@sator Ulf schrieb:
Wenn du das für normal hältst, dann zeige ähnliche Beispiele.
Ulf meinte Beispiele für TV Ausstrahlungen und nicht dein
@Ulf Interessant finde ich in dem einen von dir geposteten Video, dass keine
Angehörigen der Passagiere am Flughafen in LA aufgetaucht sind. Denn das erwartet man ja, Angehörige hören von einem Flugzeugabsturz und wollen abklären ob ihre Bekannten unter den Opfern sind und fahren zum Flughafen hin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp6F56rEa8k (Video: 07/42 11. September 2001 9/11 Entschlüsselt)!
Die Flüge hatten auch erstaunlich wenige Passagiere an Bord,
selbst CNN hat spekuliert, dass die Terroristen absichtlich Flüge mit ganz wenigen Passagieren ausgesucht haben
http://edition.cnn.com/2001/US/09/19/hijacked.planes/ (Archiv-Version vom 24.02.2011)Numbers suggest terrorists targeted flights-
Many investigators suspect the terrorists at the very least shopped for flights with low passenger loads, making it easier for them -- presumably armed only with knives and box cutters -- to prevent passenger uprisings.
Ausserdem: Flug 77 hatte zwar wenige Passagiere an Bord, dafür aber erstaunlich
viele Angehörige der Militär Industrie - war da irgendwo ein Militärtreff:
-a senior scientist with the US Navy, retired Army. [12] A third-generation physicist whose work at the Navy was so classified that his family knew very little about what he did each day. They don't even know exactly why he was headed to Los Angeles on the doomed American Airlines Flight 77.
-a Boeing engineer in Integrated Defense Systems; he served in the US Air Force for four years, and for the National Security Agency for 14 years. [36]
-a director of program management at Raytheon, US Army (ret.) [28] who helped develop and build anti-radar technology for electronic warfare. Raytheon's website notes that they are leaders in every phase of the Precision Strike kill chain; are the world's leading organization at Missile Defense;
-a retired naval aviator who worked for Veridian Corp., a defense contractor, who was working with military aircraft and weapons systems [56]
-A Navy test pilot who worked on the development of the F18. "He had done a number of black programs -- which means top-secret," said his son. "We were given no details."
-an electrical engineer with defense contractor BAE Systems. [41] largest technical support supplier to the US Navy. BAE Systems is an industry leader in flight control systems, which are present on nearly every US military aircraft.
-2 Boeing propulsion engineers: a lead Propulsion Engineer and a Project Manager with Boeing Satellite Systems, [32] and a lead engineer for Boeing Satellite Systems. [40]
-a software architect with Lockheed Martin Corp., US Army (ret.). [42] A manager in the systems and software architecture department.
-a Vice President for software development, EMSolutions and retired Lieutenant Commander, Navy. [18] He spent 20 years in the US Navy, where he developed high capacity signal processors, multi-processor application software and innovative signal processing algorithms. EMSolutions maintains a facility security clearance, and has contracts with Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and BAE Systems.
-a technical group manager at Xon Tech, a defense-related research and development firm [46] He previously worked as an engineer at the Naval Research Lab. Also a technical manager of Xon Tech [53].
-a retired Navy Rear Admiral, former Navy pilot, and retired American Airlines pilot. [24]
-a senior executive at the Defense Department. [29] A budget analyst/director of the programming and fiscal economics division who worked at the Pentagon.
-a former Navy electronics technician worked as a Department of Defense contractor with Vrendenburg Co. in Washington [57]
managing partner and co-founder of Stratin Consulting. and retired Marine Corps Lieutenant and Vietnam War veteran [26]
-a lawyer who had worked with the Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps. [49]
and of course, there was Barbara Olson, attorney, CNN Commentator and wife of the United States Solicitor General. [39]
http://911review.org/Wiki/Flight77Passengers.shtml (Archiv-Version vom 13.12.2010)http://www.voltairenet.org/article163908.html