Anaximander schrieb:Niemand kann sagen, ob es theoretisch möglich wäre, alle Passagiere zu töten
Les doch einfach mal was Leo Moran, ein ausgewiesener Experte, zu dem Thema zu sagen hat:
"Leo Moran, Papers in Modern Military History, Small Unit Tactics, Strategy, Military Law:
the pilot doesn’t need to open the door to the aircraft to kill his passengers…
The controls for keeping the cabin pressurized, along with those for the emergency oxygen system, are there in the cockpit with him.
If he switches the pressurization system off or otherwise disables it, everyone in the cabin will have to use the emergency oxygen system (thereby staying put) to avoid hypoxia and the resulting unconsciousness. The passengers’ emergency air supply is only good for 12 minutes. The pilots’ cockpit emergency air supply is good for significantly longer than that.
If he disables both the emergency system as well, hypoxia would set in among the passengers before any of them would notice, and by the time it does dawn on them, they would no longer have the capacity for coherent thought enough to think of what to do about it. Thanks to the FAA’s insistence upon armored, lockable doors to the cockpit, even those who are trained in dealing with the initial signs of hypoxia would succumb to unconsciousness before being able to open the door to the cockpit and setting things right.
So, at “worst”, a airline pilot with a homicidal bent would only have to deal with the other pilot, who would be an easy target for a surprise attack." hoffe dass damit diese leidige, nutzlose Debatte ein für allemal erledigt ist und wir uns fruchtbareren Themen zuwenden können. Es ist verschwendete Zeit zu bezweifeln dass ein Pilot die Paxe nicht durch Druckabfall erledigen kann. Wenn du das weiterhin in Frage stellen willst empfehle ich den Esoterik thread.