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Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

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Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 11:43
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:Aha. Also das was vor 9 Jahren auf Youtube hochgeladen wurde, ist Telepathie.
Nein du missverstehst. Dein Video ist Datenübertragung. keine Telepathie

Im Interview wurde von Herbeirufung und Steuerung von UAPs geredet, das wäre Telepathie.

Der Unterschied von Datenübertragung, wie in deinem Videolink, zu Telepathie ist der Übertragungsweg. Man hier ein Kabel wie im Video oder alles über die "sozusagen WLAN" wäre Telepathie und dies ist weder bewiesen noch sind wir auf dem Weg eines Beweises.

Datenübertragung gibt es schon sehr lange, Morsen, Funken, telefonieren Internet usw.

Gedanken zu erraten/erkennen ist was anderes.
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Es geht hier um jedes Wort richtig, mit ein paar kleinen Korrekturen, darum schrieb ich ja 99% Signifikanz bei ersten Tests. Und es handelt sich auch nicht um eine Person die irgendwas behauptet, was keiner sonst zu Gesicht bekommt, also nicht falsifizierbar wäre. Mehrere Zeugen und alles gefilmt. Deshalb schrieb ich auch: Genug Substanz um mal genauer hinzuschauen bzw. dein Einhorn Vergleich hinkt.
jedes Wort und mit Korrekturen wäre dann aber nicht mehr jedes Wort? Signifikanz ist doch nötig um Aussagekraft zu erzeugen, wenn diese nicht da ist, ist es keine Signifikanz?

Ich weiß nicht ob wir das gleiche meinen, aber wenn etwas keine Aussagekraft hat wird es nicht aussagekräftiger wenn man die Aussagekraft verringert bzw die Ausgangslage verfälscht.

Wenn mehrere Das gesehen und gefilmt haben, würde es erst greifbar werden, wenn die Videos sichtbar gemacht würden. Alles andere ist ein unhaltbar bis zum Beweis.

Mein Einhorn hinkt nur wenn die Videos veröffentlicht werden aber das Einhorn nie gefunden wird. Wenn Das Video(s) nie veröffentlicht wird und das Einhorn nie gefunden wird, sind beides unhaltbare Aussagen.

Und ich versteh dich ja ein Stücke weit, hier kommt einer um die Ecke und erzählt was Krasses, und er hat Mitsichter, Zeugen würde ich die mal nennen, er ist nicht allein, was Ihn glaubwürdig aussehen lässt. Und das Militär ist auch dabei, und es vertuscht, weil es so böse und mächtig ist.

Der kleine Mann(Bürger) erfährt wieder nix aber die Zeugen haben es doch gesehen, also ruft man auf das zu glauben und die Beweise werden doch mal an den Tag kommen und wenn das länger dauert, kauft doch mein Buch, ist grad rausgekommen kost wenig, steht aber alles drin und ist alles die Wahrheit.

Die Masche ist bekannt und wiederholt sich, auch wennich gerne krasse neue Erkenntnise haben möchte wie du, ist die Masche abgenutzt.
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Ich schrieb ja extra noch absoluter (überwältigender) Beweis. Proof, Evidenz, Beweise, Hinweise werden hier umgangssprachlich, synonym verwendet, damit sind aber offensichtlich nicht unumstössliche, wissenschaftsmethodische Beweise gemeint...
Naja ich mag keine Wortklauberei betreiben, ein Beweis oder absoluter Beweis ist für mich kein Unterschied.

2x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 12:44
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:jedes Wort und mit Korrekturen wäre dann aber nicht mehr jedes Wort?
Strenggenommen ja, ein Signifikantzniveau von 100% ist glaube ich praktisch auch nicht möglich da bei statistischen Tests, Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen werden können. Aber auch dann ist das Niveau längst ausreichend um Zufall auszuschliessen.
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Signifikanz ist doch nötig um Aussagekraft zu erzeugen, wenn diese nicht da ist, ist es keine Signifikanz?
Ja, wenn nicht Signifikant, dann kann man die Ergebnisse nicht von Zufall unterscheiden. Aber habe ich denn was anderes behauptet?
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Wenn mehrere Das gesehen und gefilmt haben, würde es erst greifbar werden, wenn die Videos sichtbar gemacht würden. Alles andere ist ein unhaltbar bis zum Beweis.
Es ist auch "unhaltbar" wenn alle Videos komplett sichtbar sind. Wissenschaftlich haltbar wird es erst dann, wenn peer-review, Doppelblind Studien erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden. Sind wir uns da nicht bereits einig geworden?
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Naja ich mag keine Wortklauberei betreiben, ein Beweis oder absoluter Beweis ist für mich kein Unterschied.
Trotzdem machst du es noch im gleichen Satz, weil du stur auf eine kleinliche Auslegung des Begriffs pochst...

1x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 12:58
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Strenggenommen ja, ein Signifikantzniveau von 100% ist glaube ich praktisch auch nicht möglich da bei statistischen Tests, Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen werden können. Aber auch dann ist das Niveau längst ausreichend um Zufall auszuschliessen.
Ok dann wäre nach dem Zufall erstmal Glück(Raten), dann Intuition, dann erst Wissen(Telepatie)

Wo sind da die Grenzen, selbst wenn du puren Zufall ausschließen kannst? Wieviel Testbeeinflussung ist nötig um Zufall abzusprechen?
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Ja, wenn nicht Signifikant, dann kann man die Ergebnisse nicht von Zufall unterscheiden. Aber habe ich denn was anderes behauptet?
Ich bezieh mich auf deine 2 Satzgruppen:
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Es geht hier um jedes Wort richtig, mit ein paar kleinen Korrekturen
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:darum schrieb ich ja 99% Signifikanz bei ersten Tests.
Aber ggf kann ich mit 99% Signifikanz und Korrekturen im Kausalzusammenhang gar nichts anfangen. :)
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Es ist auch "unhaltbar" wenn alle Videos komplett sichtbar sind.
Nein, da meinte ich die Behauptungen, das man die UAPs per Gedanken ruft und steuert. Sorry wenn das missverständlich war.

Ich wollte auf die Unhaltbare Aussage/Behauptung zu dem Ei und den UAPs da zurück.... wir waren weit weg und ich wollt den bogen wieder spannen ;)
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Trotzdem machst du es noch im gleichen Satz, weil du stur auf eine kleinliche Auslegung des Begriffs pochst...
Der Begriff "Beweis" ist für mich klar. Ich weiß nur nicht was du wirklich mit absolutem Beweis meinst? Wo ist da der Unterschied? Ich erkenne keine daher will ich nicht Worklauberei betreiben mit irgendwelchen Adjektiven ...

1x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 13:23
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Wo sind da die Grenzen, selbst wenn du puren Zufall ausschließen kannst? Wieviel Testbeeinflussung ist nötig um Zufall abzusprechen?
Na wenn du ne statistische Signifikanz hast dann ist Zufall definitiv ausgeschlossen. Ob das nun Telepathie beweist ist davon abhängig wie die Tests aufgebaut sind. Also: Kann man alle anderen Formen der Kommunikation, Auswendiggelerntes oder Schummeln ausschliessen? Dazu ist ja eine, nach wissenschaftlichen Methoden aufgebaute Studie notwendig.
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Aber ggf kann ich mit 99% Signifikanz und Korrekturen im Kausalzusammenhang gar nichts anfangen.
Richtig, siehe oben.
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Ich weiß nur nicht was du wirklich mit absolutem Beweis meinst? Wo ist da der Unterschied?
Habe ich ja geschrieben, Synonym zu: Hinweisen, Indizien oder im Englischen "Proof", "Evidenz". Vor Gericht wird z.B. auch von "Beweisen" oder "Beweisführung" gesprochen und das unterscheidet sich eben vom absoluten, wissenschaftlich / mathematischen Beweis. Siehe auch Wiki, je nach Themengebiet hat der Begriff unterschiedliche Bedeutungen:

Wikipedia: Beweis

2x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 13:37
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Na wenn du ne statistische Signifikanz hast dann ist Zufall definitiv ausgeschlossen.
Haben wir die Bei Telepathie? Oder reden wir hier was wäre? Ich weiß fast garnicht mehr wo wir nun stehen ;)
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Ob das nun Telepathie beweist ist davon abhängig wie die Tests aufgebaut sind.
Ja, immer. Wenn ich den Test so baue, dass er es beweist, dann ist es bewiesen ;)

Ich will es mal ganz doof darstellen, der Test läuft, mit 2 Personen, du sagst der einen denke nur an Auto und Flugzeug und sagst dem anderen, denke nur an Auto und Flugzeug, das Ergebnis wird sein, 50 % ggf mal 60 % richtig geraten zu haben, der Beweis Telepathie ist möglich.

Ja man kann einen Test gestalten, die Frage ist dann wohl wie und was soll der Beweisen.

Bei den gegoogleten 350.000-500.000 Wörtern im deutschsprachigem Raum wird man wie ich mal vermute bei einem Telepathietest sicher höchsten im Promillebereich und das ist extrem positiv geschätzt, irgendwas als richtig geraten feststellen.

Wo bauen wir also am Test rum ohne diesen in eine Richtung zu beeinflussen, bzw das Ergebnis zu beeinflussen.
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Habe ich ja geschrieben, Synonym zu: Hinweisen, Indizien oder im Englischen "Proof", "Evidenz". Vor Gericht wird z.B. auch von "Beweisen" oder "Beweisführung" gesprochen und das unterscheidet sich eben vom absoluten, wissenschaftlich / mathematischen Beweis. Siehe auch Wiki, je nach Themengebiet hat der Begriff unterschiedliche Bedeutungen:
ok, dann weiß ich was du meinst. denke ich.

1x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 13:37
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Na wenn du ne statistische Signifikanz hast dann ist Zufall definitiv ausgeschlossen.
Nee, nee. Die statistische Signifikanz ist lediglich eine Schwelle, oberhalb der man die Inzidenz eines Phänomens als relevant genug erachtet, um eine Hypothese zu entwickeln und weitere Untersuchungen anzustellen. Ein "Signal" inmitten des "Noise" ist zunächst auch nur ein kleiner Hinweis. Alles unterhalb der Kurve hat eine gewisse Wahrscheinlichkeit. Und da kommen wir wieder auf unser altes Streit-Thema. Mein Stichwort: Infinitisemal und Inversion der Plausibilität. Man sollte eine Logik nicht aufbauen, indem man die Pyramide auf die Spitze stellt. Dieser eine Punkt mag vorhanden oder denkbar sein, sollte uns aber nicht verleiten, eine stabile Konstruktion daraus ableiten zu wollen bzw. ein valides Modell.

Es ging bei unserem Streit in dieser Sache darum, dass du immer mit Umkehrlogik argumentiert hast, von wegen: "ET kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden." Woraufhin ich entgegnete: "Richtig, kann er nicht. Aber die infinitisemal gegen Null gehende Wahrscheinlichkeit bzw. Plausibilität dieser Annahme rechtfertigt nicht, dass man hierauf ein valides Modell postuliert."

Zumal es nicht mal einen einzigen jemals belegten Stimulus, eine Inzidenz von etwas gibt, das uns zwingend dazu brächte, ET in irgend ein Erklärungsmodell einzubeziehen. Und dasselbe ist es jetzt bei Telepathie & Co. Zeig mal einer Telepathie in Aktion. Eindeutig und nicht anders erklärbar. Dann sähe alles anders aus. Dann wäre das aber kein "Insel-Phänomen", sondern hätte endlos Implikationen. Bspw. könnten dann auch Pyramiden ganz entspannt auf der Spitze stehen, bildlich gesprochen.

1x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 14:02
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Ich weiß fast garnicht mehr wo wir nun stehen ;)
Wir sind in eine Metadiskussion über wissenschaftliche Beweise und Beweisbarkeit abgedriftet. Vielleicht sollten wir mal zu nem Punkt kommen, wir auch allmählich OT.
Zitat von NemonNemon schrieb:Nee, nee. Die statistische Signifikanz ist lediglich eine Schwelle, oberhalb der man die Inzidenz eines Phänomens als relevant genug erachtet, um eine Hypothese zu entwickeln und weitere Untersuchungen anzustellen.
Du hast recht, oder eine Aussage über die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Zufalls, aber definitiv ist es auch nicht. Da muss ich mich korrigieren.
Zitat von NemonNemon schrieb:Woraufhin ich entgegnete: "Richtig, kann er nicht. Aber die infinitisemal gegen Null gehende Wahrscheinlichkeit bzw. Plausibilität dieser Annahme rechtfertigt nicht, dass man hierauf ein valides Modell postuliert."
Worauf ich vermutlich Antwortete (oder Antworten würde) das Informationen fehlen um hier eine relevante Wahrscheinlichkeitsaussage machen zu können.
Zitat von NemonNemon schrieb:Und dasselbe ist es jetzt bei Telepathie & Co. Zeig mal einer Telepathie in Aktion. Eindeutig und nicht anders erklärbar. Dann sähe alles anders aus.
Aber das kann ich dir ja erst zeigen, wenn eine methodisch Studie durchgeführt wurde. Ich würde deine Aussage verstehen wenn ich mit "isso" argumentieren würde. Mach ich aber nicht.

1x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 14:15
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Worauf ich vermutlich Antwortete (oder Antworten würde) das Informationen fehlen um hier eine relevante Wahrscheinlichkeitsaussage
Wenn ich in solchem Zusammenhang den Begriff "Wahrscheinlichkeit" verwende, dann selbstverständlich implizit mit Anführungsstrichen :klugmaul:
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Aber das kann ich dir ja erst zeigen, wenn eine methodisch Studie durchgeführt wurde. Ich würde deine Aussage verstehen wenn ich mit "isso" argumentieren würde. Mach ich aber nicht.
Das war auch allgemein gesprochen, war vielleicht missverständlich.
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb:Wir sind in eine Metadiskussion über wissenschaftliche Beweise und Beweisbarkeit abgedriftet. Vielleicht sollten wir mal zu nem Punkt kommen, wir auch allmählich OT.
Klar, es kommen nur immer wieder neue Para-Aussagen hier rein. Ich denke nicht, dass noch etwas dabei ist, das uns aktuell beim Thema Barber weiterbringen würde. Sowohl die Alien Power als auch seine Psionics waren Meinungen, Behauptungen und jetzt liegt ein großer, dicker Ball bei ihm. Nicht alle glauben daran, dass er ihn spielen kann.

2x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

28.01.2025 um 15:01
Zitat von NemonNemon schrieb:Ich denke nicht, dass noch etwas dabei ist, das uns aktuell beim Thema Barber weiterbringen würde. Sowohl die Alien Power als auch seine Psionics waren Meinungen, Behauptungen und jetzt liegt ein großer, dicker Ball bei ihm. Nicht alle glauben daran, dass er ihn spielen kann.
Ich denke auch es sind Nebelkerzen die nur die believer animieren sollen und ggf Neugierige locken sollen in die Marketingmaschine zu fallen.

Frei nach dem Motto, ups der Ball ist umgekippt, hier muss etwas nicht stimmen ;) aber ich kenne da wen, der was weiß, die echte Wahrheit.


Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

29.01.2025 um 08:55
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Nein du missverstehst.
Nein, ich missverstehe nichts.
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Dein Video ist Datenübertragung.
Was laberst du? Es ist Maschinen, bzw. Computer per Gedankenkraft gesteuert. Die Aktivitäten im Gehirn werden interpretiert und umgesetzt. Ob und mit welchen Hilfsmitteln das passiert, ist unerheblich. Kannst du mir verraten, wie du technische Möglichkeiten ausschließen kannst, angesichts dessen, dass hier hochentwickelte Fluggeräte involviert sein sollen? Bitte, ich warte.

Als Barber seine "spirituelle Erfahrung" gemacht hat, was genau hat zu diesem Zeitpunkt stattgefunden? Das Bergen eines vermeintlich nicht von Menschenhand gemachten Fluggeräts.

Es gibt allerhand wilde Theorien, was die Natur der fliegenden Untertassen angeht. Engel, Dämonen und unteranderem "Lebendige Maschinen". Gewachsen und bewusst. Wenn etwas weitergesponnen, kann es absolut Sinn haben. Ich greife wieder zu irdischer Technologie, als prä-UFO Vorreiter sozusagen: Fahrerassistenzsysteme bis hinzu KI-gesteuerte Vehikel. Vehikel gibts auch in der Luft.
Vehikel steht für

Fahrzeug (meist abwertend)
Quelle: Wikipedia: Vehikel

Wie wir ja alle wissen, sollen diese unmenschlichen UFOs unglaublich schnell sein, unmöglich manövriere könne. Glaubst du, du wirst so ein Luftvehikel mit einem standard Xbox controller adäquat steuern können? Deshalb darf man sehrwohl schlussfolgern, dass eine Hardware, die beschriebene Eigenschaften besitzt, eine ebenso hochentwickelte Software voraussetzt.

Oder wollt ihr mir hier tatsächlich Erzählen, dass meine Ansicht der Dinge im Vergleich genauso weit hergeholt scheint? Maschinen per Gedankenkraft lenken, etwas was heute bereits gemacht wird mit herkömmlicher, irdischer Technologie.
Zitat von NemonNemon schrieb:Ich denke nicht, dass noch etwas dabei ist, das uns aktuell beim Thema Barber weiterbringen würde. Sowohl die Alien Power als auch seine Psionics waren Meinungen, Behauptungen und jetzt liegt ein großer, dicker Ball bei ihm.
Jaa. Sehr richtig. Meinungen und Behauptungen. Deshalb stellt sich die Frage, warum man auf diese Meinungen und Behauptungen beharren sollte, wenn sich ein anderer Weg offenbart.

Btw. Das heisst nicht, dass ich diese Story für wahr halte und das diese Menschen Wahrheit sprechen. Aber man sollte schon beim Thema bleiben und sich nicht seitenlang in OT erlassen.

2x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

29.01.2025 um 09:19
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:Was laberst du?
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:Es ist Maschinen, bzw. Computer per Gedankenkraft gesteuert. Die Aktivitäten im Gehirn werden interpretiert und umgesetzt. Ob und mit welchen Hilfsmitteln das passiert, ist unerheblich.
Du scheinst den unterschied von Psionik und Datenübertragung nicht zu erkennen.

Psionik gilt als Oberbegriff für eine Art Mentalkraft, zb sind Telekinese und Telepathie darunter angeordnet. Wir in dem Vido etwas mit Mentalkraft bewegt, nein! Einfach neine, denn die Probanden haben nicht per Mantalkraft die kleine Roboter bewegt, sondern per Daten auslesung, Datenübertragung und Datenanwendung.

Deine Aussage würde ebenso bedeuten, dass wenn du den TV per Fernbedienung umschaltest Telepathie anwendest, ist aber einfach falsch. grundlegend falsch.

Und es ist nicht nur erheblich sondern substanziell, ob Hilfsmittel eingesetzt werden oder nicht, wenn man den Unterschied von Psionik zu gewöhnliche wenn auch unterschiedliche rDatenübertragung bewerten will.
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:Kannst du mir verraten, wie du technische Möglichkeiten ausschließen kannst, angesichts dessen, dass hier hochentwickelte Fluggeräte involviert sein sollen? Bitte, ich warte.
Ich hoffe du musstest nicht zu lange warten, und ich hoffe du änderst deine Schreib- und Diskussionsstil.

Ich kann erstmal garnicht auschließen, ich könnte ggf irgendwas bestätigen oder ausschließen, wenn aus der Aussagen, dem Gerücht sozusagen, ein Beleg hervorgehen könnte. Ansonst verlangst du eine Erklärung ohne Grundlage. Kannst du Beweisen, das es stimmt war er so behauptet? Soll ich da jetzt warten oder mich gedulden?
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:Als Barber seine "spirituelle Erfahrung" gemacht hat, was genau hat zu diesem Zeitpunkt stattgefunden? Das Bergen eines vermeintlich nicht von Menschenhand gemachten Fluggeräts.

Es gibt allerhand wilde Theorien, was die Natur der fliegenden Untertassen angeht. Engel, Dämonen und unteranderem "Lebendige Maschinen". Gewachsen und bewusst. Wenn etwas weitergesponnen, kann es absolut Sinn haben. Ich greife wieder zu irdischer Technologie, als prä-UFO Vorreiter sozusagen: Fahrerassistenzsysteme bis hinzu KI-gesteuerte Vehikel. Vehikel gibts auch in der Luft.
Es zeigt ja, da du "spirituelle Erfahrungen" und Vermeintlichkeiten mit Engeln und Dämonen als sinnhaft bezeichnest, dass du unkritisch dran glauben magst. Glauben ist halt nicht sinnvoll für einen Beweis.

Und wenn du dein KFZ als UAP-Vorreiter bezeichnest, dann wirds schwierig für mich.....
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:Wie wir ja alle wissen, sollen diese unmenschlichen UFOs unglaublich schnell sein, unmöglich manövriere könne. Glaubst du, du wirst so ein Luftvehikel mit einem standard Xbox controller adäquat steuern können? Deshalb darf man sehrwohl schlussfolgern, dass eine Hardware, die beschriebene Eigenschaften besitzt, eine ebenso hochentwickelte Software voraussetzt.
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:unmenschlichen UFOs
Warum unmenschlich?
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:unmöglich manövriere könne
, stürzt es dann aber oder wie fliegt/schwebt/gravitiert es wenn das unmöglihc ist?

Und nein ich glaube, sondern ich weiß das Fluggeräte mit Controller geflogen werden können, da ich eine Drohne habe die mit Controller funktioniert. Und ja DJI kann das, Hardware und Software...Was ist dass denn für eine Glaubensfrage? :/
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:Oder wollt ihr mir hier tatsächlich Erzählen, dass meine Ansicht der Dinge im Vergleich genauso weit hergeholt scheint? Maschinen per Gedankenkraft lenken, etwas was heute bereits gemacht wird mit herkömmlicher, irdischer Technologie.
Wenn du deine Frage an uns konkretisierst ob es eine Datenübertragung gibt oder nur die Gedankenkraft, können wir dir sicher antworten, was wir denken.

1x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

29.01.2025 um 10:03
Zitat von gagitschgagitsch schrieb:Wenn du deine Frage an uns konkretisierst ob es eine Datenübertragung gibt oder nur die Gedankenkraft, können wir dir sicher antworten, was wir denken.
Aber nicht hier, bitte. Denn:
Zitat von C-KOM-EC-KOM-E schrieb:man sollte schon beim Thema bleiben und sich nicht seitenlang in OT erlassen.
Darf ich an den "Wichtigen Hinweis" mit dem roten Dreick gemahnen, der im Editor-Fenster neben "Neuen Beitrag verfassen" steht.

Klar sind die Psionics ein Teil des Verlauf im aktuellen Thema. Aber die Grundsatzdebatte führt zu weit weg davon.


Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

29.01.2025 um 10:45
Zitat von NemonNemon schrieb:"Telepathie" hingegen impliziert eine Fernwirkung, Mechanismus unbekannt,
der Mechanismus beruht auf dem Prinzip der quantenverschränkung ( - höhere raumstruktur ) , und in der quantenverschränkung spielt Distanz keine rolle mehr (auch -Syntropodenbrücke nach Burkhard Heim ) , bei dem kommt die quantenzeit noch hin zu , deshalb gibt es präkognitive Information … der menschliche geist ist ein quantencomputer !

- auf die träume achten den das unterbewussein ist immer mit den physikalischen Gott verbunden ..

- bei den Aliens spielt " das geistige " eine große rolle , diese Sichtungen von selsamen Figuren bei UFO nahbegegnungen können auch nur was rein geistiges sein ..

4x zitiertmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

29.01.2025 um 10:53
Wenn ihr euch über Telepathie unterhalten wollt, dann wechselt bitte in einen entsprechenden Thread in der Rubrik "Esoterik".
Hier ist es Off-Topic, also kehrt bitte zum Thema zurück.


Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

31.01.2025 um 13:00
Barber und seine Skywatcher geben Gas:
Youtube: Skywatcher Part I: The Journey Begins
Skywatcher Part I: The Journey Begins
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227.611 Aufrufe 29.01.2025
Skywatcher Part I begins by interviewing individuals directly involved with supposed UAP crash recovery efforts, and individuals who claim to be able to summon these objects in the sky. Interviews and references include Alex Klokus, Jacob Barber, Dr. Garry Nolan, Dave Grusch, Col. Karl Nell, and Fred Baker. The episode progresses from interviewing to demonstration as the team attempts to replicate the process firsthand, in real time. During this, something incredible happens...
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Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

31.01.2025 um 13:00
Zitat von reticulumreticulum schrieb:der Mechanismus beruht auf dem Prinzip der quantenverschränkung
Mit Verschränkung kann man noch nicht einmal Information übetragen, geschweige denn eine Kraft ausüben.

Omega Minus


Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

01.02.2025 um 12:21
So, jetzt habe ich das Video mal laufen lassen. Was soll ich sagen. Es ist offenbar dasselbe wie immer. Und bislang haben die nichts Zwingendes vorgelegt. Sie kündigen an, weiterzumachen. :sleepy:


Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

01.02.2025 um 13:02
Fun fact: Die Ranch, die die Skinwalker Skywatcher da in der Wüste bezogen haben, wurde lokalisiert. Sie liegt ein Stückchen südlich von Ridgecrest, auf der Karte etwa auf 10 Uhr.

ufo-rangeOriginal anzeigen (0,3 MB)
Credit geht an: https://www.metabunk.org/threads/skywatcher-part-i-the-journey-begins.13971/post-335277

Hm, interessant. Unmittelbar neben diesem riesigen Testgelände der Navy:

Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake
Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake[2] is a large military installation in California that supports the research, testing and evaluation programs of the United States Navy.
... und quasi inmitten weiterer riesiger Testgelände und der Edwards Air Force Base.
Die Edwards Air Force Base ist eine Luftwaffenbasis der United States Air Force im Antelope Valley nahe Lancaster in Kalifornien, rund 100 Kilometer nördlich von Los Angeles. Mit ihren ausgedehnten Pisten auf dem ausgetrockneten See Rogers Dry Lake erlangte sie durch die dort durchgeführten Testflüge verschiedener Flugzeugtypen und als Landeplatz des Space Shuttles weltweit Berühmtheit.

Der rund 74 Quadratkilometer große Stützpunkt wird von der United States Air Force (USAF) und der NASA genutzt, die hier ihr Dryden Flight Research Center betreibt. Die USAF arbeitet in ihrem Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) an Entwicklungen und Tests von bemannten und unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen, einschließlich deren Avionik. Die zweite bedeutende Einrichtung der US-Luftwaffe ist ihre Testpiloten-Schule (Test Pilot School).
Es liegt dann nahe anzunehmen, dass das so Ranges sind, in denen Jake Barber mit seinen Crash-Retrieval-Teams im Einsatz war. Und ist man ein Schelm, wenn man annimmt, dass man an einem solchen Standort "seltsame" Dinge am Himmel sieht, wenn man nur lang genug hinsieht?

Davon mal abgesehen: Einem von den beiden "Flugobjekten" im Video (ab ca. 18:20) könnte man eventuell eine Flügelschlag nachweisen ;)

1x verlinktmelden

Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

01.02.2025 um 14:40
Es ist so, wie die meisten hier es erwartet haben, geht leider nicht über das Niveau History Channel-Skinwalker Ranch hinaus. Übrigens wären sie nicht abgeneigt, auf der Skinwalker Ranch mitzumischen, meinte Coulthart kürzlich. Naja, immerhin gibt es einen Lichtblick aus dem politischen Lager: Tulsi Gabbard, Anwärterin für den DNI, spricht sich für bessere Transparenz bezüglich UAP aus.
bipartisan frustration about recent intelligence failures as well as the lack of responsiveness to your requests for information whether it's the surprise October 7th Hamas terrorist attack to the sudden takeover of Syria by islamist extremists failures to identify the source of covid anomalous Health incidents uaps drones and more if confirmed I look forward to working with you to address these issues ensuring the safety security and freedom of the American people
Quelle: Youtube: Tulsi Gabbard criticizes 'weaponization' of the intelligence community in opening statement
Tulsi Gabbard criticizes 'weaponization' of the intelligence community in opening statement
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Der finale Beweis: US Navy bestätigt offiziell die Existenz von UFOs

12.02.2025 um 11:25
Zitat von NashimaNashima schrieb am 01.02.2025:Es ist so, wie die meisten hier es erwartet haben, geht leider nicht über das Niveau History Channel-Skinwalker Ranch hinaus.
Es wird womöglich noch viel schlimmer. Jetzt spricht James Hodgkins, "Psionic Asset" von Skywatcher, im Interview

Youtube: Inside Skywatcher: Psionic Asset James Hodgkins Breaks His Silence
Inside Skywatcher: Psionic Asset James Hodgkins Breaks His Silence
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In diesem Interview berichtet James Hotchkins, Mitglied von Skywatcher, von seinen einzigartigen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen in den Bereichen übersinnliche Phänomene, UFOs und nicht-menschliche Intelligenz (NHI). Von seinen frühen übersinnlichen Erfahrungen als Kind bis hin zu seinen tiefgreifenden Begegnungen mit unidentifizierten Luftphänomenen erörtert Hotchkins die Verflechtung von Bewusstsein und dem UFO-Phänomen. Er reflektiert über die kulturellen Implikationen dieser Erfahrungen, das Stigma, das sie umgibt, und das Potenzial für persönliche und gesellschaftliche Transformation durch die individuelle Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Phänomenen. Hotchkins betont die Bedeutung der Unterscheidung bei der Interpretation von Botschaften von NHI, die extradimensional oder mit einer breiteren spirituellen Realität verbunden sein können. Das Gespräch berührt auch die Herausforderungen der staatlichen Offenlegung von UFOs und die kollektive Verantwortung der Menschheit, diese Mysterien unabhängig zu erforschen.

Wer damit noch etwas anfangen kann, bitte, gerne. Aber im Ernst: Was in aller Welt soll uns veranlassen, diesen Mann und das Skywatcher-Projekt ernst zu nehmen?

Hier im Spoiler das Original-Transkript in Englisch, von NoteGPT, uneditiert. Achtung, Warnung: Beim Auflklappen des Spoilers droht akute psionische Holo-Verstrahlung :sun: :mozart:
I've just completed an interview with James Hotchkins a member of skywatcher whose insights you will not hear anywhere else some of the messages that I've received about what these craft actually are is more extradimensional if you will actually the message that was used uh is I was told that you can best understand us is coming from what you would call the afterlife which obviously that puts a pretty wild you know spirit component to this so James um welcome to the show I know that you're a member of
skywatcher i' I'd like to ask a question regarding I guess your very earliest years you said on X that you learned you were psychic very early on in your life could you go into how how that played out yeah absolutely so actually my earliest memory as a kid is of a psychic experience I was 4 years old I was sitting on a kitchen countertop and I fell off at just the right angle and I hit my head broke my arm and then I separated from my body um I can still to this day remember you know basically floating
above my physical form which is on the ground crying and just thinking H this is an odd experience and my life going forward from there was kind of a series of you know similar strange anomalous occurrences and as a child you know I grew up in Texas a typical kind of protestant upbringing and I learned that you know these are not subjects that everyone necessarily wants to hear about you know things like uh you know having premonitions of my grandfather dying before before he actually did or you
know there was a large wooded area behind our house where I spent a ton of time as a kid and I would you know see things out there various Spirits land Spirits whatever you'd like to call them and so I just you know kind of internalized this as a kid now on the flip side of that I actually grew up at the UFO topic being very front and center in my life my grandfather uh was an Air Force intelligence officer at Roswell he was first uh sent there on TDY in 1947 from Carswell Air Force Space he's serving under General Ry so
the lines kind of add up there and then my mom was actually born in Roswell in 1950s so the UFO topic has always been you know perfectly acceptable in my family and kids typically do you know you gravitate towards uh the other side of that so I was always much more interested in kind of those you know mystical spiritual experiences and mind you this was you know uh early 90s growing up there wasn't the internet I didn't have really much of a way to learn from others as to what this was you know the only uh real resource you
had back then was Barnes & Noble's new age section which uh wasn't all that complete let's say so so just kind of had to stumble through these things and um you know go off to college and in 2003 I had my first uh major contact experience I was up in uh middleberry Vermont and I there was an event where I had three hours of missing time and I also was physically moved about a mile from my last conscious memory and so to this day that's something I'm still kind of processing but the way it presented
itself I didn't immediately associate that with the UFO phenomenon um I did see entities before I you know my conscious memory you know kind of went away but um I wasn't sure what to make of it and it wasn't until many years later you know as an adult I I had a a boss of mine I told him about this experience and he recommended ballet's passport to Magonia and that was the first time that I began to really understand the weirdness of all of this and kind of the interrelation between those two now this contact experience
you just referenced was it um done was it elicited out of your own intention or did it happen spontaneously it happened spontaneously I was actually with a number of friends when it occurred and I lost track of them kind of lost my bearings wasn't sure where I was and um after the event I came to I was studying at middleburry College I came to in my dorm I was just walking in my dorm that's like my next memory uh despite having previously been out in the woods and I went and knocked on a friend's door or you know I was
angry and confused and I said you know what the heck man you left me out there and he said James we couldn't find you that was 3 hours ago we all thought you went home early uh we weren't sure what happened and so yeah how did you get introduced to um to the extent that you feel comfortable sharing how did you get introduced to protocols and contact field work so contact work is something that has always happened to me throughout my life and that's taken various guises you know a lot of people are familiar with
you know kind of classic mediumship um nhi communication has always been a piece of that and it was only something that I began to have a really concerted effort at once I understood kind of the overlap of these two things as I was referring to earlier um it was actually uh Dr pula's Book American Cosmic was the first time that I really felt like someone really got this in terms of the breadth of what these entities might be and so you know I was doing this you know with a number of smaller private groups and finally in I
guess it was summer of 2023 I realized I wanted to find a way to do this in a much bigger way so I started looking for who else was out there that was trying to do something big in the space between the overlap of UAP and Consciousness and at that point that's where um I was introduced to Alex fcus this was still very much in the infancy of what has become of skywatcher and some of the other initiatives around it and from there you know as we began this I don't think either of us were really entirely sure where it was going
to go you know at first there was a very heavy UAP Focus um and then as we begin to meet and network with various people in the space you know whistleblowers scientists Etc we immediately pushed back into that Consciousness side of things that Consciousness is fundamental to understand understanding this that's really where your efforts need to be and so myself you know with the background that I have I spend a great deal of time you know networking with psychic individuals figuring out what are the
capabilities and limitations of this ability because I really you know largely have my own experiences to stand on and find you know there is a wide breadth of experience out there and so moving forward you know I'm hands down working on this this past summer um yeah summer of 2024 we uh Alex reaches out to me and says hey you know we met this individual that is part of the crash recovery team that ended up being you know Jake Barber uh at the time I I only knew Jake as a pseudonym when I was first introduced to
me and you know the other whistleblowers that I've met I I've been a little bit cagy um with my own psychic experiences most of them are very open to Consciousness and they want to hear about it but I there still is a little bit of a stigma there and what you know the first time I spoke to Jake that was the first thing he wanted to talk about he was very curious about you know Alex had told him about my own experiences and was very curious to learn more and so that was a real breath of fresh air and to me was very
validating as to how serious this topic is taken yeah um recently it was reported by askap pole that representative Tim burett of Tennessee he's concerned that UFO whistleblower Jim uh Baker is a plant Jake Baker excuse me is a plant uh and then I saw someone comment and say that he perceives that religious people as Tim Brett is tend to feel a little squeamish if you will about um the activity of summoning UAP do you think um religious people should be concerned about it is it um are there dangers does it does it is it is are
such Endeavors problematic for their spiritual beliefs and Faith what how do you unwind that yeah so to unwind that this is part of the human experience this is reported in virtually every culture throughout the history of humanity and probably long before we have written records of it it's always been there it's really the Paradigm in which we choose to view those experiences and what these entities actually are and so I think at this point actually ascribing a belief system to what this is when we have so little
evidence seems very perfunctory to me and I know you know if you come at this from a judeo-christian background this quickly becomes you know a dualistic good versus evil there are plenty of other cultures out there that view this um as something that exists without outside of material reality that we just don't often have the ability to peer into whether that be you know the Jin the fery the dvas ETC and so I think we're real quick as humans to try to ascribe labels to things and I don't think it
fits very well for where we're at today now as to answer your question about whether or not this is dangerous I don't find this to be dangerous myself I've done this for a long time now the one avat I always put with this is your own baggage as an individual can be brought into these experiences and so if you've had if you have negative preconceived notions as to what this phenomenon is it sometimes can manifest in that way now I think the work done in order to integrate those experiences allows for a
much richer experience of the phenomenon as a whole on your website you have a website um ana. I think enia if you can correct me if I'm wrong is Greek and it it means nine but on your website you you have a couple quotes on your website one of them is um or sentiments one of them is what if your thoughts had the ability to shape reality not figury but literally you also have on your website reality is programmable we are the programmers um what's your perspective on our thoughts and how in its relationship to
reality yeah so this is a complicated very fascinating subject and I think it gets to you know all the interest and fear and uncertainty around human initiated contact experiences as to you know what are these craft what is being manifested and you know this still is a largely unknown area the fact that you know thought seems to be accessing some type of field whether want to call the Z point energy field or you know what have you and be able to manipulate matter and actually have physical results whether
that be seeing something in the in the sky or some type of tangible craft or material that ends up on the ground now I also don't want to Discount the fact that there are biologics that are often involved in these experiences not always to be clear but our even our definition of biologics I think needs some reinterpretation and openness to new information you know there are reports and you know Jake talked a little bit about the uh emotional experiences that he that he had while flying the helicopter that not all of these crafts
are even necessarily occupied um but the craft themselves can be sentient uh which is really asking for a redefinition of what life is and so I guess to get back to the Crux of your main question around thoughts being able to manipulate reality you know I would argue that this is actually kind of part of the American tradition in a certain way you know if you look at Neville Goddard and the new thought movement um you know this this is something you the power positive thinking these are ideas that many
people particularly in the US have thought you know and they've ascribed a Protestant understanding to it typically Protestant understanding to it and that's fine but what you're talking about is your thoughts and your positive intentions influencing reality and getting real world results yeah so you know it's interesting Whitley streber was recently on the Jesse Michaels show and I didn't watch the whole thing but he was I think and I'm pretty sure he's brought this up before some people believe that and I
just want your take on this obviously it's speculative but some people believe that this phenomenon whatever it is for it to to have more access to humanity it requires that more human beings know it exists or believe it exists do you have any perspective on that idea I've heard that idea I tend to disagree with it though because there are times throughout history where Superstition has been absolutely rampant you know think of the burning times in Europe if that if we're ascribing that there is something you know that this is
a fully spiritual experience and that it's that it's negative well the time where you know literally everyone was seeing demons behind every corner would have led me would lead you to believe then that these entities could then come through at will and you know wreak havoc yeah uh so you wrote on X you wrote why should we wait for governments to disclose the truth when the people have the B when the people have the power to do it themselves what power do we have in your perspective to actually get get get transparency of this
phenomenon in terms of our knowledge and understanding without having to wait for governments to open the books I mean I think there's a few different ways first and foremost is individual experience and I you know all the efforts of skywatcher aside my concern is that there's no amount of footage or evidence or proof that can convince everyone now what skywatcher can do is actually and Jake has said we're doing this is host events to actually show the reality of this to individuals I also think the
ability to do this is accessible you know not necessarily to everyone but the people that are willing to put in the work you know required to develop the skill I think they can do this at home and I really think in order for disclosure to happen it's going to take a great deal of personal exposure uh once again you know we can show uh the best footage in the world and I think people are still going tear it apart I think you really need that personal firsthand experience we're going to do our best we have a lot of plans that are
coming over the next few months but I would you know challenge people you know if you're going to say that this is impossible give it a shot first yeah I know that Jake barber in one of the interviews he I think he said something the effect that you you can persuade the UAP to actually land now I know you guys had an outing and you got some interesting imagery but from my understanding the craft or the Egg was moving so fast you couldn't see it with a naked eye do you think it's doable that you could actually get one of these
eggs to land or is that something that the egg would only be willing to do within the confines of some kind of Aerospace activity Aerospace company activity so there are numerous reports you know over the past you know in the 20th century of material being gifted now what the exact circumstances were for that I am not sure I think there was a lot of it was just luck of the draw in terms of you know people having to be in the right place at the right time and I think that is potentially a repeatable
process and that's one of the things that we're working out right now yeah how did the Legacy program even come up with the idea to have psionic assets and you know where did they get idea where did that come from so this gets back to you know a lot of the early US Government interest in Sai and you know for the Legacy program in particular I'm going to make some speculations but you know most people don't realize that us interest in Sai phenomenon actually comes from the Soviets um in the early 1970s there were
reports of what the Soviets called psychotronic research the Soviets were always much more accepting of these ideas and so you saw know throughout the 70s the development of programs such as Stargate that we're looking at what are the practical applications of psionic abilities and you know Stargate being a remote viewing program you know viewing real world targets is a great example now from there you obviously get into pushing the envelope as to what's possible and that term psionic asset you
know people people have asked me you know what does that mean exactly and to be fair I don't love the term but the definition of it could easily be ascribed to this is using psychic abilities for real world applications it's not just medium ship Etc oh one of the interesting parts of one of the interviews uh Jake Barber said that we intentionally disconnect the psionic asset so that the HPM uh I guess it's high power microwave systems uh can be energized because there are some potential issues that can
happen if the psionic asset is still connected to the craft when it's hit with an EMP or other h PM so can you elaborate on that if if you are you are psychically connected with the craft itself and something happens negatively to the craft is that true that it could actually impact your physical health so the concern would be that when the pilot is actually operating the craft that there is a piece of their Consciousness that is disassociated from their physical self and is attached to that craft now I will say that what Jake
is talking about is is the way this was done in the Legacy programs you know where they actually would use you know psionic assets and then they would take that crap down um that's not something we're doing if we were doing that we would have done it already and not told everyone about it so we really are simply using psionic assets to try to get this material on the ground without there being any type of kinetic or directed energy response what about any machine-based summoning systems do you harness
anything like that so I'm aware of those I have not used those I have not been a part of that what's your best hypothesis as to like like the egg just as an example do you do you have any hypothesis of what is created those eggs the intelligences behind them why they're here their origin and so forth yeah so this is a great question so you heard Jake and I think it was in the Jesse Michaels interview talks about eight different class of um craft that they have encountered the eggs and the orbs are two particularly
interesting ones in that I as I understand it the eggs are typically not piloted so there's not a biologic within those and my interactions with them has led me to believe that this is likely some type of manifestation as you were asking about earlier um one of my areas that I you know kind of pride myself on is nhi communication and some of the messages that I've received about what these craft actually are is more extradimensional if you will actually the message that was used uh is I was told that you can best understand
us is coming from what you would call the afterlife which obviously that puts a pretty wild you know spiritual component to this how did you receive that message was this during an outing where you were trying to make contact or was it like uh was it like communicated to you telepathically yes so this was actually while we were out filming uh for that first skywatcher documentary um we did a a session um it was about a two-hour session it was a pretty long one where trying to understand these craft uh more
directly and actually uh Dr Gary Nolan um was curious how this all worked and volunteered to kind of read the questioning piece of you know what information I could get and that was actually one of the there was a few interesting bits that came out of that conversation first I could tell we reached a point in the conversation where whatever I was interacting with seemed also to be interfered with similarly to how the pilot was and so I started to get very agitated I had a lot of emotions that weren't mine um it was
which is kind of odd in in hii communication I don't really get a lot of emotional transference and there was I could hear a voice saying basically stop this and that was in a lot of distress and then the connection ended up getting severed and this was really as we were trying to learn more about how frankly we can work together how these craft operate and so once again there were kind of two instances where it felt like we were being interfered with uh when you received the message regarding the origin I think you said
that you got the impression they're like interdimensional from the afterlife how unambiguous or murky was that reception of that message how sure are you that it was coming from something outside of you and not just your your own thinking mind on its own accord so this is the hardest part of all this and this is why discernment is really critical I so tell you I'll tell you more about the session that Dr noan and I did and so it began with questions like that where this information is purely coming from within me and you're
absolutely right if there's no way to validate that information it's largely hear so all I can do is relay this is what I I told and try to be objective and independent as to what that is now where things get more interesting with channeling is you know Dr Nolan was curious uh about how uh you know the download process would work you know is that something that we can actually do and document with Gary's scientific background I'm a liberal arts guy I don't really have any scientific background nor do I have a great deal of
interest in it and so uh to start Gary wanted to give me a test question and uh the question he gave me and funny the way he phrased it is I'm going to ask you something I know a great deal about and you know nothing about and he asked me how he asked me to explain how an exotic vacuum object works and so through over the course of you know probably 10 to 15 minutes I was able to draw out a schematic of what an exotic vacuum object is and how it functions best we can understand and I show this to Gary and he turns around his computer
and shows an image of a schematic that looked you know very similar convincing enough for him that there was something to this and then from there you know we started to explore and push the boundaries of you know looking at more challenging problems like problems that have not been addressed by a physicists things like the energy storage issue in a casmere battery that's one of the issues we tackled and so to your point those channeled messages they're interesting you know there's hundreds of years of of UFO channeled messages
there's the Urantia book you know uh whatever this uh material set material Etc all that's interesting and it's you know I guess it's entertaining to but you can't do much with that and so that's where you know this psionic asset element comes in once again is that this is practical sigh um not so much that channeled information but the fact that we can get reliable downloads uh is is proof of non-local information at least to myself yeah um I think during the cult Ross colart interview um he was asked
like he asked Jake Barber do the does this non-human intelligence um want Humanity to know about their existence and Jake Barber said yeah I do believe that's the message that we're getting so you felt that yourself and there are others that I know of that are being sent that message directly and they are extremely con confident uh so what is your take on that whatever is engaging Humanity do you feel like they want us to collectively know of their presence well so I think you inadvertently hit on the Crux of this
problem is I don't think this is just one thing I think there is a diversity of motivations and you know whether you want to call them biologics entities Spirits Etc that are all at play with this and you know the difficulty in receiving these messages once again is the power of discernment and you know really having a great deal of confidence that who you're talking to is is is you who they claim to be and that they have your best interest at Hearts that's always a little bit concerning now conversely you know
because skyp Watcher has a team that can do this and the resources to do it you know if one of these is able to help us actually demonstrate to large groups of people which by the way we have already done in inia um back in October then that to me is proof that people do want us to and you know let's talk about that in that inia event that was hosted at esselin you know I forget the exact number of people anywhere from 40 to 60 individuals um not all of them were you know Die Hard Believers there were a
number of Skeptics in there that found Consciousness interesting enough to you know come down to esselin what is the Explorers Club exactly because I've seen the Explorer Club on your N.O website and I've also heard Jake Barber referenced the Explorers Club so inia itself is the Explorers Club and the idea behind that was you know going back to to you know that classic kind of Victorian idea of an Explorers Club where you know people are going to get out there into uh ex kind of pushing back the edges of the map
back then in terms of our understanding of you know different cultures and places Etc but this is an Explorers Club that's strictly geared towards Consciousness and I think that's you know having watched all of the dialogue online since um the news Nation piece came out and then our own and seeing all this um fear around what we're doing and good versus evil and you're not sure of what you're going to get um when you do these activities you know I don't think it's necessarily for everyone but I do feel
like you know for those people that are called to kind of like push back the edges of the proverbial map once again this is that Uncharted Territory that people are looking for and you know even in the experiences that have been you know shocking throughout my life they haven't been so discouraging that I wanted to push back from the table and you know just lead a mundane existence afterwards it just kind of motivates you to go on what are your preferred protocols when you're trying to make contact with
non-human intelligence so everyone is it's very person dependent and I actually from my team the one we use at skywatcher there actually isn't a specific protocol that's used and I know you know C5 is very popular there's other derivations of that I mean for me m mine is a very like open receptive partnership I'm basically broadcasting that you know we're here in a spirit of partnership we'd love for you to show yourselves and then once that contact takes place then you're able to telepathically make requests like you
know if it's at night say move closer to Orion move closer to the Big Dipper uh flash your lights things like that so that's how contacts made but that's once again that's just for me you know there's another member of my team you know that classic love and light uh contact protocol people talk about when this guy sits down in that chair um you know that's what he's broadcasting and and they show up you know in a heartbeat so it really just depends on you as an individual you know AI has really just
come onto the scene in a really significant way I mean AI has been around forever but in terms of like access to AI you know chat GPT and uh Sora that makes videos and image making and you can ask uh know chat GPT is starting to uh address medical issues and it's really sophisticated do you think that this that AI coming online if you will uh and we're kind of moving so much closer to dis disclosure do you think that's a coincidence or do you think that's some kind of cosmic alignment of sorts I'm inclined to think of it as a
coincidence um I'm not once again I don't think ruling out any possible hypothesis is very wise at this juncture in disclosure and so I'm I'm open to the idea of some type of cosmic AI being a piece of this um I'm even I would go so far as I'm not against you know the simulation hypothesis as well and so it could play a role is it Cor isn't necessarily causation in my mind do you think that um Sai actually has more stigma than the UFO issue and if so why I do I think if Jake's story would have been
narrowly focused on simply wrote crash retrieval I think people would have been much more receptive I I think the story would have been much more widely covered I hate to say it and as to why that is I think people can still Gro the idea of aliens from Zeta reticuli and we just simply haven't had the technology to properly properly observe them or interact with them the high strangeness around the Sigh angle of this I unfortunately think is is a lot to chew for for you know normal people in society that aren't uh in this as deep
as we are do you have a theory about The Hitchhiker effect because um like I know a lot of you people when they have encounters with UFOs it doesn't stop there they'll have Poltergeist activity or stuff like that that happens afterward which I guess could be fall under the umbrella of The Hitchhiker effect do you have any I know Theory as to what why why encountering UAP leads to this kind of Hitchhiker these hitchhiker experiences yeah so I think hit the hitch effect viewed in a viewed by itself is
pretty scary um the fact that you're taking something home with you and there's going to be Poltergeist phenomenon and things that are typically going to creep you and your family out I think the much more common story however is that exposure to uaps tends to open people up to a lot of positive experiences as well um this becomes something that is much more repeat and and a reminder that reality is a lot more interesting than we give it credit for now I I've heard The Hitchhiker stories I do believe them I'm
not sure what causes those for specific individuals except for that comment I made earlier around if someone has some pre you know baggage from things that have happened in their past or preconceived notions as to what this is sometimes the phenomenon can choose to manifest in that way and once again we're also dealing with a highly diverse phenomenon and so exposure to one doesn't necessarily preclude something else saying aha you know I recognize James now and I'm going to go you know mess with
him I I find it particularly wild the idea that the components or aspects of the phenomena because we like you said we might be dealing with many different things but part of it might have something to do with the afterlife that is about as mind-bending as you could possibly ever get I mean to me that's more mind-bending than I can't think of anything more mindbending than that how is if that's true how is the world going to digest that I have no idea um I really don't know and what when we talked about Ania and the Explorers Club
you know I I also have a startup background and we joke about you know when you're building a startup you're kind of assembling the airplane while it's in flight and I think burying our heads into the sand in the sand as to what this is and saying we shouldn't explore it because we don't understand it and the potential ontological shock for humans is too great I think is grossly irresponsible you know I I tend to rail against you know scientific materialism but that really goes against you know everything
that we have been built on since the enlightenment um I like to think that we're seeing a kind of co-mingling of different cycles of humanity wherein previously you know we were very superstitious and but these experiences were much more accepted move on to the enlightenment everything becomes scientific materialism I think now we're going towards a synthesis of these two things and it doesn't necessarily need religion as an explanation it's okay for reality to be a lot Stranger than we accept without necessarily having to just
ascribe a label to it but I do think to your point about the afterlife this is proof that we live on after death and I can't think of anything more important than that particularly you know the whole that seems to exist in the west right now in terms of meaning and the crisis of meaning and I do think the reality of our spiritual sides and the immortality of that regardless of the Paradigm one chooses to ascribe to it that's what's so important here how do you view Society after let me put this way how would you define
disclosure and how do you view what do you what kind of changes in Civilization do you anticipate will happen after disclosure I struggle with this question trying to Define this disclosure and I think disclosure would be defined as the universal acceptance of non-human intelligence or life you know life being obviously a very broad interpretation as to what changes with that I mean I think there will be numerous technological breakthroughs that these ideas can no longer be hidden behind closed doors you know some of the
I'm do I am a firm believer that there has been technological advancements that have been made based off the recovery of this material which obviously that means there's something quite physical there it's not just the spiritual side that we're talking about and those inventions have the ability to drastically up in society now one of my favorite quotes is by a you know kind of a public intellectual named Daniel schmachtenberger and he said we have all the power of gods with none of the wisdom to wield it something to that
effect and the Dual use nature of some of this technology obviously is a little bit concerning and so I think we as a civilization have a lot of growing up to do in order to use this technology responsibly what do you think is behind the suppression of the UFO issue I mean the coverup has been going on for 70 plus years um corporations that allegedly got all the goodies you know the two corporations that come to my mind in particular are are locked and North thp Grumman I'm sure other corporations have gotten their hands on
these Technologies what what what is is it greed is it greed that's primarily behind wanting to keep you know eight billion people out of the loop what what's your take what's your hypothesis on why there is so much effort to keep this from coming into the public domain I think think it's a few things but first and foremost I think this inadvertently became a self-fulfilling prophecy and what I mean by that is my take in speaking with people that were part of the Legacy program you know other whistleblowers over the past
couple years is everyone is worried about going to jail that seems to be the main and I'm not talking about the whistleblowers I'm talking about the individuals that have been responsible for suppressing all of this for so long and you heard Jake say people have been killed over protecting you know the fact that we were doing this as a as a you know the US government was and so I think that fear of repercussions as for the individuals involved is really the the main thing here and you know I know a lot of that
you know dating back to Roswell Etc you could make the argument oh that should be Declassified and it should but the knock on effects of that are these programs never ended and they're have continued on across multiple you know three plus Generations at this point and the vested interests that you know keep these quiet are immensely powerful why doesn't the phenomenon just take disclosure into its own hands and just you know present itself Above This Super Bowl or a big Macy Day Parade or something like that because you know my
perspective is the phenomenon is it's it's controlling exactly how knowledge of it percolates into society because if it if it wasn't controlling it then the inevitability is we would have had disclosure decades ago because it would have it would have made a mistake or it would have just been like I don't care I'm just GNA show you a big Flying Saucer in broad daylight it seems like it's engaging in a meticulous operation of sorts what so why doesn't why do you think it just doesn't why do you think it'll it's it's you know
because I know that I think Whitley streber has said that um the the phenomenon itself or The Architects of the secrecy why are they playing this game to allow this Dynamic to persist where governments and corporations can cover it up and then the rest of us don't have access to the same um Fidel High Fidelity data that the governments and corporations have yeah I ask myself this question all the time and it's very it's very frustrating um and I could give you you know there have been numerous channeled texts that have all talked
about this and you know say that it's our responsibility and what not I frankly don't know um I don't have a great answer and you know like let's say that you know all of this is looking out for our best interest you know that's a claim who knows the idea could be that the shock of this is so would be so drastic as to cause massive societal upheaval you know potential revolutions mass suicide Etc and that life really is you know so precious and worth protecting that it's worth dripping this out and getting
people used to it now conversely you know people ask me you know when do you think disclosure is going to happen and I would argue it happened in 2017 and just no one cared you know with the uh the Tic Tac videos and atip and I do remember that being in the news but it just didn't really seem to take and so my worry which I think you're hinting at is it's going to take something very drastic um and you know skywatcher you know we're hoping to start this in a small way you know to be able to show people at events like here
is the reality of it we can't fake it this isn't a you know AI generated video or image here is the reality of it but doing it at that scale perhaps the concern is that just the shock would be detrimental to humanity at Large how many sessions do you anticipate having over the coming year where you all get where all you psionic assets get together and try to gather data of the phenomenon yeah it's tough to say at this point um we will probably do one every one to two months now that's not to say that the PA team isn't the only
team out there um people seem to it hasn't really been widely talked about but there is a technology team that you know to use an intelligent term for it I would probably call like a a Mas it measures and sign signatures intelligence which is focused on collecting you know Telemetry data radar data Etc and they have some very Advanced custombuilt Equipment and you'll be seeing you know a lot of that actually like more scientific data should be coming you know in the new near future it's not just going to be
you know wild spectacles we actually are looking to do the hard science behind all this as well um do you think that um I don't know what the correct term is I've heard Heist I've heard C5 you can let me know what your preferred term is but do you think the the attempt to make contact will become much more popular in the coming months and years and do you think that's a good thing if it becomes like a a a very mainstream hobby going out with by yourself or with other people going through your own
protocols and trying to engage or interact with the phenomenon I do think it's a good thing and I think it will become more popular and I'll I'll give you a very personal example uh so my my my extended family is quite skeptical of all of this and you know became aware of you know this information coming out and my involvement in it and over the Christmas holiday you know I had some family visiting and took them out uh and showed them the reality of this and to take and this is me like me speaking as a person that has never
really been able to share this part of my life with my family other than my you know my wife obviously that the I can't tell you how much that meant to me like as a person to now have you know my family no longer thinking that this is ridiculous being like Oh my gosh that was so profound to them and so shocking that it was very meaningful to me and to them for them to have that experience what was that experience exactly being able to uh use human initiated contact to um summon an orb you know within I would say probably 300
to 500 feet of them okay wow do um do you see any new I know because Jake barbar just came out he had three other people corroborating his testimony do you think more whistleblowers will come out in the remainder of 2025 I think so um there are a number waiting in the the wings but I do think just the um the dialogue around this is very toxic and it's very dissuading for people that are waiting in the wings with new information and you know I think personally how Jake's been treated you know is kind
of it's going to dissuade people from wanting to come out um but there is other information out there once again I as we were talking about I think the Sigh side of this is kind of the third rail there's plenty of other material though that doesn't touch on this I think you're right though I think that it would have Jake coming out would have gotone a lot more press if he did not incorporate um the spiritual component of his experiences yeah I don't think it was really I mean look he I saw he got
knocked for his own spiritual experiences I personally found that as someone that has had that and for the you know hundreds of other psychics that I I talk to you know within my network to have someone come out and validate their experiences like that can't tell you how much it meant to have someone with his background come out and say that I guess what I more meant was the the sonic angle to this story and how the CR teams were actually operating I think that was that's just really hard to stomach I think you know people
probably get get behind you know Jake's video and you know the fact that oh craft crashes we go out there and recover it that makes sense that's what the military does but the fact that you know CICS might be involved in actually getting them there and bringing them down that's a really hard I mean I see this as as I've come out myself publicly um you know we get a lot of grief for it do you know about other organizations that do what you do that haven't come public yet because I do recall Jake
saying that uh this is not just a United States thing there are organizations that are not even necessarily completely affiliated with their governments that are doing the same kind of work that the Legacy program is doing or that you're doing trying to interact with the phenomenon yes there are definitely other groups out there that are doing this uh they are not doing it in public and I doubt they have any intention to do so I think that's what makes skywater unique is we're actually trying to
demonstrate this to everyone as opposed to just viewing it as a technology transfer do you see in the coming you know months and years that mainstream science will get much more interested in in what you're doing to learn about it what it means about the universe and discovering new existences or even life forms or or forms of Consciousness I definitely hope so I think that's I mean that's really where skywater skywater right now people seem to be very focused on the spectacle of it and the fact that we're looking to do
events but we already work with a number of scientists there was a reason Dr Gary Nolan was out there there's a whole bunch of other scientists in the Consciousness field that are aligned with this project you know that I've met with and that we work with and we are already funding a lot of research in that regard and that was one of the initial ideas as we got into this topic was we don't want to just take baby steps anymore we want to really fund the most meaningful research that previously didn't have a source of funding you know
I I've met a lot of you know call them paraschou will they tend to because of the stigma around this they have to maintain a very very narrow swim line as to what their interests were and so you know a lot of like the early uh you know scientists attached to Sri Etc remote viewing you know was it it's not going to progress Beyond remote viewing what we're looking to do is find those scientists and fund them to do the research that's actually going to drive meaningful advancement in our understanding of these topics what's
your perspective on the um abduction phenomenon because I've said in the past that in my perspective the abduction phenomenon is probably the darkest aspect of the phenomenon um I think the abduction phenomenon is happening I think the the the data seems to suggest that it that it's bloodline related primarily and if if you in one of those Bloodlines that the phenomenon is particularly interested in you I don't know what it is is it species from another world is it are they species that are native to the Earth who knows
but what's your like how is how is the world going to deal with that as disclosure progresses yeah I frankly don't have an answer I think once again we're humans naturally look for a way to put things in the buckets and so the the unknown nature of the entirety of all of these experiences we label the phenomenon and I've used that term 30 times in this interview because it because it's easy um I don't mean to make it sound like that this really is a diversity of experiences and probably intelligences that we're interacting
with and similar to humanity you know we most people don't bucket humans as either good or bad we're all Shades of Gray and there are some people that are on the extreme ends of either Spectrum but most of us are kind of there in that happy middle and so there's no reason to think that whatever this is there's probably a lot that are just in that middle there's the you know really great you know uh very positive ones that are only looking out for us there's got to be that negative side as well and that
doesn't mean that we should bury our heads in the sand and say all of this is evil because that hasn't been my experience in doing this for you know 30 years at this point what's your perspective on the ultraterrestrial hypothesis I mean I think that's one of my favorite only because the idea that there are there there are native forms of Consciousness or life forms in our planet maybe they evolved in the oceans or I mean I'm just that to me is extraordinary to me it's more extraordinary than you know other
dimensions or other planets but what's your take on whether some of what we're dealing with might actually be homegrown I think that not too far off I think that actually makes a great deal more sense to me than a lot of these hypotheses and our current understanding of physics and the distances involved Etc if you're going to say this is purely physical phenomenon It's ability to I mean the reports of you know I think Jake actually talked about you know them manifesting out of the ground I mean my
God like what are the implications of that you know we're also we're very focused on you know these undersea installations as an example and there's no reason those couldn't have been homegrown they don't have to be a Ford operating base for something else we really don't know and then this also plays into and I I think I mentioned it earlier the stories of these kind of parallel civilizations just outside of reality that permeate all the cultures around the world you know Fay JY Etc um most cultures have these stories whether
the material how material they are obviously a subject for debate do you think there's something stopping you know I'll use the phenomenon but like you said it's probably multiple things do you think there's something stopping it from engaging us more directly because when you think about it if it's ultraterrestrials interdimensional some of it's coming from other planets some of it's like Angelic some of it's coming from the afterlife they all seem to agree that they're not going to force disclosure at least yet do you think
there's something like stopping them from actually doing that some kind of force or hierarchy of of intelligences and they all kind of fall in line or or do you think uh it's they've all kind of agreed that there's a time and a place for disclosure and they're going to do it they're not going to inter like one species or or whatever is not going to do it before the the hierarchy agrees its best what what do you think yeah that kind of Star Trek idea of the prim director that they can't you know interfere directly with us I don't
know I if I my own personal opinion I would say that tends to that makes sense to me that there is some type of understanding that Humanity needs to come to this on its own now once again diversity that's not to say everyone's you know going to going to agree with that it's the same thing you know when you're a kid don't go there you know it has no trespassing signs well what are you going to do you you know teenagers are are going to go check it out and see what what happens there and so I think that might be something we're
dealing with is is you know these are potentially just um you know kind of more individuals as opposed to some organized systemic response James this been a great interview um I what as as a as an ending or closing question what is Sky Watchers number one objective that they would that they you would like to accomplish and also allow my audience to know where they can find you yeah so the number one objective over the next year and really for 2025 I'll I'll shorten it a couple months is to demonstrate this for a diverse group
of people in a way that cannot be brushed off um by diverse group of people I mean not taking a whole bunch of people like me or you that are already large Believers in these topics but people that have publicly expressed that they don't think that this is um possible or that you know there is no reality to this and so that's really what we're trying to do here that's that aha moment where you know I feel like people will actually grow to accept this because I once again we're going to show you the video we will show you as much
as we can but there's always going to be a subset of people that say that's not compelling that's AI generated and so fine you know we'll show it to you uh in the real world as to where to find me um you know X is probably the best spot my uh handle is at JD hodkin h o g KS and yeah thank you I enjoyed the interview likewise special thanks to all YouTube members patrons those of Bot merch those that have given me one time dona

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