behind_eyes schrieb:Mit dem Release 2020 muss man davon ausgehen das der Song ebenso komprommitiert ist wie jeder nach Lektüre nur dieses Threads hier.
Warum "kompromittiert"? Seit wann können Originaldokumente und offensichtliche gebrochene Beweisketten "kompromittieren"?
Wer sich nur auf OT-Darstellungen verlässt, aber nicht weiß oder nicht wissen wollen, dass z.B. Oswalds Fingerabdrücke an Gewehr und Tatort auf fragwürdige Weise zustande kamen oder die Kugel bei "Oswalds" Attentatsversuch auf Edwin Walker ursprünglich eine Kugel mit Stahlummantelung war und nach dem JFK-Attentat zu einer mit Kupfermantel wurde, um zum Profil des linken, gewältbereiten Attentäters zu passen, ist kompromittiert.
behind_eyes schrieb:Da der Text zuweilen, für Dylan, sehr konkret ist muss ich davon ausgehen das dies eher ein großer Mittelfinger in Richtung VT-Szene ist.
Der Song reiht sich in eine ganze Reihe von Songs ein, die den Tod Amerikas zum Thema haben. Warum sollte das ein großer Mittelfinger in Richtung VT-Szene sein?
Kennst du einen Dylan-Song, der ein Mittelfinger in Richtung Friedensbewegung war?
Es gab auch eine JFK-Veröffentlichung mit demselben Titel:
Groucho schrieb:Weil Dylan - soweit wir wissen - kein besonderer Experte in dem Fall ist?
Woher willst du das wissen? Er kannte doch Phil Ochs! Ochs, Dylan und ihr Künstlerkreis waren keine "reinen Künstler", sondern auch politische Aktivisten, die in der Friedensbewegung aktiv waren, wozu in den frühen 60ern auch Engagement für einen fairen Umgang der USA mit Castros Kuba zählten. Es gab nicht wenige "Oswalds" in politischer Hinsicht.
Hier mal ein Auszüge:
Suze Rotolo was quite a Greenwich Village character, artist, writer, sister to the secretary of folk archivist Alan Lomax, the girl on the cover of Dylan’s popular “Freewheelin’” album, Bob Dylan’s ex, and an illegal visitor to Cuba. [38]
Suzie Rotolo quite coincidently - earlier came into the story when it was noted that she attended a summer youth camp with Elliot and Steve Kenan, twins from Philadelphia who also became unwittingly entwined in the assassination saga. It really is a “small circle of friends.”
Elliot Kenan is a folk guitarist who once ran the Guitar Workshop in Philadelphia, while his twin brother Steve was a Temple University student and the publisher of the official programs for the Philadelphia and Newport Folk Festivals. [39]
Steve Kenin is also an interesting character. After visiting Cuba, being photographed with Castro, and writing a series of articles about his Cuban adventures in the Temple University student newspaper, Steve Kenin was in New York when Castro visited, and like Jim Glover and Phil Ochs, dropped out of college shortly before graduating. Kenin then traveled around Mexico on a motorcycle. In Mexico City he fell in with a group that stayed at the Quaker hostel Casa d Amegos, where Oswald was also said to have visited. FBI reports indicate Kenin met Oswald and Mexican attorney Homo Bono told Anthony Summers that he saw Kenin give Oswald a ride to the Cuban embassy on the back of his motorcycle, both seeking visas to Cuba. [43]
Tony Summers and other researches have also questioned whether Steve Kenin is the mysterious LICOZY3 - a Philadelphia college student in Mexico City who the Cuban G2 tried to recruit as an agent but instead served as a double-agent under CIA-FBI control. [44]
There is also the question of whether another young American student - folksinger Chris Smither, who was at the University of Mexico City at the time, had any run-ins with Oswald or Kenin or related characters. [45]
Another questions is whether the FBI’s COINTELPRO or the CIA’s CHAOS programs included the surveillance and infiltration of student groups or the folk music political protesters of whom Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan were the principal exponents at the time.
As a witness at Och’s wedding, Bob Dylan’s former girlfriend, Suze Rotolo is a solid link between Phil Ochs and Dylan, whose relationship with Rotolo is best personified by the photo of them walking down 'Positively' Fourth street in Greenwich Village in NY which graced the cover of Dylan’s “Freewheelin’” album. [48]
When they got to San Francisco, Dylan hooked up with Joan Baez, and they visited her sister, who was married to Richard Farina, (author of the novel “Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me”), and had been in the Cuban mountains with Castro when he was a struggling revolutionary. [54]
Back in New York. Dylan began to associate with Albert Maher, [56] another Castro activist from Texas, who had been to Cuba, protested the banning of travel to Cuba in New York City, was evicted from a Congressional House UnAmerican Activities Committee hearing on Cuba in September 1963, and returned to Cuba after it was made illegal, with Suze Rutolo.
When Dylan accepted the 1964 Tom Paine award, he did so in the name of the American students who traveled to Cuba, especially those who went after such travel was banned by the government.
Dylans Zirkel war wie Oswald in der Pro-Castro-Szene aktiv- und wie das "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" von Geheimdiensten infiltriert. Dylans Freund Phil Ochs ist in dieser Hinsicht weitere Betrachtung wert:
Phil Ochs had associations with organizations and individuals that should be further explored including contacts he made at different times and places, including:
1) Staunton Virginia Military Academy, where he was enrolled as a cadet with later White House Watergate attorney John Dean and Barry Goldwater, Jr., son of Sen. Barry Goldwater, who also attended the school and whose security chief (Hugh McDonald) would write a number of pulp paperback books on the assassination of president Kennedy, alluding to a conspiracy.
2) Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, where he served as a sergeant in the Air Force ROTC and spied on campus radicals while himself becoming one.
3) As a protest singer in NYC Ochs was directed to become affiliated with the FPCC, and knew V.T. Lee, with whom Lee Harvey Oswald also communicated.
4) Originally from Texas, Ochs often performed with Ft. Worth, Texas folk singer Shawn Philips, son of James Atlee Phillips, brother of David A Phillips.
Besides being in a position to obtain foreknowledge of a 1963 plot to kill the president from his associations with the above, Phil Ochs later developed connections with those somehow affiliated with the assassination - including David Atlee Phillips, Zapata stock holders Art and John Maher of Houston, and Zapata corporate founder Thomas Devine and his CIA associate John Train, who have direct connections to the assassination through their April 1963 meetings with George deMohrenschildt.
Deswegen ist Dylan nicht "irgendwer".