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744 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Unterhaltung, Spaß, Sprache ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
lofo ehemaliges Mitglied

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06.11.2013 um 12:21
oh man. my Spam wont have any further influences. fricking sucks



18.12.2013 um 22:21
hey I'm new here. so how are you?
what do you think will the most important language in the next twenty years?



18.12.2013 um 23:14
don't know which will be the most important language, but i hope, this section will be more important, so that the posts count :)

sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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19.12.2013 um 15:02
why would they?

sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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19.12.2013 um 15:04

i can tell you which will play no significant role at all...



19.12.2013 um 17:08
so which do you think that it is?



19.12.2013 um 20:07
English is still gonna be the the most important language. 20 Years is not a long time.
The question is more interesting, if you ask about what shall be in 100 or even 1000 Years.

I think in the Year 3000 GERMAN will be the World Language :Y:



19.12.2013 um 23:14
hm I think you are right but what happens when the chinese catch up (<- i hope it's is right word) in sciences. What when in the next twenty years software and hardware comes from china and i mean that it will develop and make there? I think many countries have the possibility to change the current situation.

do you think that the humanity need a language that everybody understand? do we need a world language? And know anyone whether it is possible to program a computer in Chinese or meaningful? (becauce Chinese have many different character and each of them has a different meaning and need his own number)



20.12.2013 um 00:02
as long as gaelic (irish) is not the world language, i won't complain :D

sator ehemaliges Mitglied

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20.12.2013 um 08:10
unless there is a dramatic change, something causing global turmoil, there wont be much of a difference to what we have now.



20.12.2013 um 10:18
English is quite ok. It will still be important which is not a bad thing. English is ok though there are minder problems with some words who are spelled and written confusing but one gets used to it.

Maybe Spanish would be also nice thing. Probably also Brasilien. Itilien of course is also guite ok.

Even Turkish is tolerable. Frensch probabbly not. But asian languages are really a nogo. That stuff feels like learning maschincode. No thanks. Though I had a suggestion for an experiment what would happen well all Lationos would spieak Chinese? Would they somehow make the language more appealing? Shure but not really.



20.12.2013 um 15:48
that's how people in ireland with the weather :D




20.12.2013 um 21:07
Well, all English threads on this website seem to die very fast... I guess a good topic is missing. Since I also have no idea for a topic, I just ask something random:

Why are you actually interested in the English language or the culture of GB or USA?

2x zitiertmelden


20.12.2013 um 21:32
Zitat von AlbinoLightAlbinoLight schrieb:Why are you actually interested in the English language or the culture of GB or USA?
i have no other choice, i would say. i'm living in ireland, i have to speak english ;)

1x zitiertmelden


20.12.2013 um 22:12
Are you from Ireland, or have you chosen to live there?

1x zitiertmelden


20.12.2013 um 22:13
Zitat von AlbinoLightAlbinoLight schrieb:Are you from Ireland or have you chosen to live there?
i'm originally from germany, but i moved to ireland in 2004



21.12.2013 um 00:38
So, my question was: why have you chosen this culture/country? Was it because of the language and/or culture, or just due to other matters?
Zitat von azerateazerate schrieb:i have no other choice, i would say. i'm living in ireland, i have to speak english ;)
By the way, under usual circumstances I would say you had the choice when Ireland is not your homeland...



21.12.2013 um 10:01
@AlbinoLight: when i moved here, it was my free choice alright ;)

1x zitiertmelden


21.12.2013 um 10:25
Zitat von AlbinoLightAlbinoLight schrieb:Why are you actually interested in the English language or the culture of GB or USA?
i am to some extend obviously americanized whatever it means. english is mighty tool for getting information. i am in turkey now but probably will go different countries. in english i can collect the information much better than in any other language. that´s why i changed my use of english from passiv to active which means comunicating with people over internet.

from that apart i like american music, blogs, writings and alot of stuff.

1x zitiertmelden


21.12.2013 um 15:52
Zitat von Billy73Billy73 schrieb:in english i can collect the information much better than in any other language.
That is a quiet good point. There are so many English websites on the internet with often more information to specific topics than on other pages. One of the reasons that I am glad to be able to understand so much English.
Zitat von azerateazerate schrieb:when i moved here, it was my free choice alright ;)
May I ask you why you made this decision? That would be the point of the question I asked.

1x zitiertmelden