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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 23:49
10 bis 15 Minuten Pause ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 23:51!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
15 minute mid-afternoon break #MurrayTrial
vor 1 Minute


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 23:57
mir fallen gerade nicht die richtigen Worte ein ... denn zu hören und gleich schreiben, ist etwas
schwierig ... :D :D

aus dem mjackson Forum
Eintrag #77 User: Sleepless
vielen Dank :D

Shafer sprach darüber dass ein Anästhesist vergleichbar mit einem Fahrer eines Wohnmobils sei.

Er ist der Fahrer eines Wohnmobils auf der Autobahn und egal wie voll seine Blase auch ist, man verlässt das Steuer ja nicht einfach und geht in seinem Wohnmobil nach hinten auf die Toilette, um sich zu erleichtern, um dann 2 Minuten später wieder zu kommen, weil man weiß, dass dies ein Desaster verursachen kann. Sondern egal wie voll die Blase auch ist, man bleibt am Steuer.

In 25 Jahren seiner Tätigkeit gab es keine Situation in der er einen Patienten unter Narkose allein gelassen habe.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:05
October 19, 2011

Propofol 101: How to administer the drug properly
Posted: 04:54 PM ET


VIDEO im Bericht

The state's final witness Dr. Steven Shafer walked the jury through a video demonstrating the proper way to administer the anesthetic propofol to a patient. The video also showed the procedures taken when a patient's heart stops beating.

It was a stark contrast between the equipment and procedures used by Dr. Conrad Murray in Michael Jackson's bedroom and what Dr. Shafer calls the standard way to care for a patient, which was depicted in the video.

In a very thorough fashion, the video began with the equipment needed to put a patient under anesthesia safely. The doctor in the video checked all the equipment to make sure it was in working order.

The necessary equipment includes tools to open the airway, oxygen delivery devices, resuscitative tools and monitoring equipment. Dr. Shafer testified that all the equipment must be organized so it can be found in an emergency.

The video also showed a simulation of a patient going into cardiac arrest. The doctor responds to the emergency following this list of steps:

1. Checks to see if monitoring equipment fell off
2. Calls for help
3. Begins chest compressions
4. Ventilates lungs
5. Begins to administer resuscitation drugs or defibrillator (Archiv-Version vom 21.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:14
By ABC News
Oct 19, 2011 5:50pm

Conrad Murray Trial: Michael Jackson’s Doctor ‘Not Equipped to Revive Him,’ Expert Says

ABC News’ Jim Avila and Bryan Lavietes report:

A nationally known anesthesiologist testified today that singer Michael Jackson died because he stopped breathing and his doctor was not equipped to revive him.

“The single most important thing in anesthesia is moving air and oxygen into the lungs” said Dr. Stephen Shafer of Columbia University in New York.

Shafer was the last witness for the prosecution in the Conrad Murray involuntary manslaughter case in Los Angeles Superior Court.

ap conrad murray jef 111003 wblog
Conrad Murray is seen in this Sept. 29, 2011 file photo. (Al Seib/AP Photo)

Shafer testified without charging his normal fee because he said the public needed to know that propofol is only deadly if misused in an improper setting.

“Everyday in the operating room, I get the question am I going to get the drug that killed Michael Jackson? This is not a fear they need to have,” said Shafer. ”When these drugs are given by people who know what they’re doing, they have nothing to fear.”

The juror was shown a video entitled ”An Overview of Safe Administration of Propofol,” which demonstrated the elaborate equipment and personnel used when the anesthetic propofol is administered for surgery.

The demonstration showed how a propofol injection pump is set up and used safely in an operating room setting.

Shafer highlighted how a proper anesthesiologist prepares for propofol use: by having many emergency medical devices on hand, an extensive informed consent process, and copious medical note-taking.

The video featured examples of what happens when things go wrong in surgery – and how those emergencies are dealt with.

If a patient stops breathing, the anesthesiologist tilts the head to open the airway.

If the cessation of breathing is prolonged, then a mask is put on the patient’s face and air is forced into the lungs.

If the patient goes into cardiac arrest, Shafer said the first thing that an anesthesiologist does is “call for help!” “You’re gonna need it,” Dr. Shafer explained, “and you’re gonna need it now.”

Conrad Murray has been described by prosecutors as criminally, grossly negligent because he administered the dangerous anesthetic without proper equipment, back-up personnel and did not immediately call 911.

Instead Murray launched into what prosecutors say was inappropriate and ineffective CPR.

Shafer testified that the amount of propofol Murray ordered to treat his one and only patient at the patient’s home was “an extraordinary amount” – 15.5 liters or 4.09 gallons.

If convicted, Murray could face four years in prison for involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s death.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:14
es geht weiter ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:15
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
@Crismissyou You are welcome!
vor 3 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:19
Dr. Shafer sagt: "Die Familie hat das Recht zu erfahren, was mit MJ passiert ist, hinsichtlich des Propofols" :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:23
seh ich auch so wie er das haben sie verdient zu erfahren was passiert is


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:29!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 20.10.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Mouth-to-mouth is an admission of failure. A healthcare provider should've equipment to get oxygen back into lounges
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: #ConradMurray should've focused on getting air back into the lounges.
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: #MichaelJackson was dying because he was running out of oxygen.
vor 36 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Effective CPR includes straight arms, hard surface and full body weight.
vor 1 Minute

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: After calling 911, #Murray should have moved #MJ to floor for effective CPR
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Performing CPR on a bed is not effective. Force has to come directly down on a firm surface.
vor 1 Minute

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Then #ConradMurray should've immediately called 911
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: In the setting #MichaelJackson couldn't have been revived without assistance. #Murray should've immediately assessed patient.
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. Shafer: Keeping a record forces you to make observations.
vor 1 Minute

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Court is back in session, watch it LIVE on
vor 3 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:35
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
@davidbcurtis Thanks for catching that. I meant lungs of course.
vor 1 Minute


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:44!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 20.10.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: #ConradMurray's medical treatment made no sense because he administered drugs that are nearly identical.
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: When info is withheld, you violate trust. Patient has the right to expect doc to be honest.
vor 45 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: A doc is obligated to tell the whole truth. Anything less in inexcusable. #murraytrial
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Paramedics nor physicians knew what they were treating. Weren't given all patient info. They only had seconds.
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Egregious deviation of standard of care to withhold info about patient. In this case not mentioning Propofol
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: #ConradMurray was clueless of what to do #murraytrial
vor 1 Minute

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 00:59!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 20.10.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren repeats all egregious violations of standard of care that Dr Shafer mentioned. #murraytrial
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Paper serves to highlight #ConradMurray's violation of standard of care
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Chinesestudy does not establish that this is a safe therapy for treating insomnia with Propofol
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Red flags in paper - no exact dosage mentioned, evidence not adequate for claim, safety cannot be based on 64 patients only
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: There is only one paper worldwide on Propofol and insomnia referring to Chinese study done in November 2010
vor 35 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: This is something that had never been done to anyone besides #MichaelJackson
vor 1 Minute

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 01:13!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 20.10.2011)
bc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
#MurrayTrial will be back tomorrow at 8:45am PT
vor 1 Minute

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
#MurrayTrial Evening recess and adjournment
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: #ConradMurray violated this relationship every night. #MurrayTrail
vor 1 Minute

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: #ConradMurray put himself first.
vor 1 Minute
Dr. Shafer: Conrad Murray setze sich an die erste Stelle

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: Core of the doc/patient relationship is that you put the patient first. That's why you are trusted with surgery, drugs, etc
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: All 17 egregious violations of standard of care could have caused #MichaelJackson's death
vor 2 Minuten

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 01:14
morgen geht es um 08:45AM weiter ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 01:27
ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: #ConradMurray put himself first.
vor 1 Minute
Dr. Shafer: Conrad Murray setze sich an die erste Stelle
Dr. Shafer sagt: Als Dr. Murray zustimmte MJ mit Propofol zu behandeln, da hätte er eigentlich NEIN sagen sollen, denn der Patient steht immer an erster Stelle ... aber er hat nicht seinen Patienten an erste Stelle gestellt, sondern er hat sich selbst, Dr. Murray, an die erste Stelle gestellt.

Er dachte nur an sich selbst ...

auch als er im UCLA unzureichende Auskünfte hinsichtlich der Medikamente gegeben hatte, dachte er nicht an seinen Patienten MJ ... nein, er dachte an sich selbst ... 000203DB


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 01:32

People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
My Patients Fear Propofol

Anesthesiologist -- Dr. Steven Shafer Testifies
Updated 10/19/11 at 9:10 AM

VIDEO im Bericht

Leading Propofol expert Dr. Steven Shafer -- the final witness for the prosecution -- claims Dr. Conrad Murray has corrupted Shafer's patients ... because now, they're all terrified of Propofol.

Shafer told the jury today -- "I am asked every day I'm in the operating room ... 'Are you going to give me the drug that killed Michael Jackson?'"

In his review of Dr. Murray's conduct, Shafer testified he found 17 "egregious violations" of standard medical care that contributed to the singer's death.

* Last Thursday, Shafer told prosecutors he was hired 20 years ago by the company that produces Propofol to calibrate the correct dosing for the drug.
* Shafer said the exact dosage of Propofol is crucial -- because even a slight discrepancy could be the difference between a patient sleeping for a few minutes, and one sleeping for several hours.
* Jurors then watched a video that showed how Propofol should be used in the OR. The clip showed nurses and doctors successfully reviving a patient -- played by an actor -- suffering from a cardiac arrest. Prosecutors were trying to show the jury Dr. Murray was not equipped to handle an emergency situation when he treated MJ.

* As the video was played, Dr. Shafer gave a blow by blow how Propofol is administered.
* Shafer's key points:
- Infusion of drugs should be done ONLY through a pump to avoid overdosing.
- "Informed consent" is not just a piece of paper but a process in which the doctor informs the patient of all the risks, benefits and alternatives.
- A verbal consent is NOT binding.
- Record keeping is paramount
- If the patient stops breathing, the first thing a doctor should do... call for help.
* Shafer told prosecutors even when administering "a little bit" of Propofol, guidelines should be strictly followed because the worst disasters occur during sedation ... when doctors "cut corners."
* Shafer said Murray's treatment of MJ is both an "egregious" and "unconscionable" violation of standard care.
* He also called 15.5 liters of Propofol Murray bought -- about four gallons worth -- "an extraordinary amount" for one person.
* Shafer said Murray's lack of basic and essential monitoring devices are an egregious violation of care and contributed to MJ's death.
* The fact that Murray never kept any records is "unbelievable," according to Shafer.
* He said Murray "left the steering wheel" when he went to bathroom to relieve his bladder calling the doc "quite clueless."
* Shafer told prosecutors there are 2,500 articles about Propofol sedation... and only one -- very flawed -- article about Propofol and insomnia. He said, "We're in a pharmacological Never-Never Land. It's only ever been done to Michael Jackson in history as far as I know."

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 01:44
October 19, 2011

Doctor: Sedating a patient is like driving a motorhome
Posted: 07:00 PM ET


It's not a comparison we would have thought to make: Sedating a patient is like driving a motorhome. And what do you do when nature calls?

"You don’t get up, leave the wheel and to go to bathroom," said Dr. Steven Shafer in court today.

Dr. Conrad Murray told police that he gave Michael Jackson a small 25mg dose of the anesthetic propofol and stepped out of the room for a couple of minutes to relieve himself. But Dr. Shafer testified that there's no such thing as a little bit of anesthetic and safety guidelines must be followed every time drugs like propofol are administered.

"It's a slippery slope and every patient is different," said Dr. Shafer.

He also said the varying conditions of each patient creates a need for doctors to plan for the worst case scenario every time they prepare to sedate a patient.

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren walked Dr. Shafer through his review of Dr. Conrad Murray's treatment of Michael Jackson.

Dr. Shafer said he found several violations of the standard of care including:

- There was no emergency airway equipment in Jackson's bedroom. Dr. Shafer says this was an egregious violation because no competent physician would administer an anesthetic without the ability to clear an airway if needed.

- Dr. Murray did not use an infusion pump. Dr. Shafer says this increased the chance of an overdose because an infusion pump is the only way a doctor can precisely regulate dosing.

- The monitoring equipment Dr. Murray had was inadequate. Dr. Shafer says this would make it impossible for Dr. Murray to know if Jackson was in serious trouble.

- Dr. Murray did not have emergency drugs on hand. Dr. Shafer says these drugs could have helped resuscitate Jackson.

- Dr. Murray failed to take up to 80 days worth of records on Jackson's treatment. Dr. Shafer says this was an unconscionable deviation from the standard of care because Dr. Murray violated the rights of his patient. Dr. Shafer passionately told the court the patient and his family have a right to see what's being done to him. (Archiv-Version vom 21.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 01:49

auch die heutige Zeugenaussage von Dr. Shafer, war vernichtend für Murray ... morgen kommt aber noch das Kreuzverhör ... ich nehme aber an, dass sich Dr. Shafer nicht aus der Ruhe bringen lässt ...

er hat bis jetzt seine "Sache" ganz toll gemacht ... klare Worte über das verantwortungslose Verhalten von Dr. Conrad Murray ... ohnein-1

Murray standen heute Tränen in den Augen ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.10.2011 um 02:06
aus dem TMZ Bericht von heute um 01:32h
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:In his review of Dr. Murray's conduct, Shafer testified he found 17 "egregious violations" of standard medical care that contributed to the singer's death.
In seiner kritischen Betrachtung über Dr. Murrays Verhalten, bezeugte Shafer, dass er
17 "schwerste Verstöße" vom Sorgfaltsmaßstab der medizinischen Versorgung festgestellt hat, die zum Tod des Sängers beigetragen haben. pullhair-1
