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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 00:29
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:bei so einem Bild, sind die deutschen Medien aber ganz schnell ...
Ist doch SCHEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIßEEEEEEEEE ......... smilie tra 012 smilie tra 012


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 00:30
noch üben sie Kritik ... wer weiß wie lange ... dann bringen sie das Bild auch ...

Michael Jackson: Bild von nackter Leiche veröffentlicht
11. Oktober 2011 - 23:21 Uhr


Wie weit darf die Presse gehen? Der Prozess um den Tod von Michael Jackson nimmt immer grusligere Züge an…

Der Onlinedienst „TMZ“ hat heute ein bisher ungesehenes Bild vom toten King Of Pop veröffentlicht, das den Star nackt auf auf einer Liege zeigt. Sein Intimbereich wurde mit einem schwarzen Balken versehen.

Das Bild, wurde nur Stunden nach Jackson’s Tod aufgenommen und diente offenbar bei einer der Verhandlungen gegen Conrad Murray als Beweisfoto. Neben der Leiche ist das Datum 25. August 2009 zu lesen. Der zuständige Gerichtsmediziner Christopher Rogers spricht aber von einem falschen Datum. Richtig gewesen wäre der 25. Juni 2009.

Manchmal fragt man sich wirklich, wann die Pressefreiheit anfängt und wo sie endet. Wie müssen sich Michael’s Kinder fühlen, wenn sie sowas sehen? Wie seine Familie? Muss das sein?

Erst am vergangenen Wochenende fand ein Gedenkkonzert zu Ehren von Michael Jackson in Wales statt, reichlich Prominenz und guter Musik.

Was meint ihr, hat sich TMZ mit der Veröffentlichung des Pics verhoben?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 00:38
ich lass mal hier die Bilder weg ... :D

Jury shown photo of Michael Jackson's naked dead body and hear how daughter Paris sobbed about being an orphan

By David Gardner

Last updated at 11:04 PM on 11th October 2011

Michael Jackson's heartbroken daughter lashed out at Dr Conrad Murray for failing to save her father's life, jurors heard today as they again saw a photo of the pop stars dead body.

The King of Pop's three children 'cried and cried and cried' after being told their father was dead.

His daughter, Paris, now 13, told Murray, her father's personal doctor: 'I will wake up in the morning and I won't be able to see my daddy.'

According to the 58-year-old cardiologist, she said: 'Dr Murray, you said you save a lot of patients. You know, you save people with heart attacks, and you couldn't save my dad.'

Paris's anguish was revealed in an interview Murray gave to detectives two days after Jackson's death on June 25, 2009.

The court saw a photograph of the painfully thin star taken before an autopsy was carried out on his body the day after his death. It was the second time the jury has seen a photo of the dead star after a picture was displayed on the opening day of the trial.

Jackson's mother, Katherine, who flew back to Los Angeles from the weekend tribute to her son in Wales, left the courtroom before the disturbing image was shown on a screen.

Dr Christopher Rogers, Los Angeles Deputy Medical Examiner, said the 5 ft 9 ins tall singer was comparatively fit when he died.

'He was healthier than the average person of his age,' said Dr Rogers, who added there was no sign of any fat or cholesterol on the walls of Jackson's heart.

He ruled the cause of death was homicide as a result of acute Propofol intoxication, the court heard.

Dr Rogers dismissed Murray's claims that the singer took a deadly dose of Propofol himself while the doctor left his bedside for two minutes to go to the toilet.

He suggested it was too short a time for Jackson to be able to self-administer the drug and for it take sufficient effect to stop his breathing.

He said Murray had no equipment to help deliver the correct amount of Propofol to help Jackson sleep.

It would be easy for the doctor to estimate wrongly and give too much Propofol,' he added.

Murray, who has pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter, is not expected to testify at the trial at Los Angeles Superior Court, but the recording means jurors at least got to hear his side of the story.

Before Rogers the last 45 minutes of the two-hour tape was played in the hushed courtroom on Tuesday.

Murray told police Jackson's children 'really were weeping, really weeping' when they were told that doctors at UCLA Medical Centre in Los Angeles had been unable to revive their 50-year-old father.

'I hugged them all, gave comfort to Paris, comfort to Prince, comfort to Blanket, which is the last little guy, because whenever they were sick, they would always ask for Dr Conrad,' he said.

'After they cried and cried and cried, then his daughter uttered a lot of words of unhappiness and, you know, she will live alone without her dad and she didn't want to be an orphan.

'I said, 'I tried my best.' And she said, "I know that, Dr Murray. At least I know. I know you tried your best, but I'm really sad".'

Murray said he arranged for the children to see their father's body so they could 'find closure.'

'I asked them to prepare Mr Jackson's body to make it as presentable as possible so the children could visit their daddy,' he added. 'They spent a long time with their daddy. They cried.'

By this time, he said Jackson's siblings LaToya and Jermaine had arrived at the hospital.

Earlier, he said he broke the news of the tragedy to the star's mother, Katherine. 'She broke down weeping,' he said, adding that he stayed holding her hand.

Murray said he couldn't explain Jackson's death to other Jackson family members gathered at the hospital.

Do you know why he died?' one of them asked, according to Murray.

'My answer was no and that's the reason why I was recommending to the family to have an autopsy, because I also wanted to know,' he told the detectives in the meeting at the plush Ritz Carlton Hotel in Marina Del Ray, California.

Prosecutors say Murray caused Jackson's death by giving him a lethal dose of the powerful anaesthetic Propofol, which should only be used in a hospital setting.

In the interview, Murray admitted for the first time that he gave the star Propofol, telling police he had been administering the drug almost daily for the previous two months.

Murray claimed he was out of Jackson's bedroom for just two minutes to go to the toilet when he returned to find his patient had stopped breathing. He made no mention of the fact that he was on the phone to a girlfriend when he discovered Jackson dying in his bed.

Murray insisted the performer was begging him to help him rest after trying in vain to get to sleep for more than eight hours the night before he died.

'I've got to sleep, Dr Conrad,' Murray said Jackson pleaded. 'I have these rehearsals to perform. I must be ready for the show in England. Tomorrow, I will have to cancel my performance because you know I can't function if I don't get to sleep.'

Although he claimed he had been trying to wean Jackson off Propofol, Murray said he relented and gave Jackson some of his 'milk.'

'I did not want him to fail. I had no intentions of hurting him. And I was compassionate,' Murray said in the recording.

He also claimed the star's eyesight was so bad that he could have been 'legally blind' and said he removed calluses and a fungal infection on the entertainer's feet that made it painful for him to dance.

The case continues.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 00:46

also ich denke, so überraschend ist es nicht, dass diese MJ Bilder gezeigt werden ... :)

bei den Vorverhandlungen hatte man sich doch m. E. dahin gehend geeinigt, dass es beim Prozess voraussichtlich 3 Bilder von der Autopsie bzw. vom toten MJ geben wird ...

die aber auf keinen Fall erschreckend für andere sein werden ... und Körperteile werden unkenntlich gemacht ...

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 00:49

der Dr. Rogers scheint sich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen zu lassen ... der Flanagan wirkt schon leicht angesäuert ... :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 00:51
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:also ich denke, so überraschend ist es nicht, dass diese MJ Bilder gezeigt werden ... :)
Nee es war bekannt ........ das man sie zeigen würde :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 00:53
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:der Dr. Rogers scheint sich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen zu lassen ... der Flanagan wirkt schon leicht angesäuert ... :D
Stimmt ............... er ist trotzdem wie ne Schlaftablette smilie sleep 017

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 00:55
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:er ist trotzdem wie ne Schlaftablette
ja, es ist sehr anstrengend und ermüdend ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:04

Mal was zum Griiiiiiiiiinsennnnnnnnnn smilie frech 012 smilie frech 012

Murray verschwieg Notärzten Jacksons Propofol-Dosis

Warum verschwieg Michael Jacksons Arzt Murray die Gabe eines Narkotikums? Im Prozess um den Tod des "King of Pop" wurde eine Vernehmung Murrays vom Band eingespielt.

sara murray 4 DW P 1474565p
Michael Jackson lebt, er lebt nicht nur in seiner Musik, sondern als reale Person in dieser Welt – davon ist zumindest Sharon Sidney überzeugt, die als eingeschworener Fan des „King of Pop“ den Prozess gegen dessen Leibarzt Conrad Murray in Los Angeles verfolgt.
Michael Jackson, den sie 2004 bei einer Ehrung in Indiana kennen lernte, bei der sie eröffnende Worte sprechen durfte, sei keineswegs an einer Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol gestorben, erzählt Sidney außerhalb des Gerichtsgebäudes Journalisten.
Er sei vielmehr entführt worden, werde an unbekanntem Ort gefangen gehalten und gezwungen, weitere Hits zu produzieren.
Die Ankläger und Verteidiger von Murray halten sich mit derartigen Theorien auch in der am Dienstag begonnenen dritten Prozesswoche nicht auf.

Ihnen geht es um die Frage, ob der Leibarzt den Künstler falsch medikamentierte, wie es die Staatsanwaltschaft behauptet, oder ob Jackson eigenmächtig eine zu starke Dosis Propofol nahm, um nach einer durchwachten Nacht endlich einschlafen zu können, was Murrays Anwälte glauben machen wollen.

Fahrlässige Tötung oder selbst verschuldetes Ableben? Um Licht in diese Streitfrage zu bringen, wurde der Jury die Aufzeichnung einer Vernehmung Murrays durch die Polizei von Los Angeles vorgespielt, aufgenommen 48 Stunden nach dem Tod Jacksons.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:05

Puhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ENDE für heute ......


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:06
Toxicology In The Michael Jackson Manslaughter Trial
October 08, 2011


Witness testimony concerning the autopsy and toxicology results has begun in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray for voluntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson. This is likely the make or break area of testimony for the defense, who has claimed that Jackson caused his own death by self administering both oral lorazepam and oral and/or IV propofol. It is highly technical testimony, with large amounts of medical and scientific jargon and principles which cannot help but confuse the jury at times.

Law Med will go through the evidence and testimony in order to simplify and clarify what is becoming. in our view, intentionally muddled by the defense. We don’t blame them, since it may be their only hope of getting Murray off. The facts are certainly of little use towards that end. Even though we are ‘simplifying’ the information, it is still intensive to digest. Read some, take a break, come back to it. If you have any questions ask them using the comment form at the bottom of the article and we will answer them. Or contact us HERE. The lawyers on both sides have done their homework and appear to have a working knowledge of the pharmacology and toxicology of the drugs at issue in this case. If they can do it so can you…believe me. Smarter than us? Its not hard…so if you find an error let us know. Law Med has expertise in all of the drugs named and their administration, as well as interpretation of toxicology reports, but forensic toxicology is not our forte. If you are a juror of course, you should not be reading this so shame on you and stop now.

During the autopsy, blood samples were obtained from various areas in the body (more on the significance of these multiple samples later), as well as samples from the stomach (gastric) contents, the fluid in the eye (vitreous) and urine. All were tested for various drugs and reported in the final autopsy documents.

Drugs found in Jackson’s system were lorazepam (Ativan), midazolam (Versed), diazepam (Valium), nordiazepam (metabolite of diazepam). ephedrine, lidocaine and propofol (Diprivan). Significant to the case are the lorazepam and propofol results, and to a lesser extent the midazolam and lidocaine. Here they are:

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Diazepam, lorazepam and midazolam are all in the family of drugs known as benzodiazepines, which are sedative hypnotics. Each differs in it’s time to onset of action, duration of action, and metabolization time. Diazepam and lorazepam are common prescriptions in tablet form administered for anxiety and sometimes as a sleep aid. Both were found in pill form in Jackson’s house. Both also are available in IV form for hospital use, and IV lorazepam is sometimes used in surgery. Murray was ordering IV lorazepam in huge amounts, likely administering it IV on a near daily basis. IV administration of any benzodiazepine results in a much faster onset of action and a much more pronounced effect compared to oral administration.

Bezodiazepines have a low toxicity, despite their pronounced depressant effect on the central nervous system. In other words, while they make an individual very sleepy, even unconscious in large amounts, they rarely cause someone to stop breathing. Even in overdose they almost never cause death. In 2008, a total of 78,443 benzodiazepine single-substance exposures were reported to US poison control centers, of which 332 (0.004%) resulted in major toxicity and only 8 (0.0001%) resulted in death. These drugs do however potentiate the effects of propofol, which means when administered together it takes much less propofol to reach a desired (or undesired) effect. This includes respiratory depression or apnea (breathing stops). All benzodiazepines are addictive and prolonged administration can result in tolerance requiring higher and higher amounts to cause the same effect.

Nordiazepam is a metabolite of diazepam, meaning it is formed in the body as diazepam is metabolized (broken down). Ephedrine is a common over the counter sinus medication. Aside from the fact that Murray told police that Jackson was administered a 10 mg valium tablet (relatively small dose) at 1:30 am on the morning of his death the drug plays no part in his death and the amount found in his system was just a trace. Ephedrine, was present in the urine. We will make no mention of either beyond this as they are simply not important.

The midazolam detected in the blood, as well as in the urine, was of a very small amount. Therapeutic blood levels of midazolam is 0.08-0.25 mcg/ml. Here, a plasma concentration of 0.0046 mcg/ml was found. This is a VERY small amount. It was also found in small amounts in the urine. From these results was can conclude that while Jackson received an administration of midazolam sometime in the previous 24-48 hours, he did not receive it the morning of his death and it played no part in his death. The amounts found are just too small. But Murray has claimed that he administered 2 mg IV midazolam at 3:00 am and again at 7:30 am. This appears to be false. Why he would claim this begs understanding, but there is no way it happened according to the blood and urine levels. Midazolam is metabolized and excreted in the urine fairly rapidly, but not THAT rapidly. The elimination ‘half life’, meaning the time it takes to excrete 50% of the drug, is 2-6 hrs. The most significant role midazolam plays, aside from Murray’s falsehood, is that Murray was ordering it in huge amounts, so it clearly was being administered frequently, just not on the morning in question.

Lidocaine is a common local anesthetic which is added to propofol prior to injection in order to minimize the burning sensation which propofol can cause. If you have ever had stitches or a root canal it is likely that you were injected with lidocaine first to numb the area. Lidocaine did not contribute to Jackson’s death. Its only significance is that wherever it is found in Jackson’s system, we also find propofol, as expected.

Lorazepam, a benzodiazepine as we have stated, was available in the Jackson home in both tablet and IV form. It bears pointing out that no patient, regardless of setting, should have access to pill forms of any medications they are also receiving IV. Jackson’s bedroom was littered with bottles of various bezodiazepines including in addition to diazepam and lorazepam, clonazepam (Klonipin) and temazepam (Restoril). A patient can potentially self administer any of these drugs causing dangerous potentiation of other medications, or cause an overdose when the care giver administers an IV medication not knowing about the oral dose.

This is one of the scenarios which the defense is claiming. It has become their position that Jackson took up to 8 lorazepam 2 mg tablets while Murray was out of the room. This is supposedly during the same 2 minutes Murray said he left the room prior to finding Jackson not breathing. Apparently they are inferring that this contributed to Jackson’s death. We can state that this is simply impossible. First, there were no pill fragments found in the stomach on autopsy. Second, absorption of lorazepam from the stomach takes far longer. Jackson would not have had ANY effect from an oral medication in the time frame specified. Third, IF Jackson had taken oral lorazepam in this quantity, one of two things would be seen: either no pills are in the stomach and there is a high blood level, or pills are found in the stomach and there is a low or no blood level. Instead we have no pills and a therapeutic blood level (neither high nor low, but rather the expected level from an appropriate dose). A therapeutic level of lorazepam in the blood is o.o1-0.2 mcg/ml. The blood level of lorazepam in this case is 0.169 mcg/ml, consistent with the IV administration by Dr. Murray (below), and is an expected, non-toxic, therapeutic level.

The coroner’s office did not test the gastric contents for an actual level of lorazepam, since the blood results which showed a low amount of lorazepam, any amount in the stomach would be irrelevant to the cause of death. The defense claims that the amount of lorazepam in the stomach was 4x the amount found in the blood according to subsequent testing they had done. This would not have affected Jackson however, since it is the amount in the bloodstream which affects the patient. Rather they are using this to claim that Jackson took oral lorazepam without Murray’s knowledge, apparently trying to bolster the claim that Jackson swallowed propofol without his knowledge. It seems a far stretch that even IF Jackson took oral lorazepam without Murray knowing (a medication he takes is prescribed and has taken orally many times before), that he would drink propofol (a medication never given to him orally before). Especially when he has someone willing to inject it into him every single night.

Murray has told the police that he administered 2 mg IV lorazepam at 2:00 am and then again at 5:00 am. This is consistent with the toxicology results and is likely the truth. In an average patient, the level of lorazepam in Jackson’s blood would produce noticeable central nervous system depression (very sleepy or sleeping) and would potentiate the effects of any propofol that was given. In Jackson however, who had been receiving benzodiazepines in significant amounts on a daily basis for some time, tolerance may be an issue. A “therapeutic” blood level in such patients is not therapeutic at all and higher blood levels are required to obtain a therapeutic effect. For all of these reasons, lorazepam played little if any role in the death of Michael Jackson.

Now we get down to it. Propofol is our killer here. To learn everything you need to know about the drug propofol, read Law Med’s posting “Propofol Explained: Factual Expert Answers On Jackson Case“.

Evaluation of post mortem blood levels of propofol is fraught with difficulties. This is primarily because of a lack of research into the subject as well as what can only be described as the strange behavior of propofol after a fatal dose. What we do know is gleaned from the handful of published cases of death from either self administered propofol during abuse, or in one case propofol used as a weapon in a homicide. These published cases had post mortem propofol levels which ranged from those lower than would be required to anesthetize a patient to levels which were much higher. It appears that a low post mortem blood level of propofol does not rule out propofol as a cause of death. At the same time there is no evidence of false high levels of propofol post mortem. In other words, levels may be found to be deceptively low even though propofol killed the individual, but they are predictive of propofol ingestion when high, though they can never be said to be indicative of the exact amount of propofol administered.

Baselt’s textbook The Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man (7th edition) mentions that in 5 fatal cases of acute propofol poisoning, postmortem blood propofol levels ranged from 0.5 – 5.3 mcg/ml. The accepted therapeutic blood levels after a typical 2.5 mg/kg anesthesia induction dose of propofol are 1.3– 6.8 mcg/ml. As you can see, the are cases of fatal propofol administration where the blood levels were below those expected to anesthetize a patient and cause breathing to cease. Levels below 1.0 mcg/ml are considered sedation levels.

In this case, the following blood levels were found: Heart blood – 3.2 mcg/ml; Hospital blood – 4.1 mcg/ml; Femoral blood – 2.6 mcg/ml. This puts the propofol blood concentration in Jackson in the ‘therapeutic’ range for someone having a general anesthetic. For an individual who is not intended to be anesthetized to the point of cessation of breathing, the levels found in Jackson are FATAL. There is no doubt, JACKSON DIED FROM PROPOFOL INTOXICATION.

The total amount of propfol found in the stomach was 0.13 mg. Compare this to the amount of propofol necessary to be swallowed if the high blood levels seen are to be reached. If given IV, the dose would have to be an anesthetizing dose in the range of at least 150-200mg, since that is what the high blood levels indicate. That means that IF swallowing the same amount of propofol gave the same effect as injecting it then the amount swallowed would also have to be 150-200 mg. However, it takes MUCH more propofol when swallowed to reach the same blood levels as when given IV due to the manner in which propofol is absorbed in the stomach according to the limited information available in this area. Not a lot of research has been done regarding oral administration of propofol since it was never intended that it be swallowed.

What does this mean? The 0.13 mg of propofol found in the stomach is MINISCULE. Assuming, conservatively, that 200 mg would need to be swallowed to reach the blood levels seen, the 0.13 mg found is 0.00065% of the amount swallowed. The amount which would have to be swallowed in order to reach the blood levels found, even when considering Dr. Murray’s admitted injection of 25 mg IV would be many times the 200mg amount however. This refutes the defense claim that Jackson swallowed propofol causing his own death, as much more propofol would be expected to be found in the gastric contents.

In addition, absorption into the blood stream when a medication is taken orally is MUCH slower than when given IV. Dr. Murray says he was out of the room for only 2 minutes and that when he returned Jackson was not breathing. It is IMPOSSIBLE for any amount of swallowed propofol to cause this in the time frame alleged. It is also impossible that all but 0.13 mg would have been absorbed into the blood stream in this period.

There is another far more plausible explanation for the small amount of propofol being found in the gastric contents. Postmortem redistribution (PMR) refers to the changes that occur in drug concentrations after death. It involves the redistribution of drugs into blood from solid organs such as the lungs, liver, and heart muscle. Postmortem drug concentrations do not necessarily reflect concentrations at the time of death, as drug levels may vary according to the sampling site and the interval between death and specimen collection. The recommended sample site for post mortem toxicology is the femoral vein due to its relative remoteness from solid organs. Vessels and locations closer to solid organs would be expected to have higher concentrations than the femoral vein. PMR can also take place into the stomach. This is the most likely cause of the small amount of propofol found in Jackson’s gastric contents.

Some drugs are more predisposed to PMR than others due to their particular makeup. We know that propofol does undergo some amount of PMR since blood taken from the heart (one of the organs which is know to leak drugs into the blood under PMR) contains more propofol than the femoral vein sample (3.2 vs 2.6 mcg/ml).

FINAL CONCLUSIONS: The evidence does not support the premise that Jackson drank propofol. Could Jackson have self injected propofol in the short time Murray claims he was out of the room? Yes. However, Jackson would not have been dead by the time Murray says he returned. He should easily have been resuscitated. If Jackson self administered propofol in his IV, the Murray remained out of the room for at least 8-10 minutes we estimate. The most likely scenario is that Murray started a propofol infusion after giving Jackson a bolus of propfol and after some amount of time passed Murray believed that Jackson was stable. Murray then left the room to chat on the phone and Jackson stopped breathing. Murray was gone for more than 5 minutes after breathing stopped, and likely much longer. Upon his return he immediately knew he had screwed up and that Jackson was dead. He removed the propofol infusion, hiding it for disposal later, which he did. This explains the delay in calling 911 as Murray panicked and thought about exactly what to do next. The only conclusions we can draw from the toxicology report are that Jackson did receive a dose of propofol sufficient to stop his breathing, and that it was given IV.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:08

People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
MJ's Autopsy Doc Testifies
I Don't Believe MJ Killed Himself
MJ's Coroner -- Dr. Christopher Rogers Testifies

Updated 10/11/11 at 11:22 AM


Michael Jackson's autopsy doctor, Christopher Rogers, told the jury Dr. Murray is to blame for the singer's death.

Rogers testified there was no way Jackson could have self-administered the deadly dose of Propofol during the two minutes Murray told police he left MJ's bedside.

"In order for Mr. Jackson to administer the Propofol to himself, you have to believe that he... woke up, although he was at least to some extent under the influence of other sedatives," Rogers said.

Rogers testified no white substance resembling Propofol was found in MJ's throat, stomach, or esophagus ... suggesting the singer could NOT have taken the drug orally without Murray knowing about it.

Rogers also said no measuring devices were found in the singer's bedroom -- meaning Murray would need to estimate how much Propofol he was giving, and could have easily administered too much Propofol.

According to the examiner, the King of Pop -- who was 5-feet-9 and weighed 136 lbs. -- was well within the normal weight range. The arteries around MJ's heart were free of any fat or cholesterol, showing the singer's heart was healthier than most people his age.

The autopsy showed the 50-year-old singer suffered from an enlarged prostate, Vitiligo, and a chronic inflammation and swelling of the lungs. He also had a polyp in his colon, as well as an area of "irregular pigmentation" on his scalp -- most likely the result of his hair catching fire during the filming of a Pepsi commercial in 1984.

Fun fact: a radiology exam showed MJ had an extra rib.

Rogers told the court he believed a combination of sedatives -- including Propofol -- eventually caused MJ's heart to stop.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:09

ja, da bin ich aber froh ... :D :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:16
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ja, da bin ich aber froh ... :D :D
Ich auch smilie frech 019


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:25

Ich geh dann mal smilie winke 018 schlaft schön und träumt was schönes :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:27

ich gehe auch gleich ... Gute Nacht, schlaf schön ... bis später ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:34

Das finde ich aber noch interassant .... aus dem Forun machen wir dann später .... :D :D ......Nachtiiii

Nun ja, der Rechtsmediziner sagte, daß er es für unwahrscheinlich hält, daß MJ in nur 2 Minuten in der Lage gewesen wäre, sich selbst Propofol zu injizieren.
Hierbei geht er davon aus, daß die Zeitangaben von Murray richtig sind.

Wir wissen aber auch, daß Murray lange Telefonate geführt hat. War er während dieser Telefonate in MJ's Schlafzimmer, also in dem Raum, in dem MJ verzweifelt versuchte einzuschlafen?

Oder war es nicht eher so, daß Murray MJ viel länger alleine gelassen hat (wovon ich ziemlich überzeugt bin) ?
Und wenn Murray MJ viel länger allein gelassen hat, dann hatte MJ sehr wohl die Möglichkeit, sich selbst Propofol zu injizieren, oder auch Lorazepam zu schlucken.

Nun hat Murray aber nur diese 2 Minuten Abwesenheit angegeben, um darzustellen, daß er MJ überwacht hat.
Ich bezweifle stark, daß er nur diese 2 Minuten abwesend war.
Wenn er, Murray, das zugeben würde, dann stände er zwar wegen fehlender Überwachung eines narkotisierten Patienten schlecht da, aber die zeitliche Möglichkeit einer Selbsteinnahme durch MJ wäre gegeben.

Was wäre nun schlimmer?
Mal sehen, ob die Verteidigung die Aussage von Murray zum zeitlichen Ablauf ändert.

Wenn Murray nichts geglaubt wird, warum dann ausgerechnet diese 2 Minuten?

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:37
nur dieses Bild bringt abc NEWS ... die Medien überschlagen sich und schreiben noch nicht viel ... verbreiten oft nur das Bild ... :(

Warning: Graphic Michael Jackson Autopsy Photo

Oct. 11, 2011

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A photo of Michael Jackson post mortem is shown, after being presented as evidence during the Conrad Murray trial, Oct. 11, 2011. (ABC)

A photo of Michael Jackson post mortem is shown, after being presented as evidence during the Conrad Murray manslaughter trial, Oct. 11, 2011.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:44

Fürchterlich .............


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.10.2011 um 01:46
Michael Jackson's Kids Asked to See Singer's Dead Body

By JIM AVILA (@JimAvilaABC) , KAITLYN FOLMER (@ABCKaitlyn) and JESSICA HOPPER (@jesshop23)
LOS ANGELES Oct. 11, 2011

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Paris Jackson attends the Jackson Family donation event at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Aug. 8, 2011. (Jason LaVeris/Getty Images)

A crying Paris Jackson asked to see the body of her father Michael Jackson one last time and sobbed that she didn't want to be an orphan.

"You know, I will wake up in the morning and I won't be able to see my daddy," Dr. Conrad Murray recounted to police two days after the king of pop's death.

"She [Paris] cried and was very stark and then she asked to see him," Murray said.

Jurors in Murray's manslaughter trial listened to a taped interview of Murray describing to police how Jackson's children, Prince, Paris and Blanket, reacted to the king of pop's shocking death.

When Murray, accompanied by Jackson's personal assistant and manager, told Jackson's children that the singer was dead, they weeped. Murray told police that he hugged the children to comfort them.

"After they cried and cried and cried, then his daughter uttered a lot of words of unhappiness...she will live alone without her dad and she didn't want to be an orphan," Murray told police in the July 27, 2009 interview.

Paris, then just 11 years old, asked Murray why he couldn't save her father.

"She asked me, Dr. Murray, you said you save a lot of patients. You know, you save people with heart attacks and you couldn't save my dad. I said, I tried my best," Muray told police.

Murray asked emergency room doctors at UCLA Medical Center to prepare the singer's body for his children to say goodbye to him. Murray also described the reaction of Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, to her son's death.

Katherine Jackson interrupted doctors as they broke the bad news by saying, "He's not dead is he?" Murray told police.

"She broke down and began weeping. We stayed there, held her hand. The doctor left. I stayed and then I asked for the social workers to come in," Murray says on the tape.

The taped interview of Murray was done two days after Jackson died of a drug overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol on June 25, 2009. It was conducted by Los Angeles Police detectives in the presence of Murray's attorneys.

Katherine Jackson and her daughter, Rebbie Jackson, were in the courtroom today as the tape played. They showed little emotion. Jurors did not look at the family but were engrossed in reading a transcript of the interview.

Last week, jurors heard Murray's detailed account of the sedatives and propofol he administered to Jackson on the day he died. He and his defense team claim that Jackson himself took a lethal dose of propofol and another sedative without Murray's knowledge. Murray claims he was trying to wean the addicted Jackson off of propofol.

Propofol is an anesthetic that is typically administered in a hospital setting and is a milky substance. Jackson referred to it as his "milk" and begged Murray claims he begged for it on the day he died.

Prosecutors argue that Murray recklessly administered the drugs and when he should have been monitoring Jackson, he was instead talking to his girlfriend and working on his contract to be Jackson's personal physician on his comeback tour.

In addition to the details revealed about Jackson's family, Murray revealed details about the singer's health. Jackson, 50, had horrible eyesight and did not eat and drink regularly, Murray says on the tape.

"He don't drink and eat. He says all his life his mother has had to force him to eat. ..the foods that he eats when he eats are basically chicken and rice," Murray says to police.

In the months before he died, Jackson was having trouble urinating, Murray told police. When police asked Murray about rotten marijuana and empty cigarette packs found in a bedroom that Jackson didn't allow Murray or any one else to enter, Murray seemed surprised.

Murray said he didn't know the singer to smoke, but said he wore excessive cologne.

" never understood how he sprayed that much on…it could have been to dismiss any odor," Murray told police.

Detective Scott Smith helped conduct the police interview. He told jurors today that Murray appeared shocked when police revealed to him that they hadn't yet found his medical bags at the time of the interview.

"His eyes got bigger, wider as if he was surprised," Smith said.

Those three bags contained vials of propofol, saline bags and a blood pressure cuff.

Smith said that until the police interview, Murray had not told any one that he had given Jackson propofol.

