Balthasar70 schrieb:.....das ist doch Unsinn keiner wusste wo genau die Eintrittswunde war.
Als "Beweis" führst du folgendes Satzfragment ohne Quelle an:
Couldn't see the entry," be replied. "That tissue was all pretty much blown away. . . ." David OsborneEine Quelle für dieses Satzfragment ist hier: nun lesen wir mal den
gesamten Text dazu. Und dann erfahren wir auch den Grund, warum Herr Osborne keine Eintrittswunde sah:
"It appeared that the bullet hit low in the occiput of the back of the head and entered the skull there and then traversed a portion of the brain and then hit the inside of the top of the skull toward the rear also and blew a good portion of that part of his skull right out
I asked: "Did you actually see the little entry at the bottom of the back of the head?"
"Couldn't see the entry," be replied. "That tissue was all pretty much blown away. . . ." I gathered that Osborne based his conclusion that the bullet struck from the rear on an interpretation of where it hit the inside of the skull on the way out I asked him how the bullet could enter from the rear and blow out the rear of the head. He said: ". . . he had to be leaning forward, and the bullet had to hit him in the lower-right behind, you know, that little lump in the back of your head there Osborne was referring to the external occipital protuberance, where Hurnes said there was an entrance wound.
Again, I asked Admiral Osborne if he saw that wound. He replied:
"Well, the pieces were all blown apart, so it didn't make one tiny little hole in the bone-no. . . .
it blew that portion of the skull into several pieces.L1FTON: I see. So you didn't actually see an entry wound, per se, but it's inferred that it was somewhere towards the bottom of that big hole-or something like that?
OSBORNE: It had to be. Otherwise it couldn't have hit the inside of the skull where it did."
(Lifton, "Best Evidence", pbk,656-657)
Der Grund ist also, daß in dem Bereich des Hinterkopfes lt. Osborne
ein großes Loch war.Ist DAS vielleicht der Grund, warum du keine Quelle und nicht den gesamten Text angeführt hast?