JFK - Attentataufdeckung
04.08.2019 um 15:59Dafür andere im Secret Service. Wie willst du dir denn die Bearbeitung von Zeugen wie Dr. Perry, das Verwischen der Blutspuren im Wagen, das Verschwinden von Kugeln und auch das Verhalten von Emory Roberts auf nichtverschwörerische Weise erklären?Nemon schrieb:Ob sich O'Donnell auf die sanfte Tour hat einschüchtern lassen ist Spekulation. Oder ob er "Fünfe hat gerade sein lassen", weil es im Sinne des Präsidenten war und er damit eine Konfrontation vermied. Dass er handelnde bzw. unterlassende Figur in einem Plot war, ist aber wieder einmal schlicht nicht belegt
G: Now, he had been attached to the Secret Service -- to the Dallas office? Of
the Secret Service?
JG: Right.
G: Ok. Now, what did your conversation with him pertain to?
JG: Ah, basically, him venting his anger at Kennedy, and ah, . . . . [sic]
G: What was his anger based on? Did he say?
JG: Well, he said he was a traitor.
G: He said Kennedy was a traitor?
JG: Yeah.
G: This is what Elmer Moore said?
JG: Right.
G: Now, why he say [sic] -- how did he explain that? What did he mean?
JG: Well, he prefaced it by saying that ah, well, he said, you know, no matter how
strange things get here, we've got it better than they do. But he was giving every
thing away to the. That's what he was saying.
G: He was saying Kennedy was giving things away?
JG: Yeah, to the Russians. Ok?
G: All right.
JG: And, ah, then he went on to say that ah, well, ah, one of the things that was
pretty impressive to me was the fact that when I was talking with him, he said that
ah, we had to do what we were told, in regards to, you know, the way the way
they were investigating the assassination, or we get our heads cut off.