9/11 Allgemein
11.12.2011 um 13:38@HirnExe
Truth about Transponders
Adding to the problems, the terrorists on 9/11 turned off the transponders on three of the four aircraft that were hijacked. While it is possible to track a plane with the transponder off, it is extremely difficult. Radar, unlike transponders, do not return the aircraft's identity and altitude. Air traffic controllers rely very heavily on transponders, so much so they do not show primary radar returns on their radar scopes, however they can change it to show them. They did do this on 9/11 when the transponder signals for the three hijacked planes disappeared.
Prior to September 11th, it was not uncommon for commercial aircraft to go slightly off course or for the FAA controller to lose radio contact for a short period of time. A controller could also briefly lose a commercial aircraft's transponder signal, but this was less common. It should be noted that the simultaneous loss of radio and transponder signal was something to be alarmed about, and controllers and near-by aircraft would attempt to contact the plane. Alarms do not sound until these effects, which could take five minutes or more, were all tried and failed. This is enough time to lose track of the airplanes almost completely.

Truth about Transponders
Adding to the problems, the terrorists on 9/11 turned off the transponders on three of the four aircraft that were hijacked. While it is possible to track a plane with the transponder off, it is extremely difficult. Radar, unlike transponders, do not return the aircraft's identity and altitude. Air traffic controllers rely very heavily on transponders, so much so they do not show primary radar returns on their radar scopes, however they can change it to show them. They did do this on 9/11 when the transponder signals for the three hijacked planes disappeared.
Prior to September 11th, it was not uncommon for commercial aircraft to go slightly off course or for the FAA controller to lose radio contact for a short period of time. A controller could also briefly lose a commercial aircraft's transponder signal, but this was less common. It should be noted that the simultaneous loss of radio and transponder signal was something to be alarmed about, and controllers and near-by aircraft would attempt to contact the plane. Alarms do not sound until these effects, which could take five minutes or more, were all tried and failed. This is enough time to lose track of the airplanes almost completely.
HirnExe schrieb:Welche mehreren hundert anonymen Radarsignale denn bitte? Was sollen das für welche sein?

9/11 Air Traffic Controllers Remember The Day
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National Air Traffic 24 hours
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