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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 23:46

Danke ... Schlafe auch schön ... Gute Nacht ... bis morgen ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 01:29
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ja stimmt schon, aber unser lieber Dr. Steinbert meinte doch so treffend: " Auch WENN sich MJ das Propofol selbst gegeben hätte, wäre Murray trotzdem schuldig, da er das "standard of care" vernachlässigt hat."
in dem Bericht steht etwas zur Aufgabe der bisherigen "Verteidigungsstrategie" ...
also hatte ich es richtig verstanden ..... das Trinken vom Propofol behaupten sie nun nicht mehr ... :D

habe teilweise grob übersetzt >>

Jackson doctor Conrad Murray has 'ever-changing defense,' D.A. says

October 14, 2011 | 1:18 pm


A prosecutor on Friday accused attorneys representing Michael Jackson’s personal doctor of putting on an “ever-changing defense” by dropping the contention that the pop star swallowed the anesthetic that led to his death.

In a hearing outside the jury’s presence Friday, Deputy Dist. Atty. David Walgren remarked on the announcement this week that the defense had ruled out a theory they previously argued -- that Jackson drank the anesthetic propofol -– because it wasn’t supported by science.
In einer Sitzung am Freitag ohne Beisein der Jury, bemerkte der stellvertretende Bezirks Staatsanwalt David Walgren zu der Bekanntgabe in dieser Woche, dass die Verteidigung eine Theorie ausgeschlossen hatten, die sie zuvor argumentierten -- dass Jackson das Narkosemittel Propofol getrunken hat -- weil es nicht wissenschaftlich unterstützt war.

Attorneys representing Dr. Conrad Murray in the physician’s involuntary manslaughter trial continue to maintain it was Jackson who gave himself the lethal dose by injection.
Dr. Conrad Murrays Anwaltsvertretung in dem Fall, der ärztlich unbeabsichtigten fahrlässigen Tötung, wird weiterhin behaupten, dass es Jackson war, der sich selbst die todbringende Dosis durch Injektion gab.

“We’re dealing with an ever-changing defense,” Walgren said Friday. “It was just two days ago they abandoned oral propofol.”
"Wir arbeiten mit einer sich ständig verändernden Verteidigung", sagte Walgren am Freitag. "Es war erst vor zwei Tagen, da gaben sie oral genommenes Propofol auf."

Defense attorney Michael Flanagan said the prosecutor’s claim wasn’t true, saying they decided in May that they would not be arguing the drug was consumed orally.
Verteidiger Michael Flanagan sagte den Staatsanwälten, die Behauptung sei nicht wahr, sagend, dass sie im Mai entschieden haben, dass sie nicht argumentieren, dass das Medikament oral konsumiert wurde.

Walgren’s comments came at a hearing on items of evidence and witnesses, concluding the third week of trial.

A prosecutor said they expected to wrap up their case early next week once their final witness, propofol expert Dr. Steven Shafer, finishes his testimony.

Murray defense team said it expects to put on about 15 witnesses, including police officers, experts and character witnesses.

Expert witnesses for the defense will include Dr. Paul White, who a defense attorney earlier told jurors was considered “the father of propofol” by his peers, as well as a toxicologist.

Some of Murray’s patients at a Houston charity clinic will also be called, defense attorneys said.

Also on Friday, defense attorney Nareg Gourjian objected to a photo of the pop star’s three children at his funeral and rehearsal footage from the film “This Is It” being admitted as evidence, saying they were prejudicial and irrelevant.

“I certainly understand there can be a, quote, sympathy, unquote, factor when children are involved,” Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said. But Pastor said the photo was “not inflammatory” and that it was relevant because there was testimony involving the children. He also ruled that the film clips were relevant.

At the beginning of Friday’s hearing, Pastor chided the two prosecutors on the case for being six minutes late, saying the delays had “been a recurring problem.”
Zu Beginn der Verhandlung am Freitag, tadelte Pastor die beiden Staatsanwälte in dem Rechtsfall, die 6 Minuten zu spät kamen, sagte das die Verzögerungen "ein immer wiederkehrendes Problem" seien.

The judge fined each of them $60 at $10 per minute, but said he would defer and reconsider the fine at a later time.
Der Richter verurteilte jeden von ihnen mit 60 $ auf 10 $ pro Minute, aber er sagte, er würde die Geldbuße verschieben und überdenken, zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 02:13
entdeckt bei MJJ-777 .... facebook (Archiv-Version vom 21.09.2012)
vor 9 Stunden

ausgerechnet der Bashir wurde da zum Interview geladen ... pullhair-1
Bashir talks here of how Murray did not have Michael's best interest at heart being his doctor. Bashir believes Murray only had financial motives in mind. Well if anyone can speak on this with authority, it's most certainly Martin Bashir.
Conrad Murray’s personal life exposed
Oct. 5: As three of Conrad Murray’s ex-girlfriends appear in court, legal analyst Star Jones and MSNBC’s Martin Bashir discuss the latest developments in the trial.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 09:08
hier steht voraussichtlich mal wieder eine Klage ins Haus ... nein, es sei alles im grünen Berich ... :D

MJ Tribute Concert Promoters
Accused of Dodging $200,000 Bill
... For Plane Tickets
MJ Tribute Konzert Promotoren
beschuldigt wegen Unterschlagung $200.000 Abrechnung
... für Fleugzeug Tickets

10/14/2011 9:55 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


The bills are starting to roll in for the Michael Jackson Tribute Concert in Wales last weekend -- and TMZ has learned, the organizers have already been accused of ducking a $200,000 tab ... for VIP plane tickets.

A rep for the Entertainment Travel Company tells TMZ, Global Live -- the company behind the event -- hired Entertainment Travel to book plane tickets for the Jackson family, Christina Aguilera, her crew, Jamie Foxx, Heavy D, roughly 15 Global Live employees and others.

GL allegedly racked up a $200,000 bill in the process -- which they were SUPPOSED to pay two weeks ago. But Entertainment Travel Co. insists they haven't gotten a cent ... and now GL isn't even returning their phone calls.

Several members of the Jackson family are scheduled to fly back to the U.S. this Sunday -- but Entertainment Travel is getting ready to play hardball ... telling TMZ, they're gonna cancel the Jacksons' tickets if GL doesn't pay up. The next step is a big, fat lawsuit.

TMZ spoke with Global Live CEO Chris Hunt ... who tells us, "All bills are being reconciled and as they have been told, they will be completely paid in full."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 09:51!/search/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 15.10.2011)

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren told judge Dr. Shafer's father died. Walgren will notify court today whether Shafter can testify Mon #murraytrial
vor 13 Stunden

Walgren erzählt Richter, dass Dr. Shafers Vater gestorben ist. Walgren möchte heute Gericht den Umstand anzeigen, unabhängig davon,ob Shafer Montag aussagen kann

aus dem Eintrag von gestern - 14.10.2011 - um 23:25h
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Shafer could complete his testimony Monday or Tuesday, after what defense counsel J. Michael Flanagan estimated would be "a couple hours" of cross-examination. But a member of Shafer's family has died and he might not be able to return Monday, requiring cancellation of the day's proceedings, Pastor said.

Along with Paul White of Dallas, the defense's propofol expert, Shafer had been planning to attend a national conference of anesthesiologists this weekend in Chicago, where he was to receive a lifetime achievement award, Walgren said. Shafer won't go to the conference, the prosecutor said.

"I feel terrible," the judge said. "I'm sure all of us do. Doubly tragic, in the sense he had this personal loss and then not to receive this honor."

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 10:49
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Bashir talks here of how Murray did not have Michael's best interest at heart being his doctor. Bashir believes Murray only had financial motives in mind. Well if anyone can speak on this with authority, it's most certainly Martin Bashir.
Gerade der sollte mal anklappen .......... wegen dem ist MJ ja das erste mal "gestorben" ..... so ein
Mistvogel shock shock


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 10:54
Gerade der sollte mal anklappen .......... wegen dem ist MJ ja das erste mal "gestorben" ..... so ein Mistvogel shock
Unverständlich, wie man den zum Thema einladen konnte verstehenixs177 aber so sind die Medien halt auch ...
vollkommen unsensibel ... pullhair-1


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 11:09
POSTED: Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011

Lawyer for Jackson doctor says key tactic dropped

By LINDA DEUTSCH - AP Special Correspondent

LOS ANGELES - Dr. Conrad Murray's attorney says he knew months before the physician's trial that a theory that Michael Jackson drank a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol would have to be abandoned.

Defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan made the statement Friday without the jury present.

Murray, who was not in court for the hearing, has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the June 2009 death of the superstar from an overdose of propofol.

The idea of Jackson orally giving himself the fatal dose was long touted by defense attorneys as a centerpiece of their case. Documents had been filed and arguments heard about studies on the issue.

The attorneys have even referred to a fruit juice jar found on Jackson's bedside table, suggesting he had taken the drug with juice.

Flanagan initially dropped the bombshell Wednesday that the defense was abandoning the strategy.

"We are not going to assert at any point in this trial that Michael Jackson at any time orally ingested propofol," said Flanagan, who revealed he had commissioned a study that concluded propofol would not be absorbed into the body when ingested.

But he did not say when the study had been done.

Prosecutors and the judge appeared stunned at the announcement

At Friday's hearing, on a day when testimony was not heard, Deputy District Attorney David Walgren told the judge, "We are dealing with an ever-changing defense. It was just a couple of days ago they abandoned oral propofol."

"Oh, your honor, that is not correct," Flanagan said.

"No?' Walgren asked incredulously.

"We abandoned oral propofol months ago," said Flanagan, saying they were swayed by a report from the leading expert on the drug, who is expected to testify for the prosecution next week.

He said Dr. Steven Shafer had questioned "the bioavailability of oral propofol," meaning whether it would be absorbed into the body if swallowed.

Flanagan said the defense decided to have its own study conducted and, "We determined back in May that bioavailability of oral propofol was not feasible."

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said he had never been advised in advance that the theory would be dropped. He said he would not be dealing with Walgren's claims of an ever-changing defense.

"I don't have to go there," he said. "It is what it is right now."

Flanagan's disclosure offered a backstage look at possible defense gamesmanship in leading prosecutors to prepare to answer a defense theory that would never be presented.

A defense attorney not involved in the case said it is not an ethical or legal obligation of the defense to keep the prosecution posted on its strategies.

"I don't personally see a violation," said attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. "You're supposed to operate in good faith, but you don't have to tell them every little strategy you intend to employ ... . Maybe this defense team was debating whether to use the issue up to the end."

In opening statements, defense attorney Edward Chernoff told the jury he would allege that Jackson self-administered drugs but did not specifically mention oral ingestion of propofol.

In other developments, the prosecution said its last witness will be Shafer and his testimony could take a day. The defense said it would call 15 witnesses including police officers, experts and some character witnesses. Attorney Nareg Gourjian estimated that would consume the rest of next week.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 11:14
aus dem vorgenannten Bericht ... :D
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Dr. Conrad Murray's attorney says he knew months before the physician's trial that a theory that Michael Jackson drank a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol would have to be abandoned.
Dr. Conrad Murrays Anwalt sagt, dass er Monate vor der ärztlichen Prüfung wußte, dass eine Theorie, dass Michael Jackson eine tödliche Dosis des Anästhetikums Propofol trank, aufgegeben werden müßte.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 11:34
ähnlicher Bericht unter

Defense: Key tactic in Jackson case dumped in May
By LINDA DEUTSCH - AP Special Correspondent | AP – 11 hrs ago (Archiv-Version vom 16.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 12:39
Bei Michael Jacksons privater Beerdigung war u. a. auch Tom Meserau anwesend ...

aus dem mjackson Forum
Einträge # 1, # 6, von Lena ... vielen Dank bearhugsml

Tom Meserau Interview in Session vom 20.09.2011
Tom Meserau über den Prozess 2005, den Murray Prozess und über den Künstler und Menschen MJ.

Wieder einmal ein wundervolles Interview. Besonders im 2. Teil sagt er so schöne Sachen über Michael.
Ein Transript habe ich bislang leider nicht gefunden:
Tom Mesereau Interview 9/20/11 InSession (Part 1)

Tom Mesereau Interview 9/20/11 InSession (Part 2)

Tom Mesereau Interview InSession 9/20/11 (Part 3)

Habe mal insbesondere die ersten beiden Vids gekürzt zusammengefasst:

Beth Karas: Teil der Strategie der Staatsanwaltschaft war es zu zeigen, dass MJ klassische Verhaltensmuster eines Pädophilen zeigte:
Meserau: Sie versuchten es, aber es schlug fehl. Z.B. wollten sie auf Grund der Tatsache, dass Michael Playboyhefte, Huzzler etc. las gegen ihn verwenden. Aber was sollte es beweisen? Es ist eine gegenteilige Verhaltensweise. Zudem behaupteten sie, dass Michael den Kindern solche Hefte zeigte, aber wir konnten beweisen, dass die Kinder selbst solche Hefte mitbrachten.
Zum Thema Alkoholgabe an Kinder. Wir konnten beweisen, dass die Kinder versuchten hinter seinem Rücken Zugang zum Weinkeller zu bekommen.
Was auch die Staatswanwaltschaft versuchte, es schlug ihnen ins Gegenteil ins Gesicht zurück.

Beth: Karas: Sie sagten, dass Michael am Urteilstag große Angst hatte:
Meserau: Er hatte sicher sehr viel Angst. Er hat mir das nicht gesagt, aber ich konnte es sehen, in seinen Augen. Obwohl wir wussten, dass alles gut lief und ich dies auch immer sagte. Wer hätte nicht Angst vor einem Urteil, dass einen freisprechen kann oder aber für Jahre ins Gefängnis schicken kann.
Beth Karas: Was sagte er nach dem Urteil zu Ihnen?
Meserau: Er sagte: Danke, Danke, Danke.
Zum 1993-Settelement. Wir hatten die ganze Sache wieder beim Prozess vorliegen, da die Staatsanwaltschaft dies mit dem Fall verküpfte. Aus meiner Sicht war das Settlement ein Fehler. Es öffnete die Tür für andere, die dachten. Warum arbeiten, wenn es die Möglichkeit gibt Michael Jackson zu verklagen.

Beth Karas: Wie erfuhren Sie vom Tod?
Meserau: Ich bekam eine Nachricht von R. Jackson`s Freundin als ich mit Susan Yu bei Gericht in LA war. Ich wollte es zunächst nicht glauben, dachte es ist ein verrücktes Gerücht wie es so viele um Michael gab. Aber als ich ins Büro kam war meine Message-Box voll von Medienanfragen aus der ganzen Welt für eine Reaktion zum Tod von MJ. Es war schrecklich. Ich sprach am Tag nicht mit der Familie, nur mit einigen Medienvertretern.
Beth Karas: Waren sie überrascht über die Todesumstände und was können Sie über Murray sagen?
Meserau: Ich habe nie zuvor etwas über Propofol gehört. Ich habe dann von einem Krankenhausarzt erfahren, dass es tausendfach täglich sicher angewendet wird, aber das es niemals in einen privaten Haus von einem Arzt ohne Überwachung angewendet werden darf. Ich bin erschrocken über diese Verhaltensweisen von einem Arzt. Ich denke, da ist ein Arzt, der die Chance sah beim größten Entertainment-Comeback der Geschichte dabei zu sein, der Schulden hatte, der viel Geld verdienen kann und katastrophale Verhaltensweisen zeigte und dann ist ein Alptraum eingetreten. Sicher wollte er nicht, dass er stirbt.
Ich bin froh, dass die Anklage fahrlässige Tötung ist und nicht Totschlag. Es bestünde die Gefahr der zu hohen Anklage und eines darausfolgenden Freispruches. Erinnerung an Presley-Arzt, der Elvis unverantwortlich mit Medikamenten versorgte aber nie verurteilt wurde.
Es ist nicht leicht Äzrte zu verurteilen. Die Leute wollen den Ärzten vertrauen. Ich bin nicht im Fall. Aber von dem was ich weiß, muss er verurteilt werden. Von dem was ich weiß gibt es Beweise, dass er Fehler in der Anwendung von Propofols machte, es gibt Aussagen, dass er zunächst die Propofolgabe verschwieg. Das alles wird ihm nicht helfen. Ich bin auf der Seite der Staatsanwaltschaft.
Er sah MJ nie etwas nehmen. Sicher war er in ärztlicher Behandlung, hatte Schlafprobleme, Angstzustände und bekam etwas verschrieben. Wer hätte dies nicht in seiner Situation gehabt.

Beth Karas: Waren Sie beim Memorial und bei der privaten Beerdigung. Was können Sie darüber sagen?
Meserau: Ich war nicht beim Memorial, da ich einen Gerichtstermin hatte und keine Freistellung bekam. Ich war bei der privaten Beerdigung. Es war sehr, sehr traurig. Wir verloren eine große Person, eine freundliche Person, ein Genie, das in seiner Weise die Welt veränderte, der Dinge in Himmel und der Welt sehen konnte, die wir nicht sehen können. Es ist sehr, sehr traurig, dass er mit 50 sterben musste.
Beth Karas: Sie sagten er hätte sich nie von den Vorwürfen erholt. Er zog durch die Welt. Was denken Sie würde er heute mit 53 machen.
Meserau: Ich denke er hätte sein Comeback erfolgreich durchgezogen. Ich denke er war bereit, aber leider konnte er es nicht mehr ausführen.
Beth Karas: Haben Sie je einen Auftritt von ihm gesehen?
Meserau: Ich habe ihn nicht live gesehen, nur im Fernsehen. Ich höre jeden Tag seine Musik. Ich kann nicht genug von seiner Musik bekommen, wenn ich ihn tanzen sehe schüttel ich mit dem Kopf. Da ist jemand, der nie eine Tanzstunde hatte. Fred Astaire nannte ihn den größten Tänzer aller Zeiten. Jeder song ist einzigartig, brilliant. Sein Talent war so vielfältig. Niemand kann Michael Jackson kopieren.
Beth Karas: Sahen sie die Probeaufnahmen.
Meserau: Ich sah den Film, ich sah in 3mal. Ich liebe ihn, er ist auch traurig, aber ich liebe ihn. Ich liebe es wie sie zeigen wie Michael war, das kam in dem Film heraus. Man sieht nicht nur einen brillianten Künstler, sondern auch wie er mit Liebe, Hingabe mit den Leuten umgeht, sie lenkt. Man sieht wie er war. Ich kann nur gutes über den Film sagen. Er repärsentiert niemanden von der Familie. Die Familie sieht er von Zeit, z.B . zuletzte bei einer Filmpräsentation oder bei der Enthüllung der Bilder.
Beth Karas: Denken Sie noch häufig an Michael?
Meserau: Ich denke ständig an ihn. Sehen Sie der Fall 2005 veränderte mein Leben. Es war der größte Fall den ich hatte und wird es wahrscheinlich bleiben. Es war eine große Herausfoderung, eine große Bürde, aber es kam auch viel zurück. Jeden Tag mit ihm zu kommunizieren in den schwärzesten Stunden seines Lebens war eine bedeutungsvolle Erfahrung für mich. Ich kann nur wundervolle Sachen über ihn sagen. Er berührte die Welt in einer positiven Weise, seine Musik wird fortdauern und weiter positiv wirken auf die Welt , seine Choreographien werden an Studenten weiter gelehrt, wahrscheinlich noch in Jahrhunderten. Er war eine einzigartige, ungewöhnliche Person, der einen Unterschied in der Welt machte. Er war immer freundlich und besorgt um andere. Ich war krank in einem Punkt im Prozess, meine Schwester starb bevor der Prozess losging und er war sehr besorgt um mich. Er hat sich um andere gekümmert, nicht um sich. Als meine Schweister nach einer Gehirntumor-Op aus dem Krankenhaus kam war an ihrer Tür ein Blumenbouqet mit einem Gedicht von Michael. Als John Tangoli? an einen Gehirntumor starb ging er mit mir und Susan Yu zur Beerdigung. Es gibt zahllose Beispiele für seine Sensiblität, seine Freundlichkeit und seinen Einsatz.

Am Ende des 2. Vids wird Beth Karas über das IV mit Meserau befragt. Sie sagt, dass Meserau sehr selektiv mit Medienauftritten ist und wir uns geehrt fühlen können, dass er das IV gab. Besonders beeindruckt hat sie Meserau`s absoluter Respekt für Michael als Künster und was für eine wundervolle Person er war und wie missverstanden er war. Und die Passion mit der Mesrau dies macht veranlasst einen wirklich darüber nachzudenken. So viele Leute wollen immer wieder die Missbrauchvorwürfe anbringen, aber er wurde nie zu etwas verurteilt.

Im 3. Vid zeigt Beth Karas einige Fotos, die Meserau kommentieren soll:
habe nur 2 Beispiele rausgepickt.
z.B. das Foto von der Neverland-PK 1993
Meserau sagt er sieht einen sehr verletzten, sehr traurigen Michael Jackson, der sich gegen Dinge verteidigt, die er nie begangen hat. Er beurteilt das Statement als gut und richtig.
Foto von Kathrine Jackson:
Meserau betont wie wichtig und unterstützend Kathrine für MJ beim Prozess war. Sehr lobende Worte für Kathrine und Michael sah sie als Heilige.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 13:04
Jackson kids not allowed to watch the trial

The Conrad Murray trial has been very graphic, to say the least. We're hearing all the painful details about Michael's sleeping problems and details from the day he died. The prosecution even showed that gruesome autopsy photo in court for the entire world to see. You've got to wonder, how is the Jackson family holding up though all of this?

To find out, I spoke with Jackson family insider Flo Anthony. She told me the entire family is pulling together and doing well during this difficult time.

Anthony told me the family is taking measures to make sure the kids - Prince, Paris and Blanket - are protected from the information that has come out during the trial. "The children are not allowed to the watch the trial," Anthony said. "So you know, thank god they did not see that gruesome autopsy photo. They didn't see the photo of their dad before that, you know, lying on the gurney right after his death... They have been shielded pretty well from that."

Anthony credits Jackson family matriarch, Katherine Jackson, with giving the children a normal life.

"I think that Mrs. Jackson, with the help of her children, are doing a very, very good job with Michael's kids... They are doing good in school. They're in theater. They're in sports. You know, they're really getting on with their lives. And I just think that’s such a beautiful thing," Anthony said.

Watch Showbiz Tonight Sunday – Friday at 11pET/PT on HLN. You can also follow @ShowbizTonight on Twitter.

Complete courtroom coverage of the Conrad Murray trial airs live on HLN from gavel to gavel. It’s also on In Session on truTV from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET every weekday. (Archiv-Version vom 16.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 13:13
Katherine Jackson Says Dr. Murray Is A Liar
Katherine Jackson sagt Dr. Murray ist ein Lügner

Katherine Jackson is “livid” that Dr. Conrad Murray told cops two days after her beloved son, Michael Jackson died, that he provided solace to her and the singer's three children after the tragic death.

In fact, far from it, says the Jackson family matriarch, who claims that the embattled cardiologist made the whole thing up, is exclusively reporting.

Katherine Jackson called Deputy District Attorney David Walgren on Monday night, and told him that she was outraged that Dr. Murray made up such a preposterous tale.

PHOTOS: Key Players In The Trial Of Dr. Conrad Murray

"Katherine was almost beside herself with anger after she heard Dr. Murray telling cops that he comforted her and the grandchildren after her son was declared dead. it just never happened, Dr. Murray made the whole thing up. She is disgusted and outraged at Dr. Murray for even daring to suggest that he was there for her," a Jackson family insider tells

Katherine Jackson's nephew, Trent Jackson told CNN's Alan Duke, that Michael's oldest son, Prince also says Dr. Murray never even spoke to the children.

According to Trent, the children were kept in an SUV outside of the UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center and it was Michael's manger, Frank DiLeo that escorted the children into the emergency room after their grandmother arrived.

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Inside Michael Jackson's Mansion On The Day Of His Death

According to the official interview that Murray did with cops:

Dr. Murray: So we -- they brought her into a room down the hall. And I went in there with the emergency room physician who was treating him, whom I was with all the time through his code, and they broke the news to Mrs. Jackson. So the doctor started to tell that, you know her son came in and he was having difficulty breathing and they tried everything. And she said, "well how is he? He's not dead is he?" and the doctor said "yes," and she broke down. It was very -- and weeping. We stayed there, held her hand."

Dr. Murray then talked about how he went to another room where Jackson's three children were, and told them their father had died.

PHOTOS: The Jackson Family Arrives To Dr. Conrad Murray’s Trial

Transcript from the interview:

Dr. Murray: They asked questions, and the children found out that daddy wasn't doing well, that he had passed away. And then they were weeping, really weeping...after they cried and cried and then his daughter uttered a lot of words of unhappiness, and you know she will live alone without her dad and she didn't want to be an orphan...She cried and was very stark. And then she asked to see him. And then that was another thing. How do you let children see him? I asked them to prepare Mr. Jackson's body, make it as presentable as possible, because I recommended an autopsy be performed, so that the children would be able to view their daddy and have them say good-bye to him at this time."

The source says that when Katherine apprised Prince of what had happened in court on Monday, he was more steadfast and determined than ever to take the stand for the prosecution.

"Katherine tells Michael's two oldest children, Prince and Paris what has happened in court everyday. Blanket is just too young to comprehend it, and doesn't ask questions. Prince was mortified when Katherine apprised him of what happened,” the Jackson insider told “He is begging his grandmother to let him take the stand. The decision will be up to David Walgren though.

“Right now, its a 50/50 chance that Prince could take the stand. Prince doesn't want the jurors to feel sympathy for Dr. Murray, and felt that was the reason he made up the entire story about what happened at the hospital. The DA will assess the need to put Prince on the stand, after the defense rests it's case.”

Testimony will resume in the trial on Monday. If convicted of involuntary manslaughter, Dr. Murray could face up to four years in state prison.

You can watch the trial live, here on


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 18:24
smilie frech 002 smilie frech 002 smilie frech 002

Jackson Family Members
Find Your Own Way Home


TMZ has learned ... several members from the Jackson family are going to have to find their own way home from Wales -- because the company that was supposed to provide them with a flight back has pulled their tickets ... because of a HUGE outstanding bill.

As TMZ first reported, Entertainment Travel Company claims that Global Live (the company behind the Michael Jackson tribute concert last week) owes $200,000 for plane tickets the company booked for the Jackson family, Christina Aguilera, her crew, Jamie Foxx, Heavy D, roughly 15 Global Live employees and others.

Now a rep for Entertainment Travel Company tells us they had no choice but to yank the tickets which were earmarked for members of the band 3T (made up of Tito Jackson's kids) because of the unpaid tab.

The company rep says they held out for as long as they could and the next step is to contact a lawyer.

A rep for Global Live could not be reached for comment.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 18:47
der Bericht von TMZ war hier vermutlich die Quelle ... :D

Not plane sailing! Michael Jackson's nephews 3T have to make their own way home from tribute concert because of '$200k unpaid travel bill'

By Mike Larkin

Last updated at 5:20 PM on 15th October 2011

The flew across the world to pay tribute to their tragic uncle Michael Jackson.

But RnB group 3T did not seem to get much gratitude for performing at his memorial concert in Wales last week, as they had to book their own flights home.

The trio reportedly had their plane tickets cancelled due to a problem between Michael Forever organisers Global Live and travel company Entertainment Travel Company.

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Put your hands up if you need a plane ticket: 3T were forced to make their own way home after the Michael Forever concert in Cardiff last week

3T are made up of Taj, Taryll and Tito Jackson, and their fathers Tito and Dee Dee played with Michael in the Jackson 5.

A representative for the latter told TMZ they had no choice but to cancel the tickets set aside for members of the band because of a massive unpaid bill.

article-0-0E4B5EEF00000578-28 233x423
Bad deal: No doubt Michael would have been angry his nephews had to pay their own fare home

The company is alleging Global Live owes $200,000 for plane tickets.

This includes flights booked for the Jackson family, Christina Aguilera and her entourage, Jamie Foxx, Heavy D, around 15 Global Live employees and more.

The company rep says they held out for as long as they could and the next step is to contact a lawyer.

The Mail Online contacted Global Live, but have yet to receive a response.

3T have also yet to respond to a request for comment.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 19:19
Conrad Murray trial may be delayed due to death in witness's family

By Alan Duke, CNN
October 14, 2011 -- Updated 2205 GMT (0605 HKT)

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The trial of Michael Jackson's doctor may not resume until Tuesday because the father of the prosecution's last witness died, it was revealed at a hearing Friday.

Testimony in Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial was recessed Thursday afternoon so anesthesiology expert Dr. Steven Shafer could attend a medical conference in Chicago, but Deputy District Attorney David Walgren said Friday that Shafer never made it there because of the death in his family.

Prosecutors allege Murray was criminally responsible for Jackson's death because of his gross negligence in his use of the surgical anesthetic propofol and other drugs in Jackson's home to help him sleep.

The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's June 25, 2009, death was from "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with several sedatives, including lorazepam.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor, who is known for keeping tight control on his courtroom, scolded and fined prosecutor Walgren and his co-counsel, Deputy District Attorney Deborah Brazil, for being a few minutes late to Friday morning's hearing.

"People, you were late this morning by six minutes," Pastor said. "What is the reason for this, please?"

"We were just running late, your honor," Walgren said. "We apologize."

"Well, this has happened before," Pastor said, before ordering Walgren and Brazil to pay a $60 fine, $10 for each minute they were tardy to court.

Walgren blamed slow courthouse elevators when he and Brazil were 15 minutes late for a hearing last month.

Shafer, who is expected to give a detailed scientific explanation of how the surgical anesthetic propofol is metabolized in the human body, will be on the witness stand for at least a day once he returns from his father's funeral, according to Walgren.

The defense presentation would follow, lasting until next Friday or the following Monday, according to defense lawyer Nareg Gourjian.

Along with two or three medical experts, the defense has lined up about a dozen patients of Murray to testify about how he's helped them.

On Thursday, a sleep expert testifying for the prosecution said Jackson "clearly" suffered from insomnia that could have been caused by Demerol, a narcotic he was getting frequently from a doctor other than Murray.

Murray's defense team contends Dr. Arnold Klein injected Jackson with 6,500 milligrams of Demerol during visits to his Beverly Hills, California, dermatology clinic in the last three months of his life, and that Murray did not know about it.

Jackson desperately sought sleep the day he died, worried that without rest he could not rehearse that night, which could force the cancellation of his "This Is It" comeback concerts, according to Murray's interview with police.

Dr. Nader Kamangar, a UCLA sleep expert testifying for the prosecution, testified that the combination of drugs Murray gave Jackson "was the perfect storm" that killed him.

"Mr. Jackson was receiving very inappropriate therapy, in the home setting, receiving very potent sedatives, including propofol, lorazepam and midazolam, without monitoring by Murray, and ultimately this cocktail was a recipe for disaster," Kamangar said.

In Session's Michael Christian contributed to this report.


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15.10.2011 um 19:41
Conrad Murray team's "impossible" task?

October 15, 2011 12:31 PM

VIDEO im Bericht

(CBS News)

The involuntary manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, enters its third week Monday.

The prosecution is expected to wrap up their case early in the week - then it will be the defense's turn.

And, reports CBS News national correspondent Ben Tracy, court watchers say Murray's attorneys will have their work cut out for them.

In court this week, a series of medical experts blamed Murray for giving Jackson what he wanted -- the powerful anesthetic Propofol, to help him sleep.

At different times in his testimony, Dr. Nader Kamangar, a UCLA sleep expert, called that "inconceivable," "unconscionable," "incomprehensible and unacceptable."

Murray was taken to task for using the drug outside a hospital, not using proper dosing equipment, failing to keep records, and for leaving Jackson unattended.

"When you monitor a patient," testified Dr. Alon Steinberg, a cardiologist who evaluated Murray's actions for the California Medical Board. "you never leave their side, especially after giving Propofol. It's like leaving a baby that's sleeping on your kitchen countertop."

"I think," says CBS News legal analyst Trent Copeland, "it leaves the kind of impact that is so indelible in this case that the defense will have an almost impossible time trying to overcome (it)."

Murray's team is expected to focus on the two minutes Murray says he left Jackson alone.

"Their argument," Copeland says, "will be that Michael Jackson woke up, he was desperate for sleep, he gave himself an additional dose of Propofol, he took eight tablets of Lorazepam, another strong sedative, and in that moment, it created the perfect storm, a cocktail, a fatality, and that he died instantly and rapidly, so quickly, that he didn't even have time to close his eyes."

The defense, Tracy explained, hopes the jury will believe that Jackson was responsible for his own death.

Is that strategy likely to succeed?

"Early Show on Saturday Morning" co-anchor Nancy Cordes discussed it with attorney Jean Casarez, a correspondent for "In Session" on truTV:

VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 15.10.2011)


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15.10.2011 um 20:27
GiGi (@gatorgirl277)

Posted Thursday 15th September 2011 from Twitlonger

This is another excerpt from Jermaine's book that I think some may have seen and some have not:
Dies ist ein weiterer Textauszug aus Jermaines Buch, so denke ich, manche mögen ihn gesehen haben und einige haben nicht:

In this exclusive book extract, Jermaine Jackson pieces together the last days and tragic death of his brother Michael:
In diesem exklusiven Buch Ausschnitt, teilt Jermaine Jackson zugleich die letzten Tage und den tragischen Tod seines Bruders Michael:

I saw the performer’s glint return to Michael’s eyes around the autumn of 2008 — the period when his life was back on track, his health was nearing peak fitness and he was physically preparing for the greatest comeback ever seen. He was, for the first time in a long while, just happy.

The guesswork about his health, especially after his death, warped the true picture. People point to a particular photograph, taken in July 2008, of my brother being pushed in a wheelchair, with captions like “too weak to stand, looking frail and in no condition to perform . . .” That was exactly what Michael wanted the media to write. He was aware that everyone doubted he still had “it”. So imagine if he bounced back, going from that state to this. Michael was doing a Willy Wonka, walking out of the chocolate factory to greet the crowds with a crippling limp as everyone gasps with shock — and then he stumbles ... tosses away the cane, does a somersault and everyone cheers. Gotcha. Because no comeback is truly a comeback until the odds seem impossible.

Michael’s life had long been defined by indelible images that captured a myth: from oxygen chambers to surgical masks, from hotel balconies to “whiter” skin. This was him having the last laugh.

Michael was a master manipulator of image, knowing the paparazzi would like to think they’d “caught” him off guard. He wanted the ultimate vindication. The King of Pop turned Comeback King. And here’s a fact to place alongside that wheelchair image: about two months later, he was engaged in brutal choreography training for a comeback tour that had not yet been revealed.

He started requesting CDs, just like old times. He was so obsessed about staying up-to-date that every week he was sent the Top Ten from the Billboard Hot 100 burnt on to one disc. His outlook was positive. His body was back in shape. His focus was the future.

After his This Is It concerts were done, he had two more tours up his sleeve: “back by popular demand” dates that no one knew about. I know what Michael said in March 2009: “When I say this is it, it really means ‘this is it’ ... this is the final curtain-call.” That was his great tease: he was a master salesman, too, and if the world thought that London would be their last opportunity to see him perform, then they would rush to buy tickets.

I was out near Pasadena, the city at the foot of the San Bernardino Mountains, when a good friend — CNN host Larry King — called my wife’s mobile phone to ask if we knew anything “about a TMZ report saying Michael has been being rushed to UCLA hospital”. I wasn’t immediately alarmed because it was hardly the first time the media had got excited about my brother being “rushed” to hospital. But then I called Mother and caught her hurrying out of the door at Hayvenhurst [the Jackson family home]. As soon as I heard her voice, I knew something was very wrong: she sounded fraught with anxiety. “Jermaine! I’m rushing down now. I’ll call you when I get there! Leave now,” she said.

At the hospital, a window looked into a room within a room. La Toya was already there, standing alone, leaning down towards Michael’s face. He was lying on a trolley in a hospital gown.

I steadied myself, took a breath, and entered the side door to the right. I went over to the other side of Michael, reaching down to take his hand, rubbing his still-soft skin. I couldn’t believe how skeletal he was. He seemed half the size he had been a month earlier. If a stranger had walked into the room, they would have assumed he had been ravaged by cancer or anorexia.

What’s happened to you? I knew no amount of rigorous dancing could have left him in this state. I leant down and kissed him on the forehead, telling him I loved him. I found I couldn’t pull away. I lifted one of his eyelids because I wanted to look into his eyes, “see” him one last time.

Look at me, Michael. Look at me.

I rested my forehead against his and wept.

The autopsy report ruled that Michael had had a healthy heart and had died from “acute propofol intoxication”. The media would go on to portray him falsely as a “junkie”, trying to make the link with prescription-drug usage, but that wasn’t the reason why his heart stopped: it was clear that the anaesthetic propofol was everywhere in his system.

Propofol is not a recreational drug and it was not prescription medicine. It is what people are given intravenously as an anaesthetic before major surgery, or doctors use it for sedation. This, I would find out, is what Michael relied on to be “knocked out” when he was desperate for sleep. According to the instructions it should be given only by a trained anaesthetist, and the patient’s intake must be carefully monitored with the appropriate medical equipment in place.

Michael was usually beset by sleeping problems only on tour, so it was, to the best of my knowledge, a departure for him to be using this kind of sleep-inducer during rehearsals. It didn’t surprise me that his insomnia was returning in the run-up to his London dates because of the unimaginable pressure to which he was subjected, most of it self-imposed. He was his own biggest rival in the relentless drive to be perfect in the great comeback he’d envisaged.

Pressure. It would become a theme in everything I went on to discover about the final days of his life.
By the start of June 2009, rehearsals were taking place at the Forum in Inglewood, California, and Michael was apparently still focused and businesslike. Everything was going wonderfully well.

But by mid-June Michael’s health inexplicably started to deteriorate. It all seems to have begun when Michael missed rehearsals on June 13, 14 and 15. Even on the days when he did show up, there were occasions when he’d turn up at 8pm for a 2pm start, as if just getting out of the house was a struggle.

During the week that followed, further worrying signs stacked up. In the routine for Thriller, he turned left when he knew he had to turn right. That was odd in itself, but then he did it a second time. He also started repeating himself — a sentence or a phrase — like someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He struggled to finish one song and he sometimes needed a teleprompter for lyrics. Plus, he had to be helped up and down ramps and flights of stairs.

No one was giving Michael the kid-glove treatment. Instead, I know that he felt belittled on several occasions and he was also yelled at, as witnessed by people who were there. On one occasion, he deliberately spoke into his mike as he walked offstage: “I just want someone to be nice to me today . . .” A voice from the floor yelled back: “If we could just have a coherent person here today!” “They wouldn’t speak to me like that if Joseph [his father] was here,” Michael muttered, off mike.
The thinner Michael became, the colder he got. He began shivering on stage; he was given a thick coat to wear.

Someone, without any authorisation from the promoter, AEG, placed a discreet call to a doctor whom Michael had consulted in the past. After the symptoms had been explained to him, the doctor said it sounded as if Michael was suffering from “toxic poisoning of the brain” and should get to a hospital. For reasons that remain maddening to me, he didn’t go.

I have lain awake at night wondering what was making him so ill. Was his doctor giving him so much anaesthetic that it was slowly poisoning his system? Could my brother have known how much propofol was being injected into him?

The more I hear about those final rehearsals, the clearer it seems that there was a focus on getting to London and hitting that target of 50 concert dates. Somewhere in the pressure that everyone felt, AEG viewed the King of Pop as a performing robot and lost sight of the human being.

AEG delegations were sent to Michael’s home on June 18 and 20 to discuss his no-shows for rehearsals. He was left in no doubt that if he didn’t step up and start delivering, they would not only pull the plug but he was in danger of “losing everything”.

His contract with AEG stated that if he failed to perform he would be liable for all production costs and lost revenue, meaning that his assets, including his prized music catalogue, were collateral up for the taking.

On Saturday, June 20, the director Kenny Ortega visited Michael at home and one hour after he left, choreographer Travis Payne received a phone call from Kenny telling him to get to the house urgently. That same afternoon the musical director, Michael Bearden, made a bizarre announcement to dancers and crew on stage, telling them: “Everyone needs to pray for Michael and send him good wishes.”

This was four days before Michael died. Why would he say such a thing? And why — if we’re at the point of prayers — would the tour continue? Yet the show apparently had to go on.

Bizarrely, everything changed on the final two days of rehearsals, the 23rd and 24th. Michael suddenly showed up looking upbeat, sharp and reinvigorated. It was this version of my brother that the world saw during the This Is It movie; the temporary two-day truth for the box office, not the horrible truth of the preceding weeks.

That last night of his life, rehearsals ran late. There was a full dress rehearsal, which he carried out without a hitch, it seems, before he left at just after midnight on June 25.

When Michael got home he struggled to sleep, with his personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray (hired by AEG for the tour, at Michael’s request) at his side. Within the next 12 hours, he would be dead. He was found on the left side of the bed, where Dr Murray says he tried to carry out CPR. On the floor there was a tube of toothpaste and a string of wooden beads. His laptop and a pair of glasses were on the bedside table. There was also a urine sample in the room. Next to the bed, a tan sofa was, apparently, Dr Murray’s seat.

One fact that has been established from preliminary hearings is that Dr Murray used his iPhone a lot through the early hours of that fateful day. One call was to a woman he’d recently met, logged at 11.51am, some 15 minutes before my brother apparently stopped breathing.

She said she was talking to him when she realised that he wasn’t listening any more but the line was still open and she heard “a commotion — I heard coughing and mumbling”. She tried calling and texting him back, but received no reply.

We’re finding it impossible to accept Michael’s inexplicable decline and that one company didn’t spot that something was seriously wrong.

As a family, we would like to know who else — if anyone — entered and left the house on the night of Michael’s death, but although the LAPD are treating his death as homicide, its investigators decided to retain only the four minutes of CCTV footage showing Dr Murray’s expected arrival. Unless the authorities surprise us, it seems that all other footage has been erased.

It is hard for us to understand why such crucial footage could be wiped like that. It makes us wonder if every stone has been turned in the LAPD’s investigation: it has so far concentrated on one doctor, and one night.

I guess time will tell, but our only hope is that, ultimately, justice doesn’t fail Michael, like everyone else seems to have done.

I know not everyone may agree with every statement written above by Jermaine, I figure we all have questions about certain statements, but I also see a lot of pertinent information in the text above, too:

Jermaine's statements about his brother being much thinner than he was a month prior matches up to what others have said, too. Not only was there an apparent change in his weight during the month of June but also an apparent change in his demeanor. Lou Ferrigno stated Michael was also healthy and fit when he last saw him which was 3 weeks prior to his death--he had been working with him 3-4 days a week. I am not sure why those training sessions stopped. He noticed no problems of any sort then concerning his frame of mind, either. Dr. Klein (take him or leave him) also stated that Michael looked "fit". He has also stated he was fine until the last three weeks or so that he saw him. Klein mostly saw Michael in April and early May (in the latter part of May Michael saw another doctor named David Rish). Michael saw Klein June 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 16th and the 22nd. Conrad Murray saw Michael daily during that time. Do the math.

The way Jermaine describes Michael in mid-June--this sounds like someone who was suffering from the effects of sedation, namely Versed (midazolam). People who receive this medication can suffer from serious amnesia that persists as well as "brain fog". It can also cause a "hang-over" effect as if someone had been drinking alcohol. Who was giving Versed for sleep? Murray. Versed can be just as deadly as propofol, especially someone with compromised lungs. The more Versed is given, the longer those lingering effects can occur. People who receive sedation at same-day surgery clinics typically receive Versed and they are notified not to sign any important legal documents or to make any important decisions for about 24 hours--and I can almost bet you they did not get near as much Versed as Michael was given by Murray (on top of Ativan and possibly propofol). I am sure they would be told not to dance or do any strenuous activities though whoops, they were anesthetized for a reason. Michael did not have these problems before--these were new, recent. Guess what? Given he was not able to "adjust" to what Murray was giving him that likely indicates he not used to these medications, certainly not in this quantity, either. He wasn't as tolerant as Murray would like to pretend he was, either. People did notice something was wrong, people were concerned, but Murray refused to stop what was causing the problem--HIM. He told concerned individuals to back off--why would a DOCTOR do this? Since when do doctors want to not only see but CAUSE the deterioration of their patient and then DEFEND it? Murray had backing for doing this, too--AEG.

Pressure--sure, Michael did put a lot of pressure on himself to be the best (he already was at his crafts, though)--but AEG's warped "contract" would add immense pressure to anyone. Pressure can cause insomnia--insomnia can cause pressure. See the cycle? Plus, why was there ephedrine in Michael's system when those were supposedly for Murray's use? Why did Murray apparently give him this when anyone with insomnia should not take it? Just another thing to ponder...

I think Murray would like for people to think Michael was "desperate" for sleep but someone with a computer and glasses in the bed (I recall them being on the right side of the bed, not a nightstand) does not sound like someone desperate for sleep or prepared to be anesthetized. Someone with a full urinary bladder does not sound like someone awake (one would naturally wish to relieve themselves and such should have likely woke him up, if he was able to wake up which I do not believe he was able to do). I still want to know why Murray had Michael take a Valium fully-knowing he would be administering the same class of medications to him via IV--that just makes NO sense. That toothpaste and the beads were apparently in the bed (the foot on the left side)--beads were somehow under Michael's back--if he were awake would he have been laying on them? I guess it depends on the size. He also had abrasions on his back, too, presumably from these beads, maybe not. They were there before he died, though.

Murray had his iPhone (supposedly his daughter's phone) and a Sprint cell-phone as well. I won't even get into all those calls again right now but will add that he supposedly called Sade Anding "out of the blue" directly after calling a patient, which he called after calling his office, etc.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 20:31
Oh man haben die langeweile .... yeahbaby

Dr. Conrad Murray DA David Walgren ‘Bringing Sexy Back’ To The Courtroom

By Jen Heger - Radar Legal Editor

High profile celerity cases in Los Angeles always result in a fascination with the participants, O.J. Simpson had the infamous dancing Lance Ito judges, Phil Spector had his fantastic collection of wigs and the Dr. Conrad Murray trial has the dashing good looks of the Deputy District Attorney David Walgren.

Walgren has impressed courthouse onlookers with his impressive legal skills and professionalism. However, it's his JFK Jr. resemblance that has inspired a YouTube video montage of Walgren set to Justin Timberlake's hit, Sexy Back.

Walgren also has a Facebook fan page titled, "David Walgren Is Hot."

PHOTOS: Key Players In The Trial Of Dr. Conrad Murray

Walgren does have some competition though from his expert witness that testified earlier this week, Dr. Alon Steinberg.


Dr. Steinberg was nicknamed, Dr. McDreamy when he took the stand, and explained to jurors the multiple reasons why Dr. Murray was responsible for Michael Jackson's death. Dr. Steinberg also has a Facebook fan page, "Dr. Alon Steinberg Is Hot Like David Walgren--Or Even Hotter.”

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson's Kids Star In Tribute Concert

Court is in recess until Monday. You can watch the trial live, here on

Walgren is happily married to Deputy District Attorney Nicol Walgren, and the couple have two children.

Take a look at David Walgren bringing Sexy Back below:

Youtube: David Walgren-Sexy Back
David Walgren-Sexy Back
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.10.2011 um 21:12
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Oh man haben die langeweile .... yeahbaby
das ist typisch fürs Amiland ... zum einen wird die Prüderie ganz groß geschrieben, aber dann findet fast eine öffentliche "sexiest man Wahl" statt ... so kann Doppelmoral auch aussehen ...

da sind mal 2 gutaussehende Männer im Gerichtssaal und bei scheinen sie anzufangen "durchzudrehen" ... liebe smilie 0106
