Ich habe mir das ins Englische übersetzte Geständnis an Dr. Frieser nochmal angeschaut unter dem Aspekt, dass EH und JS eventuell gemeinsam vor Ort waren:
https://soeringguiltyascharged.com/2018/03/15/transcript-of-jens-soerings-interview-with-the-german-prosecutor-30-december-1986/https://soeringguiltyascharged.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/soering-interview-with-german-prosecutor-30-december-1986.pdfDas Geständnis wurde 8 Monate nach der Festnahme in London abgelegt (Verhaftung: 30.4.1986, Geständnis: 30.12.1986)
Es wurde ja schon darauf hingewiesen, dass beide lügen, daher will ich einfach nur mal ein paar (hüstel) Gedanken niederschreiben:
PP (Public Prosecutor) = Staatsanwalt
A (Accused) = Angeklagter
V = DC (Defence Counsel) = Verteidiger
1.) Erstmal finde ich es bemerkenswert, wie oft JS erwähnt, dass er total in EH verliebt war:
- "There was no doubt whatsoever for me, what would happen if it came to a conflict, then it was always done as she wanted, it because her affection, her love was unbelievably important and important above everything." (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, S. 7)
- "I have heard so many stories from her which I swallowed at that time without doubting, since I trusted her totally." (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, S. 8)
- "During the first 2 months or the following time Elisabeth and I spent every free minute from early morning until very late in the evening together. I hardly slept during the second term since we spent the whole time together, it was then daily, I would even say still more when we talked about her past; I was told stories about what her parents had done to her. (...) I believe it is quite right that I hated the parents more and more, because I loved Elisabeth so incredibly. She was my everything." (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, S. 29)
- "My parents are not wealthy, but this had nothing to do with it, it all circled around Elisabeth. I would have sacrificed everything." (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, S. 33)--> Sie verbrachten jede Minute miteinander, er hatte eigentlich keinerlei andere Kontakte, sie erzählte ihm von morgen bis abends ihre Stories, er hätte alles für sie geopfert.
2.) Elizabeth lebte am Wochenende zuhause, damit hätte sie Fingerabdrücke im Haus problemlos erklären können:
During term she lived in the university, at the weekend and during the holidays she always stayed with her parents. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 7)
3.) Jens sagte, am Freitag telefonierte sie noch einmal mit den Eltern (vielleicht um die Essensverabredung nochmal zu bestätigen?):
On the Friday when we left, Elisabeth had a phone call from her parents. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 11)
--> Ihren Washington-Trip hat sie sicherlich nicht erwähnt, denn das hätten die Eltern nicht gebilligt. Spekulation: Sie hat ihre Essensverabredung für Samstag erneuert. Kurz bevor sie das Geld für das Mietauto rauswirft, wollte sie sichergehen, dass es klappt.
4.) Dann kommt die Frage, warum EH nicht mitgekommen ist, als er die Eltern von sich überzeugen wollte. Das ist eine naheliegende Frage, wer fährt schon 4 Stunden, um mit den Eltern zu reden, während man eigentlich ein romantisches Wochenende verbringen will? Jetzt wird es interessant, JS deutet an, dass EH möglicherweise am Tatort war:
PP: Why didn't she actually come along?
A: That is something. I believe she did not come along, but I am not quite sure.
PP: So you think she might have come along?
A: I don't know it. I don't know whether she followed perhaps in another car or whether she came along in the car. But I can not remember anymore. I think, there remain a few pictures of this evening here and there, let us say, which I can remember. In between there are quite enormous gaps, and partly there is something missing within the pictures itself. It is possible that Elisabeth came along. I can not commit myself. I don't believe it, but on the other hand, the police has told me that a second set of foot prints and actually female ones had been found in the blood in the house. When they were so fresh that they left traces of blood somebody must have been there most likely, or very soon after me or at the same time with me. I do not know that. I have no idea about it.
PP: You then drove to Lynchburg?(Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 13)
--> Der Vernehmer geht komplett über diese mysteriöse Andeutung hinweg.
Etwas später spricht JS dieses Thema noch einmal an:
A: (...) The reason why I can't say anything and not want to say that I killed them is that after all a second set of foot prints which supposedly were in the house and which are absolutely inexplicable for me.
PP: Well I can say that there was nothing in the files. I have read about a second set of traces. It is only said of an imprint of a tennis shoe and then the imprint of a sock. You youself said to the American Officer that you returned in socks the second time.
A: Yes, that is right.
PP: Perhaps you confuse this with the two imprints.
A: No, when I left the house I was not wearing shoes, I had taken them off the first time when I got into car. No, the matter with the two foot prints was in all newspapers from the beginning and I also think that during the week we then were in Lynchburg and the police had always informed the brothers and the family whether they knew what they had learned in the meantime etc, also what I was told in the months after that again and again either they talked about it in my presence or I heard it from Elisabeth that one set of male and one set of female footprints was found there and there was always a theory that the woman was the wounded one and the man had carried her out.
PP: Well to revert, you said in the beginning you did not know whether Elisabeth has accompanied you. Now, at the end you said that you have met her in Washington. I think, in theory, it would have been possible that she also hired a car, drove there and back and was there again before you. Is that what you base your assumption on?
A: As already said, I simply do not know it. I know that I collected her in front of the cinema. I don't want to commit myself.(Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 26 + 27)
--> JS spricht das Thema noch einmal an. Er kriegt die Antwort, dass Fußabdruck und Sockenabdruck in seine eigene Geschichte wunderbar reinpassen. JS schwächt nun ab, dass er das möglicherweise irgendwo in der Familie gehört hat oder in der Zeitung gelesen hat. Da er Elizabeths Anwesenheit komplett abstreitet, bleibt nur noch die Möglichkeit, dass beide in getrennten Autos gefahren sind, was natürlich noch größerer Bullshit ist. Also kehrt JS schnell wieder zum Ankerpunkt Kino zurück. Das müssen sie fest ausgemacht haben, dieser Kinoabend war ein Ankerpunkt in ihrer Story.
5.) Zur Ankunftszeit:
A: I then arrived late afternoon - no, it must have been already dark. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 14)
--> Ups, versprochen. Später Nachmittag könnte zur Theorie, dass die Zeit vorverlegt wurde, passen.
6.) Die Eltern starten vor ihrem Gast (den sie ja kaum kennen und erst 1x gesehen haben) einen recht persönlichen Streit:
A: Then Mrs Haysom came down and drank pernod I believe. Shortly afterwards Mr and Mrs Haysom started quarelling with each other and to make the same poisonous remarks to each other as they had done it too when I was for lunch with them about one month ago, it may have been, with Elisabeth's mother. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 14)
--> Das ist doch wirklich merkwürdig. Die Haysoms machen nicht nur in legerer Kleidung die Tür auf, nein, sie streiten über persönliche Themen vor ihrem Gast, den sie nicht mögen.
7.) Zum Essen, was er tagsüber hatte:
A: No, I have not eaten anything since breakfast. For lunch I ate a Hamburger in Washington, but not much. The last big meal was breakfast. On the way there it is 3 1/2 hours, by car and I had no time to eat something and I got served something warmed-up and we were sitting down together in the dining room. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 15)
--> Er hatte Frühstück und einen Hamburger. Er schildert hier keinen großartigen Lunch um 15.30 Uhr in einem Diner mit Train-Motiv:
"It was about 3:30 p.m. when Elizabeth and I decided to park again and have a late lunch. The restaurant where we stopped was decorated with a train motif (...))" (vgl. Mortal Thoughts, Kapitel 4, Seite 59)
Nun hat er auch kein Problem mehr zu erklären, warum er überhaupt zu der Tat fähig war. Er hatte den ganzen Tag kein Essen im Magen und dann hat der Alkohol reingehauen. Obwohl er vorher seitenlang ausführt, wie sehr er Alkohol ablehnt und den Geschmack nicht mag. Eine solche "anti-alkoholische" Person trinkt nicht aus Geselligkeit Unmengen Alkohol!
8.) Das Gespräch direkt vor der Tat:
A: When we were sitting down I then started to talk to them that Elisabeth had told me that first of all I did not fit in.
PP: What did they say with regard to this?
A: Well they were very direct and opened the attack immediately what had shocked me somewhat (...). What happened after that was a weird and very loud conversation, one yelled at each other. It was so, Mr Haysom had his own tactic which mainly depended on that I had no great future in comparison with other people whom Elisabeth knows, he meant with this background and material things and Mrs Haysom made it at the same time in a more personal way (...) (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 15)
--> Die Eltern flippen also direkt aus. Was sind das für Gastgeber? Und sie beschimpfen sich auch noch gegenseitig vor ihrem Gast? Was war ein Thema, das die Eltern garantiert wie Granaten an die Decke gehen lassen würde? Eine Heirat zwischen EH und JS? Warum hätten die Eltern das lang und breit vor ihrem Gast diskutieren sollen (wenn EH nicht dabeigewesen wäre?). Sie hätten ihn einfach hinausbitten können.
Etwas später kommt folgende Frage:
PP: How long did this last about?
A: That is very difficult to say. I mean I describe this now rather from an instinctive perspective than an objective perspective. I can not remember exactly how it felt at the time, I believe the whole affair from the arrival until the respective attack passed in about 20 to 30 minutes - including eating. I believe the meal was not finished. Mr Haysom has somehow still eaten ice-cream. I had in the meantime 2 drinks in the living room and starting again in the dining room. They were also drinking. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 17)
--> Nun wird es ja immer absurder. Er ist zu Gast, aber während seine Gastgeber streiten, geht er in den Living Room und nimmt sich dort 2 Drinks? Auch noch 2 Drinks? Also, wenn ich mir vorstelle, ich bin alleine irgendwo zu Besuch und dann fangen die an zu streiten über ein Thema, das MICH betrifft, da gehe ich doch nicht nach nebenan und genehmige mir einen Drink. Das ist doch lebensfern!
9.) Angeblich hat ihn DH gegen die Wand geschubst:
I thus fell back and in fact against the rear wall of the house in the dining room, it was a stone wall. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 18)
(--> wie man auf den Tatortfotos sieht, gibt es im Esszimmer aber gar keine Wand, gegen die er einfach so fallen konnte, da war ein großer Kamin und in der Ecke stand eine große Truhe:
https://www.allmystery.de/i/e1ea071b37a0_vorhaenge.PNGhttps://www.allmystery.de/i/t6f95dfba500e_a0cd003b3b_zdf_zoom_422.jpg10.) JS sagt, er habe zuerst DH angegriffen, wobei er keine Details beschreibt:
But the next thing I can remember is, that I stood behind Mr Haysom and then blood ran from the neck into the lap and that I was incredibly shocked. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 18)
22.) (nachträglich)
Die Sache mit der Brille:
A: He bashed me and boxed the head actually several times. At the first time my glasses flew of my face and I could hardly see any more. I have very weak eyes.
PP: What did you do, did you beat around you?
A: No, I held her arm firmly and tried to take the knife away from her, since Mr Haysom had no knife. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 20)
--> Da ich selber stark kurzsichtig bin, glaube ich das keine einzige Sekunde. Wenn die Brille runterfällt, ist man verloren. Und dann versucht man, sich gleichzeitig zweier Angreifer zu erwehren, ja, sogar einer Frau ein Messer zu entwinden? Wie soll das gehen?? Sorry, aber das hier ist total unglaubwürdig.
11.) Er beschreibt totale Panik:
I think I was in such a terror. I only wanted out and as soon as possible. Well, I had an insane fear. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, S. 21)
--> Nun würde man doch annehmen, dass er abhaut, so schnell er kann?
12.) Aber trotz totaler Panik fährt er zu einem Müllcontainer und fährt sogar nochmal zum Haus zurück:
That is about the last what I can clearly remember. After that I left the house towards the car. I remembered later and in June that I drove afterwards to a rubbish container about 1 m away and that I then returned to the house. To be quite honest, I also can not be sure there anymore. I believe I drove to the rubbish container. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 21)
--> Diese Müllcontainer-Geschichte ist ihm also erst später wieder eingefallen. Und er weiß das auch alles nicht mehr so genau. Er fuhr 1 Meile (= 1600 m) weg, nachdem er gerade zwei Leute umgebracht hat und fährt dann zurück? Wer soll das glauben?
13.) Die Erklärung, die er gibt: Die Innen-Lichter waren an und er wollte sie ausschalten. Deshalb musste er zurückkehren:
Furthermore all lights were on in the house and I was afraid that somebody would notice it during the next day and then go there to examine whether there was light and also the door was open and all such things. Anyway I have thought it over that I had to return. In any event I think I can remember that. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, S. 20)
--> Ist es glaubhaft, dass jemand, der gerade eben noch voller Panik und Schock blutbefleckt aus einem Haus geflüchtet ist, ernsthaft wieder 1 Meile zurückfährt, um das Licht auszuschalten? Würde man nicht lieber das Weite suchen, so schnell man kann? Beim Zurückfahren steigt doch die Gefahr unendlich an, erwischt zu werden.
(Und inhaltlich finde ich es auf jeden Fall interessant, dass das Thema "Licht ein-/ausschalten" hier überhaupt erwähnt wird.)
14.) Nun fängt er an, sich wegen der blutbefleckten Kleidung in Widersprüche zu verwickeln:
A: I was once in the bathroom and got something to bandage my hand. But I can not remember now whether it was a bandage or a bandaid or simply a towel. I do remember that I took a type of shirt or a sweat shirt since my clothes was very bloodstained and I wanted to throw it away.
PP: You had not thrown it away yet?
A: No, I had not thrown it away yet.
PP: I thought you had already thrown it away on the way to the rubbish container and returned only wearing your vest and pants?
A: No, I had not yet thrown it away, more to the container.
PP: Why did you drive to the container the first time, if you did not throw the clothes away?
A: Well, I drove there and intended to throw my clothes away there. When I arrived then and opened the door, I saw all the blood on my trousers and my hand and quasi woke up from the whole affair (...).
(Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 22/23)
--> Auf Rückfrage hat er also eigentlich überhaupt gar nichts in diesen ominösen Müllcontainer geworfen.
15.) Nun stellt sich also die Frage: Wenn EH nicht dabei war, wo war sie dann?
PP: How did it then go on when you were on the way to Washington? What about Elisabeth?
A: Elisabeth was in Washington when I arrived, she was in the street.
PP: Did you call her in advance or did you meet her accidentally?
A: No, we intended to meet there in the street in front of the cinema.
PP: How did she know when you were returning?
A: She was very shocked how I looked. She then said that I was extremely late, but this I can't remember exactly. I do remember where it was. It was in front of a cinema in Georgetown, that is the name of the part of the city. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, S. 24)
--> Er umgeht die Frage, wie sie sich treffen wollten. Sie war geschockt, wie er aussah. Mehr weiß er nicht.
16.) Nun kommt wieder die Tiefgarage ins Spiel:
PP: Did you go directly to the hotel or was it different?
A: We drove into the underground parking garage. I was in shock and fear. Elisabeth saw me in a practical way; and from this moment on took over the lead. We then drove down and parked the car. She went to the room and collected an overcoat. Anyhow she must have collected an overcoat. I can remember that she was wearing an overcoat when I was then standing in the lift, I can also remember the lift because there was a mirror in the lift or was it in the hall, I don't know anymore. We then got up to our room and there she washed and bandaged me. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 39)
--> Ich lese hier ganz viel zwischen den Zeilen. Er war in Schock in Angst. Elizabeth übernahm die Führung. Eigentlich hätte sie doch geschockt sein müssen? Hier hätte sie doch auch so reagieren müssen, wie man es in JSs Story immer vermisst: Verwirrung, Schock, Angst, Rückfragen ...? Stattdessen übernimmt sie die Führung und beruhigt ihn und verbindet ihn? Wie eine fürsorgliche Krankenschwester?
17.) Nochmal Rückfrage nach Elizabeth:
DC: Did Elisabeth know something of the act when she met you in Washington? Something she could have only known if she had been there herself?
A: No, not in any event that I can remember. But, as already said, there too is it so. I can remember only her shocked face when she got into the car and then the matter in the hall and the parking garage, I simply don't know it. I wish I could say more to this. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 27)
--> Wieder keine substantielle Aussage. Mir fällt hier auf, dass er etwas von einem "shocked face" schreibt und vorher einen Spiegel im Lift erwähnt, das ist ihm also im Gedächtnis geblieben. Vielleicht hat er sein eigenes geschocktes Gesicht gesehen?
18.) Zum Messer:
Well, one thing I will say to this. The Swiss army knife, the matter which always comes up. Under guarantee it was not the Swiss army knife. The matter is simply this, I don't know with which knife I injured Mr Haysom. I am positive that I have injured Mrs Haysom with the knife she had. I don't know with which knife I injured Mr Haysom. I personally have my theory but I forgot to discuss it with you (in this context the accused refers to his defence counsel). (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 34)
--> Keine Aussage zum Messer.
19.) Die Story um das 2. Messer geht so:
PP: And her, you probably injured with the knife she had in her hand, in any case that's what you think.
A: I believe that this would be logical that I injured her with the knife she had in her hand. Then this was the knife against which I wished to defend myself. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 35)
--> Das ("this would be logical") klingt wie so ein typischer JS-Spruch. Ja, wenn man EH aus der Gleichung wegnimmt, die evtl. ihre Mutter mit einem zweiten Messer angegriffen hat, dann muss man das zweite Messer irgendwie logisch herzaubern. Man hat es ihr entrissen. Klar, und davon hat er dann seine zwei Schnitte am Daumen/kleinen Finger davongetragen, aber keinerlei Abwehrverletzungen? Ich stelle es mir nicht leicht vor, jemandem ein Messer zu entreißen.
20.) Nochmal das Thema Müll:
A: (...) Everything I threw away I threw away the second time .
PP: The glass and the plate and such things, that one would not know that a third person had attended the supper ?
A. No, because of the fingerprints. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, S. 39)
--> Er hat also Beweise vernichtet (und zwar solche, die 1985 gefährlich werden konnten, DNA-Analyse gab es ja noch nicht.) Auf die "dritte Person" geht er nicht ein. Die Haysoms waren zigmal umgezogen, die hatten bestimmt kein perfektes Service im Schrank. Wer hätte später sagen, ob ein oder zwei Teller fehlen?
21.) Blutverschmierungen:
PP: Then you ought to have smeared blood around to remove traces.
A: Yes. I told you that. To the smearing I can only say (no end of sentence) I can not say now that I do remember it now, but I presume that I remembered that at least in June that I probably did it. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 39)
--> Er will etwas sagen, sagt dann aber lieber doch nichts. Warum? Weiß er nicht, wie er das in seine Geschichte einbauen soll? Er hätte doch hier leicht antworten können, dass er deswegen seine Schuhe ausgezogen hat? Ich kann mir da gerade nichts herleiten. (Ich stelle mir das auch ziemlich eklig vor und meine Fantasie reicht nicht aus.)
Nochmal zum Tatablauf
Im obigen Geständnis heißt es (zusammengefasst): EH schleuderte JS gegen die Wand, er schnitt dem Vater die Kehle durch, die Mutter wankte auf ihn zu, er nahm ihr das Messer ab und brachte auch sie um.
Englade zitiert aus der Aussage von EH, die sie am 8.6.1986 abgab:
He said that he killed my mother first. They had been talking for about forty minutes, and then he stood up and slit her throat. (...) Jens told her that after he slashed her mother’s throat, she staggered into the kitchen and he continued fighting with her father. “He said to me that my father was very strong and that— that he just —he said over and over again, ‘He just wouldn’t lie down and die.’”(Beyond reason, Kapitel 29)
Im Blog heißt es zu ihrer Aussage vom 5.6.1986:
Wright: “Did he tell you some of the things that he had done?”
Haysom: “OK. He … one of the first things he said was, “My God, your father put up, you know, a horrible struggle,” and then he said that Dad had said, “My God, what do you think you are doing?” He said that he killed my mother first. That they had been talking to … like forty minutes and then he stood up and slit her throat.”
Wright: “Did he tell you what room they were in?”
Haysom: “He said they were in the dining room. He [pause] said that … I think he said that my mother got up with her throat slit and started walking out of the dining room and he was struggling with my father. I believe he lost control of the knife and I think he lost his glasses in the fight. And he said to me that my father was very strong and that … that he just … he said over and over again, “He just wouldn’t lie down and die” basically … I know he said that … I don’t know what happened about my father but then he went back to my mother, and I don’t know if she was standing up or what was going on, but he went and stabbed her again because he thought that … I don’t know what he thought … and then I suppose he came back to my father. He said that my father was struggling right to the very end and calling out and had enormous strength. And I don’t know any other details.”(Quelle:
--> Es war hier ja schon öfter fragwürdig, ob Englade korrekt zitiert. Wenn ich annehme (was ich natürlich nicht weiß), dass der Blog ebenfalls korrekt zitiert, dann kann man hier sagen, dass Englade das korrekt zusammenfassend wiedergegeben hat.
Mir fällt übrigens auf, dass sie zeitlich voneinander abweichen:
I believe the whole affair from the arrival until the respective attack passed in about 20 to 30 minutes - including eating. (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 17)
"That they had been talking to … like forty minutes" (Quelle, siehe oben)
Aber was nun komisch ist (und anderen auch schon aufgefallen ist), ist doch, dass JS mehr Infos zum Vater, aber EH mehr Infos zu ihrer Mutter hat. JS erzählt die Story mit der Mutter total anders (sie wäre auf ihn zugewankt, er hätte ihr das Messer entwunden).
Mal im direkten "He-said/She-Said"-Vergleich:
ER sagt über den VATER: "But the next thing I can remember is, that I stood behind Mr Haysom and then blood ran from the neck into the lap and that I was incredibly shocked." (...) I don't know whether I have stabbed him in the neck, or cut down along the neck. I am of the opinion that this must have been something like it. (...) Mr Haysom got up in the meantime, I still know exactly that he shouted, "My God, what are you doing?" Then was fighting. I don't know for how long I only know that I several times from Mr Haysom (Note; no verb), who naturally was defending himself (...) He still had incredible strength and appeared as if he was not wounded. He bashed me and boxed the head actually several times. At the first time my glasses flew of my face and I could hardly see any more. I have very weak eyes. (...) Mr Haysom was still screaming. He tried to get up, after probably having slipped on the blood. That is about the last what I can clearly remember." (Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 18 - 21)
SIE sagt über den VATER: "He was struggling with my father. I believe he lost control of the knife and I think he lost his glasses in the fight. And he said to me that my father was very strong and that … that he just … he said over and over again, “He just wouldn’t lie down and die” basically … I know he said that … I don’t know what happened about my father" (...) and then I suppose he came back to my father. He said that my father was struggling right to the very end and calling out and had enormous strength. And I don’t know any other details.”
ER sagt über die MUTTER: "Next I looked up and saw Mrs Haysom approaching me with a knife and screaming what was probably understandable. What happened after this I can only describe very roughly. Well, there was a fight and in fact rather at the beginning I took hold of Mrs Haysom's hand in which she held the knife and tried to push her between me and Mr Haysom. Somehow I tried to hold her with the knife. (...) No, I held her arm firmly and tried to take the knife
away from her. (...) Mrs Haysom (...) had her knife in her hand. I wanted to take it away from her under any circumstances and this was my greatest fear. Sometime I must have been injured by the knife. Yes, of course. Eventually and finally, I injured Mrs Haysom too at her neck. I say injured because there was all of a sudden no resistence on her part.
I let go and ran to the door because, as said, there was no more resistence (...). The last I remember - I was at the door to the living room. I saw her going to the kitchen with both hands at her neck. I don't know any more."
(Geständnis Dr. Frieser, Seite 19 - 21)
SIE sagt über die MUTTER: "I think he said that my mother got up with her throat slit and started walking out of the dining room" (...) but then he went back to my mother, and I don’t know if she was standing up or what was going on, but he went and stabbed her again because he thought that … I don’t know what he thought …"
--> Ich finde es frappierend, dass die Teile bezüglich des Vaters sehr gut zusammenpassen (JS verlor die Kontrolle über das Messer, JS verlor die Brille), aber die Teile über die Mutter gar nicht. So einen bedeutsamen Zweikampf, bei der er sie als Schild benutzte und ihr das Messer entwenden musste, den hätte er doch erwähnt. Und dann auch noch ohne Brille. Und dann ohne Abwehrverletzungen. Wie soll das gehen?
[Ich muss jetzt mal Schluss machen, ich habe schon wieder den ganzen Tag mit dem Schreiben zugebracht. Falls sich jemand wegen der Texte fragt, die habe ich per OCR-Software extrahiert, die habe ich nicht alle abgetippt...]