Johncom schrieb:Die 'knallharten, konkreten, technischen Belege' hab ich leider nicht vorrätig. Was die physikalische Seite angeht, da arbeiten die Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, die haben auch ein englischsprachiges Forum und soviel ich weiss, machen die Dich auch nicht zur Sau wenn Du die Sache anders siehst.
Auf gut deutsch, dein angebliches Selberdenken besteht daraus denen nachzuplappern, wenn du wirklich selberdenken würdest, könntest du ja die Gegenargumente zu Gage & Co nennen und erklären wieso du doch lieber Gage glaubst.
Wieviele deiner AE911 Troofer haben denn wirklich Ahnung von Hochhäusern und deren Statik?
Hältst du es für grundsätzlich in Ordnung, eine "Expertenorganisation" mit Leuten die zwar Architekten sein mögen, aber in vollkommen anderen Feldern als Hochhäusern arbeiten anzureichern und damit die Expertenzahl aufzustocken?
Dale Williams
My job consists of helping to control billboards along landscaped sections of California's freeways and being a liaison between HQ and district offices for planting, rest area, mitigation projects.
John Robert Russell
Professor of Landscape Architecture - Ball State University, 1972-1997 (Dept. Chair - 1974-1980.)
Anne Lee
Partner in a design firm specializing in restaurant design, retail and residential construction additions and interiors, historic adaptation and preservation, and condominium development projects.
David P. Dillard
Licensed Architect, Forensic Architect, Preservation Expert. I restore historic homes and buildings in the New Orleans area
Douglas S. Snider
My practice specializes in schools and health care.
Jerry Erbach
Forty years experience working internationally on historic preservation and slum improvement in 28 countries. Specialist in low income housing and alternative technologies.
April Wethe Palencia
My experience lies in architecture for the people - affordable housing, schools and public buildings such as community parks and libraries. In the bigger picture, architecture for the people shall be designed and built free of the use of fossil fuels, so that we can get off of our foreign oil dependence and cease senseless wars such as this.
Jeffry H. Shelden
Working in rural Montana on custom homes, historic preservation and main street business
Lamont L. Langworthy
Sixty years practice in seven states. Commercial, multi-family, residential, modular.
Leslie Simons
Landscape architect who immediately suspected foul play.
Mark Chavez
Started with the National Park Service in 1984 as a Historical Architect (preservation). Still with the NPS.