JFK - Attentataufdeckung
26.08.2018 um 11:23das ist falsch und das weißt- warum sollte man im Zusammenhang mit der Kugel von Fragmenten sprechen? Warum war davon die Rede dass weniger als 1/10 im Schädel verblieb?McMurdo schrieb:Bis jetzt konntest du allerdings keinen zitieren der jemals diese bullet fragments genannt hat. Ist leider eine Tatsache.
Es ist erwiesen, dass die Fragmente zu einer Gewehrkugel gehören
Specifically, we wanted to test Guinn’s claim that each bullet was chemically distinguishable from each other. If that wasn’t true, we also hoped to identify whether any of our bullets matched any of the bullet fragments from the Kennedy assassination investigation.
We analyzed 30 bullets, and found that all but one matched at least one of the other bullets in the batch. The one that didn’t match any others we tested did actually match with fragments taken from Kennedy’s head.
The way the bullet produced as many as 40 tiny fragments inside Kennedy’s brain, and the reported 6mm diameter of the entry wound in the back of the skull, were inconsistent with 6.5 mm Carcano bullets, Donahue contended.http://www.philly.com/philly/news/Shooting_holes_in_theory_that_a_Secret_Service_agent_killed_President_Kennedy.html?arc404=trueMcMurdo schrieb:Es besteht also kein Beweis das die Fragmente zur Gewehrkugel gehören.
a. GM: A metallic fragment on the outer table of the right occipital bone 9.6 cm. above the mid portion of the external occipital protuberance (EOP). DD: There is a metallic fragment about 9 or 10cm above the external occipital protuberance, which metallic fragment is apparently imbedded in the outer table of the skull. On the frontal view, this metallic fragment is located 2.5cm to the right of midline, and on the lateral view, it is approximately 3-4cm above the lambda.http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/xray/hsca/hsca.htm (Archiv-Version vom 05.01.2018)