Wölfe in Deutschland. Wie seht ihr es, Gefahr oder nicht?
21.03.2019 um 13:09Und hier ist das Träumchen schon wieder kaputt...Tussinelda schrieb:und hier:
Der kurze Dokumentarfilm aus dem Yellowstone Nationalpark zeigt auf, was die Anwesenheit der Wölfe in nur wenigen Jahren bewirkte.
Yes, you heard that right. The wolves that were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995 have not restored the landscape. They have not brought back the aspens and willows. They have not brought back the beavers or the songbirds. And no, the rivers have not changed, either.
Then why does “How Wolves Change Rivers” (HWCR) claim otherwise? Because the creators of the four-minute long viral video (now approaching 20 million hits just via YouTube) “are adherents to romance biology,” according to former USFWS biologist Jim Beers. Plus, the whole notion of Yellowstone as wilderness is “inherently racist,” argues wildlife biologist Dr. Charles Kay. I spoke with both Jim Beers and Dr. Kay in preparing this article. Dr. Kay was especially put out by the video’s claims.