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Prejudice against you

4 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: English, Vorurteil, Thoughts ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Prejudice against you

05.03.2018 um 11:12

Last week, I attendet a seminar about communication and body language. On of the first tasks was that every participant had to stand in front of the group like they would normally stand somewhere for a minute and after that minute the group had to tell this person how they come across or how they would think of that person if they had met them for the first time.
Another task was to think of a stereotypical role we would cast them if we would make a movie.

Because of the results I got that had nothing to do with the real me, I wanted to ask you what Prejudices you heard about yourself and if they are true or if they have nothing to do with you.

For example, someone said that I came across as an industrious student which is not really true. I am not lazy in school, but my motto is "as little as possible as much as necessary", not really what you would call industrious. Also they said I seemed like that friendly neighbourhood woman that you ask to look after your kids when you go out or that mother whith 4 kids who is really caring- the only problem is I hate kids :D

The only thing that was true is that they said I looked like I would do something creative, which is true! I write in my freetime.

Not I look forward to things that people think of you when they first meet you and if they are true!


Prejudice against you

05.08.2018 um 23:36
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression" or something close to that ;)
Are you still interested in discussing this, @HereIAm12 ?

1x zitiertmelden

Prejudice against you

13.09.2018 um 12:17
Zitat von MUArchivistMUArchivist schrieb am 05.08.2018:Are you still interested in discussing this, @HereIAm12 ?
I am! I think this is super interesting.
I recently talked about that with some of my friends, who all said that they thought I was "kinda weird" when they first met me. Which I can understand, honestly, because I am. ^^
A guy once told me he tought I was a vegetarian (I am basically the complete opposite of a vegetarian or vegan) and I was like: "No, why do you think I am?" And he was refusing to answer at first and was smiling awkwardly and then I understood: Because I had my hair colored, he tought I was vegetarian and living an "alternative" lifestyle. It was kinda funny. :D
I guess a first impression can be super misleading and wrong, that's why I think we should always give people a few chances. And I guess we should get to know them in many different situations and environments. People show super varying behavior, depending on where they are and who is with them.


Prejudice against you

24.01.2024 um 21:14
Another old thread that I find most intriguing.

Many people think of me as rigorous and stern. That is partly correct. But, alas, only partly. Most of the time I am relaxed and easygoing. If warranted by the situation however, I can be most stern.

What I do hate is when people draw incorrect conclusions. E.g. someone sees me drinking tea and concludes that I despise coffee. Actually, I drink huge amounts of both beverages.

Best wishes



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