What are you thinking about the poster above you?
15.04.2006 um 19:15
He likes China... ;)
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...
..::Phantom of the Opera::..
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
18.04.2006 um 21:07
he can talk waaaaaaaaaaaaay better japanese than i do... ^^
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
19.04.2006 um 04:16
when i was @ the age she is now.....omg it has been so long time i can't remember.....
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
19.04.2006 um 08:42
He sent me a mail a few days ago ;)
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
19.04.2006 um 20:28
i don't know what his native language is...
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
20.04.2006 um 09:58
EN Allmystery’s official language is English. Postings in any other languages arestrictly prohibited.
Everyone using German here, has to suffer theconsequences...
Defiantly it is not funny to post here German phrases or singlewords.
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
20.04.2006 um 13:18
yeaaaah the right one is speaking!!
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
20.04.2006 um 13:32
For this extraordinary usage of Germish, you should be banned forever ;)
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
20.04.2006 um 23:10
What about french, spanish, lingala, suaheli and jamaican patois? Are they prohibitedtoo?
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
21.04.2006 um 13:03
Allmystery Board Rules
Fair Treatment:
Do not post any defamatory,abusive, profane, threatening, offensive or illegal materials. You must use your own goodjudgment and sense of basic etiquette in deciding what to post. Please remember that yourmessages may be seen by people of all ages and sensibilities. Do not post a message youwould not want your parents or your children to read.
Ifa user is caught doing this, they will receive a warning by Private Message. Should itcontinue, posting privileges and (in serious cases) the user account will be suspended.
Copyright information:
Do not post any information or other materialprotected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By postingmaterial, the posting party warrants and represents that it owns the copyright withrespect to such material or has received permission from the copyright owner. Inaddition, the posting party grants Dave and users of the Board the non-exclusive rightand license to display, copy, publish, distribute, transmit, print and use suchinformation or other material.
EN Allmystery’s official language is English.Postings in any other languages are strictly prohibited.
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
21.04.2006 um 13:29
Wooah! De mon above I is vex, right.
Me ago spek dis language 'ere, seh. But Iand I never know dis dotty baldhead english babylon's teachin' dem people. ;)
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
21.04.2006 um 17:52
lok abov see the sky is turning into blue.
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
21.04.2006 um 17:54
i think they should also forbid users to write in "pidgin english". ^^
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
21.04.2006 um 21:57
Dis gal seems fe want havin' a big society community in 'ere, no true? Goin' vex 'causefeelin' unsure, no true?
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
21.04.2006 um 22:15
sounds like someone, who's talking with an irish accent^^
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
21.04.2006 um 22:25
*gg* Hm? No, I no speakin' irish. But di origin of dis language is also from an island,seen.
Dis gal seems fe havin' a great sense of humor! ;)
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
22.04.2006 um 00:17
i think he thinks that i am female. just another one on my list, or am i wrong?
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
22.04.2006 um 00:43
Yeah. He overstan' me speakin' patois! So why U wanted me fe be forbidden, seh?
What are you thinking about the poster above you?
22.04.2006 um 00:54
i have my fellow users in mind, which wont understand you, thats why ^^
and because of the lil ban i got when wrote a german word.. but thats not soimportant.. just dont pay attention to what ive written in the second part of this post..^^