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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:21
na, mal sehen, wie oft der Bericht doch noch geändert wird ... :D :D

People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
Murray Lost Track of Time
UCLA Cardiologist -- Dr. Thao Nguyen Testifies
Updated 10/03/11 at 11:48 AM


Dr. Thao Nguyen -- the cardiologist who was called into MJ's trauma room -- said Dr. Murray was fuzzy on the crucial moments leading up to MJ's death, saying, Murray "did not have any concept of time."

She said Murray couldn't remember when he administered Lorazepam, or when MJ stopped breathing ... because, as he told her, he didn't have a watch.

Dr. Nguyen also said Murray looked "devastated" and "desperate" when he begged doctors to "not give up easily" on MJ.

Dr. Joanne Pashard, a Houston doctor who shared a patient with Dr. Murray, took the stand. She testified that on the morning of MJ's death, she called Murray to ask him some information about his former patient and he had no problem remembering specific details about the patient.

Bridgette Morgan -- a friend of Murray's -- took the stand. She said she called Murray on his cell phone the morning Michael went into distress. (Archiv-Version vom 08.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:22
Na von Der Familie waren ja doch einige da :D :D doch schön :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:25

wen hast du gesehen ????


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:26
der Flanagan hatte gerade ein kurzes Interview ... er hat darum gebeten, dass die Kinder von MJ nicht angerufen werden sollen ... :)

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:28

Jermaine mit Frau ,Rabbie oder wie die heißt ...........und wer noch???.... hab zu spät hingesehen :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:29
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:der Flanagan hatte gerade ein kurzes Interview ... er hat darum gebeten, dass die Kinder von MJ nicht angerufen werden sollen ... :)
Ich hatte was von Murray`s Kids verstanden hmmmmmmmm

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:31
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Ich hatte was von Murray`s Kids verstanden hmmmmmmmm
ohhh, habe ich es falsch verstanden ???? aber er hatte von den Kindern gesprochen ... gibt es später bestimmt noch einen Bericht drüber ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:33

Er sagte Dr Murray`s Kids ......... na bestimmt gibts da noch was :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:33
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Jermaine mit Frau ,Rabbie oder wie die heißt ...........und wer noch???.... hab zu spät hingesehen :D
Rebbie ... ich hatte gerade nicht hingeschaut ... :D

jetzt verabschiede ich mich ... schlaf nachher schön ... bis später ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:36

gute-nacht-smilies-0004 :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 01:50
Wall Street protesters in L.A. hit Jackson trial

127926896 620x350


LOS ANGELES - Anti-Wall Street demonstrators camping at Los Angeles City Hall are trying to steal the spotlight from the manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor.

A group of chanting, sign-waving demonstrators has moved in front of the downtown courthouse where Dr. Conrad Murray is charged with Jackson's overdose death.

They appear to be seeking coverage from the huge crowd of TV cameras set up there.

Wall Street protest arrests add fuel to fire

The protesters, who blame the economic meltdown on greedy corporations, set up tents over the weekend on sidewalks by City Hall. No arrests have been made, and police say the demonstrators can stay unless they cause problems.

Organizers say they're planning an evening march through downtown LA in sympathy with about 700 Wall Street protesters who were arrested in New York over the weekend. (Archiv-Version vom 04.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 10:00
Conrad Murray
The Prosecutors are Dishonest!

less than a minute ago BY TMZ STAFF


Conrad Murray spilled his guts to his barber over the weekend, complaining the prosecutor in his manslaughter trial is intentionally deceiving the jury.

Murray's barber, Maurice from M Barbering, tells TMZ ... Murray was griping that prosecutors have said the Doc delayed calling 911. Murray told the clipper ... he told bodyguard Alberto Alvarez to immediately call 911.

And on the subject of Alvarez ... Murray is pissed at the accusation he told the bodyguard to bring Michael Jackson's two oldest kids to Jackson's bedroom. Doc Murray says he actually told Alvarez to keep them away.

Murray was telling his barber he thinks the prosecutors are more interested in convicting him than being honest.

And if you're wondering, Murray's cut cost $25 ... and he left a 5 dollar tip.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 10:06
es erfolgte ein Update des Berichts ...

People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
Murray Lost Track of Time

UCLA Cardiologist -- Dr. Thao Nguyen Testifies
Updated 10/03/11 at 11:48 AM


Dr. Thao Nguyen -- the cardiologist who was called into MJ's trauma room -- said Dr. Murray was fuzzy on the crucial moments leading up to MJ's death, saying, Murray "did not have any concept of time."

She said Murray couldn't remember when he administered Lorazepam, nor the moment MJ stopped breathing ... because, as he told her, he didn't have a watch.

But Dr. Joanne Pashard, a Houston doctor, testified that on the morning of MJ's death, she called Murray asking him about one of his patients, who was about to undergo surgery in Texas. She said Murray had no problem recalling detailed information about the patient.

Prosecutors then called on Antoinette Gille -- a volunteer at Murray's office in Las Vegas -- who said she talked to Murray at 8:49 the morning of June 25... and Bridgette Morgan -- a woman Murray met in a Vegas club -- who testified she called Murray at 11:26 am.

Prosecutors are suggesting Murray was distracted and inattentive on the morning MJ died.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 10:07

TMZ wieder .........köstlich :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 10:20
die Aufzeicnungen von Amanda Knox habe ich nicht übernommen ...

Michael Jackson`s Doctor on Trial; Conrad Murray`s Office Worker Testifies; Amanda Knox Verdict Overturned

Aired October 3, 2011 - 19:00:00 ET


JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Hello. I`m Jane Velez- Mitchell. We`ve got some fascinating testimony from a volunteer in Dr. Conrad Murray`s office. Sounds nice on the surface. But is that really who is supposed to be in a medical office, a volunteer? Back to more live testimony.

NG: Going on a tour?

CHERNOFF: Yes, how did he tell you? Did he gather up everyone? Did he -- how did this -- how did this happen?

NG: Yes, he talked to everybody, all at the same time. And he said that he`s going on a sabbatical. He`s going on a tour with Michael Jackson.

CHERNOFF: And was everybody pretty much supportive of that?

NG: Yes.

CHERNOFF: Were you excited for him?

NG: Yes.

CHERNOFF: Why were you excited for him?

NG: Because it`s Michael Jackson. And everybody knows Michael Jackson.

CHERNOFF: All right. Did he happen to tell you when he would hope to come back?

NG: He mentioned that he`ll probably be back towards the end of the year.

CHERNOFF: OK. Ms. Ng, thank you very much. Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you. Ms. Brazil, redirect exam?

BRAZIL: Nothing. Thank you, your honor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: May Ms. Ng be excused in the case, Ms. Brazil?



CHERNOFF: Yes. Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ms. Ng, I want to thank you for your testimony. Please don`t discuss either your testimony or the facts of the case with any other witness until we finish the trial. You may step down and leave. You are excused.

NG: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You`re welcome. Thank you.

Ms. Brazil?

BRAZIL: Yes. Bridgette Morgan.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Please remain standing. Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly state that the testimony you may give in the cause now pending before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Please be seated. Please state your name for the record. Spell your first and last names.

MORGAN: Bridgette Morgan. B-R-I-D-G-E-T-T-E. M-O-R-G-A-N.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ms. Morgan, good afternoon. Let me provide you with some information and instructions which I give to every witness in every case.

First of all, please sit back and relax. Secondly, please speak loudly so everybody can hear you. Thirdly, if you`re called upon to provide a yes or no answer to a question, use those terms rather than slang "uh-huh" or "uh-uh," which can be confusing. And lastly, please wait until you hear an entire question before you answer it. In our daily lives, many of us are used to interrupting each other, because we think we know the question before we hear the whole question. In court, we need to hear it first before we answer. Is that all right?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you. Direct, Ms. Brazil.

BRAZIL: Good afternoon, Ms. Morgan.

MORGAN: Good afternoon.

BRAZIL: Do you recognize the defendant seated here in court, Conrad Murray?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Indicating the defendant.

BRAZIL: Did you meet Conrad Murray in 2003?


BRAZIL: Did you meet him in a social setting?


BRAZIL: And the two of you formed a social relationship?



BRAZIL: You have been in...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ll sustain the objection. The partial answer is stricken. Disregard. You can redefine your question, please.

BRAZIL: Ms. Morgan, after you met Conrad Murray, did you maintain a friendship or some sort of relationship with him to the present time of 2009?


BRAZIL: And in 2009, specifically in June of 2009, did you have a conversation with Conrad Murray, wherein he told you that he was Michael Jackson`s personal physician?


BRAZIL: Sometime after Conrad Murray revealed to you or shared with you that he was Michael Jackson`s personal physician, did you call him on the telephone on June 25th of 2009?


BRAZIL: Ms. Morgan, did you call Dr. Murray`s cell phone at 11:26 a.m. on June 25, 2009?


BRAZIL: And your telephone number at the time was 310-590-9566, is that correct?


BRAZIL: Did you speak with Conrad Murray when you called him at 11:26 on June 25, 2009?


BRAZIL: Do you recall whether or not he picked up his telephone? Did he answer it?

MORGAN: No, he didn`t answer.

BRAZIL: Thank you, Ms. Morgan. I have no further questions.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ms. Brazil, thank you. Mr. Chernoff, cross exam, please.

CHERNOFF: Ms. Morgan, where do you live?

MORGAN: In Los Angeles.

CHERNOFF: And how long have you lived here?

MORGAN: Since 1998.

CHERNOFF: Thank you. No other questions.

MORGAN: Mr. Chernoff, thank you. Redirect, Ms. Brazil?

BRAZIL: Yes. Ms. Morgan, when you met Conrad Murray in 2003, did you meet him in Las Vegas?


BRAZIL: Thank you. Nothing further.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you. Recross, Mr. Chernoff?

CHERNOFF: No thanks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you. May Ms. Morgan be excused, Ms. Brazil?





Ms. Morgan, thank you for your testimony. Please don`t discuss this or the facts of the case with any other witness until we finish the trial. You may step down and leave. You are excused.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you. May I see counsel?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, that`s some pretty fascinating testimony from a woman who met Dr. Conrad Murray in 2003, and she was questioned very briefly, shockingly briefly, about the events on the day Michael Jackson died.

I want to bring in Jean Casarez, if I may. Explain the significance, because I was rather shocked, Jean, at how quickly she got on and off the stand.

JEAN CASAREZ, CORRESPONDENT, TRUTV`S "IN SESSION": And on the surface, it`s like what`s the big deal? She calls him at 11:26 on June 25. He doesn`t answer the phone. That`s it. That`s because he had two phones, and he was on another phone on a phone call at the same time. So I think prosecution is trying to show, he`s got two phones, juggling phone calls from both phones. Never mind a patient.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That is absolutely fascinating. Thank you for that explanation.

We are going to take a brief break, and we`re going to be back with more of an extraordinary day. This case, as well as Amanda Knox, freed from Italy. Behind bars no longer. She is heading to Rome, and then she`s going to be on a plane to the United States tomorrow. This is incredible news. We`ve got all of it. Stay right there, and we`re going to be back with more in a moment.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Members of the Jackson family, including Michael`s mother Katherine and his three children, attended the premiere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s a tremendous effort (ph) here, private security to kind of block us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Latoya going in. She`s dressed to the nines, walking into court.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Both Latoya and Janet are divas. I mean that has been the image they have always had.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Again, she is a fashion show. You look beautiful, Janet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you`ve got Cirque and Michael Jackson together, you expect to see something fantastic.


JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HLN HOST: Trial shock waves. Jackson death trial shock waves continue, but is there a new controversy causing a rift in the Jackson family?

Hello everyone. I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell coming to you live from Los Angeles; Criminal Courts building right behind me.

We are now in week two of the explosive Michael Jackson death trial. But the fireworks are coming from inside the Jackson camp. Take a look at this. It`s Michael Jackson, the "Immortal World Tour", the astonishing new Cirque du Soleil show that opened just yesterday in Montreal. Take a look at it. It`s fascinating.

Ok. It was sold out. 13,000 die-hard fans came out for this premiere, every seat in the house taken. Look at it. It`s unbelievable. Michael`s own children, Prince, Paris and Blanket, were there for the premiere. They joined the whole crowd, the sold-out event as the show kicks off a huge 47-city tour.

But there is controversy tonight over this weekend`s Michael Jackson tribute. It`s a concert that`s supposed to occur in Cardiff, Wales. There is an all-star line up. Beyonce was scheduled to perform. Here she is, courtesy of Sony and BMC. The Black-Eyed Peas will be there according to the schedule now; they`re on RCA Records. And Christina Aguilera will also be lending her voice to this project. And here she is, from Interscope Records. So an all-star cast also performing: Cee Lo Green, Gladys Knight, Smokey Robinson. Whew.

But not in attendance: Jermaine Jackson, Randy Jackson, and Janet Jackson. Michael`s mom, Katherine, is supporting the show, even though it`s going on during this trial. What do you think? Do you think that`s good timing? Is it appropriate, or should they have waited until the trial is over? Call me 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297.

With me tonight, author and Jackson expert, Ian Halperin; he`s made a riveting documentary about Jackson`s final years. It`s called "Gone Too Soon". Let`s watch just a bit from YouTube.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everyone has a piece of the puzzle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Conrad Robert Murray.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you heard of this thing that takes you to the valley of death, and then it brings you back?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If we finally put them all together --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were you ever accused of having sexually molested Brent Barnes?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don`t answer that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What would we see in the big picture?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ian is also the author of "Unmasked: The final years of Michael Jackson", a book that I read; a fascinating book. Anybody who wants to really understand Jackson definitely should read this book.

What`s going on here in terms of this upcoming concert in Wales, of all places, this coming Saturday? Katherine, the kids, Tito, Jackie, Marlin -- they`re all involved -- Latoya is going to perform, as well; but Jermaine and Janet apparently not happy about it. Why do you think they`re upset and what do you make of this split?

IAN HALPERIN, AUTHOR, "UNMASKED: THE FINAL YEARS OF MICHAEL JACKSON": Well, Jane, it always involves dollars and cents. But let me tell you something. Let them go to Wales. Let them have a good time. This trial is digging up the skeleton of their beloved family member, Katherine Jackson`s son. It`s a good diversion for them to go to hear some music.

I think you should go too, Jane, you`ve been working hard here. Maybe you should go down a bit. But my focus is on the trial right now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, pull up the private jet and I`ll hop on and go over to Cardiff, Wales and watch the show, ok. Yes. You provide the transportation --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: -- a little humor.

HALPERIN: Look, any time we get Michael Jackson`s music, I think it`s a blessing to the public and a blessing tribute to him. But Conrad Murray is a murderer; it`s not an Amanda Knox type case here. Murray should go to jail. He was completely negligent. He did not have the proper equipment - -


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, why don`t we let -- excuse me, Ian. Listen, I respect your knowledge of Jackson and Jackson history. But why don`t we let the jury do its work and we can -- we can debate it and talk about evidence. But just to call it "case closed" at this point, it`s a tad premature. Why don`t we see what comes out?

HALPERIN: Because I`ll -- let me --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I mean that`s what the trial is for.

HALPERIN: Let me tell you why. And I do believe, let justice take its course, but we have seen the smoking gun here. This person did not have the proper ventilation, the proper equipment around. He didn`t even have an anesthesiologist, let alone a nurse on a $150,000 salary a month. This guy should have been put in jail, not now, but two years ago.

And there`s a long list of other people, Jane, who were just as complicit in the death of Michael Jackson, who for some reason, have not been brought to justice. And until they are, the death of Michael Jackson still lingers on. And his family will not have justice. And his fans won`t. And I urge authorities to look at all of the other doctors as well.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. All right. Hold on Ian.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Look, let`s talk about some of the testimony today. Just a couple of seconds ago, a huge witness took the stand -- who is Bridgette Morgan? She met Dr. Conrad Murray at a nightclub in 2003. And listen to what she was asked.


DEBORAH BRAZIL, PROSECUTOR: Ms. Morgan, after you met Conrad Murray, did you maintain a friendship or some sort of relationship with him to the present time of 2009?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, so she`s a girlfriend, she had a relationship; one of many, apparently. And there`s now testimony that`s going to come in that at the time when he is supposed to be watching Michael Jackson, he`s talking on the phone to all of these different women and different people.

Dr. Nat Strand, you are an anesthesiologist --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Would it ever occur to you -- speaking of which, somebody is calling me here -- would it ever occur to you under any circumstances to be talking, just like it would never occur to me to answer that phone call that just rang --



VELEZ-MITCHELL: It would never occur to me to answer a phone call while I`m doing a live television show, ok? Unless it`s my mom -- if it`s my mom calling, I`m going to answer. But would it ever occur to you to be talking to girlfriends while you`re dealing with a patient who is under anesthesia?

STRAND: Absolutely not. Absolutely not. His behavior demonstrates such poor judgment. It`s a lack of vigilance. It`s way below the standard of care. No one should be dealing with girlfriends on telephones and having such a call when they have a patient under anesthesia or patient who they`re supposed to be monitoring.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you know what strikes me, and I want to get maybe Ian`s take on this. I know that sometimes I`ll get very, very busy, and I`ll have to make an emergency phone call. But when your life gets really messy, the messier your life gets, and this guy had a lot of things he was dealing with.

He had had a bankruptcy in his past, he had money issues. He had children by several different women. He was being pursued for child support, creditors, yada, yada, yada. When your life gets that messy, you`re going to have a lot of calls, Ian, to take, and it`s going to bleed over into your professional work. Isn`t that exactly what happened here, Ian?

HALPERIN: Jane, with all due respect, and I think you`re doing a hell of a job covering this case. I cannot throw any pity parties for the behavior of Conrad Murray, the way he acted with Michael Jackson. He was being paid $150,000 --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m not throwing a pity party. I`m saying that it`s just a fact -- we have to learn from these things. When your life gets really messy, things bleed over into your work.

HALPERIN: Well, there has to be a level of professionalism and the fact that he didn`t have the proper intubation equipment, the proper nurse around Michael Jackson when he was taking those calls. It`s completely negligent.

In the state of California, involuntary manslaughter -- remember, you just have to show a bit of proof, and case closed. We have seen more than enough proof here. I say, let`s stop the case now. Let the jury try -- let them, you know, be sequestered. Let them render their verdict.

Right now, we don`t have to waste anymore of the state of California`s taxpayers` hard-earned money on this case. We have seen the smoking gun here. I don`t think Chernoff at this point can pull a Johnnie Cochran, "if it don`t fit, you must acquit" smoking gun.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you know what -- I`m going to have to stop you again. Because that`s exactly what people were saying during the Casey Anthony case; it`s over, it`s done, put a fork in it, it`s over. Well, guess what; she was acquitted on all serious charges. It`s never over until it`s over.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Dr. Richelle Cooper, who was one of the key witnesses, was asked by the defense about Propofol dosage. Listen to this carefully because the devil is in the details. Listen.


DR. RICHELLE COOPER, WITNESS: A 60 kilogram male? If I wanted to achieve sedation so that I could perform a painful procedure, 25 milligrams would not be a sufficient dose, in most patients.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But it might be enough to put a person to sleep?

COOPER: I don`t suspect so. But I don`t know. I do not use the medication in those types of doses.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So the defense attorney says, well, might 25 -- 25 milligrams be enough to put somebody to sleep? She goes, I don`t suspect so, but I don`t know. She doesn`t suspect it. So a lot of people said, hey, this is good for the defense but I actually thought it was a score for the prosecution because if his whole purpose is to give Michael Jackson a chance to sleep, then why would he give him only 25 milligrams if he really wanted him to sleep? To me, that says, no, chances are the jurors might conclude he gave them more than 25 milligrams and he was just lying about the 25 milligrams.

STRAND: I have to say, I kind of agree with you. Is that -- to put someone to sleep, that`s less than 25 percent, on average, of what you would use to put someone to sleep. However, in this case, he wasn`t having a painful procedure. He was just lying in his bed. So he wouldn`t need as much as a person would need for a big abdominal surgery or a painful procedure.

But my question is, if he only got 25 milligrams, what were all these empty vials of Propofol doing? Each vial of Propofol has about 200 milligrams in it. So if he only truly used 25 milligrams, why are there all of these empty vials?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And that`s going to be a key case because I think that the defense is going to claim that Michael Jackson may have opened some of those bottles. We`ll have to see.

We`re taking your calls on this. 1-877-JVM SAYS.

More in a moment.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Four years is not enough. Four years is not enough.

BRAZIL: Did you ask Dr. Murray how long the patient had been in this condition? What did Dr. Murray say?

RICHARD SENNEFF, PARAMEDIC: "It just happened right when I called you."

TOM MESEREAU, FORMER ATTORNEY OF MICHAEL JACKSON: He should have looked at Michael and said Michael, that`s dangerous.

BRAZIL: Did Dr. Murray ever mention to you having administered Propofol to Michael Jackson?

SENNEFF: No, he did not.

BRAZIL: Tell me what you saw Dr. Murray do with those Lidocaine bottles, please?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He scooped all three of them up and put them into a black bag.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This was a patient that was somebody we had a really good chance of saving.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Take a look at the courthouse. We`re coming live from right in this neighborhood, just a stone`s throw from the L.A. Criminal Courts Building, where this extraordinary trial is under way. We are on day five, week two, of the Michael Jackson death trial. And we`re taking your calls.

Mary, Missouri, your question or thought, Mary.

MARY, MISSOURI (via telephone): Yes. My concern is that Dr. Murray didn`t have any of the right equipment, and that goes to show, in giving him this Propofol, which was illegal to give. Then you`ve got the records of all of the phone calls when he was talking.

And my thing was, when he knew he was in trouble, he`s calling all of Michael Jackson`s security guards and assistants, never telling them what`s really wrong, but tell them something is wrong with him, instead of calling 911, which could have saved his life.

And in all the years that went into that, so much time went by of him making all these different calls to different people for them to -- that something is wrong with Michael, but never telling them what`s wrong with Michael.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me bring in Dr. Nat Strand, anesthesiologist. One of the things that he said that was deceptive -- seemed that way, anyway -- is he said to the ER guys, oh, I called you -- this happened right before I called you. This happened -- words to that effect. This happened right -- it didn`t happen right before he called them.

The ER was called at 12:20, and he drops the phone before noon.

STRAND: Right. I mean he is someone who knew he did something wrong. I think he panicked in the moment. He didn`t react quickly with the resuscitation. He didn`t call 911. And he didn`t give an honest account of what happened once he got to the emergency room. This is someone who got caught after making a deal with the devil and then had to pay for it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And, you know, we want to bring somebody else in who knows Michael Jackson, perhaps better than anyone. Jay Coleman, you were Michael Jackson`s former agent. As you watch this case, what are your thoughts? How are you seeing it from the perspective of somebody who knew Michael Jackson, who represented Michael Jackson?

When you`re an agent, you`re kind of like a parent. You`re guiding the person, you`re advising them. . You`re protecting them. You are their -- their representative in the world, the commercial world. What`s your reaction to how this trial is going?

JAY COLEMAN, FORMER AGENT OF MICHAEL JACKSON: Well, I represented Michael back starting in 1983 to the early `90s, when, you know, Michael was in his prime. He was the biggest pop star in the world. And everything was going great.

And, you know, after the early `90s, my contact with Michael was kind of very limited. But obviously, following what`s going on now is very tragic.

You know, I was really looking forward to him making a comeback, you know. I worked with his manager, Frank DeLeo and the people at AEG, and we were really excited that this could lead to Michael going back all over the world. And obviously, it -- it didn`t come to pass. But it`s extremely disappointing.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`d like you to check out one thing. This is a turning point moment for Michael Jackson. And it happened in the early `80s, as he was shooting a Pepsi commercial. Take a look at what happened. Watch this from "US Weekly".

All right. That is Michael Jackson; unfortunately, his hair going on fire, and everybody rushing to put out his hair that caught on fire during the shooting of this Pepsi commercial. And anybody who has ever experienced a burn knows how painful that is.

And Jay, that`s -- isn`t that when he first developed his addiction to pain killers, or his -- let`s say reliance on pain killers?

COLEMAN: Well, I was there when they shot the spot. It was frightening to watch. But I will say that two or three weeks later, he was in New York at Lincoln Center at a big event for Pepsi. He was in great spirits. He had a small patch on the top of his head. He was there with his family and his brothers.

And, you know, a few weeks later, he had hair transplants. I`m sure it was very painful. And I`m sure he had pain killers at that point. But as you all remember, a few months later, he went on the "Victory Tour". He continued to put out great album albums. So the fact that what happened 27 years ago -- I don`t think has too much to do with Michael`s addiction to pain killers.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, we`ll debate that in a second. Stay right there.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They were crying. They were fairly hysterical, being comforted by someone who was referred to as their nurse.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That was a witness, an Emergency Room doctor who unsuccessfully tried to revive Michael Jackson, talking about the reaction of Michael Jackson`s kids who followed their father to the hospital at the time of his death.

Coming up some very crucial witnesses in this whole trial; Conrad Murray, the defendant`s alleged girlfriends and there are at least three. Nicole Alvarez, she`s the mother of Conrad Murray`s youngest child and he`s accused shipping Propofol to her apartment and telling the pharmacist that it was her clinic.

Bridgett Morgan was just on the stand. She met Conrad Murray in club back in 2003.

And Sade Anding is another. She`s a cocktail waitress, who also met Conrad in a club -- some say it was a strip joint but we can`t confirm that independently. And she on the phone alleged with Conrad Murray when he dropped the phone the day Michael Jackson died and she kind of heard the commotion. She`s hanging on the phone like hello, hello. She hears all this crazy commotion before noon -- before noon. And 911 wasn`t called until 12:20.

And yet Jay Coleman, Michael Jackson`s former agent, this doctor told the paramedics who arrived, it happened right before we called you. That right there would seem to be deceptive. What do you make of this defendant on trial here?

COLEMAN: I tend to think he`s negligent. And I think unless he can pull out an amazing defense he`s probably going to be guilty.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ian Halperin, author of "Unmasked: The final years of Michael Jackson", in confusion there`s reasonable doubt. I say it over and over again. Because I`m not a doctor and when they start talking milligrams, how long something stays in your system before it leaves your blood. I get confused. In confusion will this jury find reasonable doubt?

HALPERIN: I don`t think so, Jane. Because one thing, you have to look at the charge. The charge you only need just some evidence and it`s going to be pushed through because you have to look at his egregious, unconscionable behavior towards his patient and right there that`s the smoking gun.

The defense, it`s indefensible for Murray to come out of this not behind bars and I think, again, I should start a TV show called "Dancing behind Bars" and he will be the star of it. And I hope a lot of other Jackson doctors are going to join him down the line because we need justice in the death of the world` greatest entertainer ever. And until all the doctors in the last 20 years are interrogated and provide proper explanations this case can never be closed.

And I`ll tell you one thing; I`m glad you had Jay on tonight because Jay is one of the few people who actually cared about Michael Jackson and, unfortunately, look what happened. When Michael`s camp got rid of people like Jay, like Rabbi Shmuley, everything collapsed and he became a drug addict the last 20 years of his life. Very tragic.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I just -- Dr. Strand, very quickly, you`re an anesthesiologist. Can people learn something about -- we have a tendency to idealize our doctors and think that they`re more than human. This case teaches all of us. Hey, doctors are human beings, don`t put blind trust in them.

STRAND: Well, what I would say is look at the entirety of your doctor. I mean this is a physician who was doing so many things wrong. It`s not the milligrams. It`s not the phone calls, it`s doing everything wrong.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thank you. Got to leave it right there.





MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 10:44
More girlfriends, investigators next in trial of Michael Jackson's doctor
By Alan Duke, CNN
October 4, 2011 -- Updated 0731 GMT (1531 HKT)

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Two more girlfriends of Conrad Murray are expected to testify in the doctor's involuntary manslaughter trial Tuesday, but questions about their personal relationships with Murray will likely to be limited.

Jurors heard from another Murray girlfriend Monday, but the judge stopped the prosecutor letting the jury know about her relationship to Michael Jackson's personal physician.

The women's testimony is important since their phone calls to Murray help establish the timeline of what he was doing before Jackson's death, and because the surgical anesthetic propofol the prosecution says killed him were shipped to one of their homes.

Prosecutors argue that Murray, who was Jackson's personal physician as he prepared for planned comeback concerts, is criminally responsible for the singer's death because of medical negligence and his reckless use of propofol to help Jackson sleep.

The coroner ruled that Jackson's June 25, 2009, death was the result of "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with sedatives.

Murray's defense lawyers contend Jackson caused his own death by swallowing eight lorazepam pills and orally ingesting propofol while Murray was out of the room.

Bridgette Morgan, who met Murray in a Las Vegas night club eight years ago, testified Monday that she placed an unanswered phone call to Murray about 30 minutes before the time prosecutors suggest Murray realized there was a problem with Jackson.

Sade Anding, a cocktail waitress who met Murray when she was working at a Houston steakhouse, is likely to be one of the first witnesses Tuesday. Anding testified at the preliminary hearing in January that she was on the phone with Murray when he suddenly stopped responding to her.

That moment, 11:57 p.m., is when prosecutors contend Murray first realized that Jackson had stopped breathing.

"I didn't hear him on the phone any more," Anding said. "I heard commotion as if the phone was in a pocket and I heard coughing and I heard a mumbling of voices."

Anding said she stayed on the phone for another five minutes, listening and wondering why the man she sometimes dated wasn't responding.

"Hello, hello, are you there?" she testified she said.

Testimony from Nicole Alvarez, the mother of Murray's youngest child, is important because the propofol Murray used on Jackson was shipped to her Santa Monica, California, apartment.

Alvarez, 29, who met Murray around 2005 in a Las Vegas gentlemen's club, made it clear when she previously testified that she knew little about the doctor's activities.

"Dr. Murray and I were on a need-to-know basis, and I just know my place and my position in his life," Alvarez said.

Murray called Alvarez from the ambulance as he accompanied Jackson to the hospital, according to testimony in the preliminary hearing.

The judge ordered lawyers not to disclose to reporters ahead of time who they will call as witnesses, but they've been closely following the order used in the preliminary hearing.

Los Angeles Police Homicide Detective Dan Myers, who led the Los Angeles Police Department investigation of Jackson's death, and Coroner Investigator Elissa Fleak will probably testify Tuesday or Wednesday, based on that pattern.

On Monday, the emergency room doctor who declared Jackson dead testified that there was no way doctors could have revived the pop icon after he arrived at the hospital.

Dr. Richelle Cooper said Murray never told her that he had given Jackson propofol before he stopped breathing, but it would not have made a difference if he had because Jackson "had died long before."

"It is unlikely with that information that I would have been able to do something different that would have changed the outcome," Cooper said.

Prosecutors argue that Murray's failure to tell paramedics and doctors trying to resuscitate Jackson about the propofol is one of the negligent acts that make him criminally responsible for Jackson's death.

Another doctor testified Monday that the decision to place an aortic balloon pump in Jackson's heart was "a desperate attempt, even though very much futile" effort intended "to prepare Dr. Murray mentally to accept the fact that Mr. Jackson could not be rescued and would allow Mr. Jackson to depart in peace and dignity."

Dr. Thao Nguyen said Murray asked that "we not to give up easily and try to save Mr. Michael Jackson's life," Nguyen said, even though it seemed hopeless.

They placed a balloon pump in Jackson's aorta in an unsuccessful effort to restart his heart, she said. "It's not a case of too little, too late, but a case of too late," Nguyen said.

Cooper had recommended at 12:57 p.m., when Jackson was still at his home, that paramedics stop resuscitation efforts and declare him dead. Jackson was the first patient she had ever treated in the emergency room after having made such a recommendation to paramedics in the field, she said.

"I have never given a time of death in the field and then have that patient brought to me," she said.

She said this exception was not because Jackson was a celebrity, but because the patient had a physician with him who did not want them to give up.

Prosecutors have criticized Murray, who is a cardiologist, for using propofol on Jackson, contending it should be used only by anesthesiologists who have proper monitoring equipment.

Cooper, a prosecution witness, acknowledged under questioning by defense lawyer Michael Flanagan that she uses it regularly as an emergency room doctor.

If convicted of involuntary manslaughter, Murray could spend four years in a California prison and lose his medical license.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 11:06
Guten Morgen zusammen habt ihr schon deutsche Berichte gefunden oder nur englische ... ???.... melde mich gleich wieder muss eben mit Speedy zum Tierarzt .. drückt mal die Daumen das er nicht eingeschläfert werden muss :-(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 11:09
in dem Transscript, vgl. den Eintrag von heute um 10:20 h, kam wieder mal Ian Halperin zur Sprache ...
und der hatte sich u. a. mit diesem Bericht in Erinnerung gebracht ...
na, was der wieder ganz genau recherchiert haben will ??? ... aber er versucht es halt mit allen Mitteln ... :D :D

Author Says Conrad Murray Taped
Michael Jackson 160 Times

Posted on Sep 28, 2011 @ 03:00PM

By Dylan Howard - Senior Executive Editor, Star magazine and Jen Heger - Radar Legal Editor


New York Times best selling author, Ian Halperin, revealed exclusively on the inaugural broadcast of Radar Live, the real reason why Dr. Conrad Murray audiotaped his former patient, Michael Jackson. One of the stunning recordings was played yesterday by Deputy District Attorney David Walgren on the first day of testimony of Murray’s involuntary manslaughter trial.

Jackson sounds heavily under the influence at the time of the recording on May 10, 2009 at around 9 a.m.,

"I want them to.. I've never seen nothing like this in my life. He's the greatest entertainer of all time. I'm taking that money, a million children, children's hospital. Biggest in the world. Michael Jackson's Children's Hospital," Jackson can be heard slurring.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Through The Years

Halperin, author of Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson, told "He (Dr. Conrad Murray) has over 160 recordings of Michael Jackson, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, so get ready....He wasn't planning on using this in court. What he was planning in case Jackson turfed him, was that he would have all these recordings, get some sort of book deal, or release an album of it, and maybe top Thriller in sales. He is only motivated by one word and that is cash....there are no other motives...the only reason was he wanted to cover his tracks."

AEG lawyer, Kathie Jorrie who was handling Dr. Murray's contract for the This Is It tour, said on the witness stand Wednesday that under terms of the agreement, Michael Jackson could fire Dr. Murray at any time, without notice.

PHOTOS: Stage Shots of Michael Jackson Performing (Archiv-Version vom 02.11.2011)

"Remember, he (Dr. Murray) wanted five million a year, and everybody got red case he lost his job, he was ready to release this publicly to get a book deal...and turn it into dollars," Halperin says.

Link to Search : (Archiv-Version vom 15.07.2010)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 11:09

Ich drück die Daumen......... viel Glück :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.10.2011 um 11:11

ich drück ganz doll die Daumen, dass alles mit Speedy wieder gut wird ... :)
