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Your thoughts in the morning...!

101 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Thoughts, Chit Chat, Guess What ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Your thoughts in the morning...!

17.03.2016 um 07:32
Night after night after night I lie awake forcibly listening to that stereo and if it's not the stereo it's the TV and if it's not
the TV it's a the lot of charging about knocking things over and making a general hullabaloo.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.03.2016 um 09:01
Sandwich preserves the memory of an Eighteenth Century earl who once spent twenty-four hours at the gamblib-table, sustained only by light refreshment.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

20.03.2016 um 11:37
fuck off...
i will not check my emails for the next few months... It is annoying to get nothing but spam. Where the heck is the answer from Sabine? I guess i should call her, maybe she forgot to check her mails

And my most important thought this morning: it is so great to spend time with my beloved family :lv:


Your thoughts in the morning...!

21.03.2016 um 07:57
If you want to abort programm execution then press the Abort key. :ask:


Your thoughts in the morning...!

21.03.2016 um 09:18
Don't eat anything bigger than your head.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

21.03.2016 um 09:41
Magic bullet or bullshit :ask:


Your thoughts in the morning...!

23.03.2016 um 07:04
Pet dogs...

are expensive to keep
should be walked every day in any kind of weather
can be frustrating, very stubborn and sneaky
will take up a lot of your time
can cause severe allergic reactions.
foul the streets and shed hair or fur everywhere

Neverless I would like keep a dog as pet


Your thoughts in the morning...!

22.05.2016 um 22:48
In the morning, I'm thinking that I should get up and read the Dhammapada :)


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.06.2016 um 17:33
My first thought is the coffee and the cigarette what I need to start thinking.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.06.2016 um 17:59
nice to meet you here :)

my thoughts? oh well...it was very late today :D


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.06.2016 um 19:12
Nice to meet you too, Barbieworld.^^


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.06.2016 um 19:13
you are welcome


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.06.2016 um 19:15
Thanks, you are welcome too, Barbiegirl.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

23.02.2020 um 08:13
I have no milk, I‘ll have to steal milk now I guess. Hmpf.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

28.04.2020 um 10:37
My first thought every morning is better get ready for work! and on the weekends its still that i forget im off !


Your thoughts in the morning...!

13.10.2020 um 12:07
The first I think is, how wonderful this day could become.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

27.09.2021 um 15:08
my first thought is "shit! I will miss the bus"


Your thoughts in the morning...!

17.10.2021 um 19:37


Your thoughts in the morning...!

23.12.2022 um 08:56
It‘s almost Christmas. Can’t wait till it’s over :D


Your thoughts in the morning...!

27.12.2022 um 10:23
My only thought at morning is...
Leave me the fuck alone
