9/11 Allgemein
30.04.2015 um 14:22?Gohan schrieb:Da steht nicht etwa beispielsweise "They were not able to collect...", sondern klipp und klar "NIST recovered no steel".
Hab ich doch heute schon zitiert:
No metallography could be carried out because no steel was recovered from WTC 7. Other physical properties are the same as those estimated in Chapter 8 for the WTC steels”
Although no steel was recovered from WTC 7, a 47-story building that also collapsed on September 11, properties for steel used in its construction were estimated based on literature and contemporaneous documents. p. iii
The steel used in the construction of WTC 7 is described based solely on data from the literature, because no steel from the building was recovered. p. xxxvii
No steel was recovered from WTC 7; however, construction-related documents describe the structural steel as conventional 36 ksi, 42 ksi, and 50 ksi steels. p. xliv ibid.
Since no steel from WTC 7 was recovered from the site, the steel used in the construction of this building is described based on data from the literature of the period. p. 1.
Du liegst also eindeutig falsch, NIST hat die tatsächlich vorhandenen Stahlträger NICHT zur Untersuchung herangezogen sondern stattdessen:
the steel used in the construction of this building is described based on data from the literature of the period.
based solely on data from the literature
Hast du nun eine Erklärung dafür?