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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:34
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ja, das tut auch mal ganz gut ... :D :D und dann voraussichtlich noch 3 bis 4 Wochen ... :D
Kann er es nicht einfach zugeben :( :( ...... auch wenn er eingeschlafen ist oder so .....ach ich weiß auch nicht :(

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:36
Michael Jackson Death Trial: Conrad Murray's Police Interview Played in Court

By JIM AVILA (@JimAvilaABC) , KAITLYN FOLMER (@ABCKaitlyn) and JESSICA HOPPER (@jesshop23)
LOS ANGELES Oct. 7, 2011


Jurors have begun listening to Conrad Murray's interview with police officers in the days after Michael Jackson died, allowing the jury and Jackson fans to hear Murray's account of the singer's final moments alive.

Prosecutors in the Conrad Murray manslaughter trial began playing the tape shortly before the jurors went to lunch. They are expected to hear the rest of the more than two hour interview when they return from their break.

The interview was conducted by Los Angeles police detectives on June 27, 2009, just two days after Jackson died of a drug overdose. It was conducted at the Ritz Carlton in Marina del Ray, Calif., where Murray's attorneys were staying. Murray could face four years in prison if convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the king of pop's death.

The interview has never been played publicly before. Since the trial began, all recordings of Murray's voice have been from the day Jackson died.

On the tiny portion of the recording played so far, Murray says that he first treated Jackson and his three children for the flu in 2006 while they were staying Las Vegas. He tells police that he treated Jackson intermittenly since then.

When asked about whether Murray knew if Jackson had any other doctors, Murray says, "He never disclosed that to me, but because he moved around so much, I would assume that he was."

That statement could raise juror's eyebrows. Jurors have seen pictures and heard testimony that on nightstands next to the bed where Jackson died and where Murray administered propofol to the singer were vials of prescription pills prescribed by at least two other doctors than Murray.

In addition to the police interview, jurors also watched surveillance video of Conrad Murray leaving the UCLA Medical Center after Jackson was declared dead.

Detective Scott Smith told jurors that he went to the hospital on the day Jackson died, but was unable to track Murray down for an interview. He did talk briefly to Jackson's bodyguard and driver.

Smith said that the day after Jackson died, Jackson's family alerted him and the coroner of additional evidence found in the master bathroom of Jackson's mansion.

Pictures of the master bathroom showed a messy space with drawers open,notes taped to windows and things covering the floor.

The evidence included three empty pill bottles and a shaving bag full of rotten marijuana. Smith said police at first thought the marijuana was heroin.

The playing of the police interview and surveillance video marks a shift from two days of forensic evidence in the case, including fingerprint evidence and Jackson's toxicology report.

On Thursday, a Los Angeles County toxicologist detailed the drugs found in the king of pop's body at the time he died. Propofol, the powerful anesthetic, that Jackson overdosed on was found in both his stomach contents and his blood.

Jackson died at age 50 after a night of rehearsing for his comeback tour, "This Is It." He came home the night before, threw his black jacket on the bathroom floor and tried to sleep. Prosecutors claim that Murray recklessly administered propofol and other drugs to the singer to help him sleep and failed to properly monitor Jackson while he was under the influence of the drugs.

Defense attorney Ed Chernoff said in opening statements that Jackson was a desperate insomniac.

"Michael Jackson swallowed up to eight pills on his own, without telling his doctor. Michael Jackson self-administered an additional dose of propofol," Chernoff said on Sept. 27.

The testimony of toxicologist Dan Anderson might have cast doubt on the possibility of Jackson swallowing a lethal combination of pills and propofol.

The singer's stomach only had .13 milligrams of propofol in it, an amount that typically wouldn't be lethal.

Prosecutor David Walgren asked the toxicologist if that amount was "the equivalent of specks of sugar crystals from a one gram sugar packet you might see in a restaurant."

Anderson said that Walgren's comparison is accurate.

The amount of propofol in Jackson's blood was far greater. Propofol is typically administered intravenously and in a hospital setting. If the drug was administered through an IV, it would show up in Jackson's blood.

In vials of blood taken from Jackson's dead body at the UCLA Medical Center, there was 4.2 micrograms of propofol present.

In addition to the toxicology report, prosecutors read the fingerprint analysis done on items found in the Jackson home. A bottle of propofol had Murray's left index fingerprint. Jackson's fingerprints were not on any of the items tested which included a syringe, two propofol bottles and two saline IV bags.

The fingerprint evidence was not all good news for prosecutors. Mystery fingerprints were found on both a cut saline bag and a propofol bottle that was found inside the bag.

The fingerprints found on both did not belong to Murray, Jackson, Jackson's bodyguard who claimed to have moved the IV bag, or any of the investigators or first responders.

"Fingerprint evidence can be confusing because on the one hand, if you find someone's fingerprint, it's significant…If you don't find someone's fingerprint, it doesn't necessarily mean someone wasn't there," said ABC News' legal analyst Dan Abrams.

Murray's defense attorney attempted to cast shadow over the thorougness of the investigation into Michael Jackson's death during the cross-examination of a coroner investigator Thursday.

Defense attorney Chernoff repeatedly asked investigator Elissa Fleak from the Los Angeles coroner's office whether she made mistakes when gathering evidence and taking photos at Jackson's rented mansion after he died of a drug overdose.

"You made substantial number of mistakes in your investigation of this case," Chernoff asked.

"No," Fleak responded.

On Wednesday, prosecutors painstakingly went through photos taken by Fleak at Jackson's home and of a dead Jackson at the UCLA Medical Center.

The photos ranged from an ambu bag on the floor to a jug of Jackson's urine to vials upon vials of propofol and other drugs found on Jackson's nightstand and in three bags in his closet.

Fleak admitted that her fingerprints were on a syringe that she had moved and that she had mistakenly referred to a catheter as a broken syringe in her report.

Upon cross-examination, she potentially dealt a blow to prosecutors by saying that an IV bag did not appear to have the milky residue of propofol, seeming to contradict her own testimony given Wednesday. Fleak told jurors Wednesday that she'd recovered an IV bag that had been slit and had propofol in it from a blue Costco bag in Jackson's closet. Today, she said a picture of that IV bag didn't look like it had any of the drug's residue.

In addition to giving a seemingly contradictory statement, Fleak also admitted to jurors that she never noted that the slit IV bag had a propofol vial in it until March of this year. Fleak also said that Jackson's home was not secured after she gathered evidence.

"I think they [the defense] made a little bit of headway. I don't think that this is the strongest part of their defense...that the investigation was sloppy," said legal analyst Abrams.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:38

Ich seh mir das Morgen alles an was sie jetzt so schreiben ..... wünsche eine gute Nacht und süße
Träume smilie sleep 052


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:39
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Kann er es nicht einfach zugeben :( :( ...... auch wenn er eingeschlafen ist oder so .....ach ich weiß auch nicht :(
da können wir wohl lange warten, bis Murray alles zugeben würde ... er plädiert auf NICHT Schuldig ...
und davon weichen die (Murray und seine Verteidiger) auch nicht ab ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:41

das wünsche ich dir auch ... gehe auch gleich in meine Heia ...

Schlaf schön, Gute Nacht .... bis später ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:48
Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray told police he took all possible precautions
By Crimesider Staff Topics Daily Blotter

October 7, 2011 5:52 PM

AP111006149202 244x183

(CBS/AP) LOS ANGELES - The doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death tells detectives in a recorded interview that he took all possible precautions for the singer's safety before giving him a powerful anesthetic.

Dr. Conrad Murray is heard telling the detectives that he kept oxygen nearby and a fingertip monitor to check the singer's oxygen saturation level.

The tape of Murray's interview by police, two days after Jackson died in June 2009, is being played for jurors by the prosecution on the 9th day of Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial for Jackson's death.

Prosecutors contend Murray was reckless and the equipment wasn't adequate to properly monitor Jackson while he was sedated with the anesthetic propofol.

The doctor tells detectives that he was giving the singer propofol daily for two months except for three days before Jackson's death to try to wean the singer off the drug.

Also on the tape, Murray is heard telling detectives that Jackson had trouble sleeping, saying the the pop superstar was "not able to sleep naturally."

Murray told the police that he stayed at Jackson's home every night except for Sundays. He also details actions after the singer returned home from rehearsal for his comeback concerts.

Murray told the detectives that he rubbed skin cream on the singer's back and then gave him a small dose of the sedative lorazepam, but that Jackson remained awake. Murray then says he gave Jackson another sedative, Versed, but the singer was still wide awake. (Archiv-Version vom 08.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:50
Schlaf schön, ja morgen ist auch noch ein Tag, da kann man bestimmt viele lesen. :D

Ich gucke mir gerade noch mal medizinische Seiten an.. :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:53

ich gehe jetzt auch in meine Heia ...
schlaf nachher schön ... Gute Nacht ... bis später ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 00:55

Schlaf du auch schön, ja und bis später :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 01:46
Das vollständige Transcript von Dr. Conrad Murrays 2stündigem Polizei Verhör am 27. Juni 2009 --
zwei Tage nachdem Michael Jackson verstorben ist ...

Dr. Conrad Murray
The FULL Police Interview

44 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF


Here's the full transcript of Dr. Conrad Murray's two-hour police interview on June 27, 2009 -- two days after Michael Jackson died.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 09:09
Übersetzung für Inconsistency = Widersprüchlichkeit ~ Unstimmigkeit ~ Ungereimheit
also doch ... er muß MJ bereits um 10:52 h NICHT atmend vorgefunden haben ... so hat er es zwei Tage nach MJs Tod ausgesagt ...

Dr. Conrad Murray
Massive Inconsistency In Murray's Story

Gewaltige Widersprüchlichkeiten in Murrays Story

10/7/2011 2:45 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


Dr. Conrad Murray's interview with LAPD detectives reveals a huge inconsistency that could weigh heavily with the jury.

In the tape, Dr. Murray says he left Michael Jackson's room for only 2 minutes to go to the bathroom, and when he came back Michael Jackson was not breathing. Murray says he immediately began performing CPR.
Auf dem Band, sagt Murray, dass er MJs Zimmer für NUR 2 Minuten verlassen hat, um in das Badezimmer zu gehen und als er zurückkam, atmete MJ nicht mehr ... Murray sagt, er begann sofort CPR auszuführen

But according to Sade Anding, Murray's Houston girlfriend who was on the phone with Murray, she says she was talking to him for a while when suddenly it appeared Murray dropped the phone and the emergency commenced.

So now there are competing stories -- Either Murray went to the bathroom as he told cops, or he was on the phone -- possibly distracted. If jurors believe Anding and the phone records, they could easily conclude Murray lied to cops.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 09:34
das wurde bereits heute um 01:46 h eingestellt .... zwischenzeitlich erfolgte ein Update ...

Dr. Murray's Police Interview
What the Jury Hasn't Heard ...

10/7/2011 4:53 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

Link zum Transcript

The jury only heard half of Dr. Conrad Murray's dramatic 2-hour interview with police today -- in which Murray admitted he pumped Michael Jackson full of sedatives before he died -- and now, here's the other half ... you have to read it to believe it.

Among the highlights ...

-- Murray details an emotional encounter with Katherine Jackson just moments after she hears the news
-- Murrays Einzelheiten, einer emotionalen Begegnung mit Katherine Jackson nur wenige Augenblicke, nachdem sie die Nachricht hört
-- she asks him if he knows how Michael died. Murray says he doesn't.
-- sie fragt ihn, ob er weiß, wie Michael starb. Murray sagt, er weiß es nicht.
-- Murray claims Joe Jackson never showed up at the hospital the day MJ died.
-- Murray behauptet, dass sich Joe Jackson nie in der Klinik zeigte, am Tag als MJ gestorben ist.
-- And ... Murray explains why security cameras caught him exiting the hospital at 4:30PM.
-- Und ... Murray erklärt, warum Überwachungskameras ihn beim Verlassen des Krankenhauses um 4:30 Uhr "erwischt" haben.

The jury will hear the remainder of the recording when the trial resumes on Tuesday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 09:56
aus dem Eintrag #156 von geli2709 ... vielen Dank ...

Dr. Adams, der ein ausgebildeter und erfahrener Anästhesist ist, wehrt sich !!!

Er habe MJ lediglich im Jahre 2008 innerhalb einer Klinik 4x Propofol verabreicht.
Murray hätte MJ total kontrolliert und keinen weiteren Arzt an seiner Seite geduldet.
Murray hätte MJ getötet und dies ganz allein zu verantworten.
Dr. Adams sei wegen der Falschaussage, Unterstellung und Verleumdung durch Murray sehr verärgert und werde ihn deswegen verklagen.

Issues w/ JVM HLN
date: Oct 7 2011
Libo Agwara

Attorney for Dr. David Adams
Adams is an Anesthesiologist

+says Dr. Adams has only met Murray once
+says Murray is lying
+says his client has only given Michael Jackson propofol 4 times in 2008 in a medical setting when Michael had
+says murray told Dr. Adams he could get somebody to join the tour for less money than his client was asking
+says his client turned down murray's offer to join murray on the London tour
+says Murray was pressuring local doctors to give MJ propofol as far back as 2007 (admin note: woah!)
+says murray overruled Michael jackson and hired himself (murray)
+says murray didn't want anybody else close to MJ
+says murray had total control over MJ
+says murray killed MJ himself
+says will be looking to file a lawsuit against Conrad Murray
+says Adams will sue Murray
+says Adams is very angry
+says Adams does not administer propofol to anyone outside of a medical setting,com_jdownloads/Itemid,112/catid,51/cid,198/task,

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 10:00
das vollständige Transript gibt es auch bei MJJ 777 (Archiv-Version vom 11.03.2016)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 10:16
Murray: Michael bettelte um Betäubungsmittel
zuletzt aktualisiert: 08.10.2011 - 09:50

dpa 147E7600284D03BB4e81cde310d4

Los Angeles (RPO). Mit Spannung war die Aussage des wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagten Leibarztes Conrad Murray von Michael Jackson erwarten worden. Seiner Aussage nach habe Jackson um Propofol gebettelt.

Nach eigenen Angaben wollte Murray den verstorbenen Popstarvon seiner Abhängigkeit von dem starken Betäubungsmittel Propofol befreien. In dem Prozess gegen Murray in Los Angeles wurden am Freitag die Tonaufnahmen einer Befragung des Arztes durch die Polizei zwei Tage nach Jacksons Tod vorgespielt. Murray gibt darin zu Protokoll, er habe drei Tage vor Jacksons Tod damit begonnen, den Musiker von dem Medikament zu entwöhnen, das dieser als Schlafmittel nutzte und das zu seinem Tod geführt haben soll.

Die Nacht vor seinem Tod habe Jackson nicht schlafen können, sagte Murray der Polizei. Er habe ihm vergeblich andere Schlafmittel verabreicht, in den Morgenstunden habe ihm Jackson dann gesagt: "Ich muss schlafen, Dr. Conrad (...). Sie wissen, ich kann nicht funktionieren, wenn ich keinen Schlaf bekomme." Jackson habe dann um seine "Milch" gebeten, so habe er Propofol genannt, sagte Conrad: "Bitte, bitte, geben Sie mir etwas Milch, damit ich schlafen kann." Gegen 10.40 Uhr morgens habe er ihm dann 25 Milligramm Propofol gespritzt.

Er sei dann gegen 11 Uhr auf die Toilette gegangen, sagte Murray weiter. Als er nach "ungefähr zwei Minuten" an das Bett des Popstars zurückgekehrt sei, habe dieser nicht mehr geatmet. Er habe daraufhin umgehend mit einer Herz-Lungenmassage begonnen. Unklar ist bislang, warum noch fast eineinhalb Stunden verstrichen, bis um 12.20 Uhr der Notarzt gerufen wurde. Der Arzt machte auch keine Angaben über mehrere Telefonate, die er in der Zeit geführt haben soll.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Murray vor, Jackson eine Überdosis Propofol gegeben und ihn dann vernachlässigt zu haben. Die Verteidigung argumentiert, der unter Schlafstörungen leidende Jackson habe sich selbst einen tödlichen Cocktail aus Propofol und Lorazepam verabreicht, während Murray nicht im Raum war. Dem Arzt drohen bei einer Verurteilung bis zu vier Jahre Haft.

Nach den Angaben, die Murray bei der Polizei machte, war Jackson schwer von Propofol abhängig, kannte die Dosierungen und spritzte sich das Medikament auch immer wieder selbst. Er habe ihm gesagt, dass seine Vorgänger als Leibärzte ihm mit Propofol schon 15 bis 18 Stunden Schlaf am Stück ermöglicht hätten, sagte Murray.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 10:20
Newsticker 05:48

Polizei-Tonband: Murray beschreibt Jacksons letzte Stunden

Los Angeles (dpa) – Im Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons früheren Arzt haben die Geschworenen erstmals Conrad Murray gehört, allerdings vom Band. Die Aufnahme einer Befragung der Polizei wurde abgespielt. Dabei hatte Murray zwei Tage nach Jacksons Tod zugegeben, dem Sänger verschiedene Medikamente verabreicht zu haben. Murray sagt außerdem, er habe gut auf Jackson aufgepasst und sei nur kurz auf der Toilette gewesen. Als er zurückkam, habe Jackson leblos auf dem Bett gelegen. Eine Bekannte sagt dagegen, sie habe in der Nacht länger mit Murray telefoniert. Ihm wird fahrlässige Tötung vorgeworfen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 10:25
das war VOR den Tape-Aufnahmen von Murray ... :)

Murrays Verteidiger sammelte Pluspunkte

LOS ANGELES. Der Verteidiger von Conrad Murray, dem man „fahrlässige Tötung“ von Michael Jackson vorwirft, konnte vor Gericht Pluspunkte sammeln.

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Ed Chernoff, der den Arzt vertritt, nahm die Ermittlerin der Gerichtsmedizin, Elissa Fleak, hart ins Kreuzverhör. Und rang ihr das Geständnis ab, bei der Sicherung der Beweismittel (Medikamente) in Jacksons Schlafzimmer Fehler begangen zu haben. Fleak ließ nämlich Fingerabdrücke zurück und versäumte es, den Inhalt einer Flasche am Bett des Sängers auf Medikamentenspuren zu testen.

Laut Anklage hatte Murray dem Popstar starke Schlaf- und Narkosemittel gegeben, die im Juni 2009 zum Tod des Sängers führten. Die Verteidigung will nun beweisen, dass der an Schlaflosigkeit leidende Patient ohne Wissen seines Arztes selbst zu dem Narkosemittel Propofol und einer Handvoll Beruhigungspillen gegriffen hat.,731164


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 10:30
Court told of Jackson 'dependency'

(UKPA) – 2 hours ago

ALeqM5itakrpU4iSArgNVQGiw0Y1d8kt w
Dr Conrad Murray listens to proceedings during his involuntary manslaughter trial over the death of Michael Jackson (AP)

Conrad Murray has described how he spent months trying to help Michael Jackson through a raging case of insomnia, giving him nightly infusions of an anaesthetic until realising the singer was becoming addicted.

The medic's account, in an interview with police that was played publicly for the first time during his trial, was so detailed and graphic that Jackson's sister Rebbie ran from the courtroom during the description of the singer's death scene.

The interview took place two days after Jackson's death, and in it Murray is heard describing his relationship with the star, the medications he gave him and the efforts to save his life.

Murray sounded calm, speaking in a lightly accented voice. As he neared the end of his story, emotion crept in.

"I loved Mr Jackson," he told the detectives. "He was my friend. He opened up to me in different ways. I wanted to help him... I cared for him. I had no intention of hurting him. I did not want him to fail."

But he added: "I realised Michael Jackson had a dependency and I was trying to wean him off it."

The June 27 2009 interview outside a noisy hotel ballroom gave police their first hint that Jackson's death was not from natural causes and that he had been given the powerful anaesthetic propofol in an effort to cure his extreme insomnia.

"He's not able to sleep naturally," Murray told the detectives early in the interview.

Prosecutors contend that Murray was reckless by giving Jackson propofol outside of a hospital setting and without the proper monitoring equipment. They claim he gave the singer a lethal dose of the drug and other sedatives on the day Jackson died.

But defence lawyers say Jackson gave himself the lethal dose after Murray left the room. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Copyright © 2011 The Press Association (Archiv-Version vom 09.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 10:36
Conrad Murray trial: Murray describes day Jackson died
Friday, October 07, 2011

By Miriam Hernandez and Darsha Philips

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- In an interview with LAPD detectives two days after Michael Jackson's death, Conrad Murray described the singer as under pressure to perform and desperate to sleep.

Prosecutors began playing the roughly two-hour audio recording on Friday during day nine of the involuntary manslaughter trial. The interview had never been played for the public before, and a transcript of its contents had never been released.

The interview was conducted by Det. Scott Smith and another detective in a hotel lobby. At the time of the interview, there was no suspicion that Murray may have caused the death because it was not yet a homicide investigation.

Investigators walked Murray through a timeline. The cardiologist started with Jackson's partial rehearsal the night before and then heading home to bed. Jackson was fitful and couldn't fall asleep.

Murray said he set up an IV, inserting it in Jackson's leg because according to Murray, Jackson's other veins were ruined. He gave him valium first, "and then I gave him additional medications safely."

The first of several anti-anxiety meds were given, and then about an hour later, Jackson complained that he was still awake. Murray said he gave Jackson midazolam next, and he urged meditation.

But Jackson couldn't sleep by 4:30 a.m.

"And then he complained. 'I got to sleep Dr. Conrad. I have these rehearsals to perform. I must be ready for the show in England. Tomorrow I will have to cancel my performance,'" Murray said. "'I cannot function if I don't get the sleep.'"

Murray told detectives he gave Jackson more midazolam at 10:30 a.m., but nothing worked. Jackson complained again and asked for milk - his word for the powerful sedative propofol.

He said he hedged on using propofol because he had been trying to wean Jackson off of what had been a six-night-a-week habit. But in the end, Murray admitted he gave Jackson about 25 milligrams of propofol administered through the IV in the singer's leg.

Jackon slept, and Murray watched for a time.

"I monitored him. I sat there and watched him for (a) long enough period that I felt comfortable. Then I needed to go to the bathroom," he said.

Murray said he came back and realized Jackson wasn't breathing.

"His body was warm, there was no change in color, so I assumed that everything happened very quickly," Murray said. "So I started immediately to perform CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation."

He said he was unable to call 911 right away because the phones in the house did not work, and he didn't know the address. He called Jackson's assistant, and then asked Jackson's chef to call security. Eventually, a security guard called 911.

Murray went on to tell the detectives how he was baffled by the death, that he didn't understand what went wrong, and that was why he asked for the autopsy.

The interview revealed an inconsistency that jurors will have to contend with. Murray told detectives that he was only gone briefly and returned to Jackson's bedside, but earlier this week, one of Murray's girlfriends, Sade Anding, testified she was on the phone with Murray at around the time Jackson stopped breathing.

Murray did not show any emotion in court as the recording was played. Prosecutors will play the rest of the audio recording on Tuesday when court is back in session.

Earlier on Friday, coroner investigator Elissa Fleak was brought back to the stand after Thursday's testimony revealed possible errors in her work. Fleak admitted to moving evidence and contaminating a piece of evidence with her thumbprint.

The defense drew testimony to highlight that she collected the evidence on two different days, the day of death and then days later when an investigator told her to go back and search the closets. For at least two days, the doors of the house were left unlocked.

But prosecutors on Friday put up pictures that showed the crime scene didn't change from her first visit to her second visit.

Toxicologist Dan Anderson also finished his testimony of drugs found in the singer's body. He testified that he detected propofol in Jackson's blood, liver and urine.

Defense attorney Michael Flanagan claimed Jackson ingested seven or eight pills of lorazepam, but Anderson testified that the amount of lorazepam found in the stomach was .046599 milligrams, which amounts to about 1/43rd of a single 2-milligram tablet.

"It's a very small amount," he said.

Murray is on trial for involuntary manslaughter for Jackson's sudden death on June 25, 2009, at the age of 50. Prosecutors allege Murray tried to hide the fact that he had been giving propofol to Jackson.

Murray, 58, has pleaded not guilty and has denied any wrongdoing. If convicted, he could face up to four years in prison and lose his medical license.

The trial is expected to last five weeks, with Oct. 28 being the estimated last day.

(Copyright ©2011 KABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.) (Archiv-Version vom 08.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 10:48
Samstag, 08. Oktober 2011

Jackson-ProzessGeschworene hören Tonband

Im Juni 2009, zwei Tage nach dem Tod Michael Jacksons, steht dessen früherer Leibarzt Polizisten Rede und Antwort. Einen Mitschnitt der damaligen Befragung von Conrad Murray bekommen nun erstmals auch die Geschworenen zu hören. Der Sänger hätte um seine "Milch" gebettelt, erklärte Murray.

Img 3 4 220 2011-10-07T231413Z-01-LOA13-
Conrad Murray klärt die Polizei über Jacksons "Milch" auf.

Der wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagte Leibarzt von Michael Jackson wollte den verstorbenen Popstar nach eigenen Angaben von seiner Abhängigkeit von dem starken Betäubungsmittel Propofol befreien. In dem Prozess gegen Conrad Murray in Los Angeles wurden die Tonaufnahmen einer Befragung des Arztes durch die Polizei zwei Tage nach Jacksons Tod vorgespielt. Murray gibt darin zu Protokoll, er habe drei Tage vor Jacksons Tod damit begonnen, den Musiker von dem Medikament zu entwöhnen, das dieser als Schlafmittel nutzte und das zu seinem Tod geführt haben soll.

Die Nacht vor seinem Tod habe Jackson nicht schlafen können, sagte Murray der Polizei. Er habe ihm vergeblich andere Schlafmittel verabreicht, in den Morgenstunden habe ihm Jackson dann gesagt: "Ich muss schlafen, Dr. Conrad (...). Sie wissen, ich kann nicht funktionieren, wenn ich keinen Schlaf bekomme." Jackson habe dann um seine "Milch" gebeten, so habe er Propofol genannte, sagte Conrad: "Bitte, bitte, geben Sie mir etwas Milch, damit ich schlafen kann." Gegen 10.40 Uhr morgens habe er ihm dann 25 Milligramm Propofol gespritzt.

Er sei dann gegen 11.00 Uhr auf die Toilette gegangen, sagte Murray weiter. Als er nach "ungefähr zwei Minuten" an das Bett des Popstars zurückgekehrt sei, habe dieser nicht mehr geatmet. Er habe daraufhin umgehend mit einer Herz-Lungenmassage begonnen. Unklar ist bislang, warum noch fast eineinhalb Stunden verstrichen, bis um 12.20 Uhr der Notarzt gerufen wurde. Der Arzt machte auch keine Angaben über mehrere Telefonate, die er in der Zeit geführt haben soll.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Murray vor, Jackson eine Überdosis Propofol gegeben und ihn dann vernachlässigt zu haben. Die Verteidigung argumentiert, der unter Schlafstörungen leidende Jackson habe sich selbst einen tödlichen Cocktail aus Propofol und Lorazepam verabreicht, während Murray nicht im Raum war. Dem Arzt drohen bei einer Verurteilung bis zu vier Jahre Haft.

Nach den Angaben, die Murray bei der Polizei machte, war Jackson schwer von Propofol abhängig, kannte die Dosierungen und spritzte sich das Medikament auch immer wieder selbst. Er habe ihm gesagt, dass seine Vorgänger als Leibärzte ihm mit Propofol schon 15 bis 18 Stunden Schlaf am Stück ermöglicht hätten, sagte Murray.
