Das was er wollte, als Märtyrer in Himmel entschweben, auch wenn durch Nusra-Hand. die ja eigentlich gleiches Ziel haben. Dann sollen sie entschweben, möglichst ohne noch jemanden mitzunehmen, der mit ganzer Scheisse nichts zu tun hat.
Leider sind immer Zivilisten involviert in den Kämpfen.
JoschiX schrieb:Endlich syrische Truppen im Libanon die da mal richtig aufräumen ?
"A Syrian security official said that the army has for months been watching opposition activity in the Qalamoun mountains and how that area was transformed into a major armed opposition stronghold. He said that the Syrian army is preparing a large-scale military operation, whose start date he didn’t specify.
According to an FSA source, the “immigration” to Qalamoun comes at a time of increased differences between the FSA and the army of Islam. In fact, there is an undeclared war between them, resulting in a series of defeats for the opposition in recent weeks in towns south of Damascus. The quarrel is because of the increasing influence of the Islamists in Ghouta and armed operations in general, and the tendency of some FSA brigades to negotiate with the Syrian regime. There are also differences over the Geneva II conference.
FSA brigades, such as the Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, Tahrir al-Sham, al-Barra, Fath al-Sham and al-Tawhid, are withdrawing some of their elements from Ghouta and sending them to Qalamoun to prevent Alloush and his allied brigades from controlling that area alone, after the FSA found itself trapped between the Islamists and the regime.
Firas Bitar, a Syrian army captain who defected, heads the Abu Musa al-Ash’ari brigade. He intends to send a group of fighters to Rankous to prevent Zahran Alloush from controlling the area with his ally Assad al-Khatib, the head of the Qadisiyah brigade. According to an FSA source, Zahran Alloush removed almost all of his forces from Ghouta, his birthplace and hometown. That encouraged his rivals in the Douma Shura Council to remove Ghouta from under Alloush’s influence by forming the Council of Mujahideen, led by his rival Abu Subhi Taha.
The opposition groups in the area are against Liwa al-Islam establishing itself in Qalamoun. Jabhat al-Nusra, Ahfad al-Rasul, Kataeb al-Faruq and Shuhada Baba Amro are supportive of Liwa al-Islam. But an FSA source said that the Umawi Tha’r brigade is divided between supporters and opponents of Alloush. Those who oppose Alloush are the Qalamoun Hawks Brigades, led by Mazen Abu Abdo, the Internal Security Battalion, the Qalamoun Lions and Liwa al-Tawhid in Qalamoun.
The source said that these battalions and brigades will not participate in the Qalamoun battle. They didn’t participate in the Ghouta battle for fear that the radical Islamist groups would win and because they have deep differences with the jihadist groups. But the source said that it is unlikely that these groups alone can achieve victory over the Syrian army.
Read more:
http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ar/security/2013/10/syria-opposition-qalamun-battle-qusair.html#ixzz2zdPjBpeV (Archiv-Version vom 21.03.2016)Qalamoun war überrollt von Jihadkämpfer.
"Nach der Niederlage der Freien Syrischen Armee in der Grenzregion Kalamun sind viele Kämpfer in den Libanon geflohen. Dort sind sie nicht willkommen."
http://www.taz.de/Syrienkrieg-im-Libanon/!136862/Tfail war ein 3000 Leute Dorf auf 1600m.ü.M., nun mit noch 5000 syrischen Flüchtlingen.
Nicht nur zivile Flüchtlingsfamilien fliehen über Grenze, auch Kämpfer, darunter Terroristen.
"Für die Hisbollah sind die Rebellen Terroristen und ein hoher Risikofaktor im Libanon. Seit letztem Jahr erschütterten etliche Bombenanschläge vor allem schiitische Gebiete. In einem Interview mit der libanesischen Tageszeitung As-Safir sprach der Hisbollah-Führer Hassan Nasrallah über die Bedrohung durch den Terrorismus. Die Einnahme Kalamuns und die verstärkten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen hätten dazu geführt, dass die Zahl der Anschläge stark zurückgegangen sei. "