Nemon schrieb:Davon ausgehend, dass JFK am bekannten Ort zu bekannter Zeit erschossen wurde, konstruiere doch bitte mal einen Ablauf mit Todesschützen, der so stabil ist wie möglich.
Du müsstest mal aufzeigen, was für "stabile Säulen" die Einzeltätertheorie hat. Da kam trotz mehrmaliger Nachfrage nichts.
Nemon schrieb:Dann kann man ja immer noch einen Plausibilitäts-Check machen.
Den verweigerst du bei der Einzeltätertheorie.
If CE 399 were the only bullet to have struck Governor Connally, it must have been the source of all the metal fragments that were deposited in his chest, thigh and wrist wounds:
- Two small fragments were removed from his wrist (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.17, p.841 [Commission Exhibit 842]). The larger of the two fragments weighed 0.5 grain (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.5, p.72).
- Dr Charles Gregory, who operated on Connally’s wrist, pointed out that other fragments were removed from the wrist and then mislaid: “there were two fragments of metal retrieved … the major one or ones now being missing” (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.4, p.123). - Nurse Audrey Bell also recalled several missing fragments: ARRB MD 184, pp.2f.
- A fragment measuring approximately 2 mm by 0.5 mm was removed from just below the skin on the thigh (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.4, p.125).
- Other fragments were left in place. According to Dr Robert Shaw, who had operated on Connally, “more than three grains of metal [remained] in the wrist” (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.4, p.113).
- A small fragment remained in the chest (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.6, p.111).
A flake of metal measuring approximately 2 mm by 0.2 mm remained embedded in Connally’s femur (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.4, p.125).
- The pathologists who conducted President Kennedy’s autopsy were presented with the CE 399 bullet by representatives of the Warren Commission and were asked whether they thought it could have caused Connally’s injuries. Dr James Humes, the chief pathologist, replied:
I think that is most unlikely. … This missile is basically intact; its jacket appears to me to be intact, and I do not understand how it could possibly have left fragments in either of those locations. … I doubt if this missile would have left behind it any metallic fragments from its physical appearance at this time. … Metallic fragments were not removed and are still present in Governor Connally’s thigh. I can’t conceive of where they came from this missile.
(Warren Commission Hearings, vol.2, pp.374–76)
The other two pathologists, Dr J. Thornton Boswell (ibid., p.377) and Dr Pierre Finck (“there are too many fragments”: ibid., pp.381f), agreed with Dr Humes. (Archiv-Version vom 10.08.2019)Und die Aussagen der Pathologen sind auch nicht geklärt:
Roentgenograms of the skull reveal multiple minute metallic fragments along a line
corresponding with a line joining the above described small occipital
wound and the right supra-orbital ridge.
I will refer back to the X-rays which we had previously prepared. These had disclosed to us multiple minute fragments of radio opaque material traversing a line from the wound in the occiput to just above the right eye, with a rather sizable fragment visible by X-ray just above the right eye. @Aniara @Nikto @Nemon @behind_eyes @off-peakWie passt nun die Angabe des Autopsieberichts, dass die große Kopfwunde ins Hinterhauptbein hineinreichte, mit dem Z-Film zusammen?
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.411)behind_eyes schrieb:Ärzte sind perse neutral, aber die müssen es ja nicht veröffentlichen.
McMurdo schrieb:Ich frage deshalb weil das so eine typische VT-Floskel ist die, ausser das sie ganz nett klingt, wenig konkretes bietet. Denn Unabhängigkeit im Sinne der VTler gibts per se eben nicht.
Waren die Haags neutral als sie den Rückentreffer mal locker nach oben verschoben? Hier die Simulation:
Wie sieht es mit der Neutralität und Wissenschaftlichkeit der OTler aus?