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A trip to Great Britain

29 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Urlaub, Reise, England ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
barbieworld Diskussionsleiter
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A trip to Great Britain

17.02.2015 um 17:19
Hey Englisch-Friends...

imagine, you have to go on vacation to Great Britain. What would you take with you?

What´s your favourite part of the UK and why? What would you visit?

Why did i choose Great Britain? Well it is the English part of Allmystery so which countries else? :D


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A trip to Great Britain

17.02.2015 um 17:22
Zitat von barbieworldbarbieworld schrieb:What would you take with you?
A football and some headache pills... and never forget an adaptor for the british points


A trip to Great Britain

17.02.2015 um 17:23
I were in scotland last year, Edinburgh is a wonderful city.
And i will travel again to Edinburgh this year :)

Also: Scotch Whisky ftw!


A trip to Great Britain

22.02.2015 um 03:54
Tons of money, since it's pretty expensive. Some raingear. And yes, an adaptor for the plugs is a good idea. My family. Time. Empty suitcases for all the stuff I will buy there.

Where would I go? Hard to say. England has so many beautiful places. London is great, of course. But so is Sussex, Kent, the far West, and so on. May be just don't make too many plans and explore, decide on the spot where you want to stay or go.

barbieworld Diskussionsleiter
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A trip to Great Britain

01.03.2015 um 23:55
maybe i would get in trouble if i take her to loch ness? :D


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A trip to Great Britain

02.03.2015 um 01:09

No, that would be called a family reunion. Give my regards to Nessie when you are there, it's been 34 years since I last saw her.


A trip to Great Britain

02.03.2015 um 01:17
Zitat von barbieworldbarbieworld schrieb:maybe i would get in trouble if i take her to loch ness?
You would get into severe trouble whether you take this piece of plastic to Loch Ness or not.
Water temperature. This is between 6°C to 12°C.
http://www.lochnessswim.co.uk/training/4582558169 (Archiv-Version vom 02.12.2014)

barbieworld Diskussionsleiter
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A trip to Great Britain

02.03.2015 um 22:33
you´ve really seen nessie? O.o


A trip to Great Britain

03.03.2015 um 05:20
Well, a friend of mine and I were vacationing in Scotland and we stayed a night in Alitsigh right at Loch Ness, it was stormy and dark, there were waves on the water... we don't really know what we saw. May be Nessie, may be just some waves... but it was before we had some of that good Scotch... :) :)

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barbieworld Diskussionsleiter
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A trip to Great Britain

03.03.2015 um 16:34
Zitat von Rick_BlaineRick_Blaine schrieb:stormy and dark, there were waves on the water
there are many crazy hallucinations on some photos shot when the sun was shining. for example nessies neck that was in reality just a flying seagull. :D

i am sorry but i am sure you were not seeing nessie under those conditions


A trip to Great Britain

05.03.2015 um 06:56
I know :)


A trip to Great Britain

13.03.2016 um 09:45
Before you start the journey you have to know who are the British. What they like?
It's impotent to know because : when you are in rome, do like the romens do. Right?

The typical Briton is insular, introspective, arrogant, reserved, humorous, conservative,boring, poor, a royalist, depressed,
Ironic, passionless, liberal, a cosmopolitan, pragmatic, decent, proud, gentle, unhealthy, eccentric, tolerant, unhygienic,civilised, dogmatic, scruffy, an inveterate gambler, traditional, snobbish,friendly, pompous...

Confused? Then you'll just have to stay at home.

barbieworld Diskussionsleiter
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A trip to Great Britain

15.03.2016 um 15:26
i don´t think that it is correct to put people of the same nationality into one and the same box.


A trip to Great Britain

15.03.2016 um 17:45
Of course, the multifarious differences in character between the people from different parts of England (particular between those from the north and the south) the population of Britain encompasses a disparate mixture of Scots, Welsh, Irish assorted ethic groups originating from throughout the British Commenwealth and miscellaneous foreigners, who for some reason have chosen Britain their home. :D

barbieworld Diskussionsleiter
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A trip to Great Britain

15.03.2016 um 17:53
your english is very good :)


A trip to Great Britain

15.03.2016 um 17:55
Thanks, I like to return the compliment.

barbieworld Diskussionsleiter
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A trip to Great Britain

15.03.2016 um 18:01
have you ever been in britain?


A trip to Great Britain

15.03.2016 um 18:06
Yes, I feel very comfortable in Britain.

barbieworld Diskussionsleiter
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A trip to Great Britain

15.03.2016 um 18:06
i haven´t been there before...but i am sure i will :D where have you been?


A trip to Great Britain

15.03.2016 um 18:09
You're welcome.
