Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
04.04.2012 um 20:46Was soll Assad verhandeln? Er hat nichts anzubieten. Er muss gewinnen oder...
The waters of the eastern Mediterranean are heating up with separate war games involving the region’s biggest players, as well as a planned visit to Syria by a Russia destroyer.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/drill-tension-mounts-in-mediterranean.aspx?PageID=238&NID=17618&NewsCatID=338
Israeli media reports had said a naval exercise conducted by Israel, the U.S. and Greece was designed to counter a potential Turkish offensive against offshore Greek Cypriot oil platforms, but Turkish diplomats dismissed the story. “[The drill] does not address scenarios involving a Turkish attack. These are fabrications of the Israeli press,” the source said yesterday.
Turkey has also extended its traditionally land-based Anatolian Eagle Exercises to the Mediterranean to include the Turkish Navy for the first time ever.
Russian has also informed Turkey that one of its destroyers will travel to Syria’s Tartus port via the Bosphorus.
Parties should behave responsibly during this critical period of the Syrian crisis, Turkey’s foreign minister has warned, as a Russian navy destroyer traveled to the Syrian port of Tartus through the Bosphorus in Turkey.
Recalling U.N.-Arab League envoy for Syria Kofi Annan’s plan to stop the bloodshed in Syria, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said, “In these critical days it’s important that everyone acts responsibly,” when asked if the Russian destroyer had notified Ankara about its passage through the Bosphorus, in accordance with the Montreux Convention.
Davutoğlu said Turkey had followed the rules of the Montreux Convention regarding the destroyer’s passage through the Bosphorus. “A careful attitude should be maintained on this issue,” he added.
Davutoğlu said Annan’s proposed plan, which Syria had accepted, was significant, but what was important was “not promises, but steps which become actions.” Turkey will closely monitor whether Syria keeps those promises, he said. The minister once more denied allegations that there were negotiations underway regarding an exchange for two missing Turkish journalists.
A missile destroyer left the Black Sea base of Sevastopol over the weekend headed to the Mediterranean, and will shortly arrive at the port in Syria, Russian news agency Interfax said yesterday. .....
BEIRUT: Samir Geagea said Wednesday he had escaped an assassination attempt when shots were fired at his residence and warned that political assassinations of the last decade had not ended.http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Politics/2012/Apr-04/169214-sniper-fire-at-maraab-says-lebanese-forces.ashx#ixzz1rA6vpNLI (Archiv-Version vom 05.04.2012)
“It appears that the shooting on Maarab was by a sniper and that more than one individual may have been involved. This time, I say in all honesty, it was not a message: they wanted to end it all,” the Lebanese Forces leader said at a news conference at his residence, hours after an LF statement reported a shooting at the complex in Kesrouan, which also serves as the party’s headquarters.
The LF leader said the operation, which took place before noon, had required expertise, claiming the shots had been fired several kilometers from the target site.
“Someone was monitoring for over 24 hours [the site] and gave the signal to carry out the operation. For this reason I say one of them was a professional,” he told reporters.
“Maraab’s security was not compromised but a professional is behind the operation and he pulled it off from between 4 to 5 kilometers away,” he added.
In its statement earlier in the day, the LF said security at the facility responded immediately after the shots were fired at 11:33 a.m. and located the site where the shots had been fired, citing the discovery of casings, which Geagea said indicated the bullets fired ranged between 12.7 and 14.5 calibers.
Gunfire in two separate security incidents in Beirut's southern suburbshttp://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Local-News/2012/Apr-05/169312-gunfire-in-two-separate-security-incidents-in-beiruts-southern-suburbs.ashx#ixzz1rA7QM1qf (Archiv-Version vom 06.04.2012)
April 05, 2012 09:32 AM
The Daily Star
Razan Saffour @RazanSpeaks
#Hama: 70 people killed THIS MORNING by Assad's forces in an attack on al-Latamneh in Hama. #Syria
11:05 AM - 7 Apr 12
Um Farouk @Mou2amara
Massacres being reported in #Hama as well number of dead across #Syria reaching 100 at noon today.
11:40 AM - 7 Apr 12
Syria News Network @SyrienNyheter
The security forces carry out mass executions in the city of #Hama right now, 99 dead so far today.
11:49 AM - 7 Apr 12
love to Syria @newosk
Real GENOCIDE is taking place NOW in #Syria while waiting for #Assad cease fire and #UN inspectors #Hama #Homs DEAD DEAD DEAD
12:00 PM - 7 Apr 12 via web · Details
مة @Sy_Fatima
SOS #HAMA ! #Syria
12:31 PM - 7 Apr 12
Syria will not withdraw troops without ‘guarantees’ from rebelshttp://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/04/08/206214.html (Archiv-Version vom 09.04.2012)??
Sunday, 08 April 2012
The Syrian government will not withdraw its forces from Syrian protest hubs without “written guarantees” from the opposition, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Sunday.
“To say that Syria will pull back its forces from towns on April 10 is inaccurate, Kofi Annan having not yet presented written guarantees on the acceptance by armed terrorist groups of a halt to all violence,” it said.
On Thursday the U.N. Security Council formally endorsed April 10 as the deadline for Syrian troops and big guns to be withdrawn from cities, but Damascus said on Friday the number of “terrorist acts” has risen since the deal was reached with U.N. and Arab League envoy Annan.
Meanwhile, Turkey’s prime minister has said his country will take “steps” if the Syrian regime fails to abide by an April 10 deadline to cease violence, Turkish media reported on Sunday, amid reports that Syrian troops are continuing their offensive on rebel towns.
“We will patiently follow the process until April 10,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying by daily Hurriyet.
But “we will implement steps” if violence does not stop after that, he added.
Mon, 9 Apr 2012, 10:18 GMT+3 - Turkey
Shootings from the Syrian side of the border into Turkey have wounded two Syrians and a Turkish translator, diplomatic sources told the AFP news agency.
"Two Syrians and a Turkish translator were wounded this morning by shootings coming from the Syrian side of the border," said sources.
The incident occurred near the Kilis border refugee camp in Turkey's southern Gaziantep province.
"After this incident the Syrian Charge d'Affaires in Ankara was called and we demanded an end to this," a Turkish foreign ministry official told the Reuters news agency.
Mohammad Abdelqader, a refugee in the camp who said he had witnessed the shootings, told Reuters two Syrians had been killed and two more had been wounded in the attack.
Reuters could not immediately confirm that report.
Earlier the British-based opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported fierce clashes between Syrian security forces and opposition fighters close to a border crossing between the Syrian town of Azaz and the Turkish town of Kilis.
JAVIER ESPINOSA @javierespinosa2http://twitter.com/#!/search/%23Turkey (Archiv-Version vom 09.04.2012)
Anatolia agency reports about 2 dead and many wounded in the border between #Turkey and #Syria
12:34 PM - 9 Apr 12 via web
Turkey says April 10 deadline void as 3 wounded from Syrian gunfire
Syrian forces on Monday fired across the border at protesters at a refugee camp in Turkey, wounding a Turkish translator and at least two Syrian refugees, in the first such attack since Turkey began sheltering thousands of refugees last summer, authorities said.
Minutes after the gunfire, Turkey's Deputy Foreign Minister Naci Koru was quoted as saying by broadcaster NTV that an April 10 deadline for Syria to pull back its troops under the terms of a UN peace plan was void and that a new stage would begin on Tuesday.
Bei ihren jüngsten Offensiven töteten syrische Regierungstruppen einem Bericht der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) zufolge mehr als 100 Menschen – meist Zivilpersonen. In den Städten Homs und Idlib wurden dem am Montag veröffentlichten Papier zufolge Massenerschiessungen durchgeführt. Tatsächlich könnte es allerdings noch deutlich mehr Opfer geben, teilte die in New York ansässige Organisation mit. Es seien nur Fälle aus den vergangenen vier Monaten dokumentiert worden, die von Augenzeugen belegt seien, hiess es. Es gebe aber Berichte über weit mehr Exekutionen. Die meisten fanden demnach im März statt.http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/ausland/naher-osten-und-afrika/Syrische-Soldaten-schiessen-auf-tuerkisches-Lager/story/10456421
One New TV reporter killed , 2 wounded by Syrian army fire
April 9, 2012 ⋅ 3:02 pm
New TV cameraman Ali Shaaban was killed and correspondent Hussein Khreis and cameraman Abdul Tabaja were wounded when Syrian army fired at them as they were filming a report on the Lebanese Syrian borders near the town of Buqaiat, according to a report by LBC ‘s Yazbeck Wehbe via “Twitter”.
Shaaban was rushed to a nearby hospital but died on the way. The 2 wounded were also taken to nearby hospitals for treatment
Khreis later told reporters he was shocked how dangerous the Wadi Khalid border area is for the Lebanese people who live along the border with Syria because they are being subjected to daily gunfire by the Syrian army and security forces. He thanked the people of Wadi Khalid for risking their lives in order to rescue him and his colleagues as they were subjected to heavy gunfire from the Syrian side
Turkey is putting the squeeze on its southern neighbor with strong indications that Ankara is finalizing plans to set up a humanitarian corridor and possibly a buffer zone inside Syria in order to contain the burgeoning refugee crisis and border skirmishes. ......http://www.todayszaman.com/news-276893-turkey-to-tighten-grip-on-syria-as-annan-plan-fails-to-deliver-truce.html (Archiv-Version vom 09.04.2012)
Syria was on the agenda of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, during his first official visit to China, on Monday. Erdoğan who signaled that Turkey would take measures after the expiry of the Tuesday deadline warned that the Syrian issue will be on top of his agenda during talks with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao. ......
A series of security agreements, including 1998 Adana Agreement, Turkey has signed with Syria over the course of the last decade give Turkey the right to intervene in Syria if the security situation in the country becomes threatening to the national security of Turkey. Turkey may even ask NATO to invoke Article 5 of the NATO Charter, which says that an attack on any member shall be considered an attack on all. The article was invoked by the US for the first time in October 2001, when NATO determined that the terrorist attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, were indeed eligible under the terms of the North Atlantic Treaty. ......
Bezen Balamir Coşkun, the Middle East expert at the Gaziantep-based Zirve University, told Today’s Zaman that the negotiations are now over. “Assad is no longer a party in resolving the Syrian crisis. Turkey will lead from now on an international effort to create a humanitarian corridor or buffer zone in Syrian soil,” she said, adding that Ankara will exert more pressure on veto-wielding power Russia.
Sprichst du von einer Militärintervention? Mal abgesehen davon das diese schön seit zig Monaten berechtigt wäre hätte die Türkei seit dem Angriff syrischer Truppen auf ihr Territorium ohnehin eine Angriffsberechtigung. Alleine schon das überteten eines in Militäruniform gekleideten Soldaten genügt rein theoretisch für eine Kriegserklärung, wenn sogar geschossen wird, mit Todesopfern... Eine gröbere Kriegserklärung gibt es fast nicht mehr...jojo72 schrieb:Zur Diskussion steht Nato Artikel 5, Verteidigungsfall, nur fraglich ob was bis jetzt passiert ist dafür ausreicht.