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Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

98 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: USA, England, English ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

10.05.2015 um 13:04
I've been to Dublin. Strange enough, I don't remember much about it.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

04.08.2015 um 01:21
i've been do england in high school with my class. a couple of days in eastbourne in a language school and then in hastings, brighton and finally two days in london. it was pretty cool.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

05.08.2015 um 20:23
I've been in Scotland last month :)


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

09.09.2015 um 02:25
I live in the US since Feb 2007. I love it :)


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

09.09.2015 um 23:41
Actually,iam in Ashington, near Newcastle on a visit to my dad in law. Tomorrow we take the ferry back to Netherlands. I like going shopping here because you get all the tasty things ye don't get in Germany.
If I didn't just were a finished, butchers apprentice, I'd think about living here. There are some cheap houses around here.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

14.11.2015 um 22:26
I've been to London three times.
London is a beautyfull city and I would like to live there in a few years.
It has wondefull parks and fantastic buildings.
I like the english culture very much and I really would like to live in England.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

08.05.2018 um 10:29
I've spent a week in England a couple of years ago and visited several cities and villages there. I liked Brighton best so far!
I've also been in Chicago for two weeks last year! It was pretty awesome there, since you got to experience this huuuge city and still get some peace once you walk to the lake!


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

21.05.2018 um 20:14
Except for the usual holiday trips and language schools in Britain, I have lived in London for one year. I studied at one of the London colleges and also worked extra in its library. That was very interesting, and during that time I learnt to speak English fluently.

I love the real, genuine, refined, perfect English - call it R. P. or Oxford English - very much. But I also love the pure, clear Hochdeutsch, and not least my own mother tongue: Swedish!


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

31.05.2018 um 16:37
I´m a bit older - left school in 1982 - so it is a long time ago.

About 2 or 3 years after I left school i meet an english pair - so that was the first time when i really need to speak english in real life circumstands.

Since that I have been in england ( Kent and Wales) - I loved to be there. And everyone was so nice and helpfull.

Otherwise we are often in france - and I´m not able to speak it. But if I use my 3 -5 words everybody there is able to help me and try there own knowledge of english or german.

The worst place with people who are not interested in helping you if you didn´t speak the native language I have been are spanish places so as Gran Canaria, - Teneriffa other Canary Isle.

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Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

31.05.2018 um 18:02
Zitat von suscatsuscat schrieb:The worst place with people who are not interested in helping you if you didn´t speak the native language I have been are spanish places so as Gran Canaria, - Teneriffa other Canary Isle.
Odd - I have also been to Tenerife with my daughter, and English worked perfectly for us!


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

31.05.2018 um 23:37
It was really strange because we have been there by ship so we only was in places where big ships stops.
So I thought the people there will be used to foreigners. But at the shops they don´t speak any language expect spain.
When we try to tell them that we don´t speak spanish - they only get louder.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

03.06.2018 um 21:36
Well, i made other experiences in Spain, like @Merwinna . We could get along with English on Tenerife and Mallorca very well, but since i also speak a bit spanish we could solve all verbal problems occuring.

In the Czech Repubilc the people really dont like the ,,Nemecki", and they will always let you feel it. Noone speaks a word of german or english, if they find out that you are German. I have been there many times, and i can tell you that only in resturants or hotels the people are nice to you. But if you speak to ,,normal" people, they always show you what they think of Germans.
Ive heard that its quite the same nin France, but havent experienced it by myself.

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Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

09.06.2018 um 08:31
Zitat von GrymnirGrymnir schrieb am 03.06.2018:ve heard that its quite the same nin France, but havent experienced it by myself.
At least it is the same with the French and the English; if you speak such good English that the French take you for English, you will receive bad service and rude behaviour. I have experienced that several times. If I tell them I'm Swedish however, they change their behaviour completely, although some men will instead become very flirty and unpleasant in another way... Prejudices destroy very much!


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

10.06.2018 um 01:56
A really funny experience we made in Wales.

In summer 1996 we stay there for a holiday. And we visited the Eisteddfod. And when someone starts to talk to us, and we replied in english they treated us not friendly. They talked in a ununderstandable english. In the moment we informed them - sorry please a bit more slowly we are from germany - they changed and speak a very clear and nice english. Think you could be from any nation - expect England to be treated nice in Wales.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

12.06.2018 um 15:13
I've been in Australia the last summer, had a great time there!


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

05.08.2018 um 21:56

@Bassmonster - Hi there :)
I'd like to emigrate to the U.S.
Have you been successful, yet? Is it even still a thing, considering the recent political climate?
Would like to see some parts of the Irish Coast next year. Already planing that trip!
Did your plans work out? Personally, I would have recommended the Atlantic coast(line).
What about you? Tell me about your dreams and your dreams that already came true!
I've been here and there over the years ...
- roundtrip to the UK (10 days)
- roundtrip UK / Ireland (10 days)
- 2 "extended weekend" trips to Dublin
- 2 trips to Providence, Rhode Island, followed by a weekish-long stay with friends (one in a small town close to NYC, one close to Rayleigh, North Carolina)
I love British English. To me, that's how English was meant to be pronounced. And I've found the British to be quite helpful and nice - generally speaking.
Right? Somehow pretty much all the variations of BE sound more ... smooth, natural than what the US or Australia changed it into over the centuries ...
But, I have to admit ... my favourite version is still the Irish and Welsh "accent".
That reminds me of my last English teacher. That women is crazy!
Her dialect was so german. One day she wrote down that sentence:"He very famous."
My English teacher before that women had an American housband!
Dear Lord ... that is not exactly the best way to start folks with a foreign language.
My first English teacher used BE, just to make it easier for us. When English became my major in Highschool, both teachers used AE.
One of them spent most of the summer holidays with her husband and daughter in the US, where he tought German (of all things) for Summer Classes. Every time she returned, she had a thicker sourthern accent ... quite a change for the unsuspecting pupils,
Then again, her daughter put us to shame with her grasp of the language. She was about 10 when her mum brought her to school one day - she sounded like she never spoke anything else than English her whole life ...
I've been to London in 1999 and in Canada 1996. My grand-uncle immigrated there some decades ago. A very beautiful country! :lv:
Canada is totally still on my list! As far as I know, it was relatively easy to cross the US/Canada border with a driver's license or a passport - we played with that though in 2015 (daytrip to canadian friends) and should have done it while we had the chance.
These days even the border to Canada (rather; the border control on the US side) is ridiculously tight and downright nasty :(
Except for the usual holiday trips and language schools in Britain, I have lived in London for one year. I studied at one of the London colleges and also worked extra in its library. That was very interesting, and during that time I learnt to speak English fluently.
To say that I'm just a touch jealpus would be the understatement of the century. For a split-second it seemed like I could work in one of the smaller libraries of Dublin's Trinity College, something that would have been a dream come true.
It didn't work out, ultimately - but somehow it seems that living/studying in the UK (or Ireland in my case) and working in a library seems like the perfect fit. <3

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Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

05.08.2018 um 22:02
Zitat von MUArchivistMUArchivist schrieb:To say that I'm just a touch jealpus would be the understatement of the century. For a split-second it seemed like I could work in one of the smaller libraries of Dublin's Trinity College, something that would have been a dream come true.
It didn't work out, ultimately - but somehow it seems that living/studying in the UK (or Ireland in my case) and working in a library seems like the perfect fit. <3
Yeah, and it was a lucky shot for me too! I read a notice on the library's own notice board, that they were searching for someone for the Scandinavian section. The demands were that you should have worked in a library before, and that you should have a Scandinavian language as mother tongue. I had both! I went to the boss and got the job immediately! :-)


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

05.08.2018 um 22:56
Yeah, and it was a lucky shot for me too! I read a notice on the library's own notice board, that they were searching for someone for the Scandinavian section. The demands were that you should have worked in a library before, and that you should have a Scandinavian language as mother tongue. I had both! I went to the boss and got the job immediately! :-)
I will grugingly take into account that you are either a librarian or library assistant (like me) annd will try to be less jeaslous ;)

Amusing though, considering that this is exactly how I came across my apprenticeship in Berlin ... a notice for an Apprenticeship Opening at a local library. I had no idea that this was the kind of work I was looking for, until the note was brought to my notice. (Pun not intended.)
Working in Dublinn sounded like a dream come true for so many reasons, and while I am still bummed that it didn't pan out, it might have been for the best.

I am truly happy that you were able to work there, even if only for a limited time, and I am sure you still have fond memories of the time you spent there.
(Yup, still pretty jealous ... ;) )


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