MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!
08.10.2011 um 11:12Dr. Adams, der ein ausgebildeter und erfahrener Anästhesist ist, wehrt sich !!!
date: Oct 7 2011
Libo Agwara
Attorney for Dr. David Adams
Adams is an Anesthesiologist
+says Dr. Adams has only met Murray once
+says Murray is lying
+says his client has only given Michael Jackson propofol 4 times in 2008 in a medical setting when Michael had
+says murray told Dr. Adams he could get somebody to join the tour for less money than his client was asking
+says his client turned down murray's offer to join murray on the London tour
+says Murray was pressuring local doctors to give MJ propofol as far back as 2007 (admin note: woah!)
+says murray overruled Michael jackson and hired himself (murray)
+says murray didn't want anybody else close to MJ
+says murray had total control over MJ
+says murray killed MJ himself
+says will be looking to file a lawsuit against Conrad Murray
+says Adams will sue Murray
+says Adams is very angry
+says Adams does not administer propofol to anyone outside of a medical setting
Dank an geli2709 aus dem Forumhttp://www.mjackson.net/forum/showthread.php?15235-07.10.2011-9.-Tag-Diskusion/page16
Issues w/ JVM HLNFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Er habe MJ lediglich im Jahre 2008 innerhalb einer Klinik 4x Propofol verabreicht.
Murray hätte MJ total kontrolliert und keinen weiteren Arzt an seiner Seite geduldet.
Murray hätte MJ getötet und dies ganz allein zu verantworten.
Dr. Adams sei wegen der Falschaussage, Unterstellung und Verleumdung durch Murray sehr verärgert und werde ihn deswegen verklagen.
date: Oct 7 2011
Libo Agwara
Attorney for Dr. David Adams
Adams is an Anesthesiologist
+says Dr. Adams has only met Murray once
+says Murray is lying
+says his client has only given Michael Jackson propofol 4 times in 2008 in a medical setting when Michael had
+says murray told Dr. Adams he could get somebody to join the tour for less money than his client was asking
+says his client turned down murray's offer to join murray on the London tour
+says Murray was pressuring local doctors to give MJ propofol as far back as 2007 (admin note: woah!)
+says murray overruled Michael jackson and hired himself (murray)
+says murray didn't want anybody else close to MJ
+says murray had total control over MJ
+says murray killed MJ himself
+says will be looking to file a lawsuit against Conrad Murray
+says Adams will sue Murray
+says Adams is very angry
+says Adams does not administer propofol to anyone outside of a medical setting
Dank an geli2709 aus dem Forum