Donald Trump: 45. & 47. Präsident der USA
25.12.2016 um 10:48Das Krasseste was ich aber bisher über D. Trump finden konnte ist das hier:
Hier leugnet doch tatsächlich Donald Trump, zu wissen für was der Ku-Klux-Klan steht? Dies ist extrem unglaubwürdig, da in Europa "jeder Idiot" weiss, für was der Ku-Klux-Klan steht? Und ein amerikanischer US-Präsidentschafts-Kandidat soll dies angeblich nicht wissen? Und diese Aussagen stehen auch ganz im Gegensatz, zu...
zu diesen Aussagen hier...:
Anonymous entlarvt Trump als Ku-Klux-Klan-Member:
1.Many US Senators and mayors have been exposed as members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other racist groups by the hacktivist known as Anonymous, and the group hints that they will expose 1,000 United States politicians that have ties to the KKK.
2.Shockingly Anonymous named none other than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
3. They listed him as being with a well known underground New York chapter “The Original Folks Klansmen 333” or OFK333 and have been said to have contributed millions to his current campaign.
4.The leader of the OFK333 “Grandmaster Bruce Lane” who they worship as a God is said to have never been seen in person but pulls all the strings.
5.It is well documented that Trumps father was an active member so it’s really not surprising that he followed in his footsteps.
6.When Mr. Trump was asked about being exposed he said:“Everyone knows my dad was a Klansmen and it runs in the family but Look people…just because I’m an active KKK member doesn’t mean I’m a racist, I mean if Obama is a Muslim then why can’t I be apart of a brotherhood and have pride in my white heritage?
7.If Obama shows me his birth certificate I will disassociate myself with the Klan, they do a lot of good for my community just like the people of Islam do on Obama’s behalf”
stehen! Ich weiss zwar nicht ob dies alles so stimmt? Und ich frage mich auch, ob der Vater von Trump tatsächlich bewiesenermassen Mitglied im Ku-Klux-Klan war? Oder ob dies alles nur erfunden ist? Aufjedenfall ist es extrem unlogisch, dass Trump angeblich nicht wusste, was der Ku-Klux-Klan ist? Also wer dies glaubt, wird seelig! Auf alle Fälle! :D
Hier leugnet doch tatsächlich Donald Trump, zu wissen für was der Ku-Klux-Klan steht? Dies ist extrem unglaubwürdig, da in Europa "jeder Idiot" weiss, für was der Ku-Klux-Klan steht? Und ein amerikanischer US-Präsidentschafts-Kandidat soll dies angeblich nicht wissen? Und diese Aussagen stehen auch ganz im Gegensatz, zu...
Donald Trump's Ku Klux Klan controversy
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zu diesen Aussagen hier...:
Anonymous entlarvt Trump als Ku-Klux-Klan-Member:
1.Many US Senators and mayors have been exposed as members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other racist groups by the hacktivist known as Anonymous, and the group hints that they will expose 1,000 United States politicians that have ties to the KKK.
2.Shockingly Anonymous named none other than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
3. They listed him as being with a well known underground New York chapter “The Original Folks Klansmen 333” or OFK333 and have been said to have contributed millions to his current campaign.
4.The leader of the OFK333 “Grandmaster Bruce Lane” who they worship as a God is said to have never been seen in person but pulls all the strings.
5.It is well documented that Trumps father was an active member so it’s really not surprising that he followed in his footsteps.
6.When Mr. Trump was asked about being exposed he said:“Everyone knows my dad was a Klansmen and it runs in the family but Look people…just because I’m an active KKK member doesn’t mean I’m a racist, I mean if Obama is a Muslim then why can’t I be apart of a brotherhood and have pride in my white heritage?
7.If Obama shows me his birth certificate I will disassociate myself with the Klan, they do a lot of good for my community just like the people of Islam do on Obama’s behalf”
stehen! Ich weiss zwar nicht ob dies alles so stimmt? Und ich frage mich auch, ob der Vater von Trump tatsächlich bewiesenermassen Mitglied im Ku-Klux-Klan war? Oder ob dies alles nur erfunden ist? Aufjedenfall ist es extrem unlogisch, dass Trump angeblich nicht wusste, was der Ku-Klux-Klan ist? Also wer dies glaubt, wird seelig! Auf alle Fälle! :D