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Your thoughts in the morning...!

101 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Thoughts, Chit Chat, Guess What ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Your thoughts in the morning...!

26.09.2014 um 15:40
First thought : I need coffee. Now.
Depending on the mood I´m in, it might continue with:
a) "Fuck, I hate the sunlight". That option usually continues with me trying to walk and stumbling like a drunk, while spilling hot coffee on my shaking hands.
b)" I can´t wait to start this beautiful day! So much work to do, so many people to meet, and ah, I have so much time, I can sit down for a while and read the newspaper, while listening to my favorite radio!"

1x zitiertmelden

Your thoughts in the morning...!

26.09.2014 um 20:45
Zitat von LagerthaLagertha schrieb:a) "Fuck, I hate the sunlight". That option usually continues with me trying to walk and stumbling like a drunk, while spilling hot coffee on my shaking hands.
That's why I sleep with the window shades down. XD


Your thoughts in the morning...!

26.09.2014 um 22:00
My first thoughts are always about breakfast :D


Your thoughts in the morning...!

22.10.2014 um 18:41
Not again...


Your thoughts in the morning...!

25.10.2014 um 02:08
Uuuh morning thoughts ^^
The first thing I think in the morning is: Grrrmm... Hrmmmpf... Please give me coffee.
Then, when I sip my coffee like a dying plant drinks its water, I think about what I have planned for the day. And sometimes, when I had a cool dream, I continue daydreaming a bit, develop further thoughts about my dream, watch the sunlight through the window. I also like to read the news on my laptop when I have time and think about what happens in the world. Just a bit of philosophising.
When my brain is a bit more awake I think "Well, let's go have a shower" and thats mostly it :)

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Your thoughts in the morning...!

25.10.2014 um 03:16
My first thought: Oh fvck i hate this sht some1 kill me plz. Then i take a shower n everything is fine. fml.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

27.10.2014 um 02:01
"I need ten minutes more to wake up properly!" *grabs the phone an hits the snooze button*


Your thoughts in the morning...!

28.10.2014 um 09:19
How can I manage to stay in bed some minutes longer without having to hurry afterwards?


Your thoughts in the morning...!

03.02.2015 um 13:54
Hemingway: The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

06.02.2015 um 17:24
oh no.......not you again!


Your thoughts in the morning...!

10.02.2015 um 22:18
oh man i was sooo tired...i don´t wanna leave my warm bed and join the cold and wet world outside there...

damn snow O.O !!!


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.02.2015 um 09:38
What if I miss the bus to Cork for some reason and I have to stay at home all day?


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.02.2015 um 17:28
oh hell i don´t feel very healthy...just hope that the new kitchen doesn´t bring problems.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

22.02.2015 um 00:39
oh fuckk my disease is not over yet :( stupid influenza


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.11.2015 um 21:50
Oh no...
I only have five minutes before i have to get up...


Your thoughts in the morning...!

29.11.2015 um 08:42
"Damnit brain why do you always have to wake me up at the coolest moment of my dreams" ^^


Your thoughts in the morning...!

20.12.2015 um 21:59
"It's so early in the morning... oh... it's noon already..." Autocorrecting has almost changed "noon" into "Nono" :D


Your thoughts in the morning...!

12.03.2016 um 18:41
By speech  we design great bridges and find wars, we express our deep feelings and our spiritual aspirations, and even set forth our most subtle linguistic theories. We can  talk, we can talk about talk, we can talk about talk about talk, and so on forever. Language is the special treasure of our race. It depends on what we call in mind, but it comes out of the entire person.
To learn a second language is to move from one mystery  to another.

Language learning  is a doubly unique experience, we often talk about it as though it were carried out by minds without bodies.
We deal with those ways in which human beings are most unlike animals. We shall look at the pysical organism which the mind of man used. We shall not attempt to answer the question. " How does the human mind work"?
We shall only ask " On the basis of evidence from man and other species, what seems possible for thinking equipment that is made of flesh and blood?"


Your thoughts in the morning...!

16.03.2016 um 07:32
When Shakespeare used the word honorificabilitudinitatibus in Lover's Labour's Lost, it held the record for the longest word in the English language for quite some time. It was overtaken in the 18th century by
floccinaucinihilipilification, meaning the habitual estimation of the worthless something.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

16.03.2016 um 08:22
Will I suceed or rather smoke weed? :)
