Nemon schrieb:zu
In dem von mir verlinkten Artikel steht dazu folgendes
What is important to realize regarding falling winds, is that they appear quickly as opposed to a storm. A storm would give you time to dress and secure or dismantle a tent properly. A tent that is not built for extreme winds, would rather swiftly tear to pieces if confronted with falling winds - this unless it was saved in seconds. In the case of the Dyatlov group the only survivable scenario would be to run out, conceal the tent and to wait out the ordeal elsewhere, later to regain the buried equipment.
„Yes, the tent would have been better secured with the group inside, but the cooling effect under a gravity wind would eventually have killed them. Furthermore the torn tent was already made unsuitable for this option. In fact - it was exactly this that killed the Anaris group, where the only survivor escaping the shelter, was the only survivor. He was in constant movement and ventured elsewhere, while the rest froze to death.“
„I would argue that the group likely acted in the best possible way under the prevailing circumstances - nothing irrational at all and totally in line with their experience and professionality. Running out in their socks or in their valenki, was obviously insufficient in the long run, but a wise decision considering the explosive event.“
„ The large canvas of the Dyatlov tent would have started to flutter in an exceptionally violent self-destructing way, much so - that the only way to save it would be to cut it open from the inside in order to rush outside for measures of saving it.“
Nach den Ausführungen war das Verlassen des Zeltes keine Panikreaktion sondern ein Zeichen höchster Professionalität,so absurd es klingen mag.Dazu müssten sich hier die entsprechenden Experten äußern,für mich als Laien klingt es jedenfalls durchaus plausibel.
Gibt es eurer Meinung etwas,was gegen diese Theorie spricht?Mit dem Fall in Schweden wäre das etwas,das die Ereignisse an dem Punkt erklären würde.Oder sehr ihr das anders.
Der andere Punkt ist noch die Sache mit der Datumsangabe,die nicht passt.Das Datum ist in dem fraglichen Dokument zweimal angegeben worden,ein Verschreiben fällt damit aus.
Da sind damit noch einige Dinge,die seltsam bleiben bzw nach der langen Zeit nicht mehr rekonstruiert werden können.