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744 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Unterhaltung, Spaß, Sprache ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail


28.04.2020 um 10:49
I agree I much prefer British accents to American ones, it seems that most Germans have american accents when speaking english, there isnt ,many with British ones which is a pity

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28.04.2020 um 10:52
Has anyone here got any tips for studying for a driving test ? I currently am not working because of corona so I think nows a good time to learn but I dont know where to start should I buy a book for it or is it necessary, I was looking at the one at the top of this page https://www.fuehrerscheinfix.de/mpu/ but its 20€ so I dont know if its worth it ?

2x zitiertmelden


29.04.2020 um 04:59
Zitat von DreisteineDreisteine schrieb:I agree I much prefer British accents to American ones, it seems that most Germans have american accents when speaking english, there isnt ,many with British ones which is a pity
You think? This is kind of funny, I am living in the U.S. and my impression is that almost all Germans, especially those who don't live here, rather have some kind of British accent, probably because they are still being taught British English in their schools. I say kind of, because it usually is not a real accent, rather a certain way to pronounce things that they think is British.

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29.04.2020 um 07:05
Zitat von Rick_BlaineRick_Blaine schrieb:probably because they are still being taught British English in their schools.
Yes, usually we get taught British English, it did not reach into my brain though. ^^ I have family in Minnesota, so that might play a part.
Zitat von DreisteineDreisteine schrieb:Has anyone here got any tips for studying for a driving test ?
Nowadays, you study for those via app. Because you also have to watch videos.

1x zitiertmelden


29.04.2020 um 16:10
Yeah I think usually either germans sound german when they speak english or they put on an american accent



29.04.2020 um 16:11
I personally prefer when people dont change their natural accents I like to be able to hear where a person is from I think it adds character aswell



26.05.2020 um 14:57
https://www.vorfaelligkeitsentschaedigung.net/ -- is there a word for this in english?



23.12.2022 um 08:57
That a link. Or URL. ;)

Just kidding. Anyone still around? :)



30.12.2022 um 05:23
Zitat von LuminitaLuminita schrieb am 29.04.2020:Yes, usually we get taught British English
Why is that like that? I don't like British pronunciation very much. I also wonder why in Germany as well as Brazilian Portuguese is taught in courses and language apps and not the European Portuguese, which is spoken in Portugal... Why actually? There are some differences in grammar and words between the two languages. When Portuguese hear Brazilian Portuguese, it's a different dialect for them... I also wonder why that is. in Europe you should actually be taught the European Portuguese.

3x zitiertmelden


30.12.2022 um 05:32
Zitat von ProjectSerpoProjectSerpo schrieb:There are some differences in grammar and words between the two languages.
A small example: In European Portuguese "you" (in German that "du" ) means "tu". In Brazilian Portuguese : "você". Pronouncing "tu" in Brazil is very rude and a bit offensive...

2x zitiertmelden


30.12.2022 um 05:49
Zitat von ProjectSerpoProjectSerpo schrieb:I also wonder why that is.
For this reason maybe?
The Brazilian pronunciation sounds melodious and strong to unfamiliar ears, making it easier to understand and learn at first. European Portuguese is challenging for non-native speakers due to its weakened vowels, and you may not be understood across the Atlantic
Quelle: https://de.babbel.com/de/magazine/brasilianisches-vs-europaeisches-portugiesisch

The text has been translated into English from the source.



30.12.2022 um 05:58
Zitat von ProjectSerpoProjectSerpo schrieb:In Brazilian Portuguese : "você". Pronouncing "tu" in Brazil is very rude and a bit offensive...
sorry, the exact opposite is the case:
If you confuse tu with você in European Portuguese, the situation can quickly turn uncomfortable and you can come off as rude, or even aggressive.
Quelle: https://de.babbel.com/de/magazine/brasilianisches-vs-europaeisches-portugiesisch



30.12.2022 um 08:45
Zitat von ProjectSerpoProjectSerpo schrieb:Why is that like that? I don't like British pronunciation very much.
I feel like it‘s more about geographical reasons. UK is just closer … But honestly, I have no idea. I have always had an American accent and can not talk in the British way, and also I get so confused with the spelling. I just mix everything up.
Zitat von ProjectSerpoProjectSerpo schrieb:in Brazil is very rude and a bit offensive...
I don‘t really speak any other language anymore, but I don‘t think English has any of these differences, I can‘t think of anything that would be offensive in either of the countries. However, there are some things that just have a different name.

I love this video as an example, I almost always use the American pronounciation expect for missile.

Youtube: American vs. British vs. Australian English | One Language, Three Accents
American vs. British vs. Australian English | One Language, Three Accents
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01.01.2024 um 21:12
Hello, I am just passing by claiming the first and so far only red post in this category by a Mod (and therefore probably the first one in English? Not sure about that one though).
And yes, I checked every thread in this category for this :D
Thank you for your attention. Please continue as you were.




17.01.2024 um 02:19
Zitat von DreisteineDreisteine schrieb am 28.04.2020:Has anyone here got any tips for studying for a driving test ? I currently am not working because of corona so I think nows a good time to learn but I dont know where to start should I buy a book for it or is it necessary, I was looking at the one at the top of this page https://www.fuehrerscheinfix.de/mpu/ but its 20€ so I dont know if its worth it ?
Go to one of your local driving schools and ask for study material. They will either have it in paper form or it will be online.


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