ChamplooMK2 schrieb:The FBI interviewed all persons of interest on these flights prior to their departures.They concluded that none of the passengers was connected to the 9/11 attacks and have since found no evidence to change that conclusion.
Na dann solltest du vielleicht mal selbst recherchieren, anstatt bedinglos dem CR zu vertrauen.
Schauen wir mal, welche Herrschaften da beispielsweise dabei waren unter den ca.140 Saudis (davon 24 Bin Ladens).
The son of the Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan. Sultan is sued in August 2002 for alleged complicity in the 9/11 plot.
[Tampa Tribune[/i], 5 October 2001.')" target="_blank">Tampa Tribune, 10/5/2001]
He is alleged to have contributed at least $6 million since 1994 to four charities that finance al-Qaeda.
[Vanity Fair[/i], October 2003.')" target="_blank">Vanity Fair, 10/2003]
Khalil bin Laden. He has been investigated by the Brazilian government for possible terrorist connections.
[Vanity Fair[/i], October 2003.')" target="_blank">Vanity Fair, 10/2003]
Abdullah bin Laden and Omar bin Laden, cousins of bin Laden. Abdullah was the US director of the Muslim charity World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). The governments of India, Pakistan, Philippines, and Bosnia have all accused WAMY of funding terrorism. These two relatives were investigated by the FBI in 1996 (see #a96wamy (February-September 11, 1996)) in a case involving espionage, murder, and national security. Their case is reopened on September 19, right after they leave the country.
[Vanity Fair[/i], October 2003.')" target="_blank">Vanity Fair, 10/2003]
Remarkably, four of the 9/11 hijackers briefly lived in the town of Falls Church, Virginia, three blocks from the WAMY office headed by Abdullah bin Laden.
[BBC Newsnight[/i].')" target="_blank">BBC, 11/6/2001]
Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen. He is a prominent Saudi official who was in the same hotel as three of the hijackers the night before 9/11. He leaves on one of the first flights to Saudi Arabia before the FBI can properly interview him about this.
[Washington Post[/i], 2 October 2003.')" target="_blank">Washington Post, 10/2/2003 (Archiv-Version vom 18.10.2011)]
Akberali Moawalla. A Pakistani and business partner of Osama’s brother Yeslam bin Laden. In 2000, a transfer of over $250 million was made from a bank account belonging jointly to Moawalla and Osama bin Laden (see item.jsp?item=a00bigbanktransfer (2000)). witzig, Abdullah bin Laden and Omar bin Laden werden ausgeflogen bevor der Fall gegen sie wieder aufgenommen wird ...