Silentobserver schrieb:Fazit: Unwahrscheinlich
Du hast "obtain" wahrscheinlich mit "entwenden"
übersetzt, obwohl es eigentlich erlangen bzw. erhalten heisst. Ergo mit dem Wissen des Besitzers.
Jeder auf Youtube ballert in den USA mit scharfer Munition entweder auf Blech, Glas Melonen oder Tiere auf eigenm Grund oder in freier Wildbahn. Kein besonderer Vorwand, denke ich.
Cpt.Germanica schrieb:„Unser Scheußlichkeiten der Vergangenheit
Die Stelle hatten wir schon, "Our" gibt es an dieser Briefstelle nicht. Bild sollte unter Quellenniveau sein. Da steht was von geritzten 666 auf dem Esszimmerboden.
Cpt.Germanica schrieb:Blut hin, Blut her, es gibt genügend Briefe mit Gewaltphantasien Sörings vor der Tat und auch noch ausreichend belastendes Schriftliches danach ("our little nasty").
Es ging vorher um die Diskussion Blut, Messer als Waffe, Söring Einzeltäter, Motiv ausreichend, Hemmschwelle Overkill
Dieser Weihnachtsbrief, den Söring vermutlich nie absendete, wird im Prozess komplett auseinander genommen.
Dazu einmal die von "dir" genannte Beispielpassage:
Mr.Stielz schrieb am 05.12.2019:I can see myself depriving people of their property quite easily – your dad, for instance. Even more easily can I see myself depriving many souls (if they exist) of their physical bodies (which might not exist, either) in the course of fulfilling my many, many excessively bizarre sexual fantasies
Dazu spricht Söring (auf knapp vier Seiten, S.90-93 im Transscript) zur Jury am 18. Juni 1990
Q: Now on Page 12, there is a passage that says, I don't know whether I can resist this, I can see myself depriving people of their property quite easily, your dad for instance.
A: Right,.This starts on the previous page. What is this that you're talking about? If you read this, I don't know whether I resist this, okay? You don't know what this is, it's a pronoun, it refers to something that comes before, and have got to refer to the previous paragraph. I'm absolutely convinced that the combination of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming. Maybe I should expand on hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming, My major at that time at the UVA was psychology, that's what I was studying, okay?
Hypnosis is a recognized tool of psychology nowadays, even dentists use it for people who can't take novocaine, they'll hypnotize the and then drill their teeth,OKay? There’s nothing weird about hypnosis, just part of what I was studying in psychology.
Neurolinguistic programming is a form of hypnosis, developed by a couple of California scientists called Fanny and Grinder. Anyway, I'm absolutely convinced that a combination of hypnosis and Neurolinuistic Programming, for example, now being experimented with is among --
sorry -- is along with modern subliminal suggestion techniques, one of the most powerful things invented by man. Within a hundred years at the very most you will see I bombs instead of A, atom, or H, hydrogen bombs; I bombs are ideology bombs, okay?
I don’t know how they will delivered or deployed, but they will change what people think instead of what the countryside looks like. Don't think this is bullshit, Elizabeth, I’m quite serious, and so are some highly informed other people, not implying that I'm highly informed. I'm not sure I care whether they are on our side or theirs, or if it will make that much difference. Crude forms of these quote, bombs, unquote, bomletts, if you will, are already telling us not to steal in department stores without anyone Knowing about it; 50 percent reduction in shoplifting I think is the response they are getting.
Q: So that is what you thought you couldn’t resist?
A: Well, yes. But to explain what that is saying, I mean in department stores, nowadays, in large department stores they do have subliminal suggestion tapes that they play under the music which deliver messages that people aren’t supposed to steal, and apparently they do work. They have had like 50 percent reduction in shoplifting by playing these tapes, telling people not to steal.
Now, sooner or later, that sort of technology will be developed further, and sooner or later it's going to be used as some sort of weapon or bomb by somebody. It inevitably will. Every form of technology soonerorlaterfindsamilitaryapplication., And that’s what I was saying here. And I don’t know whether I can resist this. That's what I am referring to, this sort of technology, Neurolinguist programming. If you can make a tape that tells people not to steal, conceivably you can make a tape that tells people to steal, and drop the stuff off at my door. And I think that that's possibly, you know, an enticing thought. And I don't know whether I can resist this, you know. And I refer to her father here, he died, for instance, because Elizabeth portrayed her father to me at this point in December, '84, as a very rich businessman who had made his money basically by exploiting People in Africa, and after that, breaking up unions in Canada, and being a bit left wing, deomocrat at that time. It didn't sound like a wonderful thing to to do me, and it sounded like this was the kind of person who you know, had made his money by immoral means and probably deserved to have it either taxed or stolen or something, I mean --
Die Jury war sicherlich damit überfordert. Es gab schliesslich 2 Auswahlmöglichkeiten. Spricht hier ein kaltblütiger Killer, der sich schlauer Weise nerdige Erklärungen in 4 Jahren überlegt hat, um seine Codiersprache mit seiner Freundin bezgl. Mordpläne 3 Monate später zu covern.
Oder spricht hier der schizoide intelligente Psychologie Nerd, der merkt dass seine Freundin psychische Probleme hat und sie mit seinem abstrakten Theoriegeschwafel so beeindrucken will, dass er am besten auch noch die Eltern einbaut.
Anscheinend muss er mal überlegt haben, ob das wirklich bei ihr ankommt bzw. ob sie das überhaupt rafft ohne weitere Erklärungen.