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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 12:51
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Murray’s attorneys are expected to call about 22 witnesses
in einem Bericht sind es 15, hier sind es 22 Zeugen der Verteidigung ... bin gespannt wen sie alles in den Zeugenstand rufen werden ... und wie viele es dann wohl sein werden ... :D

Conrad Murray Defense to Call About 15 Witnesses
FOX 11 News video report.

Updated: Friday, 14 Oct 2011, 3:44 PM PDT
Published : Friday, 14 Oct 2011, 1:38 PM PDT


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 16:05
unsere Blöd hat wohl ihr "Wissen" von ... :D

PETA Slams Dr. Conrad Murray For Testing Harmful Drug Propofol On Beagle Dogs

Posted on Oct 13, 2011 @ 07:00PM
By Alexis Tereszcuk -


Dr. Conrad Murray’s defense team has earned another enemy – the animal right’s group PETA - for their testing of the powerful anesthetic Propofol on beagles.

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, President Ingrid Newkirk exclusively talked to and slammed the doctor, who is accused of killing Michael Jackson.

“Dr. Conrad Murray and his defense team should do time for this act alone. Poisoning and killing dogs will not change what is already known about propofol—its hazards are well documented,” she said.

As exclusively reported, as source close to Dr. Murray revealed that Beagle dogs had been used to test the drug as attorneys tried to build their defense of the beleaguered physician.

“A study was done on Beagle dogs to determine how much Propofol would have to be orally consumed to cause death. The only other study that had been done on the oral ingestion of Propofol was on pigs rectums. The study definitely involved more than two dogs. It's unknown if the dogs died, or suffered any harm," the source said.

PETA said this action would have horrified the former King of Pop, who tragically passed away from a propofol overdose in 2009.

“This would have greatly upset Michael, who was known to be a huge animal lover,” the organization told “This was obviously a cruel attempt to drag out this trial and confuse the jurors, adding more victims to the death toll in this sad case.”

Dr. Conrad Murray is being tried for the involuntary manslaughter death of Michael Jackson in Los Angeles and faces four years in federal prison if convicted.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 18:32
Mediziner über Michael Jackson: „War gesünder als der Durchschnitt“

16.10.2011 | 18:13 | von Thomas Vieregge (Die Presse)

Prozess. Jacksons Leibarzt, Conrad Murray, muss im Verfahren wegen fahrlässiger Tötung einen Rückschlag nach dem anderen einstecken. von Thomas Vieregge
Für die Familie und die Fans Michael Jacksons stand Conrad Murray von Beginn an als Sündenbock fest. Die Indizien sprachen klar gegen den Leibarzt des Popstars – und im Lauf des Verfahrens in Los Angeles erhärten sie sich so sehr, dass Murrays Anwälte ihre Verteidigungsstrategie inzwischen fallen gelassen haben. Die These, wonach Jackson die tödliche Dosis Propofol selbst oral eingenommen habe, ist nach einer Reihe ärztlicher Expertisen in sich zusammengebrochen. Falls nicht noch überraschend neue Zeugen aufgerufen werden, könnte der Prozess wegen fahrlässiger Tötung nächste Woche schneller als erwartet mit einem Schuldspruch zu Ende gehen.

In den ersten drei Wochen hat die Anklage bisher auf allen Linien gepunktet. Für Murray war ein Tag niederschmetternder als der andere, der 58-Jährige nahm die Niederschläge indessen mit stoischer Ruhe hin. Leibwächter, Sanitäter und Ärzte zeichneten in ihren Aussagen das Porträt eines überforderten Arztes, der sich eine Kette von Fehlleistungen hat zuschulden kommen lassen. „Jackson hätte gerettet werden können“, lautete etwa das Fazit des Kardiologen Alon Steinberg. Der Schlafforscher Nader Kamangar bezeichnete die medizinische Behandlung Jacksons als „unethisch, irritierend und jenseits jeder Vernunft“. Der Mix von Schlafmitteln mit Propofol sei ein „Rezept für ein Desaster“. Das Risiko des Narkosemittels, das nur unter strenger ärztlicher Aufsicht bei Operationen eingeflößt wird, überwiege die Vorteile, erläuterte Gerichtsmediziner Christopher Rogers.

Dass Murray erst nach einer Dreiviertelstunde Jacksons Herzstillstand bemerkte, dass er verspätet den Notruf wählen ließ, dass er Medikamente wegschaffen ließ und dass er ausführlich mit seiner Lebensgefährtin und einer Exfreundin im Nebenzimmer telefonierte, während sein Schützling ins Jenseits schlummerte, sorgte im Gerichtssaal für Geraune. Es wirkte mehr und mehr, als ob der Kardiologe mehr mit seinem komplizierten Privatleben – er hat sieben Kinder mit sechs Frauen – beschäftigt war als mit dem Gesundheitszustand seines Patienten.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft sparte bei der Darlegung des Falls nicht mit Schockeffekten. Nach dem Telefonmitschnitt eines offenkundig schwer zugedröhnten, herumbrabbelnden Jackson präsentierte sie das Autopsiefoto der Leiche des „King of Pop“. Der Jackson-Clan hatte zuvor den Saal verlassen. Der Körper des 1,76 Meter großen und 61 Kilo schweren Mannes, so befand die Obduktion, wies keine Arteriosklerose auf. Zur Verwunderung der Allgemeinheit resümierte Gerichtsmediziner Rogers: „Ich glaube, er war gesünder als die durchschnittliche Person seines Alters.“

Aller Voraussicht nach werden Murrays Anwälte darauf verzichten, den Angeklagten in den Zeugenstand zu rufen. Seine Stimme vernahmen die Jury und die Gerichtskiebitze indessen dennoch. Die Staatsanwaltschaft führte eine 40-minütige Sequenz seiner Einvernahme durch die Polizei zwei Tage nach Jacksons Tod vor. Darin hatte er der Jackson-Familie zu einer Obduktion geraten. Conrad Murray schilderte die Reaktionen des Clans. „Er ist doch nicht tot, oder?“, fragte Mutter Katherine ungläubig. Und Tochter Paris sagte nach einem Weinkrampf, sie habe Angst vor einem Waisendasein. „Ich werde morgen Früh aufwachen, und ich werde meinen Daddy nicht mehr sehen.“

Es waren emotionale Momentaufnahmen in einem Prozess, der das Elend eines medikamentenabhängigen Megastars in einem Paralleluniversum und mit einer kleinen Heerschar an Bediensteten ausleuchtete.

Am Ende kuschelte er mit einer Spielzeugpuppe im Bett und flehte um Propofol, seine „Milch“. Getrieben von Versagensängsten vor seinem im großen Stil inszenierten Comeback gestand er seinem Arzt: „Ich kann sonst nicht funktionieren.“

("Die Presse", Print-Ausgabe, 17.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 20:27
das MJ Autopsy Photo - RESURRECTION ~~ bedeutet Auferstehung, Wiederauferstehung, Auferweckung oder Wiedererwachen ...

die haben doch echt einen an der Waffel ... fuck auch meine Toleranz kennt manchmal Grenzen ...


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 21:07
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:die haben doch echt einen an der Waffel ...
t8sq5lW fuck
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:auch meine Toleranz kennt manchmal Grenzen ...
Einen ???? .... die haben voll was an der Klatsche smilie frech 019 so langsam zweifelt man da am Verstand^^

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 21:28
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Einen ???? .... die haben voll was an der Klatsche smilie frech 019 so langsam zweifelt man da am Verstand^^
da wird MJ bzw. sein Leichnam zu Jesus Christus "stilisiert" ... zu einer göttlichen Gestalt ... hmm

Michael Jackson war ein Mensch aus Fleisch und Blut ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 22:13

ich geh dann mal ....schlaf schön :D :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 22:17

ich gehe auch ... k020 schlaf auch schön ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 22:17
tXSFo5H zfw4sqmfphg Mädels schlaft euch aus ab morgen gehts wieder los


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 22:19

Ja oder Dienstag :D :D ...........nachti :D :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.10.2011 um 22:20
Dienstag ???


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 08:51
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Dienstag ???
Nach der Verhandlung am Donnerstag, der vorigen Woche, im Zeugenstand war Dr. Steven Shafer, müßte er eigentlich heute wieder in den Zeugenstand treten ... aber es gab einen Todesfall, der
Vater von Dr. Shafer ist verstorben ... daher weiß man nicht so genau, ob er heute vor Gericht erscheinen wird oder ob die Verhandlung heute auch ohne diesen Zeugen fortgesetzt werden wird ... :)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 08:57
diesen Eintrag habe ich vom mjackson Forum übernommen ...
#13 von Lena ... vielen Dank rose

Mit ein paar Anmerkungen der Anwältin des Arztes von Anna Nicole Smith, die diesem zum Freispruch verhalf.

Sie ist der Meinung falls die Verteidigung mit Charakterzeugen beginnt, dann wäre dies ein Anzeichen dafür, dass sie kein allzu großes Vertrauen in ihre Verteidung haben.

Jackson doctor's defense looms in trial's 4th week
Published: Today

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The trial of Michael Jackson's personal physician will enter a new phase this week, with the doctor's attorneys trying to counter three weeks of damaging testimony and attempting to show that the singer somehow caused his own death.

Lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray have told jurors that the involuntary manslaughter case will hinge on the science of what killed Jackson in June 2009. They will call their own experts to counter prosecution witnesses who have repeatedly told the panel that Murray was reckless and beyond the fringes of medicine when he administered the anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep.

The Houston-based cardiologist has pleaded not guilty and his attorneys continue to maintain that Jackson somehow gave himself the fatal dose of medication. They have abandoned the theory that Jackson died after swallowing propofol, but now contend he was killed after taking several pills of the sedative lorazepam and possibly giving himself a shot of propofol after Murray left the singer's bedroom.

Before the defense lays out its case - expected to consist of 15 witnesses and last until the end of the month - it will have to contend with the government's final witness, Dr. Steven Shafer. The Columbia University researcher and professor helped write the warnings and directions included with every vial of propofol - warnings a prosecutor said in opening statements that Murray ignored.

Defense attorney Nareg Gourjian declined to say Friday who Murray's team would call to testify, but told the judge they would include police officers, experts and some character witnesses. He was not asked, nor did he mention, whether Murray would testify in his own defense.

It seems unlikely that Murray will testify. Jurors have already heard his more-than-two-hour interview in which he laid out his version of events before Jackson's death to a detective who acknowledges he wasn't conducting an interrogation.

If Murray takes the stand, he would undoubtedly be asked by prosecutors about several unanswered questions, such as why he never told paramedics or ER doctors about giving Jackson propofol, why he never told police he was on the phone for long stretches of the morning Jackson died, and why he recorded the singer when he was impaired, stumbling his way through his plans for a children's hospital and cementing a legacy larger than those attained by Elvis Presley or The Beatles.

In his opening statement to jurors, lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff said Murray's team would try to answer two fundamental questions:

"First, how did Michael Jackson get to this point, this desperate point," Chernoff said. "And second, what happened when Dr. Murray was out of the room?"

Prosecution witnesses have acknowledged that only Jackson and Murray know what really happened, but two medical experts testified last week that Murray was grossly negligent. Even if Jackson somehow was able to give himself medication after Murray left the room, the doctor should have been closely monitoring the singer and should have never left any medications within arms' reach, the doctors said.

Ellyn Garofalo, who last year won an acquittal for one of Anna Nicole Smith's doctors charged with improperly prescribing pain medications, said Murray's team should focus on their expert testimony and not start calling character witnesses.

"If they start to call character witnesses, they don't have a great deal of faith in their defense," she said.

She said the experts should be able to show that the case isn't as simple as prosecutors have claimed, and that it is filled with "all kinds of shades of gray."

Murray's attorneys should also try to argue that prosecutors should not be second-guessing medical decisions. "Do we really want the DA's office making medical decisions for doctors," she asked.

Murray's case, she noted, differs in one major respect from the case against her client, who was never accused of causing Smith's death.

Garofalo said Murray's case will be harder to win, and prosecutors so far have done a solid job of showing that the doctor shouldn't have been giving Jackson propofol as a sleep aid in the superstar's bedroom.

"It's a strong case because you have somebody dead after somebody did something that is unheard of," Garofalo said.

Murray's defense strategy also appears to involve calling hostile witnesses, including police officers who prosecutors did not call during their case. The defense scored some points early in the trial by getting a coroner's investigator to acknowledge that she moved some evidence around in Jackson's bedroom before photographing it and that she didn't keep all her notes. The officers would likely undergo the similar harsh questioning about their decisions.

They may also call doctors who previously treated Jackson but have never been formally accused of wrongdoing. They are barred from calling one doctor whose name has been repeatedly mentioned during the trial - Jackson's longtime dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein.

Murray's team may also call Jackson's hairdresser, Karen Faye, who they have said will testify that the singer was distraught at the prospect of performing 50 comeback concerts at London's O2 arena. Such an account would be in contrast with several other witnesses who said Jackson was excited about the concerts and that his three children would see him perform.

The trial, which is entering its fourth week, has moved rapidly, with 33 witnesses so far and both sides presenting more than 250 pieces of evidence. At its current pace, jurors should receive the case next week.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 09:03
Prozess gegen Conrad Murray

Die Katastrophe war vorprogrammiert"

Auch der nächste Kollege lässt kein gutes Haar an Michael Jacksons Leibarzt: Der Intensivmediziner Nader Kamangar sagte im Zeugenstand aus, Murrays Behandlung sei eine "vorprogrammierte Katastrophe" gewesen.
Am zwölften Verhandlungstag im Prozess um den Tod von Michael Jackson in Los Angeles wurde dessen Leibarzt Dr. Conrad Murray am Donnerstag erneut vorgeworfen, seine Pflichten als Arzt vernachlässigt zu haben. Der Intensivmediziner Dr. Nader Kamangar erklärte im Zeugenstand, dass durch Murrays unzulängliche Behandlungsmethoden und den Medikamenten-Cocktail, den er Jackson regelmäßig verabreichte, "eine Katastrophe vorprogrammiert" gewesen sei.
"Es gab keinen ordentlichen Zugang zu medizinischen Geräten, der Notruf wurde verzögert und die Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen waren unzulänglich - das führte letztendlich zu Jacksons Tod", gab Dr. Kamangar vor den Geschworenen zu Protokoll. Auch die Tatsache, dass Dr. Murray keine Patientenakte für den Sänger führte, beanstandete er. "In der Medizin ist das notwendig. Wir können uns nicht um einen Patienten kümmern, wenn wir die Informationen lediglich in unserem Kopf abspeichern", gab Dr. Kamangar zu bedenken. "Wir müssen alles dokumentieren. Das hilft uns, uns besser um unsere Patienten zu kümmern."

Bereits am Mittwoch wurde Dr. Murray grobe Fahrlässigkeit von dem Kardiologen Dr. Alon Steinberg vorgeworfen. Dieser behauptete sogar, dass Michael Jackson noch am Leben sein könnte, wenn Conrad Murray nicht mehrere Fehler unterlaufen wären. Sollte der Leibarzt der fahrlässigen Tötung für schuldig befunden werden, drohen ihm vier Jahre Haft.

Conrad Murray stellt sich nun schon in der dritten Woche der Anklage, die ihm vorwirft Michael Jackson im Sommer 2009 mit einer versehentlichen Überdosis des Narkotikums Propofol getötet zu haben. Bei einer Verurteilung drohen dem Arzt bis zu vier Jahre Haft.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 09:07
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:aber es gab einen Todesfall, der
Vater von Dr. Shafer ist verstorben
woher weisst du das ich finde nix im Netz

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 09:18
aus dem Bericht - Eintrag von heute um 08:57h
It was not clear when the defense would get to start its presentation. Monday's testimony was canceled because the government's final witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, will be unavailable. Court spokeswoman Mary Hearn said Sunday the trial's resumption would be announced when more information becomes available.
Es war nicht klar, wann die Verteidigung ihre Vorträge starten würde. Die Zeugenaussage vom Montag wurde gecancelt, weil der endgültige Zeuge der Staatsanwaltschaft, Dr. Steven Shafer, nicht verfügbar sein wird. Gerichtshof-Sprecherin Mary Hearn sagte am Sonntag, der Versuch der Wiederaufnahme wäre angesagt, wenn weitere Informationen verfügbar sein werden.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 09:19
Zitat von FunnyKerstinFunnyKerstin schrieb:woher weisst du das ich finde nix im Netz
schau einfach ein paar Seiten zurück ... ich muß auch erst suchen ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 09:27

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach! (Seite 577)

z. B. Eintrag vom 15.10.2011 um 09:51h
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Walgren erzählt Richter, dass Dr. Shafers Vater gestorben ist. Walgren möchte heute Gericht den Umstand anzeigen, unabhängig davon,ob Shafer Montag aussagen kann


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 09:44
Tod verzögert Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons Arzt ...

Death delays trial of Michael Jackson's doctor

By Alan Duke, CNN
October 17, 2011 -- Updated 0711 GMT (1511 HKT)

Conrad Murray's trial has been delayed after the father of the prosecution's last witness died

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Testimony in the trial of Michael Jackson's doctor has been put on hold beyond Monday, and possibly longer, because the father of the prosecution's last witness died.

"Resumption of the trial will be announced when further information is available," an email from the court said Sunday.

Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial is expected to go to the jury early next week despite the delay, several days sooner than estimated when it began three weeks ago.

Dr. Steven Shafer, an anesthesiology expert, is crucial to the state's effort to prove Jackson's death was caused by Murray's gross negligence in using the surgical anesthetic propofol to help the pop icon sleep.

The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's June 25, 2009, death was from "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with several sedatives, including lorazepam.

Shafer began testifying Thursday morning before the judge recessed for the weekend so he could travel to a medical convention. He never made it there because of the death in his family, Deputy District Attorney David Walgren said Friday.

Shafer, who is expected to give a detailed scientific explanation of how propofol is metabolized in the human body, will be on the witness stand for at least a day once he returns from his father's funeral, according to what Walgren said Friday.

Shafer's testimony is expected to echo the opinions of a sleep expert and a cardiologist who testified that Murray's treatment of Jackson was so grossly negligent that it was criminal.

The defense presentation would follow, lasting until Friday or the following Monday, according to defense lawyer Nareg Gourjian.

Along with two or three medical experts and a police officer not called by the prosecution, the defense has lined up several patients of Dr. Murray to testify about how he's helped them, Gourjian said.

There is no indication Murray will take the stand to testify in his defense, which would subject him to intense cross-examination by Walgren. The jury already heard the recording of his interview with detectives two days after Jackson's death.

Murray's lawyers contend that Jackson used a syringe to inject the fatal overdose through a catheter on his left leg while Murray was away from his bedside. They dropped the theory pushed earlier that Jackson may have orally ingested the propofol that the coroner says killed him.

Murray's defense also contends that Jackson swallowed eight tablets of lorazepam, a sedative, in a desperate search for sleep the day he died.

Murray should be found guilty even if jurors accept the theory that Jackson self-administered the fatal dose because the doctor was reckless in leaving propofol and lorazepam near his patient when he was not around, Dr. Alon Steinberg, a cardiologist testifying for the prosecution, said last week.

"It's like leaving a baby that's sleeping on your kitchen countertop," Steinberg said. "There's a very small chance the baby could fall over, or wake up and grab a knife or something."

On Thursday, UCLA sleep expert Dr. Nader Kamangar testified that the combination of drugs Murray gave Jackson "was the perfect storm" that killed him.

"Mr. Jackson was receiving very inappropriate therapy, in the home setting, receiving very potent sedatives, including propofol, lorazepam and midazolam, without monitoring by Murray, and ultimately this cocktail was a recipe for disaster," Kamangar said.

But Kamangar, testifying for the prosecution, said Jackson "clearly" suffered from insomnia that could have been caused by Demerol, a narcotic he was getting frequently from a doctor other than Murray.

Murray's defense team contends Dr. Arnold Klein injected Jackson with 6,500 milligrams of Demerol during visits to his Beverly Hills, California, dermatology clinic in the last three months of his life, and that Murray did not know about it.

Jackson desperately sought sleep the day he died, worried that without rest he could not rehearse that night, which could force the cancellation of his "This Is It" comeback concerts, according to Murray's interview with police.

If convicted of involuntary manslaughter, the maximum sentence Murray could face is four years in prison and the loss of his medical license.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 10:05
Na da bin ich mal gespannt ob es heute weite gehen kann.......

Jackson doctor's defense looms in trial's 4th week
Associated Press - October 17, 2011 1:39 AM PDT

171439-dr-conrad-murray-sits-at-the-defeOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

LOS ANGELES - The trial of Michael Jackson's personal physician will enter a new phase this week, with the doctor's attorneys trying to counter three weeks of damaging testimony and attempting to show that the singer somehow caused his own death.

Lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray have told jurors that the involuntary manslaughter case will hinge on the science of what killed Jackson in June 2009. They will call their own experts to counter prosecution witnesses who have repeatedly told the panel that Murray was reckless and beyond the fringes of medicine when he administered the anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep.

It was not clear when the defense would get to start its presentation. Monday's testimony was canceled because the government's final witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, will be unavailable. Court spokeswoman Mary Hearn said Sunday the trial's resumption would be announced when more information becomes available.

The Houston-based cardiologist has pleaded not guilty and his attorneys continue to maintain that Jackson somehow gave himself the fatal dose of medication. They have abandoned the theory that Jackson died after swallowing propofol, but now contend he was killed after taking several pills of the sedative lorazepam and possibly giving himself a shot of propofol after Murray left the singer's bedroom.

Before the defense lays out its case — expected to consist of 15 witnesses and last until the end of the month — it will have to contend with Shafer. The Columbia University researcher and professor helped write the warnings and directions included with every vial of propofol — warnings a prosecutor said in opening statements that Murray ignored.

Defense attorney Nareg Gourjian declined to say Friday who Murray's team would call to testify, but told the judge they would include police officers, experts and some character witnesses. He was not asked, nor did he mention, whether Murray would testify in his own defense.

It seems unlikely that Murray will testify. Jurors have already heard his more-than-two-hour interview in which he laid out his version of events before Jackson's death to a detective who acknowledges he wasn't conducting an interrogation.

If Murray takes the stand, he would undoubtedly be asked by prosecutors about several unanswered questions, such as why he never told paramedics or ER doctors about giving Jackson propofol, why he never told police he was on the phone for long stretches of the morning Jackson died, and why he recorded the singer when he was impaired, stumbling his way through his plans for a children's hospital and cementing a legacy larger than those attained by Elvis Presley or The Beatles.

In his opening statement to jurors, lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff said Murray's team would try to answer two fundamental questions:

"First, how did Michael Jackson get to this point, this desperate point," Chernoff said. "And second, what happened when Dr. Murray was out of the room?"

Prosecution witnesses have acknowledged that only Jackson and Murray know what really happened, but two medical experts testified last week that Murray was grossly negligent. Even if Jackson somehow was able to give himself medication after Murray left the room, the doctor should have been closely monitoring the singer and should have never left any medications within arms' reach, the doctors said.

Ellyn Garofalo, who last year won an acquittal for one of Anna Nicole Smith's doctors charged with improperly prescribing pain medications, said Murray's team should focus on their expert testimony and not start calling character witnesses.

"If they start to call character witnesses, they don't have a great deal of faith in their defense," she said.

She said the experts should be able to show that the case isn't as simple as prosecutors have claimed, and that it is filled with "all kinds of shades of gray."

Murray's attorneys should also try to argue that prosecutors should not be second-guessing medical decisions. "Do we really want the DA's office making medical decisions for doctors," she asked.

Murray's case, she noted, differs in one major respect from the case against her client, who was never accused of causing Smith's death.

Garofalo said Murray's case will be harder to win, and prosecutors so far have done a solid job of showing that the doctor shouldn't have been giving Jackson propofol as a sleep aid in the superstar's bedroom.

"It's a strong case because you have somebody dead after somebody did something that is unheard of," Garofalo said.

Murray's defense strategy also appears to involve calling hostile witnesses, including police officers who prosecutors did not call during their case. The defense scored some points early in the trial by getting a coroner's investigator to acknowledge that she moved some evidence around in Jackson's bedroom before photographing it and that she didn't keep all her notes. The officers would likely undergo the similar harsh questioning about their decisions.

They may also call doctors who previously treated Jackson but have never been formally accused of wrongdoing. They are barred from calling one doctor whose name has been repeatedly mentioned during the trial — Jackson's longtime dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein.

Murray's team may also call Jackson's hairdresser, Karen Faye, who they have said will testify that the singer was distraught at the prospect of performing 50 comeback concerts at London's O2 arena. Such an account would be in contrast with several other witnesses who said Jackson was excited about the concerts and that his three children would see him perform.

The trial, which is entering its fourth week, has moved rapidly, with 33 witnesses so far and both sides presenting more than 250 pieces of evidence. At its current pace, jurors should receive the case next week.

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