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Where is the problem...?

32 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Problem, English, WHY ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Where is the problem...?

01.07.2017 um 16:34
Hi guys and girl,

why is it, that most of the people can't speak english here. I truely can't understand, what "I find it good" should mean for exsample. Also you can read a lot german stuff here.

It is no problem if you can't speak english at all. We all need to learn it piece by piece. But to be honest, you can't learn english correctly if you only read this german-english-mix-stuff.

What do you think about that? And don't use this copy and paste technic all the time. Write it in your own words ^^


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Where is the problem...?

05.07.2017 um 01:33

Reminds me of English classes at school. Though everyone's situation was basically the same as for not being native speakers, people couldn't seem to overcome their fear of making fools of themselves.

Apart from that, maybe it would help to put some new controversial topics up for discussion. They needn't necessarily be new, of course. Picking up "old" topics from the 'allmyverse' should do the trick, too. 😉 


Where is the problem...?

05.07.2017 um 02:40
I never understood why someone is so full off fear. It is ok to make mistakes. That the only why you can learn. I think thats the Whole reason of Mistakes in the first place.

When i was in school, i had the problem that my english was to good. Most of the other students didn't understood me. The worst part is, that a lot of people made fun of me and gave me names just becourse i could speak english and the others not.

Also most of the people, nearly everyone I know, can't speak english. The problem is, they can't understand a few jokes after all. They don't understand simple Videos on Youtube.

This is so disturbing

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Where is the problem...?

05.07.2017 um 09:16
I totally agree, making mistakes is a natural part of learning. We also make mistakes in our mother-tongue, no big deal. 
In some cases, there seems to be a lack of interest, and that's what's most surprising to me. How can young people not be interested in knowing a language they're confronted with on a daily basis? I remember listening to English songs on the radio when I was a child, way before I went to secondary school. I wanted to know what they're about right away. Wanted to know the exact words so I could sing along. Which is, by the way, still the case with the Spanish songs that pop up each summer. 😁 
Among the people I know, the ones in their late 20s and early 30s know English pretty well, even if it's been more than a decade since their last English lesson. My parents' generation (somewhere around 50 upward) is able to follow English news coverage on TV, for instance, but has difficulty in speaking the language. But the younger ones, ranging from 14-20+x ......... Total disaster, as Mr Trump would put it. 😄 That really makes me wonder what happened... 


Where is the problem...?

05.07.2017 um 09:26
Here's an addition I have to make: Among the younger ones, regular players of online computer games and the like form a remarkable exception. They are more fluent in English than others their age, thanks to the practice they get through communicating with other players. So much for the negative effects computer games have on the younger ones. 😄


Where is the problem...?

05.07.2017 um 21:52
I always disable the subtitles in video games. It's just so annoying when you got theis subtitle running allong all the time. You don't know if you want to read now or shot the guy that stole your car.

And if a friend of mine speaks english, it always sounds like a frog in a near miss situation with an airplane. And then they come to me and aks if I could help them. Of course I could. But if I say, that they should only speak english with me for a while, they don't want it. But you can only learn if you try it.
But its even better when they say, why don't want to speak english. They always say, that they can#t understand a word. Of course not. You haven't learned it yet.

So, it's a total disaster ^^

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Where is the problem...?

06.03.2018 um 16:06
Zitat von KorraKorra schrieb am 05.07.2017:as to good.
Zitat von KorraKorra schrieb am 05.07.2017:becourse
Zitat von KorraKorra schrieb am 05.07.2017:got theis


Where is the problem...?

30.04.2018 um 10:50
The only way to improve your language skills is to use it :ok:

Since i am Saxon, some people make fun of my pronunciation - in both german and english. But as long as we can communicate, its all right i guess.


Where is the problem...?

02.07.2018 um 13:31
You are quite right, and that is exactly why I have thrown myself all in into this German-speaking community, to practise my German (I am Swedish). It is no use to try to practise with other learners, it is much better to go for the real thing - in my case real Germans - from the start... even if it feels scary sometimes!


Where is the problem...?

03.07.2018 um 20:36

Well, i wish you good luck :)

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Where is the problem...?

04.07.2018 um 06:17
Zitat von GrymnirGrymnir schrieb:Well, i wish you good luck :)
Thanks. In fact it feels a little more natural every day to write in German, now.


Where is the problem...?

08.07.2018 um 21:08

Thats nice :) I guess German is pretty hard to learn, so i give you all my respect for doing it!


Where is the problem...?

23.07.2018 um 01:39
If you want to learn it you need to immerse yourself in it. Start thinking in the foreign language. Read it, write it, watch it, speak it. Travel if you can.

That video is hilarious btw.


Where is the problem...?

27.07.2018 um 12:47
We get taught in school that making mistakes means low grades. Everything is measured by them. for 8-13 years. That's a lot of time to practice being afraid.

And at least in my time, English classes were so incredibly dull. Nothing, really nothing to make you keep going.

I started liking English only after I finished school. then I started learning it the way people should learn it.

I'm still not perfect, but I think I can make do.


Where is the problem...?

06.08.2018 um 00:05
Hello everyone :)

@Korra - I absolutely understand where you're coming from!
While school is generally a good idea, the young pupils are a living hell :) Seriously, there is a lot of giggling (or downright laughter) about mistakes, and once you start to master the given task or subject, you're the "Streber" ... the show-off that nobody wants to talk to.

While I agree with most people here, that learning English is a good and reasonable thing, I am just stlighty worried that people will pick up wrong phrases or words in genral - but that may just be me.

Anyway, I stumbled across a "smalltalk in English" thread and left a comment to move it up in the "foodchain". I'll be happy to chat along to improve and keep my English skills.

Ultimately, the only thing that keeps a vocabulary growing and polished IS "talking", even if it's just on a platform like this.
I'm still not perfect, but I think I can make do.
Seriously? Understating much? ;)
In the other thread you had me convinced that you were pretty much a native speaker. Your English skills are way, way above a "make do" level!
How the hell did you learn to speak/write a foreign language aas fluent as you did? You might have a trick or five up your sleeve that I could use :)


Where is the problem...?

06.08.2018 um 00:09

The trick is easy. Just take a video, a movie or a book and work through it until there are no gaps left. I started with a paper dictionary and VHS. Nowadays it's much more convenient with flashcard software, online translation and multiple subtitles.

I can promise you, no adult native speaker will think of me as a native speaker. But I can hide my accent pretty well. Since I never lived abroad, it still takes some effort though.


Where is the problem...?

06.08.2018 um 00:54

Your grasp of the written language is certainly damn close to what I expect of a native speaker - and trust me, I've seen quite a few things that no sane human should wwitness ;)

Around here, it's mostly movies and TV to catch up with different dialects or phrases ... so far, so good.

I am painfully aware that my accent is still there, even though the "typical" "th" madness isn't something that happens for me. I would like to think that my grammar is agreeable as well (even though I have to fight for words here and there).
Sadly, I have can not yet get rid of the harsh "v" and "w" emphasis, as in German I stumble over "ch" and "sch" a lot - some things are just not meant to be said :D

Nah, for a non-native spraker you've good a damn fine grasp, good sir. Damn fine.


Where is the problem...?

30.09.2018 um 01:09
Anybody else with this experience? I now feel like I have my English and my German in two different, sealed compartments in my brain, and when I am inside one of them it is very difficult for me to leave it and go into the other. I experienced this phenomena again just now: I have spent a couple of hours in writing to my Hungarian friend in English - and now when I came here and tried to write a post in German in one of the threads, it was just impossible. I could not place the words in order for one single sentence in German, I just heard the sentence ringing in my ears in English, and I even started to feel a pain in my head, as if I was straining my brain...

Will this pass when you get better at the newest language, in my case German? (Changing between Swedish or Danish and English or German makes no trouble at all for me.)

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Where is the problem...?

30.09.2018 um 18:08
Zitat von MerwinnaMerwinna schrieb:Will this pass when you get better at the newest language, in my case German?
No, it get‘s worse :D No, seriously, the better I got in english, the more difficult I found the switch. I remember watching a video, mainly english, and it suddenly switched to german. I didn‘t understand a thing for the first few minutes.
But that‘s just my personal experience, maybe you will get used to it with time.

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