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Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

147 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Amanda Knox, Perugia ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 13:38
Dies hier ist ein Thread für alle, die der ungelöste Mordfall der britischen Studentin Meredith Kercher beschäftigt. Die 21-jährige wurde am 1.November 2007 in ihrem Zimmer in der Via della Pergola, Perugia erstochen aufgefunden.
Hauptverdächtige im Mordfall sind und waren ihre amerikanische Mitbewohnerin, die Studentin Amanda Knox und deren italienischer Freund Raffaele Sollecito. Ebenfalls verurteilt wurde der Ivorer Rudy Guede.

Aufgrund der vielen Ungereimtheiten in den Aussagen von Knox und Sollecito und vor dem Hintergrund, dass die Familie der Ermordeten immer noch nicht weiß, was mit ihrer Tochter und Schwester geschehen ist und sich die Ereignisse immer neu überschlagen und die Berichterstattung und die zugänglichen Informationen zum Fall, wie etwa Transcripts der Verhandlungen im Internet frei zugänglich sind, hoffe ich auf eine ausgewogene und sich gegenseitig bereichernde Diskussion zu dem Fall.

Vorab für alle Interessierten die neueste BBC-Dokumentation zu dem Fall ("Is Amanda Knox guilty?"), frei verfügbar auf youtube:

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Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 13:59
Hier noch einige der neueren Zeitungsartikel zu dem Fall im Originalwortlaut und mit Quellenangabe:


Raffaele Sollecito maintained he believes Amanda Knox didn't kill British student Meredith Kercher, although his lawyers are seeking to distance him from his co-defendant and ex-lover as part of a new defence strategy.

Sollecito's lawyer Giulia Bongiorno told a press conference in Rome that Knox lied to her client about key evidence in the case, proving that the two were not together minutes before Kercher was killed.

Kercher, from Croydon, south London, was found with her throat slashed inside the apartment she shared with Knox in the university town of Perugia, central Italy, on 1 November 2007.

Bongiorno said that Knox and Sollecito spent that night together at his home, but were apart earlier in the evening.

"Raffaele has always maintained he spent the night with Amanda, but during the first part of the evening they were not together," Bongiorno said.

According to Italian authorities Kercher was killed sometime between 9 and 9.30 pm.

Part of Knox's alibi was based on an SMS she claimed to have sent from Sollecito's house to Patrick Lumumba, the owner of a bar where she worked, at 8.35 pm.

Bongiorno said the claim was proved to be a "lie" during the trial, as evidence showed she was nowhere near her lover's flat when text was sent.

According to the sentence that found the pair guilty over the murder in January, the SMS was received by a mobile phone network base station that covered a different area from that including Sollectio's house, Bongiorno explained.

The lawyer said she believes both Sollecito and Knox are not guilty, but urged judges to consider the two as separate entities.

"They are not Siamese twins - one body with two heads," she said.

The plea came as Sollecito's defence team is preparing to lodge an appeal with Italy's top court and marked a dramatic change of defence strategy.

Knox and Sollecito's defence teams have long maintained the pair should be tried and proved innocent together.

Sollecito's memoir book is titled Honour Bound in a reference to his relation with Knox and he has even claimed he resisted attempts by Italian police to pressure him into incriminating his ex-girlfriend.

"We believe that Amanda and Raffaele have nothing to do with it [the murder]," Bongiorno said.

"However we have also to take into consideration a second possibility ... if there are too many anomalies regarding Amanda, [judges] should not automatically extend them to Raffaele."

Nevertheless Sollecito said he is sure Knox is innocent.

"My family and I have always believed Amana is innocent. I'm not backtracking on that," he said.

Prosecutors say Kercher was killed by Knox, Sollecito and Rudy Guede, a drifter from the Ivory Coast,after an argument .

After a series of appeals and opposite rulings, Knox and Sollecito were found guilty of murder and sentenced to 28 and-a-half and 26 years in jail by a Florence appellate court in January.

They are both to lodge another appeal at Italy's Court of Cassation in Rome, which is expected to hear the case in early 2015.

Guede was sentenced to 16 years at the end of a separate trial and is serving his sentence in Viterbo jail, near Rome.


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 14:04

Amanda Knox points finger at boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito responsible for murdering Meredith Kercher

There is a changing of crime statements happening between the cases of Amanda Knox and ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito murdering Meredith Kercher. Furthermore, it seems that the former couple is rumored to be blaming each other, according to recent updates.

Reportedly by Enstarz, Knox is pointing on Sollecito on the case. She states that he was the one who murdered her roommate on the night of the incident. According to her, she was about to go back to the villa to buy drugs from Rudy Guede (an Ivory Coast native) when suddenly, Kercher confronted Knox because of her lost money due to burglary. She left and came back with Sollecito on her side consequently.

The couple tried to calm down Kercher but she managed to be more physically violent and reached for a knife. Then, when Sollecito tried to grab it from her, while using all his strength, he had accidentally struck Kercher on the throat.

Subsequently, Knox admits that she witnessed everything and just accused of Guede, for she loved her boyfriend. But Sollecito recently changed his defense; in return, Knox confessing everything.  

Meanwhile, the accused drug dealer, Rudy Guede has been sentenced since 2007 after finding him guilty on sexual assault and murder cases. That same year Knox and Sollecito were arrested. Recently, the former couple was summoned on the court after a DNA evidence had been found on January concluding their presence on the crime scene.

In addition, Raffaele received 25 years of life sentencing, while Amanda with 26. According to several reports, on January 30 the court had announced the possibility of the accused Knox and Sollecito to state their final defense on the next scheduled court hearing; the date of the final hearing hasn't been announced.  

Meredith Susanna Cara Kercher, 21, was found dead on her bedroom at her home - shared with Knox - in Perugia, Italy on November 1, 2007. Signs of breaking in were theorized to mislead the police and Knox had been the prime suspect since then. 


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 14:08


Amanda Knox 'drug dealer' associate arrested for attempted knife

Amanda Knox allegedly had sexual relationship with cocaine dealer with links to violent criminal, Italian newspaper claims

Amanda Knox was reportedly having sexual relations with a cocaine dealer who frequented a man who stabbed his brother 16 times, an Italian publication has claimed, quoting police reports.

The revelations have emerged as Ms Knox prepares a last ditch defence in Italy's top appeals court against her 28 year conviction for fatally stabbing UK student Meredith Kercher in the Italian city of Perugia in 2007.

Ms Knox was convicted alongside her then boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito while a local drifter, Rudy Guede, has been definitively sentenced in a separate trial.

Reports of Ms Knox's drug dealing connections were not mentioned at her murder trials in Italy, but the Italian crime magazine Giallo has reported that in January 2008, police investigators wrote that she had had a relationship of a "supposedly sexual nature" with a man they refer to as 'F', who had sold drugs to the US student.

Giallo wrote that 'F' was a psychology student from Rome who met Ms Knox on a train from Milan to Florence and shared a joint with her. His number was later found on Ms Knox's cell phone and Giallo said he had been in contact with her frequently, before and after the slaying of Ms Kercher.

After finding his number police launched a probe and the man was later tried for dealing cocaine in Perugia. Additionally, Giallo quoted police reports claiming that a man named Luciano – an associate of 'F' - had previously been arrested for trying to murder his own brother with a kitchen knife, stabbing him 16 times during a row over money and drug dealing in July 2006, the year before Ms Kercher was repeatedly stabbed.

Ms Knox initially told investigators she had been present at the house she shared with Ms Kercher on the night Ms Kercher was killed, and blamed local barman Patrick Lumumba for the killing. But she then retracted the statement, claiming she had been placed under police pressure.

The magistrate who handled the investigation, Giuliano Mignini, told the Telegraph on Wednesday that he considered the new revelations irrelevant.

"We have three sentences, one of which is definite and we are at the final stages of the process – this will not change anything," he said.

New evidence, he added, would not be admitted to the final appeal hearing Ms Knox and Mr Sollecito face.

"We ran down many leads and at the end we were left with three people who left traces in the house," he said.

Mignini said he was aware of Knox's alleged link to the drug dealer, 'F'. "The Perugia flying squad did note contacts between Knox and a man linked to dealing. What may have emerged later concerning friends of his would have come out at a different trial," he said.

Mignini said that other leads involving other drug dealers working at the piazza near to Kercher's house had emerged during the investigation.

"There was one dealer who was spotted by the newsagent with blood on him, but the lead turned to be completely extraneous," he said.

Prosecutors and lawyers have ruled out new information about Knox's alleged drug links being used to boost a bid to extradite her from the US, where she is now living. "Buying drugs would not be sufficient grounds to extradite someone," said a legal source.


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 14:11


Whether or not Amanda Knox will be forced to return to Italy to serve her sentence for the murder of Meredith Kercher, has been a controversial topic for the past few years. Knox has defiantly stated that she will not go back to Italy willingly. However, new revelations in the Meredith Kercher murder case provide two solid reasons for Knox's extradition. One is for the murder of Meredith Kercher and the second her proven involvement with drug dealers.

It has been five months since Knox's guilty verdict for the murder of Meredith Kercher was upheld by Italian Supreme court of Cassation on January 30, 2014. She and Raffaele Sollecito began to exhaust their final appeal before their guilty convictions are set to be finalized by the end of the year. Now, new information confirming Knox's guilt has surfaced.

Soon after Judge Nencini confirmed their guilty verdict a CCTV video, showing a woman who bore a strong resemblance to Knox was released by Italian investigative TV show Quarto Grado. The young woman in the video was walking alone near the cottage shortly before Meredith was stabbed to death.

As if this weren’t enough, Knox’s former fling, Raffaele Sollecito held a press conference to withdraw his alibi for her. On July 1, 2014 Raffaele Sollecito, flanked by his lawyers, announced to the worldwide press that he could not provide an alibi for Amanda on the evening that Meredith was slain. “Asked where Knox may have been in those missing hours [of the murder], Sollecito said he . . . could not vouch for her whereabouts.”

"While the Italian always claimed Knox 'spent the night' with him, he never said they spent the evening together -- which is when the crime took place, Bongiorno [Sollecito's lawyer] said."

After this yet another revelation has blown across the media wires, apparently Knox was snorting coke. Cell phone records show Knox called a known cocaine dealer in the days preceding and following the murder. Using numbers from Knox’s phone, Italian police have been able to bust a drug ring that catered to university students.

Italian authorities confirmed that not only was Knox purchasing cocaine from a known drug dealer but she was also having “relations of a sexual nature” with him. This new relationship took place at the same time she had allegedly fallen in love with her Harry Potter- look-alike-lover Raffaele. This contradicts news coverage of the ill-fated lovers, Knox and Sollecito, who have often been compared to Romeo and Juliet.

Finally, details of Knox’s banks statements show that she withdrew copious amounts of cash in the months leading up to the murder on November 1, 2007. In the month of September 2007, Amanda withdrew $2,452.60 and in October she took out $1,637.25, all in cash. Amanda’s rent was only $400 (300 Euros) per month. The large sums of money, combined with her phone records, strongly suggest that Knox had an expensive drug habit.

One significant piece of evidence tying Amanda to the crime scene is a large drop of Knox’s blood on the bathroom sink tap. This fresh blood was mixed with Meredith Kercher’s blood in the bathroom as well as several other areas. If Knox had been snorting cocaine, it can be speculated that she got a nose bleed and dropped blood on top of the faucet.

Knox’s defense team has yet to comment on any of these revelations. However, Italian authorities are now armed with two valid reasons to request Knox’s extradition: One for the murder of Meredith Kercher and secondly, for her involvement with cocaine dealers.


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 14:13
Anhang: (19 KB) (Archiv-Version vom 10.05.2014)

Hier das besagte Bild der CCTV-Kamera:

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Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 14:13
Schau mal da

Amanda Knox


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 14:16
Ja, die Diskussion hab ich bewusst verlassen. Es soll ausgewogen über den Mordfall diskutiert werden, nicht alle möglichen Perspektiven mit "Beweisen" von amandaknox. com abgewehrt oder gar beleidigt werden.


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 14:46

Schön, dass es hier nun die Möglichkeit gibt "neutral" über den Mord an Meredith Kercher zu diskutieren.

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Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 15:05
Zitat von Schneewi77chenSchneewi77chen schrieb:Hier das besagte Bild der CCTV-Kamera:
Sicher kann man auf dem Bild Amanda Knox nicht einwandfrei identifizieren. Im Netz fand ich allerdings folgende Übereinstimmungen an der Tasche:

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Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 15:27
Find ich auch gut, das mal "Neutral" diskutiert werden kann...


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 15:58
Anhang: (70 KB)@Nanush
Sehr interessant, die Bilder mit der Tasche. Schade, dass man das Muster der Tasche auf dem CCTV-Bild nicht erkennen kann.

Sicher, man kann Knox nicht eindeutig identifizieren. Es bestehen aber zumindest Ähnlichkeiten in Haltung und Gang (erkennbar auf einem Bild, das im Independent veröffentlicht wurde, Artikel verlinke ich gleich) und auch der Mantel, den die Frau im Video trägt ähnelt dem, den Knox bei der Auffindung von Meredith trug und mit dem sie auch der Zeuge Quintavalle als frühmorgens vor seinem Reinungsgeschäft gesehen haben will. War das eigentlich Sollecitos Mantel? Er trägt ihn nämlich auch in einem Bild. (Anhang Bild 3)

Auf dem zweiten Bild im Anhang sieht man auch den Kratzer unterhalb Knox' Kinn, auf den Merediths britische Freundinnen in ihrer Befragung aufmerksam machten und den Knox selbst als Knutschfleck erklärte.

1x zitiertmelden

Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 15:59
Anhang: (44 KB)Bild 2 (Kratzer)


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 16:00
Anhang: (11 KB)Bild 3 (Sollecito, Mantel)


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 16:03
Zitat von NanushNanush schrieb:Sicher kann man auf dem Bild Amanda Knox nicht einwandfrei identifizieren. Im Netz fand ich allerdings folgende Übereinstimmungen an der Tasche:
Man wundert sich immer, wie viel man aus extremst unscharfen Bildern hineininterpretieren will.

Auch wundert man sich, dass die im unteren Bild plötzlich ein gespiegeltes Bild mit gezeigt wird.

Was fällt denn bei den anderen Bildern auf? Frau Knox trägt diese Tasche immer auf ihrer rechten Seite.

Wenn man das Bild von der Überwachungskamera sieht (das rechte Bild ist das originale Bild), dann ist dort eine Person zu sehen, welche die Tasche auf der linken Seite trägt, also recht untypisch für Frau Knox.

Und dann wird natürlich diese Bilderzusammenstellung höchst fragwürdig. Wollte man diese Tatsache verschleiern, indem man daneben das gespiegelte Bild zeigt?

Außerdem zeigt dieses Bild eine Person, welche nicht zur Villa geht sondern von der Villa kommen könnte. Zeitlich kurz vor diesem Zeitpunkt wurde Frau Knox aber von einer Zeugin in der Wohnung von Herrn Sollecito gesehen. Uhrzeit des Überwachungsfotos wurde auch nur ganz aus versehen abgeschnitten.

Ein Schelm der Böses dabei denkt.

2x zitiertmelden

Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 16:04
Was sollen die Bilder mit der Tasche usw jetzt eigentlich aussagen? Was beweist es, wenn die Person auf den CCTV-Bildern AK wäre? Ich bin nicht so in dem Fall drin.

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Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 16:07


Amanda Knox alibi challenged after CCTV footage released from night of Meredith Kercher’s murder

Grainy footage may show Knox at home she shared with the British student on night of killing - despite claims she was with boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito

(Vergleichsbild CCTV - Aufnahme / Amanda Knox)

Amanda Knox’s alibi for the murder of the British student Meredith Kercher could now be in doubt after an Italian TV programme released CCTV footage which appears to show her on the night of the killing six and a half years ago.

The American, who was studying in the university city of Perugia at the time, has consistently denied the murder and said there is no evidence placing her at the home she then shared with Ms Kercher.
Yet black and white video footage has now emerged which the investigative programme Quarto Grado said was taken from a nearby security camera and time-stamped 8.53pm on 1 November 2007 -  the night of the murder.

The video seems to show a woman wearing jeans and a long coat, similar to those Knox was pictured in during the days following Ms Kercher’s death, in the car park outside the students’ house.
According to The Times, the Italian programme explained that the woman appears on the video just two minutes after Ms Kercher herself, and included a close comparison between the ways she and Knox walk.

Knox has consistently claimed that on the night of the murder she had been staying with her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, who has also been convicted of the killing by an Italian court.
The pair were found guilty in a joint trial in 2009, acquitted on appeal in 2011 and then once again found guilty in January this year. They are now appealing for a third and final trial, though Knox has refused to return to Italy to attend any more court hearings.

Latza Nadeau, an expert on the case and the author of a book inspired by its events, told The Times that while the CCTV footage would clearly not help Knox’s defence case if it is proven to be her, it would not necessarily help the prosecution either.

She told the newspaper: “If the prosecution shows someone like Amanda Knox walking away from the crime scene it's not helpful. For the defence, if there is a video of her anywhere near the house it's not helpful to them because her alibi is that she was at Raffaele's house.”
Last week Knox claimed there was “no logic” to the appeal court in Florence’s decision to reinstate her conviction for the murder.

It issued a 337-page document saying it was Knox who delivered the fatal knife blow to her 21-year-old roommate, adding that her wounds indicate multiple aggressors and that the two exchange students fought over money on the night of Ms Kercher’s death.
The grainy footage was released by the Italian investigative programme Quarto Grado, which compared the appearance of the woman featured to Amanda Knox
In its explanation the appeal court said that a third person convicted of the murder, Rudy Hermann Guede, did not act alone, and cited the nature of the victim's wounds, as well as finger imprints on her body indicating she had been restrained.

The court said it had evidence of a fallout between the two roommates, including statements by Guede under police questioning that Ms Kercher had accused Knox of taking money from her room.
The document said: “It is a matter of fact that at a certain point in the evening events accelerated; the English girl was attacked by Amanda Marie Knox, by Raffaele Sollecito, who was backing up his girlfriend, and by Rudy Hermann Guede, and constrained within her own room.”
It ruled out a previous explanation for motive – a sex game gone wrong – because it was not in Ms Kercher's character.

Guede was convicted in a separate trial of sexually assaulting and stabbing Ms Kercher. His 16-year sentence - reduced on appeal from 30 years - was upheld in 2010 by Italy's highest court, which also said he had not acted alone.

Was ich immer noch nicht ganz verstehe: warum sollte das Video der Anklage nicht dienlich sein (laut Artikel, weil sich die Person vom Tatort wegbewegt) - sollte das aber nicht trotzdem mit in die Ermittlungen einfließen?

1x zitiertmelden

Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 16:11
Zitat von JosefK1914JosefK1914 schrieb:Wenn man das Bild von der Überwachungskamera sieht (das rechte Bild ist das originale Bild), dann ist dort eine Person zu sehen, welche die Tasche auf der linken Seite trägt, also recht untypisch für Frau Knox.
Sagt aber auch nicht aus, dass man die Umhängetasche nicht auch mal auf der anderen Seite trägt.
Kennt wohl jede Frau.

1x zitiertmelden

Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 16:15
Man kann aus dem Video alleine leider wenig schlussfolgern. Wenn es sich erwiesenermassen um AK handeln würde, wäre damit nur bewiesen, dass ihre Aussage, sie habe die Wohnung Sollecitos in der Tatnacht nicht verlassen, nachweislich falsch wäre (wie mittlerweile auch von Sollecito offen angezweifelt wird und laut Anwältin von Sollecito auch dadurch bewiesen wird, dass ihre SMS an Lumumba nicht von Sollecitos Appartement aus verschickt wurde).

Man müsste dann bei dieser eventuellen Falschaussage (es wäre nicht Knox' erste; sie hatte sich selbst abwechselnd in ihren Aussagen während der Tat als am Tatort befindlich beschrieben, dann wieder nicht. Zudem hat sie Lumumba der Tat bezichtigt, der daraufhin 14-Tage in U-Haft kam, bis sein Alibi für diese Nacht von Unabhängigen Dritten einwandfreie erwiesen wurde) ansetzen und Knox damit konfrontieren.


Der Mordfall Meredith Kercher (2007)

31.07.2014 um 16:15
Zitat von NanushNanush schrieb:Sagt aber auch nicht aus, dass man die Umhängetasche nicht auch mal auf der anderen Seite trägt. Kennt wohl jede Frau.
Das ist richtig, aber man hat immer eine Schokoladenseite. Und die ist bei Frau Knox rechts. Aber warum zeigt man dann ein verfälschtes Bild, bei dem man zum einen nicht mehr die Uhrzeit erkennen kann und zum anderen wo die Art des Tragens verschleiert wird?

Wie gesagt, zeitlich kommt das nicht hin, sie wurde knapp vor der Aufnahme in der Whng. von Herrn Sollecitio von einer Zeugin gesehen und auch die Gehrichtung ist vollkommen verkehrt. Und ob es überhaupt Frau Knox war, kann man auf dem Bild schon nicht ausmachen. Man sieht hier nur eine Person mit Umhängetasche.
