper's mile and a half Taliban killing is longest ever
A British Army sniper has killed two Taliban machine gunners 1.54 miles away - the furthest distance ever recorded.
Craig Harrison, 35, a member of the Household Cavalry, was so far from the enemy the bullets took almost three seconds to reach them - travelling at about three times the speed of sound.
The 8.59mm bullets went 3,000ft beyond the most effective range of his rifle. Craig, whose rank is Corporal of Horse, said: "We saw two insurgents carrying a machine gun, set it up and open fire.
"Conditions were perfect, no wind, mild weather, clear visibility. My first round hit a machine gunner in the stomach and killed him outright. The second insurgent grabbed the weapon and my second shot hit him in the side. He went down too. It was just unlucky for the Taliban that conditions were so good and I could see them so clearly."
Craig killed the insurgents as he protected his troop commander, whose vehicle was trapped in a field in Afghanistan's Helmand Province.