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Was geschah mit Flug MH370?
01.11.2016 um 22:57@DearMRHazzard
Meine Bemerkung bezog sich auf den von mir oben verlinkten Artikel von Jeff Wise. Wise zitiert Barry Martin wie folgt:
Wise schreibt dann:
Wise spekuliert dann, dass es dem Täter gar nicht um die SDU ging, sondern um anderes, das am linken Bus hängt, als da (u.a.) wären:
Meine Bemerkung bezog sich auf den von mir oben verlinkten Artikel von Jeff Wise. Wise zitiert Barry Martin wie folgt:
The left IDG can be disconnected in a couple of ways via the flight deck electrical power system control panel. The preferred method would be via the left generator control switch. The second method is by use of the guarded drive disconnect switch, which permanently disconnects the IDG and the connection can only be remade on the ground. The L GEN CONT switch will open the left generator circuit breaker, but the left bus tie breaker would then automatically close to re-energise the left main bus so the left BTB must be switched to ISLN on the electrical control panel before attempting to disconnect the IDG.Mag es da vielleicht doch einen Unterschied zwischen dem FSX und einer realen T7 geben?
The left main bus can still be powered from the left transfer bus which picks up power from a solid-state variable-speed constant-frequency backup generator converter. The easiest method of preventing this is by simply opening the left transfer bus breaker, which allows the left transfer bus to remain energised to ensure the left transformer rectifier unit stays powered. However, I don’t see an option on the flight deck control panel to manually open the left transfer bus breaker. A second option would be opening the left converter circuit breaker, connecting the left transfer bus to the backup generator. Again, there’s no L CCB switch on the panel. Therefore the third option is to switch both backup generators off, which is possible via the panel.
Wise schreibt dann:
This explanation is somewhat above my paygrade but my takeaway is that isolating the left AC bus requires some technical savvy—indeed, technical savvy beyond the ambit of 777 pilots.. When I asked Patrick Smith, a 777 pilot who is one of the most well-regarded aviation commentators in the US, about the SDU reboot, he replied, “The what?” After I explained, he answered: “There isn’t a 777 pilot alive, I’ll bet you, who has the remotest clue as to what the SDU is.” I’ve brought up the topic with many other 777 pilots I respect and have gotten essentially the same response.Hervorhebung durch mich. Ich hab's ihm halt mal so gegelaubt.
Wise spekuliert dann, dass es dem Täter gar nicht um die SDU ging, sondern um anderes, das am linken Bus hängt, als da (u.a.) wären:
TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System)Wise geht - für mich logisch nachvollziehbar - auf den CVR los und relativiert es dann aber - für mich ebenfalls logisch nachvollziehbar - gleich wieder.
Cockpit door lock
The centre tank override and jettison pumps
Some galley equipment
IFE (in-flight entertainment system, which includes passenger satellite phone service)
One of the high-frequency radios
The main passenger cabin lighting system (the night, cabin and cross-aisle lights remain powered)
The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)