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Where is the problem...?

32 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Problem, English, WHY ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Where is the problem...?

30.09.2018 um 18:18
Zitat von LuminitaLuminita schrieb:No, it get‘s worse :D No, seriously, the better I got in english, the more difficult I found the switch. I remember watching a video, mainly english, and it suddenly switched to german. I didn‘t understand a thing for the first few minutes.
But that‘s just my personal experience, maybe you will get used to it with time.
I will answer you later. Am busy writing a post in German! :)


Where is the problem...?

01.10.2018 um 05:44
Zitat von LuminitaLuminita schrieb:Where is the problem...?
gestern um 18:08

No, it get‘s worse :D No, seriously, the better I got in english, the more difficult I found the switch. I remember watching a video, mainly english, and it suddenly switched to german. I didn‘t understand a thing for the first few minutes.
But that‘s just my personal experience, maybe you will get used to it with time.
OK - but is German your mother tongue or a foreign language? For me this does not happen at all between Swedish and any other language. It only happens between two foreign languages, such as German and English, English and French, French and German... Another very odd thing, is that when I speak English in Germany, I very often start speaking with a German accent... like in the old British and American movies about WWII... :-O


Where is the problem...?

01.10.2018 um 07:48
German is my mother tongue. I also know that problem with two foreign languages, at least when they‘re kind of similar. It‘s hard to switch between english and french, but not croatian and english for example.

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Where is the problem...?

01.10.2018 um 17:36
Zitat von LuminitaLuminita schrieb:German is my mother tongue. I also know that problem with two foreign languages, at least when they‘re kind of similar. It‘s hard to switch between english and french, but not croatian and english for example.
I had not thought about that... that the similarity between two languages can play a part in it. I know no other languages than western European. (I began learning Arabic once, but never got very far...)


Where is the problem...?

01.10.2018 um 19:10
I tried to learn Armenian, but since its pretty difficult and i did not have so much time, i could not continue. I think it would not be possible to mix anything from this language with a western by accident ^^


Where is the problem...?

09.10.2018 um 10:39
Zitat von KorraKorra schrieb am 01.07.2017:Hi guys and girl,

why is it, that most of the people can't speak english here. I truely can't understand, what "I find it good" should mean for exsample. Also you can read a lot german stuff here.

It is no problem if you can't speak e[/b]nglish at all. We all need to learn it piece by piece. But to be honest, you can't learn english correctly if you only read this german-english-mix-stuff.

What do you think about that? And don't use this copy and paste technic all the time. Write it in your own words ^^

Zitat von KorraKorra schrieb am 05.07.2017:I never understood why someone is so full off fear. It is ok to make mistakes. That the only why you can learn. I think thats the Whole reason of Mistakes in the first place.

When i was in school, i had the problem that my english was to good. Most of the other students didn't understood me. The worst part is, that a lot of people made fun of me and gave me names just becourse i could speak english and the others not.

Also most of the people, nearly everyone I know, can't speak english. The problem is, they can't understand a few jokes after all. They don't understand simple Videos on Youtube.

This is so disturbing
The sentence "I find it good" is grammatically correct and even though it sounds like Denglish, it is used by native speakers too. Thus, I do have some serious doubt about the reason for the mockery in your school class back then. Keep educating yourself, it won't do any harm - at least not for the readers who might get a bad headache if you don't.

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Where is the problem...?

09.10.2018 um 16:15
Zitat von RedBirdRedBird schrieb:The sentence "I find it good" is grammatically correct and even though it sounds like Denglish, it is used by native speakers too. Thus, I do have some serious doubt about the reason for the mockery in your school class back then. Keep educating yourself, it won't do any harm - at least not for the readers who might get a bad headache if you don't.
Yes, what we saw there was a serious case of "the pot called the kettle black"... :D

1x zitiertmelden

Where is the problem...?

09.10.2018 um 16:37
Zitat von MerwinnaMerwinna schrieb:Yes, what we saw there was a serious case of "the pot called the kettle black"... :D
So it seems, but at least it was somehow entertaining to read it. You're Swedish, right? I learned a little Swedish a while ago and compared to Finnish it is kind of easy. But since I didn't use it for almost a decade it is a little rusty I guess.
Let me try...

Min svenska är inte bra.


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Where is the problem...?

09.10.2018 um 18:11

Ahahah, that was funny :D

I thought the same, but didn't want to be mean. On the other hand the OP is quite confident about his proficiency, so maybe it was time :P

I think I can safely exclude myself from the "people who can't speak English". I work as a translator for English at the moment. Most of it was self-taught, because even though I loved the subject in school it wasn't until later that I actually used the language in daily life and started to get comfortable with it. Now I hold a C2 certificate and am very proud of my dedication to keep learning, speaking and reading this lovely language (I even like it better than German).

And you have to keep using it to not lose it. This, aswell, might contribute to the problem that many grown up Germans don't speak English that well (anymore). A lot of people don't get many chances to actually use their English on a day-to-day basis.
Zitat von KorraKorra schrieb am 05.07.2017:When i was in school, i had the problem that my english was to good. Most of the other students didn't understood me
That is quite some nonsense. More likely your English wasn't good enough to adapt.
I recently went back to study, and we had mandatory English classes. Due to shortage in the personnel they crammed us all into one class - me on the one end with my C2-level skills, people who have plainly forgotten that the English language exists, since they already hated it in school, on the other. I had no problem adapting to the different levels and make myself understood. If you are the one with the better language proficiency it is your responsibility to adapt (because YOU can) - not theirs.

PS: It is "technique" not "technic", despite what LEGO writes on their boxes ;)


Where is the problem...?

10.10.2018 um 22:31
Zitat von RedBirdRedBird schrieb:So it seems, but at least it was somehow entertaining to read it. You're Swedish, right? I learned a little Swedish a while ago and compared to Finnish it is kind of easy. But since I didn't use it for almost a decade it is a little rusty I guess.
Let me try...

Min svenska är inte bra.
Yes, I'm Swedish. Swedish and Finnish do in fact belong to two entirely separate language families. They are not related at all, despite of the fact that Sweden and Finland share a long border. The people who was going to develop into Swedes came over from the South and the West, and the Fins-to-be from the East. (It is very difficult for me to find the words in English now, as I have been discussing in German in another thread here, so I keep thinking in German! I have great difficulties switching between my various foreign languages nowadays; I can even feel the strain in my brain...)

Det är korrekt. Fast det är nog vanligare att "mildra" yttrandet lite: "min svenska är inte bra".

That is correct. But I think it is more common to "soften" the remark a bit: "my Swedish is not that good".

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Where is the problem...?

11.10.2018 um 08:25
Zitat von MerwinnaMerwinna schrieb:Yes, I'm Swedish. Swedish and Finnish do in fact belong to two entirely separate language families. They are not related at all, despite of the fact that Sweden and Finland share a long border. The people who was going to develop into Swedes came over from the South and the West, and the Fins-to-be from the East. (It is very difficult for me to find the words in English now, as I have been discussing in German in another thread here, so I keep thinking in German! I have great difficulties switching between my various foreign languages nowadays; I can even feel the strain in my brain...)
The more languages you learn, the more likely you are to mix them up. German might be hard to learn because of our demonic articles. But learning Finnish causes a mixture of depression and agression with occational eath depopulation phantasies.
However, the best way to learn a language is to visit the country and get drunk with the native people. Maybe your teacher in school didn't tell you about this special learning method, but I tested it multible times. I works perfectly fine.

1x zitiertmelden

Where is the problem...?

11.10.2018 um 23:56
Zitat von RedBirdRedBird schrieb:However, the best way to learn a language is to visit the country and get drunk with the native people. Maybe your teacher in school didn't tell you about this special learning method, but I tested it multible times. I works perfectly fine.
Haha, I did exactly that two months ago, in Rostock, at the Hanse-Sail! Worked perfectly! I love German sailors! :D Wish I could have gone to Bavaria for the October Festival as well, but that was not possible this autumn.


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