Linksextremismus - die vergessene Gefahr
25.01.2013 um 16:15Aehnliches hat auch Ecuador zu verzeichnen und in gewissem Masse auch Venezuela. Du scheinst ueberlesen zu haben:Branntweiner schrieb:- Wirtschaftswachstum von über 3%
- Arbeitslosigkeit unter 5%
- positiver Staatshaushalt (2011)
- Nettokreditgeber (Brasilien ist kein Nettoschuldner mehr)
- moderne Wirtschaftsstruktur (Sektorenverteilung)
- signifikante Reduzierung der Armut
Ferner aus dem selben Bericht von CEPR (2009):kulam schrieb:The current economic expansion began when the government got control over the national oil company in the first quarter of 2003. Since then, real (inflation-adjusted) GDP has nearly doubled, growing by 94.7 percent in 5.25 years, or 13.5 percent annually
During the current economic expansion, the poverty rate has been cut by more than half, from 54 percent of households in the first half of 2003 to 26 percent at the end of 2008. Extreme poverty has fallen even more, by 72 percent. These poverty rates measure only cash income, and do not take into account increased access to health care or education.
Over the entire decade, the percentage of households in poverty has been reduced by 39 percent, and extreme poverty by more than half.
From 1998-2006, infant mortality has fallen by more than one-third. The number of primary care physicians in the public sector increased 12-fold from 1999-2007, providing health care to millions of Venezuelans who previously did not have access.
There have been substantial gains in education, especially higher education, where gross enrollment rates more than doubled from 1999-2000 to 2007-2008.
The labor market also improved substantially over the last decade, with unemployment dropping from 11.3 percent to 7.8 percent. During the current expansion it has fallen by more than half. Other labor market indicators also show substantial gains.
Over the decade, the government’s total public debt has fallen from 30.7 to 14.3 percent of GDP. The foreign public debt has fallen even more, from 25.6 to 9.8 percent of GDP.