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Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

98 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: USA, England, English ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 22:29
Holiday in the U.S.?
Weekendtrip to London?
Camping in Ireland?
Would you like to emigrate?
Are there any experience you made, with an English speaking country?
Would you like to make some? Which country?

I'd like to emigrate to the U.S.
I already have been to London for one weekend.
Would like to see some parts of the Irish Coast next year. Already planing that trip!
What about you? Tell me about your dreams and your dreams that already came true!


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 22:35
I'm living in one - I'm studying in the UK. Very enjoyable. :D


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 22:37
Isn't it very difficult? My stay in London. Horrible. British English! That is exactly what you learn at school, but somehow kind of different!
What do you study?
How about money? Expensive there? Why do you study in the U.K.? Why not Germany?


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 22:39
Never in an english speaking country. Only in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatian is my native language so I don't need to talk english there. Only with confused and lost tourists. :D

But I was on a weekend trip and for an internship abroad in france. It's the only country I visited where I didn't spoke the official language. I used my english there. You see... I'm still alive.

Once I was talking in Luxembourg to a person in english. A few seconds after we finished our conversation someone talked to him german. Since then I know that german is there also an official language. :D


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 22:47
Haha. :D
Heard that the french people learn english very late at school.
There are some nationalities that speak English very well, especially the dialect.
For example Netherlands and Finland. Some parts of the Netherlands also speak german but they don't want to.
Had that great experience at Schiphol Airport. Wanted to take a parking ticket, but it didn't work.
There was a guy of the Airport. Asked him "Do you speak German?" - "No."
"Do you speak English?" "No, not very much"
I swear, that wasn't the truth! An International Airport. Not for real :D I was pissed!

6x zitiertmelden

Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 22:55

I love British English. To me, that's how English was meant to be pronounced. And I've found the British to be quite helpful and nice - generally speaking.

Mainly I'm studying in the UK because I had the opportunity to go to the University of Cambridge - I just couldn't pass up that chance. And I've always liked the UK anyway.

I'm Swiss, so I don't really find it expensive here, it's probably about a fourth cheaper than in Zurich. Oh, and by the way - I'm a member of the students' Whisky Appreciation Society, so I had four pretty expensive double whiskies (e.g. Ardbog, Yamazaki 12yo) for 17£ yesterday. I can't complain! ^^
Zitat von BassmonsterBassmonster schrieb:An International Airport.
Oh, don't go to Sao Paulo then. Even though it's the biggest international airport of Brazil (... I think), they don't speak English - or Spanish!

Which, considering that about 80% of all the flights there arrive from or depart to either an English or a Spanish speaking country, really isn't what you'd expect. -.-


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 23:03
So sad. It's THAT international Language, no one can speak.
Ok, you're Swiss, kinda great for me. :D Umh.. I don't like Switzerland, some personal experiences I made :D
Are there any opportunities for you to work after finishing?
Will you go back to Switzerland?

Ok, most of the Airports are international, but the bigger the better, I guess.
Even in some German Zoos you can find the same informations about the animals in english, as well!
Have you made some negative experiences over there?


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 23:06
Nobody there spoke english. I had to explain every single thing.
I was looking in a big supermarket for that strange thing you use to cut your nails. There was a cute young employee. I thought that she learned english in school. I used my bad french:
-Bonjour. (Hello)
-Parlez-vous anglais? (Do you speak english?)

Inside my head: F*ck you, french school system! Y U NO let them learn english?

So I was acting to cut my nails, she was thinking what I mean and then she said something weird in french language. The only thing I understood was the word "cosmétiques". I walked to the cosmetics and got that nail-cut-thing.

Why do you like BE? BE sounds stupid. :D


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 23:18
Actually I always wanted to speak BE. :( the only thing I can say in BE is "No, I can't believe it."
It sounds so funny! :D Can't even say that without laughing!
That reminds me of my last English teacher. That women is crazy!
Her dialect was so german. One day she wrote down that sentence:"He very famous."
My English teacher before that women had an American housband! That's how she sounds like. American. Loved that! After the holidays she always told us about her trip to America.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 23:36
"Noo, a kaant böliewwit." :D

I hate english teachers with bad dialect. :{ My teacher had also an american dialect. Very good.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

25.10.2013 um 23:40
The other one, who teached me Spanish. Also an English teacher. Very professional Spanish and BE dialect! She had a guest 2 times a year from Australia. Was nice to meet her, very beautiful girl. Australia would also be nice to visit. The Great Barrier Reef! Love the great white!


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

26.10.2013 um 02:31

British English is correct! The English way is the right way! ^^

EDIT: Except when it comes to driving, of course.


I'm not sure what I'll do after graduation, but I'd like to stay here. I'm also considering a PhD, as I'm more interested in the research side of Engineering anyway.

The thing that most attracts me to Switzerland are the much higher wages, but money's not everything, right? ;)


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

26.10.2013 um 08:14
No, but i went to Spain for a while and like all the other students from across the world we have been spoken broken english. :D

I heard broken english it's the most spoken language in the world :D


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

26.10.2013 um 13:53
I have been to the USA a couple of times.
Would I like to live there? Hell no, I do like europe.
But I would love to go the USA again (really, really love to go shopping there and I do enjoy how friendly and nice most of the people are).


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

26.10.2013 um 18:41
Broken english is the best language of the world because it's easy to learn and you can talk with everybody if they also speak broken english. :D


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

27.10.2013 um 16:59
to Germany


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

27.10.2013 um 17:37
It really looks like Germany has English as second official language...
http://www.vds-ev.de/images/stories/Arbeitsgruppen/Literarisches/karikaturen-retkowski/integration.jpg (Archiv-Version vom 09.03.2013)


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

27.10.2013 um 18:46
No, i would like to see the US

But the point is,my life is outta control


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

27.10.2013 um 20:42

That makes no sense to me
I don't care.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

27.10.2013 um 22:53
I've been to London with my whole grade (I'm in grade 12th)
We stayed there for two weeks...that was a really cool experience, although I must admit I find English people quite weird :D
