@reticulum Man kommt leider nicht umhin, dich immer wieder belehren zu müssen wie einen ungezogenen Schüler, der Dummheiten erzählt und dabei auch noch dreist ist.
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Dann lieferst du weder eine Inhaltsangabe des Dokuments, das 88 Seiten auf Englisch umfasst, noch stellst du überhaupt einen Zusammenhang her oder lieferst ein Argument mit, das dieses Dokument nun untermauern soll.
Jetzt mache ich deine Hausaufgaben?
Nur zum Teil.
Es handelt sich um eine Ausarbeitung - aus dem Jahr 2004 -, in der
der Astrophysiker Eric W. Davis die verschiedenen physikalischen Ansätze für Teleportation abhandelt.
Im Abstract beschreibt er die Aufgabenstellung:
This study was tasked with the purpose of collecting information describing the teleportation of material objects, providing a description of
teleportation as it occurs in physics, its theoretical and experimental status, and a projection of potential applications. The study also consisted
of a search for teleportation phenomena occurring naturally or under laboratory conditions that can be assembled into a model describing the
conditions required to accomplish the transfer of objects. This included a review and documentation of quantum teleportation, its theoretical
basis, technological development, and its potential applications. The characteristics of teleportation were defined and physical theories were
evaluated in terms of their ability to completely describe the phenomena. Contemporary physics, as well as theories that presently challenge the
current physics paradigm were investigated. The author identified and proposed two unique physics models for teleportation that are based on
the manipulation of either the general relativistic spacetime metric or the spacetime vacuum electromagnetic (zero-point fluctuations)
parameters. Naturally occurring anomalous teleportation phenomena that were previously studied by the United States and foreign
governments were also documented in the study and are reviewed in the report. The author proposes an additional model for teleportation that
is based on a combination of the experimental results from the previous government studies and advanced physics concepts. Numerous
recommendations outlining proposals for further theoretical and experimental studies are given in the report. The report also includes an
extensive teleportation bibliography.
Quelle: -> PDF
Ist ja so weit ganz gut und interessant, mal systematisch aufzubereiten, wovon da eigentlich die Rede ist, welche Ansätze sich bieten und was jeweils der Stand der Forschung ist. Vielleicht hast du das falsch verstanden. Es ist keine Anleitung für Teleportation. Und seine Schlussfolgerungen waren ziemlich diskussionsfähig.
Was genau steht jetzt in Punkt 5.1, das unser besonderes Augenmerk erfordert? Jetzt bist du mal gefordert, zusammenhänge Sätze abzuliefern, die ein paar Zusammenhänge aus deiner Sicht darstellen. Aber die Aufgabe ist mit deinem aktuellen Link nicht geringer geworden. Ich darf daran erinnern, dass es bei dir zuletzt um angebliche Teleportation angeblicher UFOs in einem angeblichen so genannten holografischen Universum ging. Was also, ist jetzt die Frage, willst du uns eigentlich sagen
:ask:P. S:
Was top. 5 betrifft, empfohl er im Jahre 2004 Forschungsprogramme mit dem angegebenem finanziellem Rahmen. Ein Schelm, wer da was vermutet
¾ There are numerous supporters within the U.S. military establishment who comprehend the
significance of remote viewing and PK phenomenon, and believe that they could have strategic
implications. Bremseth (2001), a U.S. Navy SEAL, attended the Marine War College and studied
the Remote Viewing program, and interviewed many of the former program participants.
Bremseth then wrote his thesis on the topic, and concluded that the evidence supported continued
research and applications of remote viewing. A research program improving on and expanding,
or implementing novel variations of, the Chinese and Uri Geller-type experiments should be
conducted in order to generate p-Teleportation phenomenon in the lab. The performances and
characteristics of p-Teleportation need to be delineated in order to develop a refined hypothesis.
Such a program should be designed so that an operational model for p-Teleportation can be
developed and implemented as a prototype. An experimental program similar in fashion to the
Remote Viewing program should be funded at $900,000 – 1,000,000 per year in parallel with a
theoretical program funded at $500,000 per year for an initial five-year duration. The role of
quantum physics theory and related quantum phenomena (i.e., entanglement and teleportation) in
p-Teleportation and psychotronics should be explored in this program (see for example, the
Biological Quantum Teleportation recommendation in Section 3.3). An experiment definition
study should be conducted first to identify and propose the best experiments for this program,
which should be funded at $80,000 for one year.
Quelle: s. o.