@Balduin67 jetzt mal ganz im Ernst.
Glaubst du nicht das, wenn es tatsächlich substanzielles gäbe, Strate nicht schon seit 3 Jahren "sammeln" müsste?
Welches Material, außer PET kommt denn deiner Meinung nach, noch für eine "Plastikflasche" in Frage?
Was genau ändert das Material der Flasche am Tatablauf?
Was spricht dagegen, dass sich AD von der Anleitung hat "inspirieren lassen, aber an manchen Stellen einfach Dinge anders gemacht hat?
Die Detailfrage sind mehr oder weniger irrelevant, weil sie den grundsätzlichen rekonstruierten Tathergang ja nicht ins Wanken bringen.
Und selbst, wenn sie das täten, kann AD nach wie vor der Täter sein.
Glaubst du im Ernst, dass AD bereits 10 Jahre im Knast sitzen würde, wenn es auch nur einen ECHTEN Zweifel an seiner Schuld geben würde?
AD hat eine "BI" im Nacken die für ihn kämpft.
Schau mal wie "leidenschaftlich" AD sich bei diesen Menschen bedankt.
Original anzeigen (1,7 MB)Hat AD im Knast keinen Zugang zu ausreichend Papier?
Verdammt nochmal ich hab mich zum Teil für einen Fuffi zu Weihnachten von Tante Christa mehr bedankt, als Herr Darsow für seine "Gefolgschaft" hier.
Muss alles natürlich nichts heißen, aber es spricht dennoch Bände.
AD ist offensichtlich kein Mann der großen Worte, jemand der die Dinge mit sich selbst ausmacht und in sich reinfrisst.
Meiner persönlichen Erfahrung neigen solche Leute dazu irgendwann in regelmäßigen Abständen "an die Decke zu gehen".
Das Ergebnis in Babenhausen kennen wir.
Nicht die böse Justiz ist Schuld am Leid der Familie Darsow, sondern nur eine einzige Person, und zwar AD selbst.
Er hat das alles heraufbeschworen.
Ich mein, jetzt mal ernsthaft.lest euch mal diesen Quatsch durch:
Imagine that the police will arrest your husband tomorrow…
Imagine you go on Easter holidays with your two children and when you return you are told that your neighbours were shot to death. And your husband would have loved to spend the Easter holidays together with the family, but in the construction industry there is no chance to go on holiday in spring; his colleagues needed his support.
You and your husband are questioned as witnesses. You are really shocked about this dreadful crime. You are scared, and every night your husband checks that all doors are locked.
And then after 3 months the unimaginable happens: your husband is suspected of having committed the crime. In the morning the doorbell rings and you are told to come to the police station for questioning. Your husband is pulled out of his car, pushed onto the street, leading to a bruised rib.
You are told that your husband is under suspicion of having committed the crime. The evidence: noise nuisance for years and someone has accessed a website on his company PC which explains how to build a sound absorber for a gun.
Finally, you and your husband are allowed to go home. Everyone is shocked about this police action. You and your husband talk a lot about the situation. Your husband does not have a clue why this is happening and assures that he has never accessed this website and that he is not involved in this dreadful crime.
Over several weeks it’s not clear how this suspicion could arise and who accessed the website using his company PC.
Now, imagine that you get pregnant with your third child. You are very happy and look forward to the baby and you no longer think about the suspicion. Your life has returned to normal. Your baby is born and everyone is happy, especially your husband. Imagine that you are baking a cake for your husband’s company to thank your husband’s colleagues for the nice present. You are preparing everything and you and your husband are putting the cake into the car. Your husband offers to take your daughter to school before he goes to work.
Imagine that you say goodbye to your husband by giving him a kiss and telling him “I love you”. Shortly after that the doorbell rings while you are breastfeeding your baby. You are surprised because you weren’t expecting any visitors. It’s the police and you are asked to open the door.
The first thing that comes to your mind is “What is it now?” But then all of a sudden your whole life changes. Your husband has already been taken into custody and is being taken to the judge. Imagine your husband is deemed a murderer. The same evidence as before is presented. But now there is also something else: they also took an old pair of Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) trousers with them on which they found gunshot residues.
Did your husband keep his old army clothes, too?
Your lawyer is on an appointment and cannot assist your husband. In the newspaper you will later read “alleged suspect remains silent”. You have no chance to see your husband before he is confined to prison. It takes about 4 weeks until you are allowed to see him.
Now they can say the alleged criminal has been arrested, the police did an excellent job.
https://www.doppelmord-babenhausen.de/Imagine-that-the-police-will-arrest-your-husband-tomorrow.htmFür mich ist das hart an der Grenze rum Rufmord was hier passiert.