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Weizen - Die Droge für das Volk?
24.01.2024 um 13:37Diese Aussage basiert auf der Annahme, dass wir eine Menge an Vitamin C brauchen, die aber an der High-Carb-Ernährung orientiert ist. Ähnlich dem Bedarf an Ballaststoffen, der einer ganz anderen Logik folgt, wenn man die KH rausnimmt.azazeel schrieb:Die Inuit hatten in der Tat ein gewaltiges Problem mit Vitamin C und nur das Glück, dass in Walhaut viel Vitamin C enthalten ist.
Wikipedia: Maktaaq
Ich bin nicht hier, um den Carnivore-Lifestyle zu propagieren. Aber gerade zu dem Punkt Vitamin C gibt es viel zu lesen.
Ein Beispiel:
How Much Vitamin C do I Need to Prevent Scurvy?Quelle:
In the context of a diet high in carbs you only need 10 mg of vitamin C a day to prevent scurvy [16].
It is hypothesized that on a low to zero carb carnivore diet meal plan, it’s likely you need even less. This is because glucose and vitamin C have a near-identical molecular structure and share the same pathways when absorbed into cells. When glucose and vitamin C compete, glucose wins out [17].
Recent research has shown that study participants on a ketogenic diet had higher vitamin C levels than participants on a moderate-carb diet, even when getting only 4% of calories from carbohydrates, making it difficult to get substantial amounts of vitamin C from nonanimal sources [18].
Vitamin C in Meat
According to the USDA, meat flesh contains no vitamin C. However, this is factually incorrect and based on the default practice of the UDSA to fill in vitamin C amounts in muscle meat as “assumed to be zero.” This is an egregious error, considering they test for nearly every other micronutrient [19].
Recent (2007) research published in Meat Science Journal confirms that fresh beef has approximately 1.6 mcg/g of vitamin C in grain-fed meat, and 2.56 mcg/g in grass-fed meat. [20] [1]
On a carnivore diet, if you’re eating 1000 grams of meat, or 2.2 lbs per day, you will be consuming 2.56 mg and 1.6 mg of vitamin C, respectively.
Vitamin C in Organ Meats and Seafood
In addition to muscle meat, seafood, and organ meats provide far more supplemental vitamin C than you need to prevent scurvy. [19][20][21].(...)