haja, norman mineta. den hatten wir lange nicht mehr.
vorweg: eine von twoofer gedeutelte "stand down order" macht keinen sinn (welch überaschung). denn erstens hätte eine "shoot down order" im vorfeld gegeben werden müssen. aber warum dann der befehl des zurückhaltens? und... das militär hätte auch nicht ohne abschuss-befehl agieren können. deshalb wäre es augenscheinlich unnötig, eine "stand down order" zu veranlassen.
anstatt eines kurzen ausschnitts, sollten wir uns ansehen, was wirklich geschah und gesagt wurde.
http://www.911myths.com/index.php/Norman_Mineta (Archiv-Version vom 15.05.2012)ConclusionThe Mineta story is often presented as though it's clear and definitive fact, but as we've seen, if you take a close look at the details then major problems emerge.
Mineta said that when he arrived people were "pouring out of the Executive Office building", "running out of the White House" and "running over towards Lafayette Park". This is a very accurate description of what happened after the Pentagon was hit, and precisely no-one describes it happening any earlier. It's clear evidence that Mineta arrived after the Pentagon was hit.
Mineta said that, before he left for the White House, "Jane Garvey had phoned to report that the CEO of Delta Airlines had called the FAA and said it could not yet account for all of its aircraft". Mineta places the event well before 9:20, then, yet Garvey only mentions issues with Delta planes as occurring after the Pentagon was hit.
Richard Clarke tells us Mineta wasn't at the White House when his teleconference begins. He puts this well before 9:28 in his book, but the content says it must have been later, most probably after the Pentagon was hit.
At least two media reports tell us that Mineta did not give the 9:45 ground stop order, and that he wasn't in contact with the FAA until some minutes later. This doesn't fit with his claims of a 9:20 PEOC arrival - it would mean he took 30 minutes or more to call the FAA - but makes sense if he did arrive after the Pentagon was hit.
Ben Sliney, the man who gave the ground stop order, said his recollection of events was different to Mineta's and Garvey's, yet an FAA official tried to persuade him support the story that Mineta ordered the ground stop, something he said would be to "go along with a fiction".
Mineta reportedly said that Lynn Cheney was in the PEOC when he arrived. The 9/11 Commission place her arrival at 9:52, though, and since 2001 she's consistently said she arrived after the Pentagon was hit. Another indication that Mineta did, too.
Dana Hyde's mention of the PEOC shelter log said Mineta didn't arrive until 10:07.
HirnExe schrieb:So ist dann natürlich auch nachvollziehbar, dass Du den Kontext dieser Beispiele offenbar nicht verstehst.
fragt sich nur, in welchem zusammenhang steht dieser kontext? wohin soll die frage, warum keine evakuierung des pentagons eingeleitet wurde, führen? ins nirgendwo. weil es keinerlei unterschied gemacht hätte, ob es leerstehend gewesen wäre.
HirnExe schrieb:Gibts hier vielleicht jemanden, der etwas ernsthafter daran interessiert ist darüber zu diskutieren
eine diskussion, in der man von beginn an versucht, sie manipulativ in eine bestimmte richtung zu lenken? wie seriös soll man sowas nehmen?