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Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

17.291 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Vermisst, Portugal, 2007 ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 14:59
"Between approximately a quarter past nine and half past nine, Ocean Club guest S.C. and his wife left the Tapas bar to go home: "We walked across the MW reception area, crossed the road and a semi circular path to return to the apartment, were we put the children to bed and a short while later did the same ourselves. I do not remember seeing or hearing anyone during our return to the apartment. When I crossed the road outside the MW reception I remember there were cars parked, I remember taking some time to see if I could cross the road because there were cars parked to my left and I was carrying I****. They were about six metres away from me and i calculate that some (inaudible) metres from the back of Gerry's apartment, I do not remember anything about these cars, it was normal for cars to be parked there and in the morning they were no longer there. My wife mentioned on the following day that she vaguely remembered someone calling "Madeleine, Madeleine",...
a quarter past nine and half past nine!!!!

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Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 15:02
Was willst Du damit jetzt sagen?
9:15 -9:30 Uhr heißt das...passt doch genau.

Wenn die um 21:20 Uhr schon von der Entführung mitbekommen haben dann müssten die um diese Zeit auch schon was mitbekommen haben


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 15:03
eben! Das ist die Aussage von anderen Engländern - passt also zu den Aussagen vom Hotel-Personal!

Dann haben wir aber eine große Diskrepanz zur anderen Timeline!
...und zwar nicht nur ein paar Minuten, "wo" man sich immer mal vertun kann!


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 15:05
I do not remember seeing or hearing anyone during our return to the apartment.

Aber die haben doch nichts gehört oder gesehen.


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 15:06
Verstehe ich alles nicht!!!!!


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 15:10
Zitat von Bambus1Bambus1 schrieb:At 21H20, Executive Chef A. E. G. F. P. heard some clamour, which made him leave toward the restaurant, a few meters away, and was then informed that a child had disappeared.
Zitat von Bambus1Bambus1 schrieb:I do not remember seeing or hearing anyone during our return to the apartment.
Und das sagt das Paar, dass um die gleiche Zeit in sein Appartement geht.

Ich kann daher nicht glauben, dass die Zeitangabe von dem Executive Chef stimmt.
Wenn es wirklich 21:20 Uhr gewesen sein soll dann hätte das Paar was mitbekommen.

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Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 15:51
na ja, das Restaurant ist ja ein paar Meter weg. Die Eltern haben am vorabend ja auch nicht mitbekommen, dass ihre Tochter 1 Stunde und 15 Min geheult hat!


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:07
Ein Mitarbeiter des Oceans Clubs (Computer Operator & zu dem Zeitpunkt bereits 20 Jahre dort tätig), der zwar am Tag des Verschwindens von Madeleine nicht zugegen war, aber am nächsten Tag über dieses Ereignis von anderen Mitarbeitern informiert wurde. Auch hier ist von ca. 21.30 Uhr die Rede:
relative to the investigative facts the witness clarifies that on May 04, 2007 (Friday), at around 09H20, he was already at his work location, and was informed by his colleagues that during the previous night (03 May 2007), at approximately 21H30, a child of the feminine sex, three years of age, of British nationality, who has lodged with her parents and siblings in an apartment ?water side garden?, block 5, apartment A in the Ocean Club report, had gone missing from the interior of the same;


Hier der Manager des Clubs, der bereits gegen 21.28 Uhr, durch einen Telefonanruf, über das Fehlen von Madeleine informiert wurde:
With regard to the facts of the investigation. Statements show that he knew of these facts by means of a phone call from Lindsay, head of the child care service, who told him about a female child staying at the resort who had disappeared. This phone call was made to the deponent's mobile phone at about 22.28 on 03-05-2007. About 5 minutes later the deponent presented himself at the resort, because Lindsay had told him that she had initiated the procedure for missing children used by the company and the child had not been found. Upon arriving at the scene he saw about 100 people, employees, guests and residents searching the grounds, the beach and adjoining areas calling out the child's name.
Hier sagt eine Mitarbeiterin aus (Rezeption), dass es einen Babysitterdienst gab, den man bis 23.30 Uhr in Anspruch hätte nehmen können:
That the most viable solution would be to leave the children with a baby sitter, which is the procedure normally adopted by clients.

Regarding the question as to the availability of the baby sitting service between 19.30 and 23.30, she confirms that the service exists and that it is free of charge.

When questioned, she says that she does not understand, as the service is free, why the parents of Madeleine McCann did not use it.

Hier nun aber wieder die Aussage der Aerobic-Trainerin, die von Gerry McCann an den Tisch geladen wurde. Sie sagt aus, sie habe zwischen 21.30 - 21.50 Uhr am Tisch gesessen:
When questioned, she said she was at the table from about 21.30 to 21.50.

Hier noch einmal der Execute Chef. Auch da: 21.20 Uhr:
A few minutes later, when it was around 21H20, he heard some clamour, which made him leave toward the restaurant, a few meters away, and was then informed that a child had disappeared. Given the importance of this, believed that he should be in the surroundings. At that moment, he did not leave the area of the restaurant, and did not have the opportunity to check if the vehicle mentioned before was situated in the same location;
. Later, at around 21:40, he left the restaurant passing through the same esplanade where moments before, he had seen the same table occupied by the three couples, empty, who had left in the meanwhile various items, principally clothing. He was told by his colleagues that the child who had disappeared was a child of one of those couples;

Man sieht also: es gibt sehr widersprüchliche Aussagen über den genauen Zeitpunkt des Alarmes, wobei viele Zeugen tatsächlich einen Alarm zwischen 21.20 und 21.40 Uhr bestätigen.

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Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:20
Der "Head of Accommodation" bestätigt, dass viele Leute sich im Appartement aufhielten und natürlich konnte er keine Einbruchsspuren erkennen:
The witness then went to the apartment where there was an agglomeration of persons, however he managed to perceive that the apartment did not show any sign of disturbance not that anyone had attempted to break in.

He adds that he heard it said at the scene that the mother had not left the shutter open as she always closed the shutter when she left. When asked, he says that he did not notice anything strange in relation to the apartment or its surroundings.
Er sagt weiterhin aus, dass es keinerlei Überwachungskameras gab:
The witness states that the resort did not have any kind of security or cameras.

Ist das mit den Überwachungsvideos dann nur eine Ente gewesen? Wenn das einer wissen müsste, dann doch wohl er?
Weiss da jemand was?


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:20
In Summe sind es aber doch viele Zeugen, die unabhängig voneinander eine ähnliches Zeitfenster angeben! Von daher gehe ich auch mal davon aus, dass das so stimmt!


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:22
Waren die Überwachungskameras nicht in der Stadt vor einem Hotel, wo die Smith-Suchtung war?
So habe ich das in Erinnerung!
...habe aber momentan keinen Link parat!

1x zitiertmelden

Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:27
Zitat von Bambus1Bambus1 schrieb:Waren die Überwachungskameras nicht in der Stadt vor einem Hotel, wo die Smith-Suchtung war?
So habe ich das in Erinnerung!
Ah okay, danke. :)

Naja, gut, der Smithsichtung wurde durch die Tannersichtung zunächst ja leider keine große Bedeutung beigemessen. Wäre interessant zu wissen, ob Amaral diese noch auswerten konnte bzw. ausgewertet hat.

Ich weiss jedenfalls, dass es oftmals so ist, dass Überwachungsvideos gar nicht lange gespeichert werden - wenn überhaupt. Wäre interessant zu wissen, ob das hier auch der Fall war, denn schließlich wurde ihm unterstellt, diese nicht ausgewertet zu haben, wenn ich das richtig in Erinnerung habe.

Bei dem Resort-Manager muss ich mich korrigieren... er wurde telefonisch nicht um 21.28, sondern um 22.28 Uhr informiert. Danke für denjenigen, der diesen Fehler entdeckt hat! :) Kann es leider im Beitrag direkt nicht mehr ändern.


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:31
Ich weiss nicht, wie man die Zeitangaben vor 22h deuten soll.
Sie sind nahezu alle mit "about/around" - also ungefähr angegeben. Was heisst, nach deren Zeitgefühl. Der Großteil der Angestellten datiert den Alarm auf 22h oder später - bzw. dann wann sie es mitbekamen.
Die genauste Aussage vor 22h kam wohl von der Zeugin M. M. M. d. S., die konkret angibt, um exakt 21.58h gemeinsam mit ihrem Freund aus dessen Apartment gegangen zu sein. Dann gingen sie Richtung Auto, anschließend fuhren sie direkt am Apartment 5A vorbei - und sie konnte keine Auffälligkeiten feststellen (also auch keine Bewegungen ausmachen). Das einzige was sie bemerkte war, dass dort offenbar Licht brannte. Kann also durchaus sein, dass das so ziemlich mit der Entdeckung von Kate McCann zusammenfiel.

Die Aerobic-Trainerin Najoua Chekaya hat ihre erste Aussage vom 09.05.2007 knapp 6 Wochen später korregiert (fand ich persönlich etwas eigenartig). Demnach ist ihr dann eingefallen, dass sie wohl doch nicht am 03.05., sondern am 01.05. bei der Tapas-Gruppe gesessen ist.

Wie Bambus1 schon schrieb - es war mit keinem Wort die Rede davon, dass im OC Videokameras installiert waren. Sondern in einer benachbarten Hotelanlage, die direkt an der Route des Mannes lag, dem die Familie Smith kurz drauf begegnet ist. Diese sind einem Pressebericht zur Folge vergessen worden, in den ersten 48 Stunden auszuwerten. Anschließend wurden die Bänder wieder überspielt. Das hat genau genommen nichts mit Glauben oder Nichtglauben von Sichtungen zu tun - sondern sollte Basisarbeit der Polizei sein. Der Presse-Artikel zu dem Thema war hier bereits verlinkt.

8x zitiertmelden

Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:39
Der MW-Manager John Hill hat den ersten Anruf um exakt 22.28h erhalten. Du darfst ihn nicht einfach eine Stunde vorverlegen. finde ich.
Mich hat schon jemand darauf hingewiesen. Das war keine böse Absicht, ich wusel mich gerade durch sämtliche Zeugenaussagen und hab das übersehen.

Ich hab das nur noch einmal aufgegriffen, weil gestern bestritten wurde, dass es Zeugen gegeben haben soll, die einen früheren Alarm ( also einen vor 22 Uhr) vernommen haben wollen. Dies ist aber nun nicht der Fall.
Zitat von Gameboy01Gameboy01 schrieb:Die Aerobic-Trainerin Najoua Chekaya hat ihre erste Aussage vom 09.05.2007 knapp 6 Wochen später korregiert (fand ich persönlich etwas eigenartig). Demnach ist ihr dann eingefallen, dass sie wohl doch nicht am 03.05., sondern am 01.05. bei der Tapas-Gruppe gesessen ist.
Ah ok. Also fällt diese als zuverlässige Zeugin für den Alarm am 03.05. dann wohl weg. Danke für die Info.
Zitat von Gameboy01Gameboy01 schrieb:Diese sind einem Pressebericht zur Folge vergessen worden, in den ersten 48 Stunden auszuwerten. Anschließend wurden die Bänder wieder überspielt. Das hat genau genommen nichts mit Glauben oder Nichtglauben von Sichtungen zu tun - sondern sollte Basisarbeit der Polizei sein. Der Presse-Artikel zu dem Thema war hier bereits verlinkt.
Ich suche gerade das Datum heraus, an dem sich Mr. Smith bei der Polizei meldete und von seiner Sichtung berichtete. Das Protokoll in den offiziellen Akten ist auf den 26.05. datiert. Das wäre dann schon zu spät gewesen...

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Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:39
Was wirklich interessant ist - mal abgesehen von den Uhrzeiten:
From “Madeleine” by Kate McCann:
It wasn’t until a year later, when I was combing through the Portuguese police files, that I discovered that the note requesting our block booking was written in a staff message book, which sat on a desk at the pool reception for most of the day. This book was by definition accessible to all staff and, albeit unintentionally, probably to guests and visitors, too. To my horror, I saw that, no doubt in all innocence and simply to explain why she was bending the rules a bit, the receptionist had added the reason for our request: we wanted to eat close to our apartments as we were leaving our young children alone there and checking on them intermittently.
Nach etwas einem Jahr hat Kate die Untersuchungs-Akten durchgelesen und dabei festgestellt, dass im Nachrichten-Buch der OC-Angestellten eine Notitz des Rezeptionisten vermerkt war, dass die Gruppe immer nah zu den Apartements essen möchte, da sie ihre Kinder alleine lassen und in Abständen kontrollieren!

...für alle Mitarbeiter, wenn auch unabschtlich, für andere Gäste und Besucher einsehbar!

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Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:48
ah, ich sehe jetzt erst, dass das fraglich ist, ob es stimmt, da das in den Tapas-Buchungen nicht aufzufinden ist.

(The note mentioned is not on the DVD although Tapas reservation lists are here: tapas bookings)

...aber warum schreibt Kate das dann??????


Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:51
Die Frage ist, glaubt man den Timelines oder lieber einigen Zeugenaussagen des Personals? Es gibt 2 Möglichkeiten: entweder lügen einige oder irren sich schlichtweg.

Wenn ich das mal so aus Personalsicht sehen mag: Ich glaube, ein Bediensteter schaut öfters auf die Uhr als ein Gast, der einen netten Abend im Beisein seiner Freunde verbringt, zumal es nunmal (Arbeits-)Abläufe gibt, die so und soviel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen und man das daher ganz gut abschätzen kann, nach einiger Zeit. Wenn ich arbeite, schaue ich auch des Öfteren auf die Uhr, schon allein des wohlverdienten Feierabends wegen. Wenn ich dagegen im Urlaub bin und einen netten Abend mit Freunden verbringe, interessiert mich die genaue Uhrzeit hingegen, reichlich wenig.

Das alles hat natürlich nichts zu bedeuten. Auch wenn der Alarm bereits gut eine halbe Stunde vor 22 Uhr ausgelöst wurde, heisst das noch lange nicht, dass die McCanns etwas mit dem Verschwinden ihrer Tochter zu tun haben könnten. Es wäre aber ein gutes Alibi für Mr. McCann, wenn das Verschwinden erst auf die Uhrzeit nach 22 Uhr fiele, denn so könnte er als Smithsichtung ausgeschlossen werden.

Mrs. McCann schreibt so einiges in ihrem Buch, das nicht 100%ig der Wahrheit entspricht. So sagt sie aus, dass am Tag darauf keine Helikopter das Gebiet abflogen und dies stimmt nicht.
Ich habe das Buch aber nie gelesen, auch das von Amaral niemals... nur Auszüge daraus.

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Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 16:56
Zitat von KältezeitKältezeit schrieb:Ich suche gerade das Datum heraus, an dem sich Mr. Smith bei der Polizei meldete und von seiner Sichtung berichtete. Das Protokoll in den offiziellen Akten ist auf den 26.05. datiert. Das wäre dann schon zu spät gewesen...
an diesem Datum störe ich mich sehr, muss ich sagen!
Die Familie Smith - allen voran Vater Martin, wusste am nächsten Morgen durch seine bereits wieder heimgereiste Tochter, dass ein kleines blondes Mädchen verschwunden war. Und wie er selbst aussagt dachte er sich, dass dieses Mädchen, das er am Vorabend sah, die verschwundene Madeleine sein könnte.

He only became aware of the disappearance of the child the next morning, through his daughter, L*****, in Ireland who had sent him a message or called him regarding what had happened. At this point he thought that MADELEINE could have been the child he saw with the individual.

Wir sprechen also vom Morgen des 04.05.
Anschließend wird die Suchaktion um dieses kleine Mädchen den ganzen kleinen Ort erfassen. Und die Medien werden jeden Tag rauf- und runter berichten.

Wenn ich so eine außergewöhnliche Beobachtung mache, die perfekt zu diesem Verbrechen passen könnte - warum warte ich über 3 Wochen damit, dass ich das der Polizei melde?
Hat da irgendjemand eine plausible Erklärung dafür?

5x zitiertmelden

Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 17:08
Ich geh grad durch ALLE Zeugenaussagen die in den PJ-Files stehen in Bezug zu der Timeline um Kates 1. Schrei. Bin erst bei P. Hier meine bisherigen Ergebnisse (habe bis auf Gerry keine weitere Tapasmitglieder gelistet, sondern nur Außenstehende die entweder Urlauber oder Arbeiter im Ocean Club sind):

Gerry Mccann, 1. Zeugenaussage 07.05.07
At about 22.00 it was his wife Kate who went to check on the children. She entered the apartment by the door using the key and saw immediately that the door to the children's bedroom was completely open, the window was also open, the blinds were raised and the curtains were drawn open. The side door leading to the living room was closed, which as previously stated, was never left locked.
Victor Martins Inspektor am 7.5.07
At about 21.30 their friend Mat entered the apartment by the back door (patio door) he did not enter the bedroom and only saw the twins sleeping, he did not notice anything strange. At the same place, at about 22.00 Kate discovered the facts and the consequent disappearance of her daughter Madeleine, at this moment the window being wide open as well as the curtains and the shutter.

Opening Files
He did not notice anything strange. At 22.00, KATE, the mother, was confronted with the disappearance of MADELEINE BETH MCCANN.

Barend Jan Jacob Weijdom - Property Manager
He heard about the news being investigated on the evening of 3rd May at about 21.30 - 21.40 from P**** B******, a Dutchman and owner of the Atlantico restaurant, who passed by the witness near the Baptista supermarket, in P da L and who asked for his help in searching for Madeleine.

He then went to the place where the events occurred which was at about 21.45 - 21.50. At this time various local people and MW staff were present.

When questioned he said that the police had not yet arrived and that about 5 minutes had passed.

Emma Louise KNIGHT - Hotel Manager Ocean Club
On the night of 3rd May, after having finished work, I planned to meet a group of colleagues at 22.30 to go out. At about 22.17 I received a call from Lyndsey Johnson, the creche Manager, informing me that the girl had gone missing

Robin Crossland - Hotel Manager Ocean Club
That at around 22h15 of 03 May 2007, he was alone in his residence, situated in Lagos, and was contacted by John Hill, Mark Warner manager who works in the Ocean Club establishment and who informed him that a child, a minor, of the feminine sex, who was staying with her family in that resort, had disappeared and that he was going to initiate the 'procedure for missing child'

Helder Luis - Rezeption Ocean CLub - erster der Polizei rief
He knows about the situation that happened at the Ocean Club concerning the disappearance of a little given that on the day in question (03/05/2007) he was on duty and was contacted by a member of staff from the Tapas Restaurant between 09.30 and 22.00 who informed him that the daughter of some guests who were dining there had disappeared.
At that time, at about 22.20 - 22.30 he noticed that there was only one person sitting at the group's table, the oldest of them and he asked her jokingly whether they had left her alone.

Jeronimo T. R. Salcedas, Barman, Tapas bar,
The person in question said that the others had gone to the apartment to look for a girl who had disappeared. Seconds later Madeleine's father appeared, greatly agitated, looking for his daughter everywhere, obviously and immediately heading towards the pool and surrounding areas.

Joelson Fabio Soarez Santos Lucio, Kitchen worker, Tapas restaurant,
At about 24.00, when he left, he noticed the police presence and many people, who had gathered near to one of the apartment blocks, which he cannot name. He then went home accompanied by his girlfriend, who is also an employee of the resort.

John Eliot Hill, Manager, Ocean Club
Zitat von KältezeitKältezeit schrieb:With regard to the facts of the investigation. Statements show that he knew of these facts by means of a phone call from Lindsay, head of the child care service, who told him about a female child staying at the resort who had disappeared. This phone call was made to the deponent's mobile phone at about 22.28 on 03-05-2007. About 5 minutes later the deponent presented himself at the resort, because Lindsay had told him that she had initiated the procedure for missing children used by the company and the child had not been found. Upon arriving at the scene he saw about 100 people, employees, guests and residents searching the grounds, the beach and adjoining areas calling out the child's name.

Lyndsay Jayne Johnson, cheche supervisor -
She indicates that on May 3rd 2007, at around 10.20pm, she was informed by her colleague Amy T. that Madeleine McCann had disappeared. At that, she immediately launched the "missing child" procedure.

Maria Manuela Antonia Jose, Cook, Tapas restaurant, saw Madeleine may 3rd
Upon questioning, she states that the last time she saw Madeleine was at approximately 16.30 on 3rd May 2007 when she was having dinner with the other children in their part of the restaurant, as she did each day of that week.

Martin Smith Smith Sighting
— Concerning the facts under investigation, on the 3rd of May, he went with his family to the Dolphin restaurant in Praia da Luz where they dined. Around 21H00 they left the restaurant and headed toward 'Kelly's Bar'; about a 50 metre distance from the restaurant, following the path, as it is very short. The walk took him a few minutes. In 'Kelly's Bar' they consumed some drinks. They left that establishment around 21H55 as his son would be travelling very early the next day. This bar is located on Calheta Street.
— After leaving the bar, he travelled in the opposite direction and reached a set of stairs which gave access to Rua 25 de Abril (25th of April Street). On this artery they followed a second street, parallel to Rua 1 de Maio (1st of May Street) whose name he does not remember. He was heading toward his apartment (Estrela da Luz complex) which is located a little above the street Travessa da Escola Primária (Primary school crossing). As he reached this artery, he saw an individual carrying a child, who walked normally and fitted in perfectly in that area, in that it is common to see people carrying children, at least during the holiday season. This individual was walking the downward path, in the opposite direction to him and his companions. He is not aware where this person was headed. He only saw him as they passed each other. He assumed it was a father and daughter, not raising any suspicion.

Michelle Thompson, Kate's friend, wife of Jon Corner
It was around 22h00, and when she went to check on the children she found that someone had entered the apartment and taken Madeleine from where she slept; that Madeleine had been abducted. The person must have entered, passed by the twins and taken her.

Miguel Salcedos Coelho, Chef, Tapas restaurant, OC
When questioned, he says that he did not notice when the guests left, at about 22.00 his cousin told him what had happened, seeing as the witness had been inside the fridge (cold store).

Nejoua Chekaya - Aerobic Instructor
Zitat von KältezeitKältezeit schrieb:When questioned, she said she was at the table from about 21.30 to 21.50.

Pamela Isobel Fenn, Resident of Praia da Luz, lives above apt. 5A
During the day nothing unusual happened, until almost 22.30 when, being alone again, she heard the hysterical shouts from a female person, calling out ?we have let her down? which she repeated several times, quite upset. Mrs Fenn then saw that it was the mother of little Madeleine who was shouting furiously.

Paolo Jorge Fernandes Neto, GNR Officer, Lagos, saw the McCann couple around 7 am in the street
He remembers that he saw the McCann couple at about 07.00 alone in the street next to the site where they were stationed.

Paul Seddon, McCann family priest
I received a phone call from Linda who told me what had happened, and I immediately sent a text message to Kates mobile, telling her that my prayers were with them. I received a reply almost immediately and I remember Kate wrote that she felt as if the ?world was about to fall apart?.

At about 1.30 that morning Kate called me in a state of great agitation. I tried to calm her as well as I could saying that Madeleine could have had a bout of sleepwalking and that she would be all right. I remember that Kate was worried by the fact that Madeleine was wearing short sleeved pyjamas and that she could catch a cold. I felt that only a mother could think like that and say such a thing. I could perceive the trauma that Kate was experiencing from her voice. I led with prayers and other situations in my role as priest.

Gerry phoned me on the same night and he also seemed to me to be quite traumatised and at the same time very upset and angry. His Scottish accent, which was normally very slight, became so heavy that his sentences were almost incomprehensible. I spoke to them again the following morning and their state was practically the same. Gerry was worried by the fact that the Portuguese police were focussed upon him and Kate, but I tried to reassure him that that would be a normal procedure and that they were only trying to find out the maximum information possible about Madeleine. I think that Gerry already had a notion of this but felt frustrated. I asked them whether they had any kind of emotional support and they replied that Mark Warner had provided them with a professional counsellor. Later I travelled to Portugal with the aim of offering all my positive support. I arrived on the day of Madeleines birthday, the 12th May 2007 and travelled with a mutual friend, Linda. Once I arrived, it was easy to note that they only needed having their family and friends close. I knew that there was not much that i could do for them, but just the fact of contributing to an occasional smile already seemed to be a big help. I stayed for a week on that occasion, but returned to Portugal for another week in August 2007, again to lend all possible support.

Hier hab ich noch etwas zu dem grauen Wagen vor der Tür gefunden. Aber vielleicht war es ein anderer?
Hayley Crawford - Ocean Club Worker - fährt grauen Wagen
For this purpose, the witness and her boyfriend travelled in her car, a Peugeot model 106, metallic grey in colour, along various roads of the resort, having taken the road adjacent to the pool and Tapas restaurant area, passing by the apartment where Madeleine and her family were staying, according to what she was subsequently informed about the location.

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Vermisstenfall Madeleine McCann

18.11.2013 um 17:12
Ich werde auf jeden Fall später noch zu den Zeugen kommen die Gerry nach 22 Uhr gesehen haben. Ich bin gespannt was wir herausfinden werden.

Wieso haben die Mccanns die Leiche eigentlich nicht vor 21:30/21:40 Uhr "entsorgt"?

Wann wurde genau die Polizei gerufen? Um 22 Uhr, oder? Da war auch ungefähr die Smith-Sichtung. Hm....
