9/11 Allgemein
24.08.2015 um 12:29.... wenn du dir das nicht selber angucken kannst, is das halt.... naja, blöd. dann musst du mir glauben, oder eben nicht.ne glaube tu ich dir nicht, weil ich das video kenne, aber da es dir um den Wortlaut geht - sind mir da jetzt die Hände gebunden weil ich von dem ganzen Interview kein Transkript (die Übertragung von mündlichen Äußerungen in eine schriftliche Form) finde.
die Kernaussage ist nun mal das hier:
In the current environment, DoD has a serious credibility problem in financial management. On January 11, 2001, in the confirmation hearing of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), Senator Byrd questioned the Defense Department’s inability “to receive a clean audit opinion in its financial statements”. He went on to say, “I seriously question an increase in the Pentagon’s budget in the face of the department’s recent (inspector general) report. How can we seriously consider a $50 billion increase in the Defense Department’s budget when the (Department of Defense’s) own auditors–when DoD’s own auditors–say the department cannot account for $2.3 trillion in transactions…”ja, Quelle Debunkersite:https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-the-pentagon-cannot-track-2-3-trillion-in-transactions.t165/
In subsequent Senate testimony of February 13, 2001, Senator Grassley referenced these questions and continued, “…these reports show that DoD has lost control of the money at the transaction level. With no control at the transaction level, it is physically impossible to roll up the numbers into a top-line financial statement that can stand up to scrutiny and, most importantly, audit.”
While DoD may debate some of the criticisms of its financial statements and the size and components of the $2.3 trillion issue, we think that corrective action requires radical financial management transformation. For the FY 1999 financial statements, the auditors concluded that $2.3 trillion transactions of the $7.6 trillion entries to the financial statements were “unsupported”. DoD notes that many of these entries included end-of- period estimates for such items as military pension actuarial liabilities and contingent liabilities, and manual entries for such items as contract accounts payable and property and equipment values. DoD would further note that the “unsupported” entries are “not necessarily improper” and that documentation does exist in many cases, albeit, not adequate for the auditing standards imposed.
das stimmt ja nicht, rumsfeld wird ja gefragt, wie 2,3 billionen verschwinden konnten, obwohl der etat um 50 milliarden erhöht worden ist... in einem jahr.wurde oder sollte der Eta erhöht (werden)?
How can we seriously consider a $50 billion increase in the Defense Department’s budget when the (Department of Defense’s) own auditors–when DoD’s own auditors–say the department cannot account for $2.3 trillion in transactions…”consider = erwägen